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LEE1 video...where is it?

Started by Dreamcar, February 09, 2014, 08:41:54 AM

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Mike DC

BTW, they did not kill anywhere near 50 Chargers in the post-1985 DOH productions.  

TV reunion specials -

4 cars used:  
2 were built by WB in 1996.
1 was a surviving TV series car.
1 car borrowed from John Schneider.

1 of the 1996 cars got wrecked during filming.

2005 & 2007 movies:

Roughly 26 VIN numbers involved.
3 were the surviving reunion show cars, including the wrecked one.
Around 15-20 of the 26 were complete cars when they started.

6-8 were wrecked during filming, depending on your definition of wrecked.

Many wrecked cars have been repaired by new owners since then.  Being a "legit Warner Bros General Lee" makes people fix some pretty trashed stuff these days. 



Oh okay. Well Like I said I only know about LEE 1 and not to much dukes related stuff so thanks for the information. And your right they will do anything to own a piece of history just because its the real thing. I never cared much for owning a screen used general lee or anything screen used for that matter. I am more then happy with owning a replica just as long as its accurate to what I am after and in my case that is a LEE 1 replica. But to each his own. But thanks for clearing the numbers up.

Thank you and Peace


Quote from: moparnation74 on September 20, 2014, 01:36:09 PM
3 Color choices of orange used on DOH cars.  Choose one of the three of your preference and paint your car with that.  Either way they are original colors for the cars on that DOH series.

A plethora of information has been typed over this and in three sentences it is summed up above.

I also agree!! Paint it orange, put big 01 on the doors and a flag on the top and the letters up there, vectors and a push bar and it's a general lee....


Quote from: 69wannabe on September 20, 2014, 05:26:00 PM
Quote from: moparnation74 on September 20, 2014, 01:36:09 PM
3 Color choices of orange used on DOH cars.  Choose one of the three of your preference and paint your car with that.  Either way they are original colors for the cars on that DOH series.

A plethora of information has been typed over this and in three sentences it is summed up above.

I also agree!! Paint it orange, put big 01 on the doors and a flag on the top and the letters up there, vectors and a push bar and it's a general lee....
Watch this 69wannabe,

In above five minutes Knightprowl will type about five paragraphs explaining the same posts over and over again.


There is no need to be rude. I know I made some mistakes in the past but I am no longer doing that. And you would know this if you had read any of my latest posts. And I know I must prove to everyone I am not the same person who deleted his posts and was an asshole for no reason all the time.

And I know some of you are still upset over my behavior in the past and I don't blame you. I would be upset as well. But I am doing my best here to try and make up for all my past aggressions towards this community. But you do not need to be this way anymore. I did not come here to fight with you again or cause any trouble.

I came here to help my fellow dukes fans with LEE 1 information and other dukes of hazzard related information that I know about as well as to buy a vehicle once I have the money in the near future to do so. So I am asking you nicely to not be this way towards me anymore. It is not worth it. And I am here to prove I am changing my ways.

And I am sorry if you do not approve of my methods of getting as many details about something as I know and can out for others to see and to help them even if it means repeating myself at times. All I ask is that you please refrain from this type of behavior towards me. But if you must continue to treat me this way then so be it.

I deserve it for all the trouble I have caused here and around the internet in the past. But I am not going to fight with any of you about it anymore. I am just going to continue being myself and doing my part to help my fellow dukes of hazzard fans as I have been doing these last few days since my return. So if you do not like it then please keep it to yourself. As there is no reason for this behavior towards me anymore.

But I cannot stop you from continuing to do so. All I can do is ask you as nice as I can to refrain from doing so however what you do and say on this website or around the internet is beyond my control. I am just trying to get along with everyone and fit into this community without any problems. Anyways I have explained myself enough. Do as you wish. I can only hope that you will stop being rude towards me but that is up to you.

Thank you and Peace.


I can understand the obsession, obviously i'm a dukes fan. My car was a general for the first 10 years I owned it. Have been to covington and conyers numerous times, Have been to all the filming sites that we could possibly find. Been inside the farm house before it was torn down, got pic's of the big blue marta bus in the old junk yard. Been inside the boar's nest before it was converted to a church. Really neat to see alot has changed over the years and alot hasn't changed. Like I said before H&H body shop was doing the work for warner brothers when filming in Ga ( Hollman & Hobbs) and I have found out alot of the history of the cars. Don Schisler (not sure that's how to spell that last name) was was in charge of transportation for WB worked with the body shop alot when filming from November to January in 78. The shop was a shared building and the other part of the building did work on the trans-am's when smokey and the bandit was filming here. Not much was really left of the famous LEE 1 after it was jumped. It was parted out quickly to convert a 68 to the next charger to be crashed. He had pic of them working on the car's and alot of pic's after the cars were crashed and parted out. Lee 1 had no doors, no grille, no taillight panel and from the pic's the radiator was gone and I could see the top timing chain gear so the complete front of the engine was gone. Sad to say not alot of LEE 1 was left before Mr. Shaw hauled it away. If you have researched anything about Lee 1 it will say That H&H body shop is where it saw it's last days as a complete car. After it was painted the blue/green color Mr. Hollman had put H&H body shop on it on both sides and they made them go down both sides of the car with concrete blocks and scratch up the car to make it look as if had been on a track with other cars. No BS aside and not bragging but me and a friend of mine have spent the weekend with Mr.Hollman in his huge whatever it is (it has an elevator inside of it) and I saw alot of his private pic's of the cars and saw the deck lid whether it bee LEE 1's or not we did get a pic of it hanging in his store. It has Hollyrock body shop on it which was the nick name that Don gave the shop then. This is probably not news for dukes fans and if googled it can also be found i'm sure. Nothing that Bell or Holland hasn't already gone over i'm sure.


Great info!  :cheers:   If you have any pictures of the Boars Nest or the old Duke farm I would love to see them.... that part of the shows history is very cool.  :yesnod:

EDIT: I found this cool website:


Thanks for the information. It seems you know more about LEE 1 then even I do. Plus all of my information has come from websites, pictures and videos. As well as from Desert Valley Auto Parts. And I am hoping from Jim Shine once he replies back to me on here. But again thanks for clearing up some issues about LEE 1.

I sadly have never been to any of the locations or to any events. And all my information is from websites, pictures and videos for anything dukes related. I don't have the luxury of being able to travel where ever I want or to meet these people and ask them myself as you do. But I have done my best to be as correct as I can about LEE 1.

And hopefully Jim Shine will clear up some issues as well. But the only real problem I am having is with the true color of LEE 1 that it was painted back in 1978. You as well as many dukes of hazzard fans say hemi orange. While Jim Shine says 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame. So for me this is the only real major issue with LEE 1 that we may never know the answers to.

However I would like to ask if you could do me a favor if you ever meet or contact Henry Hoffman again. And that is to get him to produce the color code for LEE 1. You say he said it was hemi orange however Jim Shine clearly says it is 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame. Now obviously someone is mistaken here. And as much as I want to believe Henry Hoffman in saying LEE 1 was in fact hemi orange.

I just cant for some reason. Because Jim Shine has parts from LEE 1 that still retain the color LEE 1 actually was. So unless Henry Hoffman has a piece of LEE 1 lying around with the actual color of LEE 1 on it and is willing to get it scanned and make a color code out of it as Jim Shine plans to do in the near future then I will have to say that Henry Hoffman is wrong about the color of LEE 1.

I know the only way we would ever truly know what color LEE 1 was is if time travel is ever invented. And someone goes back in time and gets a sample of the paint in a cup or can and brings it back to our time and scans it and makes a color code from it. Because sadly all we have from both Jim Shine and Henry Hoffman at this time is there word. And you cant prove something definitely 100% on words.

So until one of these two men proves the color of LEE 1 and is shown to be correct then I will not believe either of them. But for the sake of argument I am going with Jim Shine. For now. Not because I trust his word. But because he was the only person of three to truly respect LEE 1 during the restoration.

And because he claims to have LEE 1 parts with the actual color still on them and that the color has not faded to a point where an accurate color code couldn't be made. So unless one of these men can prove the color of LEE 1 then I will be open to debate on this issue.

I would hope that Henry Hoffman would produce evidence for his claim as well as I would be more prone to believe the man who helped build LEE 1 at his shop in 1978 then the one that helped restore it. but we will have to wait and see on that. Anyways I am done with this subject. I have exhausted myself thinking about this specific detail pertaining to LEE 1 for to long.

For now I will go with 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame for the actual color of LEE 1 in 1978 until I see better evidence from Henry Hoffman to prove otherwise. So please again if you ever see or contact Henry Hoffman again I beg of you to ask him to scan any LEE 1 items he has if any and prove to all the people in the world that have been debating this subject once and for all that LEE 1 was hemi orange as he claims it was.

And not the color that the people who restored it claim it to be. Until then I will never be satisfied because I have devoted to much of my life to LEE 1 already and I will not give up until I know for 100% fact the true color of LEE 1 back in 1978. Because quitting this far into something is not something I am ever going to do as that is not who I am. No matter how strange it may be over such a unimportant piece of information for most people.

Thank you and Peace.


Quote from: knightprowl on September 20, 2014, 08:39:39 PM
Thanks for the information. It seems you know more about LEE 1 then even I do. Plus all of my information has come from websites, pictures and videos. As well as from Desert Valley Auto Parts. And I am hoping from Jim Shine once he replies back to me on here. But again thanks for clearing up some issues about LEE 1.

I sadly have never been to any of the locations or to any events. And all my information is from websites, pictures and videos for anything dukes related. I don't have the luxury of being able to travel where ever I want or to meet these people and ask them myself as you do. But I have done my best to be as correct as I can about LEE 1.

And hopefully Jim Shine will clear up some issues as well. But the only real problem I am having is with the true color of LEE 1 that it was painted back in 1978. You as well as many dukes of hazzard fans say hemi orange. While Jim Shine says 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame. So for me this is the only real major issue with LEE 1 that we may never know the answers to.

However I would like to ask if you could do me a favor if you ever meet or contact Henry Hoffman again. And that is to get him to produce the color code for LEE 1. You say he said it was hemi orange however Jim Shine clearly says it is 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame. Now obviously someone is mistaken here. And as much as I want to believe Henry Hoffman in saying LEE 1 was in fact hemi orange.

I just cant for some reason. Because Jim Shine has parts from LEE 1 that still retain the color LEE 1 actually was. So unless Henry Hoffman has a piece of LEE 1 lying around with the actual color of LEE 1 on it and is willing to get it scanned and make a color code out of it as Jim Shine plans to do in the near future then I will have to say that Henry Hoffman is wrong about the color of LEE 1.

I know the only way we would ever truly know what color LEE 1 was is if time travel is ever invented. And someone goes back in time and gets a sample of the paint in a cup or can and brings it back to our time and scans it and makes a color code from it. Because sadly all we have from both Jim Shine and Henry Hoffman at this time is there word. And you cant prove something definitely 100% on words.

So until one of these two men proves the color of LEE 1 and is shown to be correct then I will not believe either of them. But for the sake of argument I am going with Jim Shine. For now. Not because I trust his word. But because he was the only person of three to truly respect LEE 1 during the restoration.

And because he claims to have LEE 1 parts with the actual color still on them and that the color has not faded to a point where an accurate color code couldn't be made. So unless one of these men can prove the color of LEE 1 then I will be open to debate on this issue.

I would hope that Henry Hoffman would produce evidence for his claim as well as I would be more prone to believe the man who helped build LEE 1 at his shop in 1978 then the one that helped restore it. but we will have to wait and see on that. Anyways I am done with this subject. I have exhausted myself thinking about this specific detail pertaining to LEE 1 for to long.

For now I will go with 1975 corvette flame red/orange flame for the actual color of LEE 1 in 1978 until I see better evidence from Henry Hoffman to prove otherwise. So please again if you ever see or contact Henry Hoffman again I beg of you to ask him to scan any LEE 1 items he has if any and prove to all the people in the world that have been debating this subject once and for all that LEE 1 was hemi orange as he claims it was.

And not the color that the people who restored it claim it to be. Until then I will never be satisfied because I have devoted to much of my life to LEE 1 already and I will not give up until I know for 100% fact the true color of LEE 1 back in 1978. Because quitting this far into something is not something I am ever going to do as that is not who I am. No matter how strange it may be over such a unimportant piece of information for most people.

Thank you and Peace.

If I drank for every "LEE 1" you typed on that post - I'd be stinking drunk....or passed out by now.  :D  :rofl:


Well At least someone is bringing some sarcasm to this topic. Thanks for that I had a good laugh over it. But seriously though your right. I do say LEE 1 to much in one comment. So I will do my best to tone it down. And keep the phrase LEE 1 down to a minimum of 100 times per comment :P. Just kidding. But no seriously I will try and keep that phrase toned down from now on. It does get annoying seeing LEE 1 every other sentence. Especially with the enormous posts I tend to make ;). Anyways enough LEE 1 talk for me tonight.

Thank you and Peace.


I found a pic that was taken of the deck lid that has hollyrock body shop on it and it looks like it's the flame red. I don't remember looking close at it to see if it had any metallic in it since V2 hemi has that fine metallic in it and flame red does not.


Quote from: moparnation74 on September 20, 2014, 05:32:59 PM
Quote from: 69wannabe on September 20, 2014, 05:26:00 PM
Quote from: moparnation74 on September 20, 2014, 01:36:09 PM
3 Color choices of orange used on DOH cars.  Choose one of the three of your preference and paint your car with that.  Either way they are original colors for the cars on that DOH series.

A plethora of information has been typed over this and in three sentences it is summed up above.

I also agree!! Paint it orange, put big 01 on the doors and a flag on the top and the letters up there, vectors and a push bar and it's a general lee....
Watch this 69wannabe,

In above five minutes Knightprowl will type about five paragraphs explaining the same posts over and over again.

and then delete his posts after getting info?,111538.msg1371198.html#msg1371198

1969 Charger XP29F9B226768
1981 CJ7 I6 258ci
2016 F150, 5.0, FX4, CC


Yes I used to delete my posts after I got the information I needed but as I have been saying I no longer do that. I was childish and selfish and rude and an asshole for no reason almost all the time and I regret ever doing it now. But I have changed and I am trying my best to prove it. Anyways I don't want to talk about it anymore. Lets just leave it in the past and let sleeping dogs lie so to speak.

Thank you and Peace.


Quote from: knightprowl on September 22, 2014, 03:44:58 PM
Yes I used to delete my posts after I got the information I needed but as I have been saying I no longer do that. I was childish and selfish and rude and an asshole for no reason almost all the time and I regret ever doing it now. But I have changed and I am trying my best to prove it. Anyways I don't want to talk about it anymore. Lets just leave it in the past and let sleeping dogs lie so to speak.

Thank you and Peace.

just ball bustin... i could care less. i too am trying to find some general lee info. good luck

1969 Charger XP29F9B226768
1981 CJ7 I6 258ci
2016 F150, 5.0, FX4, CC


Quote from: knightprowl on September 22, 2014, 03:44:58 PM
Yes I used to delete my posts after I got the information I needed but as I have been saying I no longer do that. I was childish and selfish and rude and an asshole for no reason almost all the time and I regret ever doing it now. But I have changed and I am trying my best to prove it. Anyways I don't want to talk about it anymore. Lets just leave it in the past and let sleeping dogs lie so to speak.

Thank you and Peace.

I haven't been here long, but I forgive you.

Don't delete them others would like the info too.


Quote from: TUFCAT on September 20, 2014, 08:52:35 PM

If I drank for every "LEE 1" you typed on that post - I'd be stinking drunk....or passed out by now.  :D  :rofl:

Tuffy looks like you & I have a new favorite drinking game.  :yesnod: :cheers:
"Strive for perfection in everything. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it doesn't exist, create it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough." Sir Henry Rolls Royce


I don't plan on deleting anything ever again. Maybe editing my posts if I make a mistake in typing or forgot to post something but no more "deleted" for me. So no worries there.

Thank you and Peace.


Quote from: bill440rt on September 22, 2014, 04:14:02 PM
Quote from: TUFCAT on September 20, 2014, 08:52:35 PM

If I drank for every "LEE 1" you typed on that post - I'd be stinking drunk....or passed out by now.  :D  :rofl:

Tuffy looks like you & I have a new favorite drinking game.  :yesnod: :cheers:

I know!!!   :cheers:   It's a shame I stopped drinking.  :P

Brock Lee

Quote from: 69wannabe on September 22, 2014, 02:17:29 PM
I found a pic that was taken of the deck lid that has hollyrock body shop on it and it looks like it's the flame red. I don't remember looking close at it to see if it had any metallic in it since V2 hemi has that fine metallic in it and flame red does not.

Correct. There was no metallic content in any of the orange paint samples from the first 3 cars. They were all the same color.

Mike DC

Just a suggestion here . . . .


'Vette Orange Flame, with more red & black in it, right?  

Look at GM Hugger Orange.  That is the best "near Corvette Flame orange but redder & darker" example that I can think of, at least among the commonly used orange muscle car shades.  And IIRC there is no metallic in it.

So you could try just mixing those two colors (Corvette Flame & Hugger) together in round-numbered amounts until you come up with something that looks right.  I imagine the greater part of the mix would be the Vette color with a smaller portion of Hugger orange added.

Will it be precisely 10,000% accurate?  No.  But it might be able to approach the margin-of-error on this deal and you'd have a very simple & repeatable formula when the smoke clears.  

Of course you could try to match it in a more precise way like they did for the LEE1 resto.  But look at the big picture.  We're talking about starting with hand-mixed cheap paint.  30+ years of weathering.  Having a computer read the shade.  Converting the computer's decision to a modern urethane paint formula.  Mixing the modern paint and spraying it onto a car.  That's a lot of margins-of-error we're talking about.  All those MOE's are getting multipled together.  Doing this the hard way does not necessarily ensure you a better result than some easier way. 


Brock Lee

Yes. The recipe shows significantly more red and enough different black to pay attention to.

I spoke to Don about this. I told him I remembered my grandfather going and buying paint in the late 70's and early 80's. I watched these guys mix it. It was nothing like today with computer color matching. Don told me

"Color matching by eye is a lost art. Back in those days a body shop was often defined by their ability to accurately color match repairs. When you found a guy that could color match, you held on to him."

The point of this is when you went to a shop and had paint mixed, if you were not color matching they just dispensed the proper volumes of pigments that were manually weighed to follow the recipe as prescribed according to their paint books. Then it was fine tuned by eye dropping in pigments until it was right. If you were painting a whole car, they didn't bother color matching. It wasn't necessary.  The accuracy was nothing at all like today and people forget that.

It is still my opinion the color was intended to be Flame Red, but due to the hand mixing, maybe the tweaking, it ended up just different enough to not be a direct match. There HAD to be a reason why the Georgia crew used Flame red. But on the other hand, Larry West didn't use the exact same colors on the roof paints. It is possible the California crew was not communicating with the Georgia crew and they had to figure this stuff out on their own.


Isn't the restored LEE1 the closest you'll get today, considering that, as mentioned,  the original pieces have weathered and aged 35years? Scanning those will likely not be accurate anyway. So, why not just duplicate the color on todays LEE1? The trying to replicate work has already been done.
"And another thing, when I gun the motor, I want people to think the world is coming to an end." - Homer Simpson

1969 Charger, 383, Q5/V1W, A35, H51, N88,  numbers match (under restoration)

Mike DC

The restored LEE1 was shot with the same cheap paint as it was originally.  Hand-mixed and fading fast. 

Look at it this way:

If you're building a copy of an original body part that measures 12.138 inches long, and the original had a margin of error of +/- half an inch, there is something to be said for going with 12.00" instead of 12.138".  Get my drift?  You're chasing precision on something that never originally had it.  And you never know when a round number might make your life easier down the road. 

Besides, the original may have been dreamed up with a round number in mind anyway.  If you find something built at 12.138" (and if it doesn't have some other obvious reason for that dimension), it stands to reason they probably started out with 12.00" in mind at some stage of the building process.  For all we know, the original 36yo paint on LEE1 might have even been several gallons of Corvette Flame & Hugger orange thrown together.  They were spraying 3 cars with the same stuff and it was a very quick & dirty prop-car job.  (Have you ever heard the backstory behind Richard Petty's "Petty blue"?) 


Nightprowel: I'm just curious, I know you're collecting all this data, but I want point do you start building a LEE1 replica? That itself could take years depending on what you start with, and the paint color will not be the first priority. These cars are not getting less rare or less expensive. Collecting the correct parts for Chargers, and specifically LEE1, is not always easy either (correct vintage vector wheels, cb, etc). Will you be building a 383 Charger, like LEE1 was/is?

Most of LEE1 is stock Charger stuff anyway, so could start a build now as you collect the data for LEE1.
"And another thing, when I gun the motor, I want people to think the world is coming to an end." - Homer Simpson

1969 Charger, 383, Q5/V1W, A35, H51, N88,  numbers match (under restoration)


As far as the hugger orange goes I had some in a a paint can from a 69 camaro i had and used it to paint some touch up in my engine bay around my shock tower where brake fluid took off the paint on 69 hemi orange charger and you could not tell the difference. So it is very close.
1969 Charger  Orange /black top  (1989) 360 engine stock with added xtreme comp cam and a 4 bbl  , 904 trans/shift kit , 8-1/4 rear.. with general lee accents.