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acetone increases MPG?

Started by Stormhammer, September 09, 2005, 10:41:46 PM

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Chryco Psycho

My friend is closely logging his milage now & seems to think he is getting 10% better with acetone possibly more , , I will have better results shortly but it definatly looks like it works

Chryco Psycho


Before I go sticking shit down the throat of my engine...I, like so many others would probably like to see some credentials of this guy and his affiliated website. I cant find any. Ive looked, but not in total debth. However, the things I do see, appear to be credable. They are however challenging some huge topics that have everything against them. Such as hydrogen and ethenol being bad and stuff like that. Then I see a link to what boils down to them claiming a perpetual engine...and I qoute them:

"10. Thermal Efficiency (Carnot Cycle) is only a fraction of the total energy carried in your fuel. It is broken up like this: engine pumping losses, engine friction, chamber heat transfered to engine components, wasted fuel past the rings, wasted fuel out the exhaust and torque output. A diesel (constant pressure) might get 35-percent TE while a gasoline engine (constant volume) could get 20 to 25-percent TE. It is all about heat and how much heat gets turned into torque to move the vehicle. The perfect Carnot Engine in theory can get but 61-percent TE. That is the maximum possible from a piston-type internal combustion engine. We can easily boost TE by several percent with the methods given freely in"

The first thing you learn in any physics class is that a perpetual engine is impossible. However, the above qoute prooves they have knowledge on that concept. I thought I caught them in a situation...but they pulled threw.

Im personally going to talk to some credable sources, because stuff like this you cant trust...especially ccoming off the internet. But I will say this...from an educated background in direct relations to this, its sounds legit. But again, I havent looked far in depth.