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426 Hemi Chicks Other Mopars

Started by 426HemiChick, March 30, 2021, 03:32:32 PM

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Hi Folks,                31 August 2022

Being the last day of August thought I'd check into something I've been wondering about: The cost of Smoking Tabaco. Arizona and Texas have the following prices for a pack of "Coffin Nails:" $8.55 and $7.62 per pack respectively. That's quite expensive considering what they cost, as posted in the previous post during my time aboard the ships, Navy and Civilian.

In 1969 when I quit smoking I was using 3 packs per day. Had I continued, I probably wouldn't be here; but let's say I was still above ground and was still in Texas, my yearly expense would be: $8,343.90; here in Arizona: $9,362.25.

Not knowing what they cost when I quit and not knowing what the prices were during the 53 preceding years, I have no easy or accurate way of determining how much money I have saved. But, if I was a young person today about 29, and I smoked 3 packs per day from now until 2075, with no increase in price, I would have burned almost $497,000.00 and destroyed my health in the process and chances are, I wouldn't have made it to 82.

Seems counter intuitive to spend almost a Half Million Dollars to end up with one's health destroyed.

The more I think about it, I'm a whole lot happier being above ground than beneath it. Still have lots to do.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               04 September 2022

Dena found a photo of the new Chevrolet that's California-Compliant:

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Quote from: 426HemiChick on August 31, 2022, 11:47:36 AM
Hi Folks,                31 August 2022

Being the last day of August thought I'd check into something I've been wondering about: The cost of Smoking Tabaco. Arizona and Texas have the following prices for a pack of "Coffin Nails:" $8.55 and $7.62 per pack respectively. That's quite expensive considering what they cost, as posted in the previous post during my time aboard the ships, Navy and Civilian.

In 1969 when I quit smoking I was using 3 packs per day. Had I continued, I probably wouldn't be here; but let's say I was still above ground and was still in Texas, my yearly expense would be: $8,343.90; here in Arizona: $9,362.25.

Not knowing what they cost when I quit and not knowing what the prices were during the 53 preceding years, I have no easy or accurate way of determining how much money I have saved. But, if I was a young person today about 29, and I smoked 3 packs per day from now until 2075, with no increase in price, I would have burned almost $497,000.00 and destroyed my health in the process and chances are, I wouldn't have made it to 82.

Seems counter intuitive to spend almost a Half Million Dollars to end up with one's health destroyed.

The more I think about it, I'm a whole lot happier being above ground than beneath it. Still have lots to do.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks

Me and the wife quit going on ten years ago and instead of killing ourselves to the tune of 7 grand plus a year we now spend all that cash on vacations and such!
I'm still amazed by the extra 20 bucks I find in my pocket every day ;)


Quote from: HANDM on September 05, 2022, 12:34:12 AM

Me and the wife quit going on ten years ago and instead of killing ourselves to the tune of 7 grand plus a year we now spend all that cash on vacations and such!
I'm still amazed by the extra 20 bucks I find in my pocket every day ;)

Hi Frank,                  07 September 2022

Amazing isn't it. That's a good $7300.00 Tax Free. Most folks don't think about money you save as being Tax Free. Do some work for $7300 and Uncle Sam will grab a big chunk of it. I figure it this way: "My money is better in my pocket than in Sam's."

Monday of this week, I went to the dermatologist for a checkup. Yeah, had more pre-cancerous junk removed from my worn out face and a couple possible cancerous lesions, which they took biopsies of. Should know in a couple days.

Going back tomorrow to have a visit with a plastic surgeon. As I mentioned in a previous post, the day after I had my last eyeball rebuilt, I saw myself in the bathroom mirror and thought I had aged 35 years overnight.

Going to see what it will take to get rid of the excess flesh on my shabby face. If you remember "Howdy Doody" from the kids TV show from December 1947 to September 1960, he was the string puppet Star. My raggedy old face looks like Howdy Doody so I'm going to see what it will take to clean this mess up so I don't look like I'm 150 years old. We plan on going to my 65th High School reunion next year. I don't want to go there looking like I escaped from a morgue. Vanity, ain't it "Wunnerful." In my next life I'll probably be wearing lots of sunblock, whose main ingredient is Asbestos.

Almost forgot, went to the foot doctor this AM to have a couple toenails removed. Going to have all of them done so I don't have to bend over to cut the darn things. I'm going to leave the great toes (the biggins) alone. That's a lot of nail to remove. I had three done awhile back, now I have three to go.

Where'd I get this idea? I read an article about a guy training for a marathon. He decided to have his removed to avoid foot problems while running in the race. It seems to work though it's not for everybody.

Well Frank, great hearing from you. Hope to see you here in Phoenix (Laveen Village) one of these days.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                08 September 2022

Well, got the face "Restoration/Repair" estimate today: $21K plus change. It's about a four hour job. It's only money and you can't take it with you. Besides, if we don't spend it old J Brandon will try to take it for illegal Aliens.

Guess I'll raid the piggy bank and get it done so it's all healed up by reunion time. Tired of looking like Howdy Doody's granny.

Got to thinking, $21K for about four hours work. Not bad if you can get it. If he's good, it's worth it.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Wow, That's over $5,000.00 per hour.  :o :o :o :o


Quote from: hemi-hampton on September 08, 2022, 11:33:57 PM
Wow, That's over $5,000.00 per hour.  :o :o :o :o

Hi LEON,             09 September 2022

Yeah, that's a nice hourly rate if you can get it. Have come close, just $4,990.00 short. Picked the wrong career path. Next time.

My knees are also shot so I'm seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon on 26 September to find out what my options are.  The current body has 82 years worth of doing things I never should have done did; this has caused numerous broken rods, worn bearings, scored bushings, damaged U-Joints, leaky exhaust valves, cracked heads, etc. that need rebuilding or outright replacement. He'll probably tell me to find a new body, the one I have is running on overtime.

Will keep this thread updated with the latest adventures. Groomer just called, our pups are ready to come home. I know they'll be Happy to get home and we'll be Happy to have them here looking and smelling better; how long that will last is anyone's guess.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks.
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               09 September 2022

The pups came home all nice clean, shiny and smelling good like clean pups should. Laundered all their bedding so that made them happy. They do love clean blankets. How long they remain that-a-way is another story.

We are actually getting some nice needed rain. Hope it lasts all night so the watershed gets a boost.

We went to DQ tonight, which has become a Friday night ritual. While we were there a gentleman came in with four kids, one of which was noticeably older than the rest. They were celebrating something so when he took a photo Dena volunteered to take a picture of him with his kids.

We talked to him a bit. He said today he adopted the three little kids. Apparently they have had a rough life. He gave us hope that our country will survive and will be OK. There are good people all around us, they are good and quiet and get little notice from the press, unlike the noisy assholes that are trying to tear this country apart, with help from the "Lame Stream Media."

God Bless Our Country and the Good People In It.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Clint,               13 September 2022

Here I go again, had two biopsies come back, one a cyst, the other . . . . you guessed it, basil. Have an appointment with Dr. Betty Davis for my third official round of Mohs on Tuesday 27 September, one day after my Orthopedic Dr. appointment to see what can be done for my worn out knees.

Thanks Clint for the referral to Dr. Davis, Nice lady and Doctor. Also have a Dermatologist there, Dr. Drew Klug; both of these doctors have impeccable medical and surgical credentials.

Here's a warning to you young folks out there: Protect your skin from the sun and don't use tobacco. Tobacco use will make your skin look old before its time. It also has other negatives, like lung cancer. All my buddies and I used to smoke, I quit, they didn't, they're all gone now.

Now, if I can just get done visiting doctors, I can spend more time working on the cars. Kind of goes with the fourth quarter. Plans are to finish it and do some overtime.

Take Care

Give Josie a hug and a few pats for us.

Best Always, God Bless You-All

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court

472 R/T SE

Quote from: 426HemiChick on September 13, 2022, 11:56:09 AM

Here's a warning to you young folks out there: Protect your skin from the sun and don't use tobacco. Tobacco use will make your skin look old before its time. It also has other negatives, like lung cancer. All my buddies and I used to smoke, I quit, they didn't, they're all gone now.

426 Hemi Chicks

My Father, his older sister and her husband were chronic smokers.
They preached how the Drs. didn't know wtf they were talking about.

My Dad died from lung cancer metastasizing, Uncle died from a surgery and Dads older sister died from lung cancer as well.  All in 3 months.  But smoking had nothing to do with it.
I loved them but was frustrated.


Quote from: 472 R/T SE on September 13, 2022, 07:03:10 PM

My Father, his older sister and her husband were chronic smokers.
They preached how the Drs. didn't know wtf they were talking about.

My Dad died from lung cancer metastasizing, Uncle died from a surgery and Dads older sister died from lung cancer as well.  All in 3 months.  But smoking had nothing to do with it.
I loved them but was frustrated.

Hi Mike,                14 September 2022

There's an old saying that fits the situation you described: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"

I harped my ass off trying to get my buds to quit smoking. They wouldn't listen and at times got pissed at me for trying. The last two lived about a mile apart and died within two months of each other.

Both called me crying saying they didn't want to die. Not a thing I could do except to cry with them. We were closer than brothers. These were guys I grew up with; we were life long friends, now they are all gone. I still remember them, think of them often and regret that they are no longer here. When we were young adults I used to dream about all of us growing old and being together goofing off and reminiscing about our lives and friendships that had stood the test of time. How do you replace friendships that lasted almost 70 years?  Fucking cigarettes destroyed that dream.

Hope all is well up your way Mike. Please give your Pup a few pats and hugs for us. Dogs have unconditional Love.

Looks like our 65th High School Reunion will take place next September 2023. We'll stop by on our way back from Ohio.

Take Care Amigo

Best Always

Dena and Christine, the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,             17 September 2022

Scott made it to Phoenix yesterday. He put in a long day delivering six cars in AZ. We're glad to have him here, his new home.

                    Welcome Home Scott!!!

Small bump in the road yesterday, the Semi's A/C ran out of coolant. Obviously a leak we're going to look into later today. Has to be a major leak; it was recharged the day before after sitting idle for several weeks while waiting for all the government paperwork he needed for his new transport business.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               28 September 2022

Sunday 18 Sep, the Semi's A/C was fixed; took a bit of work, new Compressor, Condenser, Receiver/Dryer and High Pressure hose. This was accomplished by a great Diesel Mechanic who is one of Dena's tenant's. He took time out of his busy schedule to trouble shoot the A/C system so we could make the necessary parts runs. Got the parts, he put it all together and had Scott on the road by mid afternoon. All done on a Sunday.

Trucking is a big business here in Phoenix. It doesn't take days off; truck dealerships are open 7 days as are parts suppliers. Now all I need to do is get my bod back in shape so I can go trucking.

Speaking of which, went to an orthopedic surgeon Monday 25 Sep. Yes, my knees are shot, they both need to be replaced. Examined by the doc, he made his recommendations, now it's up to me how and when to proceed. I plan to get a second opinion on exactly what type of surgery to have.

I'm sure most here have heard of "General Anesthesia" also known as G/A. I have done a lot of research on the subject due to having had a bad experience with it after my last surgery. What I found is that G/A is extremely dangerous for "Seasoned" citizens. To make this short and to the point, G/A can screw up one's brain from which the recovery time from the G/A can be as little as a day, to a few days, weeks, months, to never. The latter happened to a friend of mine. He never recovered from his last surgery's G/A. During that latter part of his life, it was devastating for him, his family, and especially his wife.

The doctor I was seeing in Fort Worth was a partner in a medical group of Orthopedic Surgeons who stopped using G/A about 15 years ago for exactly the same reasons that I mentioned earlier. G/A is DANGEROUS, especially if you are Older, if older is the correct term. Geezer seems a bit harsh so I'll skip that one, probably because it fits me to a "T."

So where does this leave me? Guess I will find another doctor here. I did go to a dermatologist yesterday, Dr. Betty Davis (Thanks Clint for the referral), who removed another cancer from my mug. She gave me a referral to an Orthopedic Surgeon she highly recommends. Now all I have to do is make an appointment to see him.

Been too busy with my personal issues so nothing new on the cars. My knees are so bad that working on cars with them while they are in the shape they're in is next to impossible. I have to get the knees fixed ASAP as that's my main impediment to reasonable mobility. So that's about it for this round.

No sympathy please, all my tribulations are all my fault. Had too much fun, now the bill has come due. Working on paying it down.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               28 September 2022

Did get an appointment with the Orthopedic doctor Recommended by Dr. Betty Davis. She said he is: "The Go To Doc" for what I need. Also, the lady that was setting up my appointment said the same thing. My first appointment is 20 January 2023, that's 4 months out. The doc I saw Monday I had an appointment a few days out from when I called his office. That tells me the guy I saw Monday isn't top notch. He didn't much care for my G/A comments and also seemed too anxious to get me scheduled for surgery. Hmm, maybe he has a payment coming up on his pre-owned Yugo.

Whatever the case, I'll be checking back with the new Doctor about once a week to see if there are any cancellations. I want to get the knees rebuilt ASAP. I'm planning on hanging around for at least 25 more years and don't want to waste any of that time.

Quite frankly, I should have "done did" it four years ago. Problem was, the SynVisc One shots were working too well for me to bother getting my knees replaced, a fairly lengthy process, what with pre op conditioning and the post op healing and rehab. Since there are two knees involved and they generally will not replace both at the same time, the rehab time is drawn out for about a year or longer.

I'm going to do what I gotta do to get my buns in shape for the surgery and rehab. The better shape you're in going into the surgery, the easier the rehab and the quicker you'll be back to "Abby Normal." Have too many things to do before 2047 rolls around. Time flies when you're having fun. Funny how slow time goes when you have a nasty toothache and are waiting to see the Doctor.

Take Care

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Glad to hear that Dr. Davis is working out. On the knee surgery anesthesia options, you have an extremely valid point and it shouldn't be too hard to find a skilled Orthopod who uses regional anesthesia rather than general. Good luck!
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: Q5XX29 on September 28, 2022, 11:37:40 PM
Glad to hear that Dr. Davis is working out. On the knee surgery anesthesia options, you have an extremely valid point and it shouldn't be too hard to find a skilled Orthopod who uses regional anesthesia rather than general. Good luck!

Hi Clint,             29 September 2022

Thank You Dr. Clint Brunner and Thank You for referring Doctor Betty Davis to us. She's a fantastic Doctor and a fantastic Lady. The Orthopedic Doctor she referred us to is top notch in this area. If someone has a bungled knee surgery he's the go to Doctor. He's heavily booked because of his skills and well deserved reputation.

Thank You again Clint. You have been a great friend and have helped us more than one can expect. God Bless You and Your Family (includes Josie). Please give Josie a bunch of love pats and hugs for us.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Happy to help!

Here are a few photos I took a couple of weeks ago, when my oldest son and I were sharing a beer with Josie, at the garage bar. (Don't worry- Anheiser Busch "Dog Brew" is just pork broth!)  :cheers:

Untitled by William Brunner, on Flickr

Untitled by William Brunner, on Flickr

Untitled by William Brunner, on Flickr
dakota_gt on Instagram


Priceless photos, Clint.

Speaking of photos, Christine, your fenders are looking better than new. Mike's valance fits them like a glove.
Ernie Helderbrand


Quote from: held1823 on September 30, 2022, 09:53:20 AM
Priceless photos, Clint.

Speaking of photos, Christine, your fenders are looking better than new. Mike's valance fits them like a glove.

Hi Ernie,             30 September 2022

Looking Great. I know your Father is looking down, watching your progress and being right proud of you and what you have accomplished so far. I know he will be tickled pink when he sees His/Your Daytona all fresh and restored to its rightful Glory.

God Bless Amigo.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Clint,               30 September 2022

Thanks for the photos. Seeing Josie and your son enjoying a Brew together warms our hearts. I'm going to try and copy the photos so I can take them with me when I go see Doctor Betty Davis on 05 October 2022. I'm sure she will enjoy seeing your Son, Josie and your cars.

Aside from Dr. Davis being a great doctor, she's also a very fine person and a beautiful lady; we view her as a friend as well as my doctor. We cannot thank you enough Dr. Clint Brunner. Just wish you were also here.

God Bless Josie, You and your Family. Thought she deserved first billing this time.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Quote from: 426HemiChick on September 30, 2022, 12:52:59 PM
Hi Clint,               30 September 2022

Thanks for the photos. Seeing Josie and your son enjoying a Brew together warms our hearts. I'm going to try and copy the photos so I can take them with me when I go see Doctor Betty Davis on 05 October 2022. I'm sure she will enjoy seeing your Son, Josie and your cars.

Aside from Dr. Davis being a great doctor, she's also a very fine person and a beautiful lady; we view her as a friend as well as my doctor. We cannot thank you enough Dr. Clint Brunner. Just wish you were also here.

God Bless Josie, You and your Family. Thought she deserved first billing this time.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks

Thank you! I'm not sure how well Dr. Davis remembers me. I was just a rotating medical student when she was a chief resident at University of Missouri- Columbia, but I thought highly of her then and knew she would be stellar, wherever she ended up. I have many patients who winter down there around you, and have referred several to her, and they all seem to be satisfied. Glad you are too!
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: held1823 on September 30, 2022, 09:53:20 AM
Priceless photos, Clint.

Speaking of photos, Christine, your fenders are looking better than new. Mike's valance fits them like a glove.

Thanks, Ernie. Fun to watch the progress on your Daytona. Looking good!
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: Q5XX29 on October 03, 2022, 07:23:28 AM

Thank you! I'm not sure how well Dr. Davis remembers me. I was just a rotating medical student when she was a chief resident at University of Missouri- Columbia, but I thought highly of her then and knew she would be stellar, wherever she ended up. I have many patients who winter down there around you, and have referred several to her, and they all seem to be satisfied. Glad you are too!

Hi Clint,               03 October 2022

Called the Knee Doctor's office today to see if there was a cancellation available; they recommended I call every week to check.

I now have an appointment with the Surgeon's PA. This should speed up the process by having the Preliminaries: Paper work, X-rays, physical exam and any other stuff the surgeon requires, done prior to my appointment with him.

The reality is, I really needed to have had this done two or three years ago. The move didn't help any, what with lifting heavy objects, crawling around in the attic, climbing ladders, etc. But, now I'm home and with Dena everyday; we don't have to Skype to see each other. We did that for over 3 years with a small break when I came home for a few days 15 October 2018. Had the Pups not been in Texas, I wouldn't have gone back as soon as I did.

We've been sitting here typing and watching the Dust storm blow through. They happen, not often, but do make driving dangerous. If visibility gets bad, you pull off the road as far as possible and turn off all lights and keep one's foot/feet off the brake pedal. Seems like the wrong thing to do but it is the safe thing to do. Visibility during these storms is so bad you cannot see the road. If you are sitting there off the road with lights on, there's a chance someone will see them and plow into you thinking you're on the road driving. You go dark and hope for the best.

Thanks again.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks

EDIT: 04 Oct 22
Edited for clarity:
Dust storms make seeing the highway extremely difficult . . . . if not impossible. Someone driving along behind you during the storm may mistake you for being on the road and plow into you. Not healthy.
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court

472 R/T SE

Quote from: 426HemiChick on October 03, 2022, 07:36:07 PM
Quote from: Q5XX29 on October 03, 2022, 07:23:28 AM

Thank you! I'm not sure how well Dr. Davis remembers me. I was just a rotating medical student when she was a chief resident at University of Missouri- Columbia, but I thought highly of her then and knew she would be stellar, wherever she ended up. I have many patients who winter down there around you, and have referred several to her, and they all seem to be satisfied. Glad you are too!

Hi Clint,               03 October 2022

Called the Knee Doctor's office today to see if there was a cancellation available; they recommended I call every week to check.

I now have an appointment with the Surgeon's PA. This should speed up the process by having the Preliminaries: Paper work, X-rays, physical exam and any other stuff the surgeon requires, done prior to my appointment with him.

The reality is, I really needed to have had this done two or three years ago. The move didn't help any, what with lifting heavy objects, crawling around in the attic, climbing ladders, etc. But, now I'm home and with Dena everyday; we don't have to Skype to see each other. We did that for over 3 years with a small break when I came home for a few days 15 October 2018. Had the Pups not been in Texas, I wouldn't have gone back as soon as I did.

We've been sitting here typing and watching the Dust storm blow through. They happen, not often, but do make driving dangerous. If visibility gets bad, you pull off the road as far as possible and turn off all lights and keep one's foot/feet off the brake pedal. Seems like the wrong thing to do but it is the safe thing to do. Visibility during these storms is so bad you cannot see the road. If you are sitting there off the road with lights on, there's a chance someone will see them and plow into you thinking you're on the road driving. You go dark and hope for the best.

Thanks again.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks

EDIT: 04 Oct 22
Edited for clarity:
Dust storms make seeing the highway extremely difficult . . . . if not impossible. Someone driving along behind you during the storm may mistake you for being on the road and plow into you. Not healthy.

My legs (shoulders) are shot @ 19 years in a chair.
Started using a scooter and it just made me fat.  Divorced and lost about 40, put on 20 already from running it.
I can't throw tennis balls 4 my Golden dog wife w/o being in pain all night.  Lucky I only throw left handed and do most other stuff right handed.

My left knee was bad when able bodied.  I used to jump off 5'-8' oil drilling rig substructures and old timers shook their heads.  Back then I was made of steel, smh, lol.
So I'm lucky I can't feel the knee pain anymore...I guess?
Jumping off trailers to build my crane made it worse, never learned, smh.
Then there's the throat (issues) cancer two uncles had that I've put off getting checked for.

My mind is 37, body 57, but feel like I must be 97.

Just seen the Wilye Coyote Daytona, dang!
Sure wish you lived closer Chick's!

I'll have a Golden when I die...such an awesome companion.

I can at least pray & hope for us. 


Quote from: 472 R/T SE on October 04, 2022, 04:28:18 PM
My legs (shoulders) are shot @ 19 years in a chair.
Started using a scooter and it just made me fat.  Divorced and lost about 40, put on 20 already from running it.
I can't throw tennis balls 4 my Golden dog wife w/o being in pain all night.  Lucky I only throw left handed and do most other stuff right handed.

My left knee was bad when able bodied.  I used to jump off 5'-8' oil drilling rig substructures and old timers shook their heads.  Back then I was made of steel, smh, lol.
So I'm lucky I can't feel the knee pain anymore...I guess?
Jumping off trailers to build my crane made it worse, never learned, smh.
Then there's the throat (issues) cancer two uncles had that I've put off getting checked for.

My mind is 37, body 57, but feel like I must be 97.

Just seen the Wilye Coyote Daytona, dang!
Sure wish you lived closer Chick's!

I'll have a Golden when I die...such an awesome companion.

I can at least pray & hope for us.  

Hi Mike, LEON,                 04 October 2022

We can assure you we wish you were here close by so we could be of some help to you and your Golden; they are marvelous companions. If we get to the reunion in September 2023, we will return via Michigan and Kansas and will pay you both a visit. We want to visit LEON (hemi-Hampton) in Michigan then head your way to visit you. It will be an honor to visit the both of you.

My knee problems are my fault. I thought I was bullet proof. What a fantasy that was. Water over the dam; just hope this new Doctor can replace the knees with a good set made of armor that will last me another 35. That way they should outlast me.

I'm hoping I can get the replacement process moving along rapidly so I can have them both done by mid 2023 and have my rehab well along so I can travel without problems. Having Dena is a great help. She has a brilliant mind, and is capable of helping me when I need it. She has saved my life three times already so that in itself speaks volumes. She's also a lot of fun to be with.

One thing for certain, we will not be traveling in the 2009 Ram 1500 LQC pickup. Love the Hemi engine but that truck is uncomfortable for long trips. The driver's side is fine, but the passenger side has very little leg room and the seat is miserable; only goes forward and back and tilts the seat back. Does not have the same positioning as the driver's seat. We bought it used from a friend so we can't complain too much. Don't even ask about the rear seat; it's a joke. Won't be another 1500. If we were ordering another PU today it would be a 4500 mega cab and a full size bed. Don't know too much about the new Rams. Working with an old browser that is almost universally banned on the net.

My new(est) PC is sitting on the cart I use for PC mobility though it's not completely hooked up. Bought it 4 or 5 years ago and here it sits. Too lazy to learn how to use it. I'm an old dog and don't like to learn new tricks. One of these days I will be forced to learn the new stuff as I am finding fewer and fewer web sites that support this old 2012 PC. Since the "New One" is already old I may switch to an Apple Mac Mini with a 40 inch screen. Already have the 40 incher left over from the house in Fort Worth which we used to watch DVD's. Gave up watching Broadcast TV 16 years ago. Got sick of talking heads telling us their horseshit opinions/versions of world events. Stick pretty much to a few web sites, this being the major site (we Love you folks) we visit and post on, and DVD's, which allows us to decide what we watch.

Our Pup "Friday" loves to watch movies; his favorite is "Shane" staring Alan Ladd. It's 2 hours long and he sits and watches it from the begging to the end. I recently bought Dena a 75 inch Sony flat screen for Her Birthday. It's going in our living room. We are in the process of building a stand for it. Should be done with the stand and have the TV up and running by the end of this week. We can hardly wait to see Friday's reaction to watching Shane on the "Big Screen." It'll be the first thing we watch on it. Think he'll have the time of his life.

Well amigos, time to give the pups their supper (they get 3 meals per day) then it's time for ours. Yes, they come first.

God Bless You All, You are in our Prayers; looking forward to seeing and meeting you folks next September.

Take Care

Best Always

Dena and Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court