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Wolf Murders

Started by Drache, October 27, 2006, 01:56:14 PM

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I'm currently maknig a webpage to help these people out. They run an animal sanctuary in Broken Arrow, OK. Someone has come into the sanctuary and poisoned two wolves. Just wondering if anyone else has heard about this, as its been on Fox news and others. This couple has everything from wolves, lions, tigers, lemurs, etc and they are scared for them all so they are raising money for a security system.

QuoteAt Safari's, we've been in shock and horrified by the poisoning of our sweetest wolf girl ever, Lobo.

Upon her death, the realization that someone could be so evil, cruel, and inhumane has plagued my mind repetitively.  I thought things like that were left to the creative horror minds of Stephen King!  Not real life, in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

Then, they came back again!  Sunday, and fed rat poisoned meat to another sweet wolf, a black British Columbian wolf named Raven.

Raven was a very strong spirit, body and a fighter!

Dr.'s Danner and Luper, exotic vets in Tulsa OK, spent the whole weekend, and nights with her giving blood transfusions, pain meds, i.v.'s, everything she needed to make her as comfortable as possible.  But her insides were not strong enough –and liver and kidneys began to fail today.

Dr Danner called me, and informed that we had crossed over the line of recovery, and she needed to be put to sleep.
I thank him for allowing us to use his office for our last visitations this afternoon –I do know how much a burden it was having all our staff hanging around crying, and fighting for one last moment in sweet Ravens arms.

If any of you out there were in his office today for vet care.... THANK YOU for your patience, it was so hard to leave there, knowing we would never see our sweet Raven again.

Thank you to everyone who helped us get through this!  Dr Danner, Dr Luper, and Safari Staff.

Solution Boxes Surveillance Systems, for dropping all their work and sending a whole crew to our park loaning the equipent plus free labor install!

Ch 2, Fox 23, KRMG, KHITS, and all the animal lovers who have been sending their condolences, and ideas to help catch this killer.

Also, Dr. Danner initiated a REWARD (which has been raised to $750 (cash) for any information leading to the arrest of this killer.  He has committed the ultimate torturous animal cruelty, which is a felony.

We still ask prayers, that this killer stops.  Pray that his conscience does not allow him to hurt another animal, or that he gets caught.   Pray for the safety and health of the rest of the rescued wild ones that still live at Safari's!

When you think or hear of something like this – it's really hard to understand and grasp what is really emotionally going on –without actually being a part of it.

Finding one of your sweet babies down, lethargic, looking into your eyes with that scared, help me mom, look.   Rushing them to hospital, watching them go through all the pain, fear, i.v.'s, blood draws, all soo stressful – and you cant explain to them what's happening –nor can they tell you what had happened to them –or who did it.

You wait, pace, call, go check, go back home, check the other animals at home –making sure no one else is looking sickly... it goes on and on.

You go back to them and talk to them to keep them calm, yes they do understand people talk of care and love, hold their paws, keep blankets warm and on her... lay with her so she feels safe...

Then the vet gives the news that you didn't want to hear.... That it is time to let her go!

We all held her, whispered to her ear, cried on her, rubbed her back, rubbed her paws, rubbed her ears where she always liked.  Trying to feel like you're making her feel better in those last moments.

Then the Doc came in, it was time.  We all were touching her with love, then I held her face as he began to put her to sleep - --  I thought our touches on her were for her benefit---- but she was so strong, and loving, that right as she started to "go", she kissed me on the hand –as if she was consoling me!!!  Telling me it would be ok.  Then she went to sleep.   That was the most remarkable moment, saddest moment of my life....

When my rescues, come to my aid, when I'm supposed to be there for them!

NEVER underestimate an animal,  I believe they are so superior to us, we're just too into ourselves to notice it.

The First picture is of the latest wolf that was killed and the second is the couple who runs the place.



Ponch ®

that chick is hot in an 80's hair metal groupie kinda way. The guy looks like Liberace.

But yeah...whoever killed those wolves deserves to be cut into pieces and fed to the surviving wolves.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


Damn, that's a sad story. I hope they will be able to protect their remaining animals...assuming they have more. :-[

Some people just suck.

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


If I remember correctly they have one wolf left but have two more awaiting to come in, but they don't want to bring the other two wolves in until this person is caught! Besides wolves they have a ton of animals, mostly large predators including lions and tigers and wolves OH MY!

1 - Katie (Bengal Tiger)

2 - Bookie (Barbary Lion)

3 - Kisha (Cougar)

4 - Gypsy (Lioness)


There are some suick F@c#s out there:

Vandals kill animals at Roosevelt pet shelter

By Christine Clarridge

Seattle Times staff reporter


Store owner Missy Young tends to an injured cat after a break-in early Saturday morning at the Animal Talk Rescue shop and pet shelter.

Animal lovers, neighbors and other supporters poured into a tiny Roosevelt neighborhood pet shelter and store Sunday, offering cash, condolences and volunteer time in response to a break-in by vandals overnight Friday that left dozens of animals dead.

Nastassya West,
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


1 - Unknown (Bengal Tiger)

2 - Riggs (Timber Wolf)

3 - Gizmo (Lemur)


Sick bastards.  The wolves were captive, what the hell threat were they to this nutjob?  Feed him to the tigers.   :flame:

BTW, only people can be murdered.  Hate to sound cold, but that's the definition. 


Quote from: grouseman on October 27, 2006, 04:10:27 PM
Sick bastards.  The wolves were captive, what the hell threat were they to this nutjob?  Feed him to the tigers.   :flame:


Mojo, after viewing the rest of those pics, I'm saying she's hot in any decade's hair kind of way. :drool5:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Wow.  How brave of someone, to sneak like a coward onto an animal sanctuary, and POISON 2 wolves.

There are many ways to deal with someone such as this, and none of them are fit for telling on a public website.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


First off, I think the word 'murder' is a bit strong to describe the killing of an animal.

Second, I suspect this act was probably done as a sort of domestic terrorist ploy in response to the reintroduction of wolves into the western United States, which I think is going to cause a lot of incidents like this with more coming in the future. I don't think it's right to poison a predatory animal in captivity but I also think farmers should have the right to shoot a wolf if it is killing their livestock, and they don't (legally) have that option right now. That in itself is going to create a lot of resentment and anger so I'm really not surprised this happened if that was the motivation.


Here in Canada a law was passed against poisoning predators but farmers/ranchers can still kill predators after thier livestock. But why kill animals that are going to be in captivity for the rest of thier lives?

BTW Murder also stands for:    to kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously.

UPDATE: News Clip


I don't know why they killed animals in captivity; if the criminals are captured they will no doubt explain their reasoning at some point. I am just citing a possible motive since they specifically targeted wolves. For all we know it could have been some animal rights activists who decided death was better than captivity for these animals and on some level it makes me wonder if these people are really doing these animals any good by keeping them imprisoned. I don't know their motives because the only information I'm privy to at this point is the emotionally-driven story at the top of this thread. I can't see and I can barely hear the video link you posted.

And it's good, by the way, to hear that Canadian farmers have the right to defend their livestock from wolves, I wish the same were true here.

Regarding the words and their usage, specifically 'inhumane' and 'murder,' I happen to think they should be reserved for crimes against humans because I believe humans are more valuable than animals and attempting to equate the two does not elevate the status and value of animals as much as it degrades the status and value of humans. I'm not excusing what these people did because it says a lot about their lack of character, principles and decency but I have a problem with these terms being used to equate animals with humans. The word 'inhumane' has 'human' as its root but over time it has come to mean more than it should in my opinion. And now it seems the word 'murder' is being assigned to the killing of animals, which is a slippery slope to say the least. Am I a murderer for killing elk, deer, pheasants and fish? Am I a murderer's accomplice for condoning the slaughter of pigs and cattle to fill grocery store aisles with meat? The motives may be different but the results are the same.


True murder is a loose term, isn't manslaughter a version of murder?

Also farmers/ranchers are allowed to protect against not only wolves, but bears, cougars, coyotes, etc. Under the same heading if your dog is out chasing cattle or other livestock, the owner of said livestock can legally shoot your dog if caught in the act. Of course these can be pretty touchy and usually conservation officers are called first.

Here in Canada Farmers/Ranchers are the ONLY ones allowed to keep a loaded rifle next to the door incase they need to quickly put down an animal for whatever reason.

Anyways back to the thread. Here's their public website for people to go over and see what they are about. Alot of the animals they take in were once pets and thus cannot under law be released into the wild.

Mean 318

Quote from: bull on October 27, 2006, 10:00:27 PM
I don't know why they killed animals in captivity; if the criminals are captured they will no doubt explain their reasoning at some point. I am just citing a possible motive since they specifically targeted wolves. For all we know it could have been some animal rights activists who decided death was better than captivity for these animals and on some level it makes me wonder if these people are really doing these animals any good by keeping them imprisoned. I don't know their motives because the only information I'm privy to at this point is the emotionally-driven story at the top of this thread. I can't see and I can barely hear the video link you posted.

And it's good, by the way, to hear that Canadian farmers have the right to defend their livestock from wolves, I wish the same were true here.

Regarding the words and their usage, specifically 'inhumane' and 'murder,' I happen to think they should be reserved for crimes against humans because I believe humans are more valuable than animals and attempting to equate the two does not elevate the status and value of animals as much as it degrades the status and value of humans. I'm not excusing what these people did because it says a lot about their lack of character, principles and decency but I have a problem with these terms being used to equate animals with humans. The word 'inhumane' has 'human' as its root but over time it has come to mean more than it should in my opinion. And now it seems the word 'murder' is now being assigned to the killing of animals, which is a slippery slope to say the least. Am I a murderer for killing elk, deer, pheasants and fish? Am I a murderer's accomplice for condoning the slaughter of pigs and cattle to fill grocery store aisles with meat? The motives may be different but the results are the same.
Wow, you said what I was thinking, but without ranting and getting all pissed off! Thanks  :icon_smile_wink:

Silver R/T

they didnt have anything better to do

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722


Humans are able to make long term decissions. And tend often to make bad ones.

Animals are not able to do this and live in the now. Therefore we should protect them.

I say kill the humans and save the "animals".

*Flames officially fanned"


Quote from: Silver R/T on October 28, 2006, 07:52:59 PM
they didnt have anything better to do
Sort of like you & that post. :crazy:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: 2Gunz on October 29, 2006, 01:33:36 AM

Humans are able to make long term decissions. And tend often to make bad ones.

Animals are not able to do this and live in the now. Therefore we should protect them.

I say kill the humans and save the "animals".

*Flames officially fanned"

Ok, we'll start with you. ;) Silver's next.




She is kind of HOT!!!  Why would someone want to kill 2 wolves??  Sick people!!   :flame:
Tomorrow is promised to NOBODY . . . .