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What cops want the public to know:

Started by Wakko, August 04, 2006, 10:02:36 AM

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Ponch ®

Quote from: bull on August 04, 2006, 07:21:57 PM
Quote from: MojoJojo Classic ® on August 04, 2006, 05:40:59 PM
Quote from: Wakko on August 04, 2006, 04:58:48 PM

I actually prefer writing the pretty girls that flirt...cause I'm sure they've gotten out of tix before!   

Ok..I have hypothetical ethical question for you.

Let's say you werent married, no girlfriend, what have you. You pull over really cute chick and as you're writing her a ticket she offers you a lil sumpin sumpin if you let her off. Do you take her up on it?

This is why Mojo could never be a cop.

the scary thing is that I've thought about it....imagine me with a badge. :o
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


Quote from: Just 6T9_CHGR.... on August 04, 2006, 07:35:43 PM
Quotebut since Dunkin Donuts gives police free coffee, we usually go there to get it.

Really?   Isnt that some sort of bribery or mafioso tactic?  Isnt that part of the code of ethcis, that you cannot receive anything for free? :scratchchin:
At least you shouldnt admit to gifts correct? ;)
The rest is pretty funny though ;)

I think that's a pretty smart way to keep the cops close by, who's gonna rob a dunkin when a cop stops by every thirty minutes??

I used to work at a 7-11 a loooong time ago, I loved it whenever a cop came in, free cofee, take what ever you want, stick around have a smoke let's BS a while, need a refill? here have a free coke. you would be amazed how many dirt bags walk in to the 7-11 and turn around and walk away when they see a cop standing there drinking free coffee. Made me feel safe to know that I knew all the local cops and they had my back.....

Think about that.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!


Quote from: MojoJojo Classic ® on August 04, 2006, 08:49:05 PM
Quote from: bull on August 04, 2006, 07:21:57 PM
Quote from: MojoJojo Classic ® on August 04, 2006, 05:40:59 PM
Quote from: Wakko on August 04, 2006, 04:58:48 PM

I actually prefer writing the pretty girls that flirt...cause I'm sure they've gotten out of tix before!   

Ok..I have hypothetical ethical question for you.

Let's say you werent married, no girlfriend, what have you. You pull over really cute chick and as you're writing her a ticket she offers you a lil sumpin sumpin if you let her off. Do you take her up on it?

This is why Mojo could never be a cop.

the scary thing is that I've thought about it....imagine me with a badge. :o

okay my hypothetical

you pull over a cute mexican chic, mojo, do you let her go? or cite her because shes mexican?
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!

SuBLimE 69

Quote from: Wakko on August 04, 2006, 04:58:48 PM
Quote from: Silver R/T on August 04, 2006, 02:20:07 PM
I think you should change your career if you dont really like it

Who said I don't like it? I love my job!

I actually prefer writing the pretty girls that flirt...cause I'm sure they've gotten out of tix before!  Guys have just as much a chance of a warning as girls, if not more, in my book.    Mojo, that clip is HILARIOUS...I love it!    Derailed, what you have to keep in mind is cost of living.  My department starts at around 40k, which sounds like alot, but when you can't buy a house for under 200k that's halfway decent, 40k suddenly isn't alot.  If I didn't already own a house, I'd be scroowed.    However, if you go up to Georgia, most cops start in the high TWENTIES.  It's rare for cops to get paid well unless the cost of living is way up there. 

Again, this thread was meant to be light hearted.   :police:

Great post Ian,

It doens't pay that bad up here.  The Metro Atlanta agencies are all starting well above 20k.  I won't go advertising my income but it was a hella lot more than that.   Not the best paying job by any means but considering the line of work it's not bad........and I was able to place several of the more up standing democratic citizens in the big house.....and thats always worth a little extra.  :icon_smile_blackeye: :angel:

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !


"After bitching... I mean... complaining for months, Wakko gets a new vehicle"


Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on August 04, 2006, 09:29:49 PM
[qand I was able to place several of the more up standing democratic citizens in the big house.....and thats always worth a little extra:
Im sure thats a feeling of accomplishment bein that those crooked other ones are a dime a dozen


QuoteIf you drive a piece of crap, that is why you're getting pulled over. In one
shift we can pull over ten cars for minor equipment violations.
* 5 out of 10 had no vehicle insurance.
* 3 out of 10 had suspended driver's licenses.
* 2 out of 10 had warrants.
* 1 out of 10 had felony warrants.
* 1 was a known sex offender with his 12 year old niece in the car without
her mothers knowledge.
That reminds me, I got pulled over this morning in my piece-o-crap for a cracked windshield (friggin' bellydumps on the freeway are a menace :icon_smile_angry:). I was able to talk myself into a warning, but I had the feeling that the real reason he pulled me over was because he thought one of those 5 examples might apply to me. :icon_smile_tongue:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


 :icon_smile_big: Great list Ian.

When I drove for UPS a few years ago, I would see people run red lights, have their muffler dragging the ground, etc. get pulled over by the cops. I couldn't beleive that some people would get out and actually pull the race card as the reason they were stopped.

I also saw people do the dumbest thing you can do. I seen people pull over, immediatly get out of there car and approach the officer, who would still be sitting in his car, and start yelling. Idiots. ::)
1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee
496 stroker


Quote from: John_Kunkel on August 04, 2006, 05:12:47 PM
Why? Are motorcycle cops less lenient than cagers?

QuoteSome cops are just jerks, but take heart in the fact that other cops don't
like them either.

That's not much consolation for their "victims".

Every time I read a tirade from a LEO lamenting the woes of their job I'm reminded of one simple fact, NO ONE IS DRAFTED INTO A POLICE FORCE, it's strictly voluntary, so you have only yourself to blame for signing up in the first place. Some "old timers" may have been around in more gentle times but anyone with less than 30 years should know what they're getting themselves into.

Motorcycle cops' jobs are to write if you get a warning from one feel lucky.  "Cagers" as you call them (road patrol as we like to call them) are less likely to write a ticket since that's not their primary responsibility.

Jerky cops ARE a shame to deal with, both for their coworkers and the public that they deal with.  Look at it this way though, your average cop isn't going to write you a ticket for not coming to a complete stop at a deserted 4 way with clear visibility.  The jerk cop might.  Is he being mean?  Yes.  But are you violating the law? YES.  So their "victims" are not victims at all, just people that really don't deserve the punishment for whatever violation they committed.  On the other hand, if that police officer is acting improperly and fabricating charges, then you're a victim that needs to call internal affairs and get that jackass fired!!!   :yesnod:

I DID select my job and can leave anytime I like.  It doesn't mean I should not attempt to educate people about my job's responsibilities and dangers.  It also doesn't mean I accept abuse (including death) as a natural part of it...just as a risk.  A risk that we all hope to beat the odds of.

Mojo, I've been propositioned on more than one occasion by women, young and older.  One woman invited me to live in her house rent free if I "took care of her".  Women will pull their skirts up and shirts down in an attempt to get out of the ticket.  What they don't realize is that we HAVE to write her now.  If we let them go and they decide to complain on us for sexually harassing them (even though THEY did it to us) they'll want to know why we didn't write them.  Soooo, as a CYA I always write those women so 1) If she complains they'll understand she's complaining as a result of a ticket and 2) they don't think that all cops can be persuaded with some skin.

My favorite tickets I ever wrote were to a 60's year old lady on the interstate.  She BLEW past me at 105 flashing her lights for people to get out of her way.  I stopped her and she said she was rushing to the hospital for a friend that was in cardiac arrest.  I called the hospital and found out the woman was in cardiac arrest THREE DAYS prior.  When confronted with this information she went ballistic about how she needed to get up there to help her friend out.  So I told her I'd write quickly.  I wrote 105/65, improper lane change and failure to signal.  She COULD have gotten arrested for reckless driving.   What's even BETTER is that when we went to court over the tickets and I told the judge the story, she told the attorney "Counselor, you tell your client she EARNED this.  8 hours of aggressive driving school, $800 fine plus court costs."   


'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


A Police Officers Prayer

                                                                       Oh Lord, While I am on my Beat
                                                                      May I know that you are with Me
                                                                      and protect me as I go to Guard
                                                                          Others lives and Property
                                                                       Help me ignore those who scorn
                                                                            and show me no respect
                                                                         But be mindful of all Citizens
                                                                            I've sworn to Protect
                                                                          Be with my Fellow Officers
                                                                         and Guard their Safety Too
                                                                          May I always put Duty First
                                                                          in the work that I must do
                                                                        May I not Disgrace the Uniform
                                                                      But bring Pride to the Badge I wear
                                                                     That I'd be a good Policeman, Lord
                                                                          Would be my Only Prayer.

                                                                              Amen.  :angel: :patriot:

My hat is off to all of you who wear a uniform and protect us from the evils of the world, and sometimes, from each other. :icon_smile_big:
F.O.P. Supporter for the past 20 years. I have many friends & Family on the "Job". Thanks Wakko, excellent thread.
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL


I have found that if you are not an absolute fucking tool, that you won't get harassed by the cops.  I was raised to be polite and respectful of everyone, cop or otherwise.

Don't get me wrong, I got into plenty of trouble when I was younger, but never got shafted due to the cops.

here is my list of "feel good" encounters with the police.

-10th grade, get caught stealing a fire extinguisher on halloween, cop takes me home to parents(maybe an arrest would have worked out better because I got choked by my dad for smudging the family name!  lol!!!!)

-12th grade, riding in a car with my friend who was driving like a maniac down some narrow streets in town, we ended up in the canal.  when the cop showed up, at least 2 local residents who witnessed it were demanding we be arrested, etc.. cop let us call a friend to tow the car out and no tickets, very cool guy.

-24 years old, I get into a fight with 4 guys outside a bar.  the cops show up and pepper spray all of us and arrest me and another combatant for disorderly conduct.  they were not any rougher than they had to be and let me pay $35 bail at the station so I never actually got put into a cell, just cuffed to a bench.  did not even miss a day of work after getting arrested, not bad at all.

I got 10 more like it.  in all cases, my friends and I were always respectful and always got off with pretty much the least penalty possible.

I have not been in any sort of trouble in over 10 years since I decided to actually grow up, but if all these cops were assholes, I would probably have a criminal record and maybe I would not have gotten my act together.....


I assume Wakko & others already know this, "Cagers" is just a name that the motorcycle community uses for anyone in a anyone driving their Charger is also a "Cager". ;)

BTW Wakko, I first saw a list like that maybe three years ago & I swear it keeps growing. I guess there's a never ending supply of "dont's" to feed the list. :smilielol:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Wow, I never heard the term cager before.  I added four to the list and on another board one of the guys mentioned another:

When you hear a parent say "See the policeman?  If you're not good he'll put you in jail!"   That's the worst thing to say to your kid, lest they become scared of the police and when they need them won't approach them.

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


Quote from: Wakko on August 04, 2006, 11:45:18 PM
Motorcycle cops' jobs are to write if you get a warning from one feel lucky.  "Cagers" as you call them (road patrol as we like to call them) are less likely to write a ticket since that's not their primary responsibility.

I think it depends on the municipality. In my state the CHP biker's main job might be to write tickets but in the city/county bikes are useful because they can navigate around traffic jams when responding to calls; they'll respond to any kind of call but usually depart when cars arrive on the scene. Thus the query.

QuoteJerky cops ARE a shame to deal with, both for their coworkers and the public that they deal with.  Look at it this way though, your average cop isn't going to write you a ticket for not coming to a complete stop at a deserted 4 way with clear visibility.  The jerk cop might.  Is he being mean?  Yes.  But are you violating the law? YES.  So their "victims" are not victims at all, just people that really don't deserve the punishment for whatever violation they committed.  On the other hand, if that police officer is acting improperly and fabricating charges, then you're a victim that needs to call internal affairs and get that jackass fired!!! 

This thread prompted me to do something I've never done before, I did a quick finger count of the cops I personally know and there's nine of them and I consider each of them a friend. Having said that, with the possible exception of one, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of any "justice" they dispense. All but two of the nine were friends before they became LEO's and I've watched them change for what I consider the worse.

From what I'm hearing from them, if I didn't know them and had to deal with them on their job I'd probably consider them "jerks".

Pardon me but my karma just ran over your dogma.


That's one of the things they leave out of the job description:  Likely to make you cynical, callous and otherwise an asshole.   I admit that when I first put the uniform on I was one of those "I'm a cop! I'm awesome!" types.  That didn't last long so I stopped hanging out with cops and got rid of my cop roommate.  Now I very rarely socialize with cops, I spend my dinner break reading rather than sit and gripe about the job and I try to leave it all outside when I walk in.  I'm less stressed, happier and more pleasant to be around.  I frequently hear  "Really? You're a cop? I never would have known!"    That makes me  :icon_smile_big:

'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM

Just 6T9 CHGR

Quote from: 73dodge on August 04, 2006, 09:07:47 PM
Quote from: Just 6T9_CHGR.... on August 04, 2006, 07:35:43 PM
Quotebut since Dunkin Donuts gives police free coffee, we usually go there to get it.

Really?   Isnt that some sort of bribery or mafioso tactic?  Isnt that part of the code of ethcis, that you cannot receive anything for free? :scratchchin:
At least you shouldnt admit to gifts correct? ;)
The rest is pretty funny though ;)

I think that's a pretty smart way to keep the cops close by, who's gonna rob a dunkin when a cop stops by every thirty minutes??

I used to work at a 7-11 a loooong time ago, I loved it whenever a cop came in, free cofee, take what ever you want, stick around have a smoke let's BS a while, need a refill? here have a free coke. you would be amazed how many dirt bags walk in to the 7-11 and turn around and walk away when they see a cop standing there drinking free coffee. Made me feel safe to know that I knew all the local cops and they had my back.....

Think about that.

We have the same deal here in NY....our guys wear designer suits, have no necks, wear sunglasses 24 hours & drive black SUV's...... fugettaboutit!!!!!  ;)
Chris' '69 Charger R/T


Quote from: MojoJojo Classic ® on August 04, 2006, 02:01:07 PM
Quote from: Orange_Crush on August 04, 2006, 01:56:48 PM
Not all cops target black people...

Black cops target Mexicans. :icon_smile_big:

Mexican cops target Mexicans.

Most cops target bad guys (how unfair to profile like that!) ;)

SuBLimE 69

A few of the better speeding excusses I heard Sunday and Monday ( I never ask why they were speeding but they always seem to tell me)...I wrote them down just for this thread.

Speeder: I'm late for church, I sinned the whole damn week so I really need to get there quick.  (Warning Issued)

Speeder: I'm late for my Kemo appointment.
Me:  Where is that located ?
Speeder:  I forgot the address.
Me:  What's the street name ?
Speeder: Dunno
Me: What's your doctor's name ?
Speeder:  Umm, Uhh....
Me: You don't have cancer do ya man....?
Speeder:  No Sir.
Me: Thats pretty low man, are you going to church ? (was wearing nice clothes)
Speeder:  Yes Sir, I was just running late.
Me:  You might want to consider dropping a few extra bucks in the offering plate. Its gonna take awhile to pay off that last lie.
Speeder:  Yes, Sir.  (Ticket)

Speeder:  I know I was speeding but I am in a hurry to get to court.
Me:  Traffic Court ?
Speeder:  Ya, My license is suspended for to many points and Marijuana Possession.
Me: Nice, I quess you know what comes next.
(arrested him and then located almost a half pound of weed in a back pack....with his supeona for court)

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !


Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on August 07, 2006, 05:59:12 PM
A few of the better speeding excusses I heard Sunday and Monday ( I never ask why they were speeding but they always seem to tell me)...I wrote them down just for this thread.

Speeder: I'm late for church, I sinned the whole damn week so I really need to get there quick.  (Warning Issued)

Speeder: I'm late for my Kemo appointment.
Me:  Where is that located ?
Speeder:  I forgot the address.
Me:  What's the street name ?
Speeder: Dunno
Me: What's your doctor's name ?
Speeder:  Umm, Uhh....
Me: You don't have cancer do ya man....?
Speeder:  No Sir.
Me: Thats pretty low man, are you going to church ? (was wearing nice clothes)
Speeder:  Yes Sir, I was just running late.
Me:  You might want to consider dropping a few extra bucks in the offering plate. Its gonna take awhile to pay off that last lie.
Speeder:  Yes, Sir.  (Ticket)

Speeder:  I know I was speeding but I am in a hurry to get to court.
Me:  Traffic Court ?
Speeder:  Ya, My license is suspended for to many points and Marijuana Possession.
Me: Nice, I quess you know what comes next.
(arrested him and then located almost a half pound of weed in a back pack....with his supeona for court)

You gotta be kidding me on that last guy going to court!!!  Are there really people that stupid out there???

Vainglory, Esq.

As somebody who works at exactly the sort of courthouse he would be heading to...yes.  Very much, yes.



'69 Basketcase, bluetooth powered

Boynton 236 F&AM


Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on August 07, 2006, 05:59:12 PM
A few of the better speeding excusses I heard Sunday and Monday ( I never ask why they were speeding but they always seem to tell me)...I wrote them down just for this thread.

Speeder: I'm late for church, I sinned the whole damn week so I really need to get there quick.  (Warning Issued)

Next time ask if he/she got killed on his way to church because he/she was speeding then what would happen??

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!

SuBLimE 69

I just told him something along the line of:  the clouds were closing in and I hope he didn't have far to go....I don't remember the speed but it wasn't crazy fast and he was the first one of the day....I cut breaks here and there so I figured a guy good for a laugh might as well get a break.  I am by no means a ticket Nazi and find no joy in issuing the "working man" speeding fines for petty BS.  Some violations and high speeds I simply give no breaks but petty BS tickets just ruin peoples day.  Just depends on the curcumstances.

FE: Granny has a tag frame that covers her expiration date I wouldn't even bother stopping her.
     Granny has an expired tag.  I might stop her and ask her if she knows about it and remind her to go get it.  I prolly would just drive by.
     Granny is 30 over the speed limit then she is getting a ticket.
I just prefer to look for REAL bad guys instead of traffic BS.....But more often than not it's the traffic BS stops that get you in the cars and finding all sorts of "goodies", stolen cars, wanted persons... ect. 

A couple months ago I stopped a truck because his TAG LIGHT did not work.....thats right a tag light.....holly petty BS stop right.  Well, He was lying about his name and after "further investigation" we found he was actually wanted in TX for shooting a Police officer during a traffic stop.  I don't know all the details but according to the TX agency they apparently had info he was transporting drugs....they stop him and approach the vehicle.  Before the officer said a single word he was shot in the chest with a 12ga shotgun.  I suspected this was the same subject so I had another officer (while enroute to jail for driving with no license) contact TX again who emailed a photo, we got the photo of him, his tats, ect.  While at the jail I had his finger prints verified.  It was the right guy.
The TX Officer did live thanks to his vest but know has a pace maker due to the incident.  This occurred over 4 years ago and this hispanic male had managed to evade capture the entire time and a simple blown out 23 cent tag light lead to his arrest and transfer from my community back to TX.  That is why you pay taxes....not so I can write you some BS ticket.  That kind of arrest is why I stop petty BS and still enjoy what I do eventhough the majority of the public sees us at guys harrasing them on the side of the road.  I was proud of that one and thought I'd boast a little and maybe help someone understand why they get stopped for petty BS.

I think I have OFFICIALLY jacked your thread Ian....Sorry dude

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !


Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on August 08, 2006, 03:38:57 PM
I just told him something along the line of:  the clouds were closing in and I hope he didn't have far to go....I don't remember the speed but it wasn't crazy fast and he was the first one of the day....I cut breaks here and there so I figured a guy good for a laugh might as well get a break.  I am by no means a ticket Nazi and find no joy in issuing the "working man" speeding fines for petty BS.  Some violations and high speeds I simply give no breaks but petty BS tickets just ruin peoples day.  Just depends on the curcumstances.

FE: Granny has a tag frame that covers her expiration date I wouldn't even bother stopping her.
     Granny has an expired tag.  I might stop her and ask her if she knows about it and remind her to go get it.  I prolly would just drive by.
     Granny is 30 over the speed limit then she is getting a ticket.
I just prefer to look for REAL bad guys instead of traffic BS.....But more often than not it's the traffic BS stops that get you in the cars and finding all sorts of "goodies", stolen cars, wanted persons... ect. 

A couple months ago I stopped a truck because his TAG LIGHT did not work.....thats right a tag light.....holly petty BS stop right.  Well, He was lying about his name and after "further investigation" we found he was actually wanted in TX for shooting a Police officer during a traffic stop.  I don't know all the details but according to the TX agency they apparently had info he was transporting drugs....they stop him and approach the vehicle.  Before the officer said a single word he was shot in the chest with a 12ga shotgun.  I suspected this was the same subject so I had another officer (while enroute to jail for driving with no license) contact TX again who emailed a photo, we got the photo of him, his tats, ect.  While at the jail I had his finger prints verified.  It was the right guy.
The TX Officer did live thanks to his vest but know has a pace maker due to the incident.  This occurred over 4 years ago and this hispanic male had managed to evade capture the entire time and a simple blown out 23 cent tag light lead to his arrest and transfer from my community back to TX.  That is why you pay taxes....not so I can write you some BS ticket.  That kind of arrest is why I stop petty BS and still enjoy what I do eventhough I the majority of the public sees us at guys harrasing them on the side of the road.  I was proud of that one and thought I'd boast a little and maybe help someone understand why they get stopped for petty BS.

I think I have OFFICIALLY high jack your thread Ian....Sorry dude

great report!!!  thanks man.  I sure do appreciate you and the job you do.  If they are breaking the law, no matter what it is, it is your job to address the law breaker.  simple as that.  It is good that you use your better judgment in each individual episode, but if they break the law and you stop them for it, I will support you no matter what.  That is why you are there, and I am glad that you are.
67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander


A couple of years ago, I was driving about 20 over.  .  Saw a cop coming the other way and he lit up like a pinball machine so I got off on the nearest exit and drove right into a gas station, jumped out of my car and ran into the bathroom.  When I came back out, he was waiting for me and I told him I had to take a dump really bad and couldn't hold it and (this is where I took a gamble) I told him I had striped my shorts.  I asked him if he wanted to see them as proof.  He told me to never mind and drive safely and let me go.

I ain't got time for pain, the only pain I got time for is the pain i put on fools how don't know what time it is.