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UK dealers/parts?

Started by Jaseypk, September 20, 2007, 05:25:06 AM

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Hey guys,
i really want a dodge charger, preferably a '71 or a '72, not too fussed about the engine as i'm on a low budget, but obviously, the bigger the engine in good condition, the better :P.

but my main problem at the moment is finding a dodge charger for sale in the UK. does anyone know of any garages or online dealers that have them? has a few, but they're mostly new 06/07 models.

the same goes for parts, all the parts i find are located in the states, and that costs a nice importing fee etc.

if anyone knows of dealers in the uk and somewhere i can get parts from easily, please let me know!!
it'd be very much appreciated!


Jon Smith

Hi have you joined the MMA?

This 74 is for sale on there at the moment

There are lots of parts traders in the club too, though often its cheaper to import anyway especialy with the exchange rate at the moment. And there are several people on there who import and sell cars


i never knew that forum existed. and thats a nice looking 74!
i'm just trying to build up my knowledge at the moment as i wont have the cash for the car for a couple of months now :(

what are the main differences between the various 'year' models, other than the look of them? or is that it?
i mean, do some models handle better, more reliable, etc.

thanks again

Jon Smith

best way to find out the year to year differences and build up your knowledge is to read this forum...and the UK one has a lot of good info too...
as for reliabilty etc...they're nearly 40 years old somethings bound to go wrong at some point, but dont let that put you off, they're easy to work on and general service parts are cheap and easy to get
trim and panels are a different story so look for the most rust free and complete one you can find..


ok, thanks.

do you know of any shows or anything in north yorkshire, or the north that would have chargers in?
because i dont think i've ever seen one in real life. only in photos. and i'm assuming photos dont do the car justice.

i'd really like to see one and get a feel for the size of it, because i'm assuming from the photos, that its a hell of a lot larger than the peugot 106 i'm driving now :D haha

one more question, i'm sort of put off by automatic transmission.. i'm used to manual and think it would be better for me to get a manual one.. but they seem really rare and a lot more expensive compared to autos..


Jon Smith

most of the shows and stuff are over now, theres a round of superstock at york dragway on 23 sept, that series is dominated by mopars and theres usually a charger or two...loads of mopars in yorkshire....I havent been there myself for ages though..
take a coat if you go its always bloody freezing  :lol:

or go to leeds cruise, second saturday of every month at the burger king, junction 1 of the m621, usually loads of mopars including chargers there too

be prepared for them to be bigger than you're expecting!

the torqueflite auto in these cars is one of the best autos in the business...dont let an auto put you off...mine has a manual valve body which means I shift it manually anyway..


my response to that post started off as 'WOWW :D'
because i live in york..

but then ended with 'damn' because i'm at work on the 23rd. unless its an evening show. which i doubt. :(
thanks alot though,

i'l try to get down to the show there on october 14th.

real shame i cant get to the one on sunday :(

erm, sorry for not really knowing anything about american muscle cars.. but whats a 'torqueflite auto' is it the brand of the transmission? or a special type of transmission..?

Jon Smith

torqueflite is just chryslers name for their auto box....
dunno what the turnout at york will be like on the 14th oct, most of the race series are over then, its just a test and tune event, might be worth a look if the weathers good though...


ok, cool. i'l hopefully get down to it! i should be able to learn some more stuff in general anyways.

to clarify, the 'thing' sticking out of the bonnet of some muscle cars, has been called an air intake for the engine, and a supercharger. which is it? or is it the air intake for the supercharger? i've got some friends who are mechanics and one is convinced its just an air intake for the engine - no supercharger, but then i've heard other people say its for the supercharger..

i can get most answers from my mechanic friends, its just no one seems certain on this one, having never really had a good look around a charger/challenger etc..

Jon Smith

could be either...


tunnel ram intake


thanks jon, thats really cleared things up!

that charger on ebay is a nice price too! if only i had that money now!! ah well. i'm sure there will be some nice cars ready for me when i can afford one :D

am i ok posting more questions here? or would you or the moderators prefer it if i stuck them somewhere else?

because theres a little query about the front lights on some chargers, for example this charger (the one on ebay) has lights showing on the front..

but these two do not. do the lights slide up? rotate in? or.. are they hidden somewhere else?
(taken from the 'got a pic of your charger' topic)



The lights you are talking about on the top  car is kind of normal.   There is an option on the 3rd gens (71-74) Chargers called a hidden headlight, which is pretty much what all 2nd gens (68-70) had on them like in the second picture.


oh cool! so where are the 'hidden headlights'? and how do they become unhidden?


Quote from: Jaseypk on September 21, 2007, 08:46:06 AM
oh cool! so where are the 'hidden headlights'? and how do they become unhidden?

Go to this thread:,21149.660.html .  They are photoshop pictures but will give you a general idea.  Basically there are doors that fold down to reveal the headlights themselves.


ahh i see. thats pretty unique then? i mean most cars nowadays have visible headlights, or ones under flaps on the hood.

i think i defiantly prefer the look of the 2nd and 3rd gen than the 1st generation.

tell me if you think this is a bad idea, but one of the first things i plan on doing when i get one is getting a decent seatbelt. i dont like lap belts at all. is it possible to just stick on a regular 'triangle' shaped seatbelt? or would i have to use the racing harnesses?


Quote from: Jaseypk on September 21, 2007, 09:08:58 AM
ahh i see. thats pretty unique then? i mean most cars nowadays have visible headlights, or ones under flaps on the hood.

i think i defiantly prefer the look of the 2nd and 3rd gen than the 1st generation.

tell me if you think this is a bad idea, but one of the first things i plan on doing when i get one is getting a decent seatbelt. i dont like lap belts at all. is it possible to just stick on a regular 'triangle' shaped seatbelt? or would i have to use the racing harnesses?

No you can change them out.  Actually XV Motorsports is selling a bolt in kit with retractable belts for our cars.  Not a bad price either.   I few members here have gotten them and have installed them so far.  I plan on doing the same eventually.   By the way, the blue and black SE on that page I linked is what my Charger will look like when done.


Are you not interested in a 2nd gen?


thats a real nice looking charger!
i'm guessing its a 74 by the slits behind the side windows.. not sure what theyre called.

oh, just noticed your name is charger74. haha. ah well. my knowledge is improving a lot thanks to you guys! i really appreciate it.

and that really is a nice charger! blue isnt my fav colour, but that is real nice! i'd do anything to have one of those now!

JMF - i prefer 3rd gens from the look of them, 2nd gens are nice too. but i think the front grille bit is nicest on the 3rds.


Acutally it is a 73.   73 and 74 Charger Se's had those.  They are called opera windows.  Just basically a plastic grill that covers the inside and outside.   

Woohoo!!  Another 3rd Gen convert.  I love 2nd gens as well, but I have mine for almost 20 years now.  It was my first car.  Good luck on your hunt for yours.


thanks again for your help!

its gonna be my first car too!! haha
the one i'm driving isnt mine at the moment. insurance runs out in november so i wont have a car til i get this charger.
but i bet its worth the wait


Quote from: Jaseypk on September 21, 2007, 09:55:47 AM
thanks again for your help!

its gonna be my first car too!! haha
the one i'm driving isnt mine at the moment. insurance runs out in november so i wont have a car til i get this charger.
but i bet its worth the wait

Hey no problem.   That's what's great about this site.  Someone has the answer....



someday i will be the one providing the answers.

i just cant wait to cruise around in my charger. one thing is for sure, its gonna be cleaner than anything you've ever seen.
im not going to thrash it round the roads so its useless in a years time. itl be taken care of nicely :)



i managed to get to that york raceway event today, saw a whole load of muscle cars amongst other stuff, but only one charger among them! :(
it was a nice one though. there were a lot of plymouths and mustangs there. quite nice cars.

my first encounter with a magnum

and that lovely rear end

i so cant wait to get one now! :D