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Could the lady at the storage facility really have done this?

Started by RECHRGD, July 03, 2012, 03:21:36 PM

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Quote from: HPP on July 03, 2012, 05:19:29 PM
However, if they did do it that way and you went to court to prove it was done illegally, your car would still be gone and there would be no recourse to get it back.
what about those stolen cars being returned to former owners after 30 years? i'd assume the storage hunters would have registered at the auction, so they'd know who bought it.

Mike DC

Legally having the right to get your car back is one thing.  

Actually getting it back, without spending thousands of dollars on the legal process . . . that's something else.  


F**k it.  My car stays in front of my apartment.  No remote storage for us...


I know some of you have no other option but I just couldn't sleep nights knowing it was in a storage facility or out on the street.

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.

Bob T

Definetly sounds strange that the new manager could'nt or didnt try to access any records, I'd look for other storage pronto... :Twocents:

I used to store an old 61 Station wagon years ago at a friends sister Adele's pad for a big bottle of Jim Beam a month, pretty good deal. Only was there for a few months until I got a flat with a garage, the next guy behind me Chris that I knew as well stored a 71 Ford Falcon ute there.
One morning he went around to get it on a weekday and it was running behind the garage door. When he opened the garage door he saw the exhaust pipe had been joined with vaccuum cleaner hose and put in the window and Adele's part time b/f had topped himself the selfish prick. Apparently he owed people money and could'nt pay.
Pretty tough on her but Chris who owned the ute was upset too cause this lemon had well, killed the vibe of owning a cool ute. He sold it not long after
Old Dog, Old Tricks.


QuoteThen a lady walks up and says she's the new live-in manager of the place and wants to know when I'm going to pay my bill.  I told her that it is set up as an auto pay to my credit card and it shows up on every monthly statement.  She says "well we show no payment for the last 12 months and were about to cut the lock and sell the contents.

Been storing automobiles and motorcycles for years in similar storage facilities (w/ auto-pay)... I'd be extremely upset at this idiot manager and her ridiculous comments.
Unless your contract states differently, the storage facility must make several attempts to contact you via phone and mail within the predetermined time frame after payment expiration. The twelve month absence of payment alone appears suspicious because most storage facilities act within 60-90 days of nonpayment.

Your monthly credit card statement is proof payment was made.
Most contracts have an information field for a secondary contact in case you're hospitalized, incarcerated, called for military duty, etc. Was their an attempt made to contact anyone else?

I'd consider moving out of there, but first compose a letter and send it 'registered receipt' to their corporate office explaining the circumstances of this event and the statements made by that Manager. Worst case scenario, you're get a couple months of complimentary storage.

One last thing, confirm your classic car insurance carrier has all information pertaining to this facility;pics of storefront signage, stall #, CCTV cameras, gates, etc.


I think I would have to seriously think about getting my car out of there...........
69 charger 383 t5, 67 newport 383, 67 newport custom 383


The matter that's truly unnerving is that even if you, the owner is in the right and it can be verified that proper payments have been made, what do you do once the car is already gone?  It could be all the way in Iraq for all you know.  Of course, I wouldn't go a week without laying hands on my car, but that's just me.  I'm sure plenty of people stash their cars and don't touch them for months at a time...

Silver R/T

Once I was offered to have car stored at my place, I wasn't gonna get involved in it-too much responsibility for someone else's car. I don't store my things at other people's either, don't want to get burned.

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722

model maker

RECHRGD , I would check your unit more often and somehow rig someing inside your unit in order to detect anyone unauthorized going inside. I would put a thin piece of clear scotch tape low down on  the seams on your doors, trunk & hood to see if anyone opened any of them. If so, then you have someone interested in  getting their hands on your car and using the non payment excuse was their way of trying to do just that. had she even touched your property or sold your car, she could be arrested for felony vehicle theft. She ( they ) would really regret it if they were tried in my court.     You have your credit card payments as proof however, I would check with your CC company to make absolutely sure the payments are being made to that storage unit. computer glitch my A$$ it seems like you arrived just in time.  I bet she may have  already sold other peoples property with the so called glitch, maybe the prior manager did not keep accurate records , or at least this is what they will claim. 

Chad L. Magee

I did exactly that (tape the door) to a chemical safe in my teaching laboratory and caught someone "visiting" that was unauthorized to do so.  (very long story)  At the same time, I randomly marked certain containers with GPS indicators to prevent unlawful moving of said materials, but I don't think that would work well with your situation though.  The other thing is to either set up a motion active camara system (wireless downloads to internet) or a silent pager alarm if the door is opened on the car.  It won't stop them, but it might tell you who was there and when for the police to get involved...
Ph.D. Metallocene Chemist......

model maker

How fast could you get there IF you had an alarm alert ? No one belongs in your unit but you period, it is yours, you paid for it. Do they know WHAT you have in there or did the lady leave before you opened the door ? It is a good thing you went by there when you did because once your car goes missing it will be relocated fast because whoever bought it would know OR SHOULD know if they are buying up storage units that it was an illegal sale and would probably get as much fast cash as they could and you would be without your car.


The new manager is a moron that has been given a little bit of power and wants to jack someone up.  With that said, I'd move the car to a more professional establishement.  I don't think a reputable storage facility would be a bad place to keep your car, but, you might want to send a registered letter a couple times a year confirming your contact info.  That would make it pretty tough for anyone to "legally" steal your car.

Mike DC

Quoteyou might want to send a registered letter a couple times a year confirming your contact info.  That would make it pretty tough for anyone to "legally" steal your car.

Good idea.  A cheap easy way to improve your legal case if there's trouble later on. 



It's just too bad they weren't legally required to send YOU a registered letter when they were going to take your stuff.


Quote from: Ghoste on July 07, 2012, 09:06:10 AM
It's just too bad they weren't legally required to send YOU a registered letter when they were going to take your stuff.

I think they are.  (See moron in previous post.)


  Find a well run facility and move the car. I searched for 3 months and then waited another 2 for an opening to store my car. They A: allowed me to work on my car and B: were car oriented kinda folks, understanding. I ALWAYS paid in person and got a receipt, maintaining a face to face relationship and took a few min. to check my car and the area/facility. Over the years I got to know a few of my neighbors personally and we watched over each others units. New management took over and at first I was apprehensive but they turned out fine. 
  Upon repairing the car and driving out for the last time to bring the car home for use they all came out and wished me the best of luck, sad to see me go! There's no reason storing the car should be any kind of issue, they should WANT you and proud you have chosen them to use!
  I ended up spending a lot of money on storage but the car was safe and did not deteriorate waiting for me to get to it. I made trusted friends over the years to boot.     :Twocents:


Well, like I said earlier, we got it squared away.  I think what it really came down to was that she was new at the job and being overly aggressive when she thought she had found a deadbeat storage tenant.  There are other cars in this facility and have never been any problems that I'm aware of.  When really thinking about it, if they were after my car, why confront me about nonpayment in the first place?  Their purpose would be better served by not saying anything.  She was apologetic once she confirmed that the payments were up to date.  There has never been any indication that the lock has been tampered with or that anybody has been looking at the car.  Yes, there are other storage places around, but like others have said, I don't know that I would be any better off than where I am now.  I do check on the car regularly if not driving it and it spends the winter months with me in my temperature controlled shop up on a 4 post lift.  Until they decide to pave the last three miles of road to my ranch (never happen) I'll be utilizing one storage facility or another during the cruising season.  I'll keep a close eye on things and if get any feeling that I'm at risk, the car will definitly go elsewhere.  Thank you for all the concerns and comments.    Bob
13.53 @ 105.32


Just park it at my Farm. I promise to only drive it once a month. :icon_smile_big:


Sounds like it's worked out Bob.  :2thumbs: Now she knows you and your situation. FYI my place ALWAYS put a second lock on the unit the day you were late blocking access so you couldn't take your stuff. This gave you warning something was wrong right away.  :scratchchin:  

Steve P.

Yes, the way B5 explains it is the norm for around here, but MANY MISTAKES are made by these storage places all the time.. Many years ago we sold 1 house and bought another. The new house did not have room yet for my shop, so I put everything into a large storage unit. After about 4 months of going in and out grabbing hardware and such, I drive up to the gate and tap in my code and the gate doesn't open. Of course it was after MANAGERS HOURS, so I couldn't readily fix the issue or get in. As I started backing up another car pulls in. A quick chat with the peeps in that car and we were both in.. I drive around to my storage locker and find a second lock on my unit... GRRRRRrrrrrrrrr... I was PISSSSSSSSSED!!!!!! 

Monday morning I call there to find out WTF is going on. The woman that managed when I moved in was gone. A new woman was there and said: I am the new manager and I am not going to take any shit from people like you that do not pay your F-ing bills..... I hung up. Jumped into my truck and went to see this _ _ _ _ face to face... She DID NOT LIKE OUR MEETING.. I had my rental agreement and receipt showing that I had paid for a YEAR IN ADVANCE. I was given a month for free at the end for paying in advance to boot!! After showing her my paperwork and getting the additional lock removed, she still had not apologized for her nastiness. 

Once back home I called the company that owns the storage and many others. I was handed off to a few people and then asked if I would mind being taped. I told them exactly what happened and gave my receipt number and about a week later I received a new rental agreement and 6 months of my rent money back along with a well written apology from the company.. A week or so later I was headed through the gate again and a guy on a golf cart pulled up and introduced himself as the NEW MANAGER.... Great guy and I still see him around the place cleaning up...

MORAL:  Even at home things happen, but under someone else's roof, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!!!!   :eek2:
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Quote from: Cooter on July 03, 2012, 03:30:47 PM
Like I stated in another thread....NEVER park your car at someone else's place..NEVER works out in your favor. YES, she could and most DO sell off the contents if you actually haden't paid the bill... However, I would think she'd be liable if she sold the contents based on a mistake ....

Well said.

I have a buddy that was storing the interior of his car (not a Charger) in a storage unit while he worked on it. The same "mistake" happened. They auctioned off the contents of his unit. They corrected it by giving him "market value" for his parts, which were all customized.. Long story short, he lost his shirt... If it's not your own garage, DO NOT KEEP YOUR PROPERTY THERE, you are at someone else's mercy...