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You think GM is government motors, check out what Venezuela wants to do!

Started by miller, December 29, 2009, 04:16:19 PM

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2005 Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster Custom - Maggie
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1979 Corvette L-82 - Lilly
1969 Dodge Charger R/T Clone - Vanessa


haha oh oh that Chavez, if it weren't for the fact that he is hurting a lot of people with his actions it would almost be comical.

Striving for world domination since 1986



the Problem is not chavez, the problem is the ppl what STILL BELIEVES HIM, thinking he is the Salvator of the country

Oh we lost the best 10 years of the Venezuelan production with the oil prices
Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html


What Chavez is doing to Venezuela is really sad.  Once a dicatator like that gets in, it takes decades before the country will return to some sense of normalcy.  In the meantime, the people will remain poor.  Nobody will invest any money in a place like that.  Frankly, if I were the car companies, I would get out of that place as fast as I could.  In fact, if I were any kind of company and I could get out I would do it while the getting is good.  If Chavez won't pay them for their their investments, I would burn and blow up the plant on the way out.  Not sure what kind of car the Russians make but wasn't the Lada or Scoda or something like that what they made?  Don't recall them having very good cars.  I don't think Chavez will have any trouble getting the Chinese to supply him with whatever he wants.  He has oil and they need it.  Come to think of it, the perfect car for a place like that would be the old air cooled VW.  They were making them in Mexico not long ago.  May still be making them there.  Low maintenance, run forever, get good milage, go anywhere, easy to repair.  No problem sharing the technology of one of these.  They have more or less been making the same car for the last 50 years.  No secrets there.  The problem is Chavez would want them produced in country.  Once they got the plant built and running, he would nationalize it and take there investment and kick them out on some trumped up charge.  You can't deal with a megalomaniac. 


Looks like it could turn into another Cuba, everyone 20 years from now driving around in cars no older than 2009, the year it became to much of a hassle to sell cars there!   :yesnod:
1968 Charger 383(Sold)
2003 Dodge Viper SRT-10


I think the auto makers should tell that idiot to go pound his pud.    :smilielol:   It's "his" country, build his own damn cars.   WTF !   I tell you, this is why I love living in the USA. 
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Todd Wilson

I am sure before long Yobama will order GM and Chrysler to do what it takes to sell vehicles down there.

If Toyota pulls out maybe China can sell them some Hummers to get around in!



Quote from: Todd Wilson on December 30, 2009, 12:57:30 AM
If Toyota pulls out maybe China can sell them some Hummers to get around in!

guess what ? the 1st gen Hummers Chassis ( the one what USARMY uses ) were made in Venezuela, and now guess what ? Venezuelan Army is building its own military vehicles with that chassis ( named Tiuna ), and guess whats the powerplant ? 350 GM engines LOL

funny HUH ? LOL


To much blah blah betwen all goverments, but neither Chavez stopped the oil sales to USA, or US goverment stopped to buy oil From Venezuela. Now is Obama, but before this it was Bush, two diff goverments with very different tendences.

Interest, Interest, Interest.

Now if you ask me about USA invading Venezuela or Cuba? no, I'm against that, like I was when the new Iraq Invasion with falses excuses ( agreed on the first one because Sadam in fact invaded another country, and it was an international alliance ). USA can't be the world police. USA needs to be under United Nations control too. USA kicked out the order about not invade Irak ( once again second one ). World democracy has to be a reflection of the best democracy, and USA didn't respect that. The powerfull contry in the world has to assume the international organizatios too.

As I allways said, why USA took care about Irak and never took care about the Utus and Tutsies civilian masacre in Congo ( around 1 million ppl died in just one week or so )? just interest. So if USA want to be the worl police, ok, but EVERYTIME it does happen something, not just were there is something in the middle. And still in that way with United Nations agreement and force. Thats the reason they exist ( and prooved we have to work to make it work better, because failed in several times )

I think also what is being said needs to be according with actions. Diplomacy needs to be on actual days more direct and less HIPOCRIT. Nowdays there is no time for COMMON ppl to grow up if diplomacy takes all the time has been taken on old days.

Cuba blocking hasn't been succesfull in 50 years... guess what ? method needs to be changed.

Neither is Socialism is bad at all, or Capitalism is good on everything. Just right in the middle is the best like some Europeans "socialist" goverments, new socialism accepts capitalism like the way to survive, thats the way how PSOE ( Spanish socialism group ) has been survived and accepted on streets by Felipe Gonzalez hands on the 80s, but Capitalism needs to be taken with a Socialsm conscience, beigining with the education that Helping each other is the way to survive, everything together life will be better. Of course in a common agreement, not mandatory.

The problem is that the old Socialsm school takes everything to convert on authoritarism and controls everything. Thats it was the problem what makes never survived. Socialism/Comunism is an uthopy, sounds more less good at the books, but not at the real life where everybody has its own dreams about its own life.

The Venezuelan "Socialist" on goverment ( not the real ones what are agains Chavez in fact ) are not more than social suffered, that in fact were pissed of ppl of the old days of the "democracy". So they are there because the BAD AND UNEFFICENT OLD DEMOCRACY WE GOT.

I can say that because I was one more Chavez Voters when he began, like many others 10 years ago. It was a very diff option we had to try due the bad 80s and 90s decade we got, so we did need a new opportunity, why not try ?. Vote by the other option it was no more that continue with the same.

Time prooved about the unefficence of those guys that THEY HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO CHARM TO THE PPL YET to defeat Chavez. Plus the money Chavez got in last 10 years what helped a lot of course. But if opposition was more on CHARM TO THE PPL than defeat Chavez, I bet you Chavez wasn't there. 10 years and opposition is NOW when APPARENTLY is being join for a cause... 10 years and they are JUST LEARNING how to do it right, meantime, Chavez got all the power at his hand ( justice, congress, electoral authorities ). So Chavez was necesary to make that ? maybe. Let see if oppositors works for it and will make it, AND THEN REFLOAT VENEZUELA like in the old 60s and 70s

Countries grew up on the bad moments, when ppl is there together to refloat the country. As far that doesn't happen, the ship will keep sank.

( I'm againts Chavez of course, but things needs to be balanced and measured on a propper way )
Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html


Personally I don't have the least bit of sympathy for any of these manufacturers who get caught up in something like this.  They fall all over themselves to go to parts of the world where they can exploit the labor force.  A labor force which only accepts their crappy wages because they are desparate.  No small coincidence that most of those nations are also ruled by a despot of one type or another and then they are astonished when the governing tyrants treat foreign industry with the same respect they treat their own people.
Maybe not necessarily Venezuela because I honestly don't know anything about the standard of living there but the story reminds me too much of similar incidents inother parts of the world.  Do the automakers really think China and India aren't above kicking them out when the idea suits them?
Oh, and I'd argue that the only reason the blockade of Cuba was only partially successful was because Fidel was heavily subsidized by the Warsaw Pact.  The people were kept largely in a state of impoverishment that worsened greatly with the fall of the Soviet empire.  Didn't Chavez five Cuba a bunch of money?  Again though, not living there I can only judge it from afar without the benefit of factual first hand knowledge.
I still have no sympathy for automakers who race away from the industrialized nations so they can avoid paying wages and then get the rug yanked out from under them by a dictator.


Quote from: Ghoste on December 30, 2009, 03:45:29 PM
I still have no sympathy for automakers who race away from the industrialized nations so they can avoid paying wages and then get the rug yanked out from under them by a dictator.

well thats Capitalism LOL... aren't all BIG USA indutries now out of USA ? well they wanted to keep their CAPITALS paying less wages LOL...

Thats when I say Capitalism is good if is the same to EVERYBODY ( then becomes in somekind of "socialism", don't you think ? ), but not good for some and some others not. All USA citizens unemployed by its own industries because they wanted MORE CAPITAL for them, but... what about THEIR WORKERS ? ( what by the way are yourself )

then you are now suffering quality issues, and mantenining a "comunism" in China ( for example ), with poor wages on their workers ( what convenient is the "Comunism", right ? )

wait, is not just USA industries of course, is all the industrializated countries of course. Just talking about the USA experience because is your own experience, and you can't say is not on that way.

interest, interest, conveniences...

( BTW, moderators don't take this thread like some political discussion, because even there is some political I think is going friendly, and just posting opinions what I think will enrich to us )
Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html


I agree that is how capitalism can work, it doesn't have to but greed can certainly outstrip common sense.  That is why I have no sympathy for them.  As for me, I'm not employed for any industrial manufacturer.


I think it's great to have Nacho here giving us a better look on things in Venezuela since he is there.    ;)   Don't worry Nacho about this getting toooo political.  If it does, we'll just come down there and take your car.    :nana: :icon_smile_big:   You got some good points there Nacho.   :yesnod:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Thanks skip ;)... I like how its going this thread and I hope will keep that nice.

and don't worry guys, I'm not getting hurt about this. In fact I know is more againts Chavez than against Venezuela and the fact some guys thinks the relation you think it could get you this situation to Obama, but sorry, you are FAAAAR AWAY from that, so won't take that as a valid point. Obama is more closer to teh Eurpean modern idea of the "Socialsm" tha closer to Chavez, the dynosauric old school what takes to dictature ( because is the only way to control the uthopy ). USA citizens that could have been on Europe are maybe able to make some more certain comparisions about that.

I'm not defending Venezuela, or Chavez ( wow, God save me from that LOL )or whoever, I'm just posting some ideas I have and try to open some minds about some wrong idea... and in some ideas I can not be more than simply agree with Chavez, just on some stuff what he says, but not on his proceeds, what in fact is what is sinking us. He is taking us by hate and not by our own progress.

I don't get hurt about Venezuela like about the rest of the world the same. As many of you guys know, I feel more Spanish than Venezuelan due my ascendence, but the thruth need to be said, and we need to learn about each other to understand why the things happen.

Venezuelan RT 74 400 4bbl, 727, 8.75 3.23 open. Now stroked with 440 crank and 3.55 SG. Here is the History and how is actually:,7603.0/all.html,25060.0.html