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Started by Steve P., November 12, 2008, 08:57:38 PM

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Steve P.

A priest checks in to a hotel in New York.

At the reception desk he says to the clerk:
"When I get to my room I hope the porn channel will be disabled."

The clerk replies: "It's a normal porn channel, you sick bastard"
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Not funny. Sorry. Why not a minister? A rabbi? Or just a "dude"? The Catholics don't need to be the punchline every f!#king time...
"...between the velvet lies, there's a truth that's hard as steel..."

Steve P.

Take it easy. It is a joke. As you say it could be anyone. I just happened to hear it this way. 

Any idea how many POLOCK jokes I have heard in my lifetime??  How about the poor BLONDE jokes?

Do I reallllly need a disclaimer to tell a joke?? There is no offense intended here.....
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


DON'T tell me to take it easy. You don't know me. You want to tell a joke? Fine. I'm just saying leave religion out of it. "A guy" walks into a hotel...." would have been funny. You are obviously not a Catholic. I am. Catholics are always fair game for non-Catholics. My wife may or not be African-American. How about some "black guy" or "n-word" jokes? Know any good "Jew" jokes? How come you're not telling either of those? If no offense is meant, perhaps you should think of your audience and genericize the joke before telling it as to not offend. That's all I'm trying to say.  :Twocents:
"...between the velvet lies, there's a truth that's hard as steel..."


Ease up there there are LOTS of jokes about different religions on this board! Why aren't you posting in any of them voicing your concerns? It was a JOKE and as he says, he just typed it out as he HEARD it!

We have people from every other religion on these forums and no one else is complaining. Why would you even come into the joke section and open a joke titled "PRIEST" then? What are you doing on the internet then as I'm sure there are allot of "non-catholic" things online!

I am a buddhist and I don't give a flying fornication on if someone posts a joke about my beliefs because I know that once a person can laugh about themselves, then they truly can be at peace.

If you don't want people to reference religion in a joke because you take offense, then someone can certainly want all references of religion in any post to stop! Maybe someone who believes in something else takes offense to any mention of so called "God", does that mean everyone has to stop talking about it?

Steve P.

You are right I don't know you and I am not Catholic. Do you have a legitimate point with either? My wife is Catholic and she thinks the joke is funny. The guy that told me the joke is Catholic and he obviously thought it was funny. So did my CATHOLIC, POLLOCK FATHER.  I have posted many jokes here of all natures. They are JOKES... But you are right. I should not have TOLD you to take it easy. I guess I better be careful not to tell you to go jump off a bridge. Obviously you can't tell the difference between someone telling a friendly joke and being a CATHOLIC PRIEST HATING BASTARD, so I guess I shouldn't tell you in a friendly way to go jump off a bridge.

I think on that note I will use some of my BLACK MAGIC and lock this thread so nobody else takes anything the wrong way. If you still have a problem with me feel free to send me a PM were we can handle this like adults and not involve everyone else.

PS.  I have just been looking at pages of jokes and back on page 5 or 6 I posted this one about an Italian, A Frenchmen and someone else, I don't remember.. Oh yeah, A JEW.  Maybe you should read it.,45446.0.html   I have jokes on most of the pages for quite a while back. NON of which are against the CATHOLICS... They are JOKES....................
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida