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Question here

Started by 69_500, July 28, 2005, 08:05:14 PM

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Just wondering troy if I can get your approval to link this website from my companies webiste. Like a banner or something along those lines. And if so, would you mind linking my website from this one.


Another question. How long are threads going to be avaialbe to read on this site? I think its fine to keep some threads around for quite a while, but I don't think its necesarry to keep every topic around. Say after 6 months of no new replies in a thread it gets the axe. That would free up a lot of server space.


Question 1: Yes, but I'd prefer that you wait until we get a name and some graphics unless you feel like changing it in a week or so. I can link to other sites once there is a design so I know where to put them.

Question 2: I don't care about server space really. We can fit several pages of text in less space than an image takes up. The old server with 3 years of data, 12,000 members (and their PMs), and 1/2 million posts didn't take up more than 200MB on the server. I don't plan on deleting anything except classified ads so the information should be searchable and available as long as the site is here. Since good information seems to find its way into nearly every section of the site and I don't have the time or energy to dig through ever thread to see if it's worthy then I'm not going to delete them. It absolutely infuriates me to visit my bookmarked links at Moparts only to find out my favorite threads were all deleted. You never know what is useful to other people.

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


I agree with you on Moparts, they delete their threads way too fast if you ask me. It seems like if I don't go there for a week the threads I was following are now gone.
I hear what your saying about text not taking up nearly as much memory as pictures. I hear that all the time from my wife, telling me to stop saving every picture of a Charger I see online. But oh well, they make more DVD's everyday for me to fill up with pictures. One of these days I might use them again, probably not, but i'm a nut when it comes to pictures.