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Any other Cancer survivors on the site?

Started by Lord Warlock, January 16, 2015, 02:54:39 AM

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Lord Warlock

June of last year I got diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, went through a lot of procedures, Gleason score was a 9 out of 10, 12 out of 12 biopsy tests came back positive for cancer,  Started Hormone therapy in July, and Radiation therapy in September, finished Radiation in mid December.  Was lucky in that they found it before it had spread to the lymph nodes and hadn't metasticized. (spread to other parts of body).  Now I get to continue Hormone therapy for another 18 months (not fun, kills the sex drive, robs body of energy and get to enjoy hot flashes several times a day).  During treatments I got to meet plenty of others going thru the same treatments that had it worse than me, some were even rated as terminal and were just trying to get an extra year of life out of it.  I consider myself fortunate in that I've survived it so far, and the prognosis is very good to beat it.  Not worried much now, the worst of the treatments are over, and eventually the hormone therapy will end.  I will however be seeing doctors regularly like twice a year for PSA tests for the rest of my life most likely.  So much for avoiding doctors and living an unhealthy life style.  (quitting smoking and other bad habits as we speak).  

I was always pretty healthy, almost never got sick unless someone came to the office sick and coughed on me or the daughter got sick and gave it to me at home.  Used to be a joke that the easiest way to get over a cold or the flu was to give it to someone else.  Never even worried about Cancer even though my dad got Colon Cancer at 55 (I'm 53 now) and survived it, he's mid 80s now, and my little brother died after getting Leukemia 4 years ago, he went through a lot worse than me, got through bone marrow transplants but died several months afterwards when he got pneumonia when he was still weak and immune system was weakened.  Now my Mom just got operated on for skin cancer under her eye.  Looks like our family got it big time, all of us with a different form, only my younger brother died from it.  I'm sure my older brother is shitting bricks right now.  He's only one in the family that hasn't gotten cancer yet.  I'm the only one that smoked, and led a hazardous lifestyle painting cars without a mask etc.  Feel I kind of deserved it, but the treatments I just got done with have scared me enough to quit my bad habits and be a lot more careful in the future.  

Been out of work a year now, lucky for me the wife works and makes enough to cover our bills.  Was hoping to return to work in Mid January when the swelling/inflammation from radiation wore off, but I'm still waiting for that to happen.  Giving it another two weeks, maybe I'll have an improvement by then.  It isn't debilitating, but having to use the restroom every hour and getting next to no real deep sleep at night has worn me down.  I figure when I can sleep for more than 5 hours a night I'll be ready to go back to work again.  I usually do contract work in software development, as a QA test analyst,  there are jobs available but I don't want to take a job then fall asleep at the desk and get fired for it.  I'll return soon enough.  2014 was a total loss for me, 2015 is gonna be a great year, I hope.  My kids have moved out of the house and youngest is in college, and about to start a new chapter in my life.  I was lucky that we had insurance to cover most of what I had done.  While I was out of work decided to get a bunch of dental work done too, had all my remaining teeth pulled and had dentures made and secured with implants.  Still learning to talk again after that.  Not looking for pity here or even help (Jackie needs it far more than I do), I have plenty of support from family and friends.  I'm more just looking to see if others are going through the same thing, or others that may need a support group of fellow car enthusiasts.  I'm always willing to share info.  Keep a running diary of what I went through last year.  Maybe I'll write a book next year. 

No plans to sell my charger.  I will be selling my Miata soon, and also the dodge stealth.  Just don't have the energy to spend on multiple car projects.  The charger is far enough along that I don't have to do heavy work on it anymore, its just the small stuff now.  Been thinking of getting rid of the stealth now for a few years, now I just need to sell it to get my charger out of the garage and back on the street...its blocking the drive out of the back yard. 

Just wondering if there are any others that have survived Cancer here.  Never hurts to have a support group in places we frequent often.  And I'm on this board a lot.  Don't wish it on anyone but my worst enemies, and I have very few of those so yall are all safe.  
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


I'm currently going through treatment for the same thing.
Right now I'm on week four, of internal radiation treatment.
I opted for radiation Iodine-125 seed implants, as  the biopsy confirmed the cancer was low level, confined to the prostate.
My PSA levels were going up each year from 4.0, 5.1, and the last was 6.1, when the doc's said to me, you gotta have a biopsy.
That Gleason score came back, with a low level, 6.0
I'm an Air Force veteran, and the Mather and Travis, VA hospitals here within 50 miles of one another don't provide this specialized treatment, so they kicked me over to the UC Davis (Sacramento) Medical Center for this treatment.
Guess I'm doing ok, not bad side effects to the radiation treatment, that bother me.
One thing i have noticed is my blond hair on my head isn't falling out or anything, but on the other hand it ain't growing either.
I haven't had to shave but once in the past four weeks.
One other minor side affect, in the way you gotta "go" #2, as you delicately can say that when you were a little kid, as radiation is also close to your colon wall, in your insides.
2 more months of the radiation, and then the seeds diminish, loose their strength, and then you are considered in recovery, other than treatment.
Jim V.

RF-4C Phantom 69-370 Zweibrucken, Germany

Lord Warlock

I haven't noticed any loss of hair, that is more suited for those doing chemo than radiation.  In fact I started growing a goatee to mark the change in my life.  Wife likes the look, so keeping it for a while.  The main side effect of the radiation for me is that my bowels fill up overnight and gas or excrement (nice way to say it) puts pressure on the bladder so it wakes me up early every morning and won't let me sleep in.  I may have to change my sleep schedule to something more "normal".  The hormone therapy tends to make me not sleepy till wee hours of the morning, like 3 to 4am, think I'll have to force myself into bed at 1am just to get more sleep.  The wife would like that.  

The other main side affect is the urgency to urinate, hits you hard.  Makes me fearful of getting stuck in traffic, and I don't take rides in the car unless its carefully planned.  The radiation itself wasn't bad, but I'm glad I'm done with that part.  Good luck with your treatments.  If you need someone to vent to, feel free.  I know that my doctors are very hesitant to offer information unless directly asked.  Been studying up on cancer, side effects, etc.  Lots of info on the web.  

I'm also an Air Force Vet, but I only did my initial 4 year stint and got out.  Didn't care for living in South Dakota any longer.  Was a Nuclear Missile Launch Officer at Ellsworth AFB in SD.  those missiles are long gone now, but my old capsule is still there as a tourist stop.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


Ya, having to go P, take a leak, all the time is a consequence of having this prostate problem.
But it's better than having a catheter, sticking out the center of your dick all the time, to collect the P.
Had one in me for 24 hours after the implant surgury, and i didn't like that much, at all.
Wouldn't want that, as to me the quality of life, with one of those, would be the pits.
But other than that, it's Depends, all the time, the alternative underwear, as the tv commercial says.  lol

RF-4C Phantom 69-370 Zweibrucken, Germany

Lord Warlock

Yep, been there done that, after the biopsy was taken had some flow problems and had to get a catheter installed for a few days.   Then had to have a TURP procedure done (roto rooter treatment) and had another in for a week.  I will do everything I can to avoid a catheter in the future.  At least after the TURP they did it while I was under.  I was fully awake and in agony when they put the first one in.  Never want to go thru that again.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


colon cancer  got lucky found it early  just cut it out  no chemo 


Quote from: oldgold69 on January 16, 2015, 10:20:53 PM
colon cancer  got lucky found it early  just cut it out  no chemo 

same here 2 years ago...cut out 18" of coln and sewed me back far, so good

Lord Warlock

Wish they could have just cut mine out.  I was told surgery wasn't an option as it was on the outer edges of the prostate and could have spread to a point where surgery wouldn't get it all so they opted to pursue radiation instead.  Now I've got glowing embers living inside me, or at least that's what it feels like.  Was told it should have diminished by now, so now I'm on overactive bladder medication, Flomax and heavy doses of motrin to control pain.  If that wasn't enough, I also get to endure periodic polynital cysts that flare up at base of tailbone, and now can forget about surgery (not that I was planning on it anyway, been living with it for over 20 years now) but I do have real pain meds when those flare up.  A hot bath, and hydrocodone is usually good enough to encourage drainage.  Trouble is that  the Flomax can make you dizzy standing up too fast, got up from a bath last weekend, took two steps blacked out and fell backwards into the tub of hot I'm just bruised, but the cyst is gone so there is a positive side.  I can't wait for the inflammation to die down and my life can get somewhat back to normal again.  Never thought I'd be wishing to go back to work again.  Being homebound sucks.

Good to hear there are other survivors
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.

Mopar Nut

This guy that I worked with had Prostate Cancer and beat it.
"Dear God, my prayer for 2024 is a fat bank account and a thin body. Please don't mix these up like you did the last ten years."


Prostate cancer has the highest survivability rates.  I'm sorry you guys have it but you will beat this.   :yesnod:  Statistically, most men will end up with prostate cancer in their lifetime and prognoses is positive. 
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


my dads neighbor had prostate cancer and he went through the treatments  and then they gave him the  nuggets as he called them and he's been fine for about 7 years now


Quote from: Dino on January 17, 2015, 08:54:58 AM
Prostate cancer has the highest survivability rates.  I'm sorry you guys have it but you will beat this.   :yesnod:  Statistically, most men will end up with prostate cancer in their lifetime and prognoses is positive.  

1 in 5 guys is going to have some sort of prostate problem, in their lifetime, I'm told.
I personally know 6 people that have gone through total removal, to the radiation implants.
It's funny how you find out others are in the same situation as you, until you have it.
Something that's not discussed, talked about, in everyday conversation.

Each course of treatment is due to the severity of the cancer, and the options the doctors give you, and the course of treatment that is right for you, and what you personally decide upon.

Some might not have an option other than total removal, and that opens up another can of worms in after surgery recovery, and then living with the after affects, from then on.

Ya, the docs also perscribed that Flowmax medication for me too.
Pretty much standard for the prostate problem.
It's an expensive perscription.
I'm glad the VA is picking up the tab for all this, or i would be up shits creek without a paddle, financially, in this day and age.

RF-4C Phantom 69-370 Zweibrucken, Germany

Lord Warlock

I was told that EVERY man develops prostate cancer before they die, its just that some have very slow growing versions that do not kill you, some never grows to a point where its a problem, usually its something else that gets you first.  I have trouble believing that 100% get it, but can believe the percentage is very high. Some of us are just lucky and some of us aren't and get more virulent forms.  

Flowmax is the non generic brand, they also make Tamsulosin which is what I get and it is a lot cheaper.  I got 3 months worth for less than 40 bucks, not that expensive.  I've also used proflo which is about twice as powerful or 7mg compared to the 4mg version I use daily, I was taking 3 per day during the last few weeks of treatment, right now I've cut down to two a day, taking two at dinnertime, and it does help, but it really takes about 4 hours before I feel any real effect.  

Not sure if you experienced it or not, but as soon as I started taking tamsulosin I got retrograde ejaculation,  had hoped to get over it when I stopped using it, but found out that the TURP operation I had pretty much made it a permanent condition.  No more kids for me...I was done having kids anyway, my kids are either in college or out of college now, so have no plans for more.  If anyone  is scheduled for a TURP, just know that 98% who go thru the procedure end up with RE.  Found out about that after the fact.  

I can understand why some people don't talk about it, its kind of a touchy subject, and men for the most part don't talk freely about problems with willy.  I guess I'm a little different in that I'd rather educate others about the condition than hold everything in.  Have to admit I never really heard about prostate problems other than commercials on tv, and prostate cancer seemed like greek to me.  Wasn't till I got it that I started hearing it on TV, seeing ads for it and hearing terms like oncology, hormone therapy, RE, etc etc. 
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.

Back N Black

I'm fighting the fight for the last 2 years, but doing good.

Lord Warlock

Whatcha got? Just gotta keep on living as best as we can.  first month by month, then year by year.  Good luck.   Glad to hear you're doing good. 
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


Most of my family has had some form of cancer and passed away from it except my sister who had ovarian cancer, and has beaten it.  Based on my family history with cancer I know I need to get to a doctor and see what's going on; I haven't been to one in over a decade.  I hope the rest of you guys stay strong...


I had my first post op follow up, with the doctors yesterday at the UC Davis Medical Center.
Had a CT Scan done to see if all the "seeds" they implanted into the prostate are still there, and where they placed them all.
Told me scar tissue grows over them, that keeps them where they are supposed to be.

Found out that this hospital alone diagnoses 250 guys a year with prostate cancer.
Wow, 20 a month at this hospital alone.

Then there are Kaiser Permanente, and Sutter, hospitals, and the Mather VA, where I'm sure lots more guys are getting diagnosed with prostate cancer also.

Boy, cancer sure keeps job security for radiolagists, oncologists, in this day and age.

Just something to throw out to other guys out there, to get yourselves checked out.

RF-4C Phantom 69-370 Zweibrucken, Germany

Lord Warlock

If you are at risk, check your PSA levels once a year at least.  Your primary can do a psa test during annual checkup, and its worth it.  Don't ignore prostate cancer risk, it can bite you hard and kill you if ignored or missed too long. I'm glad I found out now, if I'd gone another six months it would have likely spread to bones or lungs.  Not good. 

The oncology group I went to has their schedule filled up every 10 minutes all day long, every day of the month.  Prostate cancer is a booming business here.  Took two months just to get me into the rotation schedule. 
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


Quote from: myk on January 22, 2015, 06:08:13 AM
Most of my family has had some form of cancer and passed away from it except my sister who had ovarian cancer, and has beaten it.  Based on my family history with cancer I know I need to get to a doctor and see what's going on; I haven't been to one in over a decade.  I hope the rest of you guys stay strong...

get yourself to a doc and get checked out   :Twocents: 

         first trip in 5 years and it turns out my "heartburn"  that I've had for  years off and on  is a gallstone as big as my thumb  :eek2:

  and 71 GA4  383 magnum  SE

el dub

Quote from: Dino on January 17, 2015, 08:54:58 AM
Prostate cancer has the highest survivability rates.  I'm sorry you guys have it but you will beat this.   :yesnod:  Statistically, most men will end up with prostate cancer in their lifetime and prognoses is positive. 

If they get to it quick.
entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem


I found out a business friend of mine  just passed away had colon cancer  last week never said a word  what a shocker


Bladder cancer (age 53).  Started peeing orange which of course was blood in urine, initially diagnosed as an infection.  Had a cystoscopy/biopsy and cancer cells were found.  I won't go into detail about how they get access to my bladder, you can probably use your imagination.  There are essentially four steps in the treatment process (does not involve chemo). I've had steps one and two, and it has come back.  I'm due to go back in for another check in February, to see what is going on.  I will probably have another round of step two (they place a liquid bacterial agent in my bladder, then send me home.  I roll around for two hours to coat the inside, then pee it out.  Once a week for six weeks)   Fortunately, up to now it has not been too aggressive.

I've been kind of expecting to get some form of cancer; like Warlock I used to smoke, painted cars with no mask, and immersed my hands in solvents many times, which is thought to be one of the main causes along with smoking.  My diagnosis was a great motivator, if there can be a good side.  Rather than stare at my car, day after day, hoping it will restore itself, I decided to put it all back together, bare metal and all, and drive it.  Good therapy!  I will continue the restoration once I start receiving good news.  Until then, I'm going to take up smoking again (tires, not cigs!).

Cancer or no cancer, everyone needs to make the best of each day.  :yesnod:
'69 Charger SE 493
'65 Pontiac GTO 6.5 Liter Tripower 4-spd convertible
'78 Ford F250 4x4 SuperCab 460
'85 Yamaha FJ1100
'91 Yamaha FJ1200

Lord Warlock

Started taking Chantix a week ago, didn't set a quit date, but figure another week or so and I'll probably try to cut it off completely.  Just started taking two pills a day per the schedule, next week the dosage doubles, wonder what weird dreams I'll get.  

I have an appointment next week to see the urologist, and get my 2nd installment of liquid castration, Lupron...the treatment that kills everything manly in you, all part of the Hormone therapy, supposed to get another year of hormone therapy, to back up the radiation I've already finished.  I finished six weeks ago, and still have not recovered enough to work full time again, I get nervous driving more than 15 minutes away from house.  Urgency is my enemy.  I do have some decent meds that started feeling like they were accomplishing something in the last 7 days or so, two pills of flowmax, one 800mg tablet of motrin, and a tiny pill I don't know the name of, but its for overactive bladder, and I almost worship that pill, wish I could take it twice a day but lack the supply to do it.  Hope I'll get more after the urologist visit.  Between the three of them, can pee like a normal person...for about 8 hours, then it starts wearing off, seems it takes about 4 hours to start working after I take it.  (tolterodine tartrate)

My charger is built, and ready to run, even filled with gas, just waiting for me to clear a path to the gate to the front yard-another dead car is blocking egress.  Still need to tighten down some trim pieces and go through electricals under the dash, but it all worked ok before I started  this work restoring it, so hope it can get me by for a few minutes a week till I can get around to redoing the underdash wiring harness.  It may be functional and original, but its dried out, insulation is cracked and shorts are likely.

Also trying to resolve an overheating mazda Miata, which I need to sell and can't until I fix the overheat condition.  Have to buy another car for my daughter to drive, she doesn't want a 2 seater convertible anymore, wants a 4 or 5 seater car with a hardtop, or even a vert with 4 seats.  Or a sports car, I can't bring myself to fix up the dodge stealth I already own and give it to her, would clear the obstruction from the charger and get her into a car with 4 seats, but handing over keys to a car that can possibly drive over 180mph isn't a smart idea as far as I'm thinking.  Even if I detuned it and removed the extra boost it would still go 160, I know because I've done it before when it was new and totally stock, now its modded and nasty fast.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.