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1st it was road rage, now it is cell phone/Ipad rage

Started by hemi68charger, January 15, 2014, 10:11:42 AM

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Sorry Cooter, you wasted your time writing that because I'm not going to bother reading it. You have control issues and a lot of angst toward other people (rich, yankees, bosses, cheap people, and on and on). You are obviously set in your ways and there's no point in offering a different point of view. I'm just glad I never drive in your neck of the woods.

I don't have time to go into the other part of this topic (electronic devices). I do notice that most of the time when someone is driving erratically or can't keep a speed that they are screwing around on their phone.

FYI: I own the web domains and Sounds like maybe there would be a few people interested if I get them up and running. Right after the 68 and Daytona registries of course!

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Quote from: moparjohn on January 18, 2014, 08:05:22 PM
Lord Warlock, I'd love to buy you a beer!  IMO prius's should never be in the fast lane, EVER. (flame on whoever wants to, LOL) I live in Central NJ, and the worst left lane dicks (a local name) are the Pa. commuter people.  They drive in the left at the same speed as the right lane, unexceptable!!, They will not speed up, move over, nothing.  They are totally unaware.  Then, when you try and get around them on the right, they speed up, beep their horn, or give you the bird.  I have no patience for slow drivers in the fast lane. 
   And as cell/smart/I phomes go, please don't use them when you are in my store being checked out at the counter.  I have given you my attention and respect, please give me yours in return. John

Hey MoparJohn...that's funny because around here we feel the same way about Jersey drivers!  :lol: you see a NJ plate youre in for a headache. :nana:
wingless now, but still around.


Quote from: Troy on January 19, 2014, 10:11:44 AM
Sorry Cooter, you wasted your time writing that because I'm not going to bother reading it. You have control issues and a lot of angst toward other people (rich, yankees, bosses, cheap people, and on and on). You are obviously set in your ways and there's no point in offering a different point of view. I'm just glad I never drive in your neck of the woods.

I don't have time to go into the other part of this topic (electronic devices). I do notice that most of the time when someone is driving erratically or can't keep a speed that they are screwing around on their phone.

FYI: I own the web domains and Sounds like maybe there would be a few people interested if I get them up and running. Right after the 68 and Daytona registries of course!


Then why post at all? Obviously, by your response, you read every word, and by your response, you clearly know I have a point, and refuse to "Debate" it any further. Ok, So be it. Set in my ways? No, but I will offer a counter argument. So Because my views are different than the "Majority" [Ghoste? WTF are you?] I'm the one  having  "Control issues"? No wonder why the other sites call your a "Clique site.

In "Honor" of All Yankee Road Rage driver's driving 15-25 MPH over posted limit through Va; I think I'll take the ole General Lee out for a 5 mph over in the left lane cruise today....Hope to see ya'll out there. Drive safe now, and "Keep it 'tween the ditches".
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Quote from: Cooter on January 19, 2014, 10:22:19 AM
Quote from: Troy on January 19, 2014, 10:11:44 AM
Sorry Cooter, you wasted your time writing that because I'm not going to bother reading it. You have control issues and a lot of angst toward other people (rich, yankees, bosses, cheap people, and on and on). You are obviously set in your ways and there's no point in offering a different point of view. I'm just glad I never drive in your neck of the woods.

I don't have time to go into the other part of this topic (electronic devices). I do notice that most of the time when someone is driving erratically or can't keep a speed that they are screwing around on their phone.

FYI: I own the web domains and Sounds like maybe there would be a few people interested if I get them up and running. Right after the 68 and Daytona registries of course!


Then why post at all? If you bothered to write your manifesto, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt by reading it, but you feel your better than I? WTF is that kinda holier than thou attitude? Set in my ways? No, but I will offer a counter argument. So Because my views are different than the "Majority" {Ghostew? WTF are you?] I'm the one that is clearly having some sorta "Control issues"? No wonder why the other sites call your a "Clique site.
I posted mainly because you were throwing out opinions disguised as facts. I try to avoid most of these topics because its a losing battle to argue opinions. I stated that Ohio has a law that says you can't impede traffic and most states that I've been in have signs directing slower traffic to move to the right. Yes, speeding is illegal. I don't think anyone disagrees. Is it any more illegal than blocking traffic and brake checking other cars? No! A speeding car (reasonable - not 150) in a clear lane is much less dangerous than a slow car in high speed traffic. I can pull up the statistics if you want - but if you can't possibly entertain an alternative point of view then it's really not worth the time and effort.

I like discussions that offer different perspectives. At times I learn something new (so it's always worth it) and change my point of view. However, I'm only going to take someone seriously if they can base their argument on tangible facts. Otherwise, I'll poke fun at them. Yeah, it's juvenile but I have a low tolerance for that sort of thing. Tell me "I've changed that part on 1,000 different cars and in every case it was because of an inferior seal" and I'm much more likely to value your opinion than if you say "that company makes nothing but garbage" with nothing to back it up.

My "control issues" comment? It's based on a lot of statement you've made but think about it in this discussion. You purposely block cars on the highway because you think they should be doing something different. Do they try to change your behavior? I think so only if they ride up on your bumper and flash their lights/honk the horn. If they go around you've "won" and it makes you feel better. Congratulations! You sound even happier if you can keep them from going around at all. Why? Do you feel defeated if you have to move over and let the other driver go on speeding? It sounds that way. In that mindset, you will never accept any other point of view. I know because I do it myself in some instances - but only after I've looked at the alternatives and picked the best. I'm more swayed by evidence than feelings (I'm an analyst after all).

Uh, yeah, cliques... don't get me started. Thanks for the laugh!

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.


Hey FJ5, it wasn't me! :shruggy: I keep the flow....flowing.  MPJ, and I'm not too proud to be passed by faster traffic either. If one would ever come along, (JK)
Happiness is having a hole in your roof!

Lord Warlock

There is different driving rules for 4 lane roads in town, or around the city, and 4 lane highways or interstates.  5mph over is perfectly acceptable within the city or suburbs, I don't drive fast in suburbia, maybe 5 over or 10 over, the goal is to avoid tickets and get where i'm going, but on interstates the rules are different, the lanes are wider, the pavement is ultra smooth compared to elsewhere and its designed to support higher speeds.  Many states are willing to concede that artificial speed limits of 55 or even 70 are well below what the road itself could easily support, and yes limits are generally set based on expected traffic levels.  But obviously you haven't driven on Interstate 10 across florida, we have almost no changes in elevation, almost no turns, and the only thing to look at is pine trees on both sides of the road.  Right now the state is contemplating increasing the limits to 75 or 80, since 90% of the drivers are driving at or above those speeds anyway.  Even those in the right lane.  Speed helps me focus on what i'm doing, the longer i'm on the road, the faster i tend to go.  

20 years ago, if brake checked I'd probably return the favor, but today I'm much more likely to wait for the opportunity and get past you when the right lane opens up, if you speed up to block I'll downshift and get in front, even a determined road hog can't keep people from passing if they really want to. Not without sideswiping the car.  You won't be passing me again if you're still maintaining your 5mph comfy speed.  About the only people driving 5mph over are unmarked highway patrol officers, who dare others to pass them. I'm perfectly willing to ride behind an officer of the law for 20 miles, not many drive much further in one direction or another.  I will however pass them doing 5 over the limit if they are riding at the limit, unless they are driving in pairs blocking both lanes.  If they want to ticket me, I'll take the ticket.  And I'm not one of those that gives cops a hard time for doing their job, if pulled over, i'm respectful and courteous, its a hard job they do and they don't need a lippy driver to add to their wonderful afternoon.  I've also never contested any ticket i've gotten, never gone to court, I believe i deserve the ticket if caught, just won't like paying the rediculous fines they have today, it was one thing when a ticket was 40.00 its another when its 300.    

Regardless of what your opinions on speeding are, I will still respect any advice you give on the site regarding mechanics, tuning or other areas I'm looking for.  We all have different opinions and I would expect LEOs to have a more conservative view on that topic than the rest of us.  I personally don't suffer from road rage, I know the car i'm driving has the potential to get past any car i want to, and if i can't I don't deserve to be out front anyway.  My driving is usually very controlled, and only rarely will I make a risky lane change where clearance could become an issue.  I'm sure you expect everyone to use blinkers all the time too, and stop completely at every stop sign.  It all depends on what the road conditions are, and how heavily congested traffic is that determines how i will drive.  Usually yes i'm going faster than others but it isn't reckless its controlled.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.