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What happen to me 3 years ago while doing model building..

Started by MoparManJim, September 28, 2010, 02:20:57 AM

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After what TheGhost just posted about, he reminded me alot of what had happen to me back in 2007. Back in 2007 around this time of year to be honest. My aunt had just lost a old friend of hers as the person was a family relative. Well at the time I didn't have a car and I was getting rides back an forth.. well my aunt called me that day around 5PM to let me know she was going with her other friend up to the funeral as it was up in Oil City. I'm back at my place working on some modeling and also trying to do so hinging of paneling as well, and I been from 4Pm that day doing good at scribing the lines down with the xecto knife and then lightly folding the paneling and it would easy snap. I loaned my saw to my other cousin. Well I got down to the last piece of paneling but the door.. it was a small piece, but I had to make at least 3 scribes in different directions. By this time it was around 7:30PM and dark out side.. my aunt at this time was in Oil City. I figure I would take and get that last small piece of paneling cut and hang and done with. I scribe the first line (the long ways) and snapped the panel nice.. I then scribe the other line (the small direction one) and snap the paneling again nice. I scribe the other long ways line  and tried to snap it and at no do, so I figure I didn't scribe it hard enough so I make afew laps. Now each time I scribed it I would always go in the pulling it from me direction so that if anything happen I wouldn't get tagged. Well I try to once again to snap the panel and net it starts to fold alittle and then nothing.. okay I'm thinking I didn't push hard enough last time. So as I start from the far end and get to the center the xecto knife gets pinched alittle in the wood. well I start to wiggle the handle back an forth and the knife started to move along again and then it becomes stuck again. Now I'm thinking of all those times I have scribed lines and open things up on models and this is the first time a piece of wood is given me grief. So I take and pull hard away from me on the handle. My right hand goes fast away from me with the handle in my hand and I'm thinking I finally got the panel cut. When I look close at the handle I notice the blade is missing.  

I look down and see the blade is still yet stuck in the paneling yet.. then a red drop hits the paneling as I had my right hand hovering 12 inches over the area where the blade was at. I look to see where it came from. I then notice that my right hand was slice real good from the bottom of my pointer finger middle bending joint all the way up the side and around the knuckle! I reach out for the paper towers and get a sheet off the roll. I wrap my finger up as it's bleeding. I set down on the sofa (go ahead and make a joke about it) with the roll of paper towels. Now with my cousin at a gun club meeting and my aunt up in Oil City, and my friends are not home either, and with me being hardcore as I am from always getting slice and dice while working on the charger. I decide I would take the matters into my own hands  :lol: . I get up and go into the kickhen and easy remove the paper towels as by now the bleed has stop. I take and easy start to wash my hand off, I see where the slice is located at and I think at first it's not bad. Well I see the skin towards the top sided area as been rolled under as the slice was a nice cut.. so I start to do the unrolling and I notice the cut went deeper. Now knowing me  :shruggy: I just have to find out how deep it is.. lets just say I nick my finger bone, and I also had a smaller cut on my finger muscle over on the other side down side of my knuckle which I have no idea how that happen at all. I did get a good look at how the inside of my finger and knuckle area works though as I made sure while I was looking I moved my finger up and down to make sure no small particles of the end of the excto blade was in there. That would have been my luck back then not look and then find out later I had some, so this way i looked to make double dang sure.  

After I got things back in line, it was around 8:30PM and my aunt said she would call around 9PM so I had to work fast  :lol:. I grabbed the super glue, sawing thread and some tape. I sent down and went to work. After I did that I got back up and finish cutting the paneling and got that done as well. 9PM rolled in and around 9:05 my aunt called and as we got talk as she was on her way back from Oil City when she called me. Her friend and her was going to stop at the gas station in town and I ask her if she could get me a box a bandaids. She ask me what happen  :lol:, well I didn't hide from her, I told her what happen and told her note to worry as I had everything well under control but just needed some bandaids was all. Well she started to worry but not much though sense I told her I was okay. The next day which was a weekend she came right down as she was worried about what I had said the night before. I showed her my hand. Like I told her, I was so use to getting slice and dice from time to time while working on the charger that this cut was really nothing in my book.. to me it was just another cut that happen. About a week later I was over helping her friend out on building a porch for a old lady.. which sadly the old lady past away just one night after I had completed the porch for her  :icon_smile_dissapprove: .  

But anyways, here is afew photos of my mishap from back in 2007.  

Now the light pink area is where the skin was rolled back under at that I had to unroll. If you look close in the bottom photos you might be available to see a like a hair line going down under the middle joint.. that is the cut line scare.


I came close afew times sense then while working on model builds where I would get concentrated on the project that I would come real close at times from mishaps. So close that I could feel the air off the blade!  :o , and I would think to myself "that was to close for my confort".


Mate I work with extremely sharp knives and scalpels all day long in my window tinting business so I know how easy it is to tag yerself.
It makes me cringe every time I think about the damage you can easily do.
Worse time was when I placed my tools on the back seat of a brand new car while I was tinting the rear screen, then proceeded to sit on the scalpel  :o
Stuck right into me and deep.
Just as well there was still the clear plastic covers on the seat with the amount of blood there was.
Doctor said it just missed my kidney by a whisker......
Gotta love a '69


I used to build models when I was in my teens (over a 100 of them). And I cut my right thumb so much, it got to the point I'd cut myself, and not even know it. Then I'd be sitting there wondering why the part was red when I painted it another color. Til I realized I cut my thumb again :P  Ah, the days of orange scented glue in a poorly vented room :lol:

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


I almost passed out just reading your post, there's NO WAY I could handle that man. :2thumbs:


Quote from: Chargen69 on September 28, 2010, 04:35:02 PM
I almost passed out just reading your post, there's NO WAY I could handle that man. :2thumbs:

I'm sorry about that man. Well lets just put it this way, if I didn't handle it back then I would have not been here today. I hit one tiny vain that ran along the side of my finger, you see I always tought myself before and after both of my parents past away that I had to deal with things on my own no matter how the issue was in. I figure what the hospital could do for me I could do myself. By the way, just so you all know, it wasn't the sharp end of the blade that got me back then, it was the square end that goes into the excto handle that got me.. yes even that part is still sharp enough to do damage. Like I said before, I'm a hardcore person  :lol:


Quote from: doctor4766 on September 28, 2010, 06:20:35 AM
Mate I work with extremely sharp knives and scalpels all day long in my window tinting business so I know how easy it is to tag yerself.
It makes me cringe every time I think about the damage you can easily do.
Worse time was when I placed my tools on the back seat of a brand new car while I was tinting the rear screen, then proceeded to sit on the scalpel  :o
Stuck right into me and deep.
Just as well there was still the clear plastic covers on the seat with the amount of blood there was.
Doctor said it just missed my kidney by a whisker......

Ouch! that had to have hurted like he11 when you set down on it. You came close my friend about your kidney.. and they are one of your main body parts also. 


Quote from: TruckDriver on September 28, 2010, 12:08:46 PM
I used to build models when I was in my teens (over a 100 of them). And I cut my right thumb so much, it got to the point I'd cut myself, and not even know it. Then I'd be sitting there wondering why the part was red when I painted it another color. Til I realized I cut my thumb again :P  Ah, the days of orange scented glue in a poorly vented room :lol:

You post to cut the plastic... not your thumb, didn't you know the difference. I know what you mean though I do that from time to time but I don't go deep I just nick the skin is all and don't even realize it it until later on. It would make you wounder when you have a part one color and then all a sudden it turns to another color. I started out back in 1987 building models and around 1995 I change over from using kid glue (model glue) to using the good stuff (super glue) and been with it ever sense. I only work with one kind also and nothing else.. and it doesn't have no odor to it either. 




I built 100's of models also as a kid.  I remember the strong smell of the glue and worked in a closed room with no ventilation.  I'd like to believe I'm not brain dead.  :eek2:  I have great taste in car design so something up there still works.
This car was sold many years ago to somebody in Wisconsin. I now am retired and living in Florida.