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famous last words ( watch this)

Started by mally69, May 18, 2006, 09:22:59 PM

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well im only 20 and me and my grandad restored a 69 charger an R/T car   but the only thing is i had to pay for everything took us 3 years well it  has a built 440  and i was crusing indiana with my cousin and decided to drive through the main campus at IUP becuse my cousin goes there plus all those hot girls running around ,  well anyway this little blue WRX comes up behind me  revvin the H  out of his car so he follows us around about 5 turns  onto a SINGLE lane ONEWAY street that was about a total lenght of 800 feet so i punched the gas for about 2 seconds to gain about a few car lengths between us  becuase he was way to close   well any way he was about 8 car lengths behind me  and i came down to a 10 mph cruise  and i look in my rear view mirror  here he comes, flew past me about took the entire side of my car off   and i just let him go becuase the street we were on was only about 700 ft  left until the end  plus i respected what me and old pup  built which was the charger    well  at the end of the street was a stop light at a 5 way intersection and do you guys think he even attempted to slow down    he never even touched his brakes whent straight throught hit a van with the side and hit a telephone pole about 5 feet in the air head on  right in the middle of the intersection        well i pulled up to the light and i did the wrong thing  i looked and  just left and whent on my 45 min ride home   no one followed me or got my plate that i know of  but it wasnt 2 hours later here come the sheriff down the drive way   

well i the kid driving the WRX is ok      from what i was told but was life flighted      the driver of the van was a little shook up i guess but was fine   

and yea me and my cousin cuaght H for just leaving but we were told that we were NOT  TO BLAME   after all the investigation was done with
sorry it such a long story but i thought id share this with you guys   my grandpa told me that the most famous last words  usually end in  ( watch this )  i just assume thats what this kid was thinking to himself before he wrecked  he is 23yr/old from the newspaper report  

do you guys have anything similar to this story  ??? ??? ??? ???   


Well this was a long time ago and I hope I'm a little smarter now.

A buddy and I both worked 2nd shift, when we got off work we would have a few beers and stuff. Of course this would be while we were driving around. On this night we left my 74 Charger home and took his Bacaruda. We don't even recall where we were exactly that night now, but it was just starting to flurry for the first time of the season. We're just driving along minding our own business when a early eighties Monte Carlo starts messing with us. We are on a winding back road in the light snow when he passes us. Of course we start following him at a higher than safe speed. All of a sudden he loses it on a corner and starts bouncing off of trees on both sides of the road. My clearest memory of the night was his T-tops blowing off of the car upon impact. My buddies car took one small hit to the passengers side before we got the car stopped. We thought he was dead, when all of a sudden he comes popping out of the car ! He runs over jumps in the back seat and says GO GO ! He is s**tfaced,and wants to report the car stolen so he doesn't get screwed. Long story short, we drop him off somewhere all bloodied up so he can make his phone call. After dropping him off we realized we lost a hub cap at the scene. We tried to find the accident site but we intentionally tried to get ourselves lost when we went on these excursions.
We never got any visits or phone calls regarding the incident. We have no idea if he got away with it or not.
1973 Charger


A friend and I were in his grandpa's 66 1/2 mustang that was MINT. We were minding out own business when a Z28 came up picking a fight he knew he could win. We punch it he does too and we kept up for a min then he was leaving us fast. Get to the top of the hill and there are 2 cops chating  :o and I know we made there day!! We go up and around a curve and my friend locks it up we come to a screatching halt and he turns down a street and I notice he doesnt have the lights on. At this point I am so scared I dont know what to do. The cops pass right by us and we go back the other way and go through town to his house. We thought everything was great til a friend said they had state police and local police looking for a 66 mustang due to 2 cars running and one crashed and got hurt, nothing life threating. We went out driving around in a truck and sure enough we counted about 20-30 cops around town. We pulled up and ask one cap at a gas station what was going on and he told us how 2 guys racing were doing 120-130 mph (ya right!! ::) more like 80-90) and passed 2 cops and if we saw a older mustang to please let them know.
69 440 RT matching.. mostly original!


WAY back in the day, I had a '73 Dart Sport 340 with 2.73 gears in it.  It was a pig off the line, but once you got it wound up, there was just no catching it.

One evening, I'm cruising to town (about 30 miles away) with some friends when I came upon a jacked up '69 Mustang that was obviously built for the quarter mile.  He's cruising along at about 50 MPH so when a passing zone came up, I went around him.  Didn't blow him away, rev the engine or anything like that.  It was just a normal pass like any other.

A few checks of the mirror later (I'm going 60 MPH) and he soon dissapears out of sight and I don't give him another thought.  I'm just kicking back and enjoying a night out with my friends and having a good time.

About 5 miles further on, the road goes up a steep hill before breaking out into 4 lanes.  I'm still cruising about 60 MPH when I happen to look in the mirror and out of nowhere was that '69 Mustang trying to climb into my trunk!

I nudge one of my friends and tell him to check out the rear view as it looks like someone wants to play.  He knows my car and he gets this big grin on his face and says, "Do it."

I hold my speed just the same, pretending I don't see him while I wait for the 4 lanes.  As we crest the top of the hill and the road opens up, I drop the 727 into second gear and you could hear both 4 barrels kick at the same time (his and mine).

The Mustang hits the fast lane and gets his front bumper even with my drivers door.  From there, you would almost swear we were parked because neither of us could gain an inch on the other.  Meanwhile, the speedometer climbs well into the triple digits.

At about 125 mph (my speedo now just out of range), I'm tached out and so is the Mustang.  Neither of us has yet to gain an inch on the other!  I look back over my shoulder at the Mustang driver and you can see he is using every ounce of will power he has to push the Mustang past me but he just can't do it.

I smile at him, wave "bye-bye" and slip the 727 into third.  Soon, the Mustang is once again out of sight.

Well, at these speeds, town comes up pretty quickly and I finally whoa'd it down before hitting the stop and go lights.  The second light goes up a slight hill through a residential area, but its still four lanes.  I catch a red light and low and behold, the Mustang joins me side by side.  The driver is pissed!  He's reving his engine and jerking the car like crazy.  He wants revenge big time and knows we are now in his realm.

Well, the thing is, I know it too and I'm not stupid.  Besides, I happen to notice a familier looking white fender sticking out at the next intersection (these are very short blocks).  I smile at the Mustang driver, slip it into neutral and provide him with a few abligatory revs in response.

The light turns green and the Mustang nails it hard, launching from a standing start that would make any drag racer proud.  I on the other hand, take off like grandma going to church on Wednesday night, ready to take in the show.

Well, the Mustang blows through the next intersection at high speed (in a 25 mph zone) and before I'm even half way there, the blue lights are flashing and the sirens are whailing.

A few blocks later, there the Mustang pulled over on the side of the road with the cop standing at the drivers door.  I slowly ride by (at about 15 mph) and smile.  The Mustang driver starts yelling and cussing and waiving his fist at me.  I don't stop, but the cop is looking at me with a look on his face that says he is wondering what he missed.   :icon_smile_approve:

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
- Abraham Lincoln


haha these are good stories i wished everyone would add theirs   

comone guys   :icon_smile_big: :devil: