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Any of you Trekkies want to weigh in on the Star Trek movie?

Started by bull, February 26, 2009, 06:22:49 AM

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Mike DC

ESB was the best, no doubt. 

Marquand got the directing credit for ROTJ, but it's been said that Kersher even quietly came back and did a few of the more weighty scenes in that one too.  Kershner is amazingly underappreciated for his contributions to that franchise.  So much of the great dramatic mood of Empire and Jedi (which even ANH itself seems to lack in retrospect) was Kershner's doing.   

From what I've read, Gary Kurtz also seems to have been absolutely VITAL in getting those movies done too.  He was basically the Rick McCallum of the first two movies.  By the time of Jedi I think he had become another casualty of Lucas's unwillingness to delegate control. 


I think it's amazing that we haven't gotten SOMETHING more adult-watchable from the Star Wars franchise in the last ten years.  If not the actual prequel movies that Lucas himself was much to mentally invested in, then I would think Lucas would have fed our cravings for it in some other way.  It's very easily half a billion dollars worth of profit in plain sight that is not getting any attention. 


episode 3 was as good as 4 IMO, anyways,

    Star Wars was supposed to be 3 books of 3,  they started with book two, episodes 4-6, then they did book one, episodes 1-3,    so really I think you will see the billions keyed in on,  I am guessing they will do
book 3, episodes 7-9, maybe Lucas will have Something to do with them, and he probably has enough life left in him to see all of them done, don't know.
   Star Wars had plenty of adult story line, could have done without jar jar,  ewoks were kind of annoying, but return of the jedi is more interesting after we see how the emperor turned anekin in episode 3

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


The best thing about ESB was... well, it's the first time you ever really see the bad guys win. It was dark enough for me to love, but then again, im a BSG fan so take it for what it is. I like dark.

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Brock Samson

this sure jumped the track into Star Wars station...  :lol:


How would an imperial cruiser fair against the Enterprise?   Not darth vaders huge azz giant ship that dwarfed the huge imperial cruisers, that was bad, in ESB I think,   but just the average Empire's Imperial Cruiser big ship.  They seem kind of slow, didn't really see a lot of big fire power from them, don't know about their shields.

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


Falcon makes .5 past light speed, Warp 2 would dust it.

Enterprise can and has fought at 1/2 to Full impule that would run around a Star Destroyer.

Enterprise = The Win

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Brock Samson

  do you remember the comparison chart i posted in "Funny Picture"?.. i think it was about page 60, or maybe 70,..  :shruggy: maybe it was 80,.. i dunno,..  :shruggy:
Hey you guys ya know what was funny about my viewing of Star Trek?..
well, I'll tell ya'...
there we were watching all this bing bang in outta space with time warps and super advanced techology, star ship jumping thru worm holes and folks being beamed up and all this ridiculaus gaggitry,.. you know,.. so anyhow,..
me and my buddy go out of the theater to the parking garage and the freakin gate at the exit wouldn't work every one was trapped inside the garage at 1:00 am...
So, we will never advance that far,.. what happens when the limit of mans reach exceeds his grasp...
shoot, the clocks dont work in our dashes...  :lol: I'm just sayin..


ya, amazing we put a man on the moon, nuclear missiles in silos hooked into super defense computers.
    At that level, the quality is higher,   
   the space shuttle clock is not the clock of a car dash,  :lol: 

      just saying,  but ya, even nasa makes mistakes    :pity:

ps.  now I remember that chart, can you find it and post it here please?   :icon_smile_wink:

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.

Mike DC

These Sci-fi franchises are great for producing inspirational posters.

Mike DC


     ^ ^ ^

Even the New Orleans Looter got in on it:


Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.



Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.



Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.



Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


Just saw the movie today...... absolutely LOVED it............ what an excellent movie! It managed to stay true to the original premise, yet managed to keep it current as far as the techies go... I might actually see it a second time.
74 Charger SE, 400 HP, 4-speed


I had to see it again last night. :2thumbs: Today I'm seeing Terminator.

Mike DC

My brother saw Terminator the other day.  He said it wasn't as good as T2 (what do we expect ever will be?) but it was better than T3. 

He said the one scene with the Governator worked pretty well.   They hired a younger bodybuilder to act on the set, and then computer-effected Arnie's head onto it.  It was a short appearance but it apparently worked well.  They also young-ified Arnold's digital face to look more like he did back in 1984 too.

My brother said a lot of the reviewers seemed WAY too hard on it.  Like their expectations were too high.  They wouldn't forgive this one for just being a decent summer actioner, and not a dramatic Oscar winner at the same time.   


Terminator was worth seeing but it wasn't great. Let's just say there aren't many surprises; all pretty much standard fare. The special effects were top notch but there are several eye-rolling moments. For example, it's amazing how close the heroes could be to the numerous nuclear explosions they set off without getting so much as a scratch. There are plenty of other instances but I don't want to spoil too much. I might rent it again someday but I won't pay to see it in theaters again.


Saw Star Trek in IMAX week before last! It was awesome. Stays true while going in a different direction at the same time. pretty good movie. Especially on a 10 story screen!


O.k. Star Trek, Star Wars, and Terminator.


Wilma was hot!

I'de hit that twice a day and 3 times on sunday :D

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Wilma Dearing was beyond hot!!!   In her tight shiny different color every week future space body suits, and her beautiful hair.  I was a little kid, but I had the biggest crush on her.       

           bee-d  bee-d  bee-d . . . that's right Buck.

Why would you want anything else?  Just give me a Charger and I'll be happy.


Brock Samson

 :scratchchin: while were on the subject.. I think i feel the force...  :D