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426 Hemi Chicks Other Mopars

Started by 426HemiChick, March 30, 2021, 03:32:32 PM

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Hi Folks,                  07 December 2022

81 Years ago today, Pearl Harbor was bombed destroying a large portion of our Navy and thrusting the USA into World War II.

Many Americans gave their lives fighting for our country and what it stood for. Please don't forget them or what they fought for.

I was just a little shit back then, 16 months old, visiting bars with my folks, honing my beer drinking skills. Lived in Akron Ohio at the time, close to Goodyear Aircraft, makers of the Corsair Fighter, one amongst several other aircraft built there. Almost everyday a gaggle of planes would fly over our house on their way to war.

Here we are 81 years later and the world still hasn't given up its penchant for war. It's a shame the politicians who start the wars don't have to go and fight them; instead, they send you, us and our kids to do the dirty work while they sit back and rake in the spoils.

I Love my Country, but I don't have good thoughts about how our country is being run and who's running it.

Seven more days and I'll be lying on an operating table having a new hinge installed in my left peg. Have a pre-op in two days (Friday). Hope I can talk them into letting me watch the surgery. Doubt they will, but going to ask just the same. It's my leg so my bargaining point will be the parts that they remove are mine and if I can't watch, they have to return my old parts; auto repair shops have to return our car's old parts.


I checked with the Doctor you recommended in Fort Worth, he has an opening in 2024, almost two years out. With a backlog like that he has to be Good. Thanks for the recommendation.

These old hinges won't take much more abuse or last much longer. Next Wednesday is 'K Day" at the Banner Health Care Body Shop on Thunderbird Road. Actually looking forward to it, these old knees are tired and need to be retired.

Did have a couple cold days with a much needed rain. Nice and sunny with scattered clouds now. Well, it was nice and sunny. Changed before I had a chance to post this.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               09 December 2022

Well, today is first Pre-op and then five more days to the surgical table Wednesday 14 December 2022. Still going to insist on watching the surgery. It's my body and my money . . . . sort of; I have paid the insurance premiums so I should have the right to see what they do to it.

Take Care

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


You wanna watch them cut and splice?! You are a bad ass for sure! There's no farking way I'd wanna see that even on youtube :o

Anyway, good luck and good walking!


Quote from: HANDM on December 09, 2022, 01:25:21 PM
You wanna watch them cut and splice?! You are a bad ass for sure! There's no farking way I'd wanna see that even on youtube :o

Anyway, good luck and good walking!

Hi Frank,                09 December 2022

I spent about an hour writing an answer to your post. It was long and detailed. I don't know how many times I have lost all my unposted stuff on this and other sites. This seems to happen on these SMF (Simple Machine Forms) packages. I have warned myself of this fact and have told myself to write using a text editor rather than the forum itself. I fail to heed my own advice. Shame on me. What actually happened is the site cratered, was down a bit then came back up. My stuff was history.

So, I'm going to rewrite my response to your post on our Mini-Mac's text editor "Pages" which is robust and produces good PDF files and if it were't so late, I'd redo it today and post it. It'll be here sometime tomorrow. It should be an interesting post. My surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday 14 Dec 22.

Take Care Frank

Best Always

Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Frank,                  12 December 2022

Quick note: I am canceling my surgery with the Orthopedics center after they open in the morning. I reached a critical point after I had my pre-surgery checkup this past Friday. The checkup was a sham, have yet to see a doctor, just two flunky PA's, the last was the worst. Will write about it and post it here. This last asshole PA refused to answer my questions, said I had to answer his questions. I told him if I don't get what I want I'll walk out of the surgery Prep. After we left there I decided I don't trust nor like him so there is no point in continuing with him. I may just go back to Fort Worth and have it done there. I'm still able to get around, just not as well as I did 5 years ago. It will get fixed if I have to buy a "Do-It Yourself" Knee replacement Kit.

I think the fun will begin when I cancel my Surgery, Rehab and Post Op appointments all at the same time. If they ask why I'm going to give them a one word answer, the name of the Asshole PA. He's from some fourth world country somewhere. A real pushy arrogant jerk.

Take Care

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                12 December 2022

Cancellation done did! The person I was talking with is a scheduler, she was able to cancel the two week post-op and the Rehab but had to have someone higher up cancel the surgery. I told her that was fine, just make sure they know "I WILL NOT BE THERE" and then she asked why I was cancelling my surgery. I told her I couldn't pronounce it so I spelled it for her. It was the name of the jerk PA that I had the appointment with on Friday the ninth. When I was finished spelling the name her only comment was: "I understand."

Unless someone contacts me that is higher up in the organization, I consider the case closed. I believe my one word reason for the cancellation will have the intended affect. If it doesn't, as Dena says:"Karma will take care of it."

Now it's off to getting ready for Christmas. Wishing one and all a Very Blessed, Merry Christmas and A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year !!!

God Bless

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                13 December 2022

Wonders never cease. I was out with Abbie this morning when my phone rang. It was a call from the hospital where I WAS going to have my surgery tomorrow the 14th. The lady said she was calling about my review I wrote yesterday. She said it went "All the way to the Top."

I told her I was walking my pup and needed about 2 minutes to get in the house where we could talk. She said she would hold on. Got in the house and we commenced our conversation. She apologized for the clowns actions and said something will be done. Personally I hope they fire him.

She asked if I needed help in finding a new doctor and I told her I was thinking of going back to Fort Worth if I could get in there. She asked if it would be OK if she located a good doctor within their system that would take me on. I told her I would accept that as long as the jerk would not be in the same building I was in.

She arranged a new appointment at one of their new facilities not far from home. I now have a 1315 MST appointment on 21 December 2022, one week after what was my surgery day.

It's 4 days before Christmas so I know I won't have surgery before Christmas so I'll still be able to hobble around Christmas Day at our family gathering.

I'm going to post the review that got the attention of the powers to be. I will redact the names of the Hospital, Doctor and the jerk who caused it all. So here goes:


Someone from Dr. XXXXX's office called and asked us to come 30 minutes early. We arrived 45 minutes early. We spent about 10 minutes in line waiting to register. About 15 minutes later a lady came and took me in for X-Rays. That took no more than 15 minutes. I then went back to the waiting room and waited to see ZZZZZZZZZ PA for our 11:00 appointment.

That wait was over 90 minutes making us wonder why we were asked to come in early. Eventually a young lady came in to talk with us. She was quite nice and made us feel comfortable. She asked me a few questions, which I answered. I mentioned I had a list of question for the PA. I took them out of my notebook, seven pages in all. She looked them over, we discussed a few and she seemed pleased with what she saw and indicated the PA would like to see them. She then left.

Eventually we got to meet the PA. After he came into his office he introduced himself.  I told him I had questions I wanted to ask. He responded that he doesn't answer questions, he asks them.

He proceeded to ask, what appeared to me to be banal and irrelevant questions relative to my upcoming surgery. Eventually he asked what questions I had. I took out the seven pages of questions and he refused to look at them saying he didn't want to see them. I found this to be quite rude and not in the best interest of me. He then asked me what I did for a living. Told him I was an Engineer though I did not elaborate on what kind.

We got into a discussion about Anesthesia; I had made it very clear that I wanted a spinal with nerve block and no sedation, I wanted to be fully awake during the surgery and if possible to watch it. He responded I couldn't watch because there would be blood and stuff flying all over the room and I'd get splattered with it. This I know to be false, just his attempt to quell my interest in the surgery.

He then told me I'd probably have to have GA because they probably wouldn't be able to get the Spinal in, whatever that was supposed to mean. It is my belief that he was trying to intimidate me into accepting GA, which they would do without actually starting the Spinal.

He asked me what I would do if they couldn't get the spinal in; I responded: "I would walk" meaning I would walk out and not return.

The whole meeting was BS on his part, just an exercise in intimidation. He is the most disgusting and repulsive individual we have met in the medical field. I came to the conclusion I did not want him around me during the surgery and he was going to be in surgery assisting Dr. XXXXX. Maybe for your surgery, definitely not mine.

One issue I haven't mentioned is that contrary to every medical / surgical experience I have ever had, and there have been many, I always met with the doctor first. Later on there were a couple times where a PA did some of the mundane things that a Doctor doesn't need to be the person doing it.

Here at YYYYYYYY Orthopedics, I have never met the Doctor and wasn't going to meet him until just before the surgery. Not my wish as this is backwards of what I have experienced, expected and what I think it should be. I am not implying that Dr, XXXXXX is at fault here, but he should know what is going on and correct what isn't right.

I came here to Dr. XXXXXX XXXXXX because one of my Doctors said "He's the Go To Orthopedic Surgeon" in Arizona. I do not doubt that my Doctor is correct, but I could not in good conscience allow my Health and Safety to be jeopardized by the incompetence of one individual, Mr. ZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ PA.

For the record I was an Electrical, Electronic, Computer, Data Systems, Software and hardware engineer. I was also a Police Officer, a Consultant engineer to the Department of Defense for the US Navy, a Pilot and numerous other endeavors. Not your average individual.


CJ Headley


I feel relieved I will be getting the surgery I need and want. The lady I talked with was extremely nice and kind. She made me feel she and the Hospital management want the best for their patients and take complaints very seriously. The fact that I posted my review last night and received her call this morning was a complete and welcome surprise and an indication this hospital takes complaints seriously.

This has actually saved my buns from having surgery I had no say in. I'm not passive when it comes to my or my loved ones medical care nor should anyone else be passive when it comes to their health.

Take Care

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,               22 December 2022

Had my appointment with my new doctor yesterday 21 December 2022. He is a jewel, very personable, answered all of our questions. He asked about my preference for Anesthesia. I told him I wanted a spinal and no sedation. I also asked if I could watch the surgery; he said he didn't mind anyone watching him, BUT, the hospital has a policy that prohibits patients watching their own surgery. I'm not giving up on this, I do want to watch the whole procedure.

They gave me the paperwork I need to complete as my previous clearances have expired. He said the surgical scheduler will call me this week or early next week. I'm hoping I can get this done this year. I asked when he can do my right knee. He said if all goes well with the left he'll do the right at 6-8 weeks after the first. I also don't have to stop the Xarelto (anti-coagulant) until 2 days before the surgery. The original wanted me off 5 days prior.

I asked about knee selection. He uses the Stryker; I told him I'd like the Zimmer Persona. He said he could do it but has never done one of them. He's done over 7000 Stryker knees and has them down pat. I can accept that. I don't want to be a pioneer. Learned long ago to never be the first. He said the Stryker he's going to use should last me 35 Years. That'll get me to 117 years. I can accept that, just hope the rest of me cooperates.

That's it for now. Hope to know more later today. I'm in a hurry as these two pegs are failing fast.

Take care all.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Well that is sounding pretty encouraging! Sorry the last scenario didn't work out.
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: Q5XX29 on December 22, 2022, 03:52:47 AM
Well that is sounding pretty encouraging! Sorry the last scenario didn't work out.

Hi Clint,                22 December 2022

Long ago I was taught to listen to my gut feelings. I didn't have a warm fuzzy at any time with the previous crew. I have never seen that Doctor. He could be the best on this planet and I only have others opinions to go by. I have to judge him by the company he keeps at the office. In my opinion, he has two PA's that are suspect. Water over the dam, nothing worth pursuing. Just glad I didn't continue with them.

22 Dec 22 - Edited next sentence for clarity:

Should find out sometime between now and the first part of next week when my surgery is scheduled with the new Doctor.

Will keep you posted and thanks for all your help.

God Bless, Wishing You, Your Family and Josie a Very Blessed Christmas and New Year !!!!

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Totally agree on the wisdom of following your intuition.

Thank you, and right back at you with the warm holiday wishes!
dakota_gt on Instagram


Hi Folks,              23 December 2022

Got my surgery appointment today; what a let down: 07 March 2023. Seems like the doctor only does surgery one day a week. Now I wait 10 weeks and 4 days just to get one knee replaced. This is the tip of the iceberg of socialized medicine. It's just not called that . . . . yet, it's  presented as a benevolent Health Care System just for us proles.

Our choices are limited and becoming more so as big healthcare systems merge. This is almost modeled after the VA health care system. There you have no say in the doctor you see, you are assigned a doctor by some low level bureaucrat you've never seen and probably never will. It's pot luck. Chances are whoever you get, English will not be their native language.

Yeah, I sound bitchy because right now, I am. My time table is now a Train Wreck; my hope is that there will be sufficient cancellations to get this done in January. I could have stayed with the original Doctor and the left knee would have been done now for 9 days. I had zero faith and trust in that doctor and his staff, there was no way I'd let him work on me.

What is life without a few disappointments along the way. It makes successes all the more enjoyable.

Now it's off to completing some of the other projects we have been working on. One that is dear to our hearts is building homes for the feral cats that live here and hang around our house. We supply them with food and fresh water; we have started making shelters for them for when the weather get too cold and when any of the cats have a litter of kittens.

It started as kind of an experiment when we saw a couple cats lying under the small table we placed their food and water on. We have a surplus of boxes, 12" x 12" x 16", that work quite well; the cats have really taken to them. We have four in operation and 2 more ready to go. We are now going to build wooden structures that will hold two box houses. The idea for the wooden structures is they will be sturdy, the boxes inside can be easily replaced when they become soiled; a replacement is a new $2.80 packing box from Lowe's. This will help keep the wooden structures clean and will be more attractive than just a cardboard box. We call these shelters Cat Condos. Our goal will be four condos housing eight cat families.

When we started helping the cats, we only had a couple visitors. We decided to feed them really good food. Dry kibbles made the most sense so we bought Science Diet Kibbles. A 15 pound bag is about $50.00. That bag lasted a month. By the end of the second month the cat fuel consumption jumped to 2 bags, then the next month it was 4 bags. Seems the word got out that there's a place in town that has great food and all you have to do is go there and eat . . . . you don't even have to say "Thank You" or let that silly old gimpy clown pet you.

The $200.00 monthly food bill was beyond reasonable so we switched them to Friskies and other cat kibbles available in huge economical bags. They were eating better than us.

We now have the time to finish the "Cat Houses" (snuck that in) before the knee surgery comes along.

Frankly, I feel better about spending our money on the cats and other animals than seeing our tax money being wasted supporting Illegal Aliens.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            27 December 2022

Been rethinking my "Let down" which is now appearing to be a blessing. I have a couple other small procedures that need to be taken care of and can be done between tomorrow and 07 March 2023. Tomorrow I'll have the last three nails removed from my feet. They will have 10 weeks in which to heal, more than enough time. In early February we are going to address my Zenker's Diverticulum, which should be a "drive-in" curb service surgical procedure. It should be finished up in time for my left Knee replacement on 07 March 23, and 6-8 weeks later my right knee replacement.

If this all pans out I should be good to go for the reunion in September.

I really lucked out having the lady at the executive level in the hospital arranging for the Doctor I now have. He's a real jewel with lots of experience. He agrees with my request for spinal Anesthesia and that I remain wide awake without any sedation. My body from my stomach to the tips of my toes will be numb so I should not feel a thing. I'm hoping they will honor my request that I be able able to watch my surgery. Whatever the case, I am grateful for her and my new Doctor.

Will post updates as they occur.

Hope Everyone has a Blessed and Happy New Year. God Bless You-All !!!!

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                28 December 2022

Nails taken care of this morning.

Now the Zenker's is next. Hope to have it done within the month of February. Have a preliminary appointment for 08 February 2023.

Looks like my request to watch my knee surgery is being processed. Hope it is approved. It should be easy to see. The knee is maybe 30 inches from my eyeballs. Won't need reading glasses to watch it. Will need a face shield due to the sawing of leg bones. Did watch one on YouTube and there is some bone dust flying around. So far, the surgery is scheduled for 08 March 2023. The right is scheduled 6-8 weeks after the left.

Our brother in law was at our family Christmas celebration; he had both replaced at the same time about 4 years ago. A couple days after the surgery he was out and about. Just want these old things replaced as they are more than worn out.

Best Always

Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,             27 January 2023

Knee surgery five weeks and four days away. Had a test yesterday that indicates I do Not have an allergy to Penicillin. The test included a skin test and a swallow test. The swallow test required me to chew two amoxicillin tablets and then swallow the crushed pills. Actually the chewed pills tasted pretty good considering what I was chewing. Waited the 30 minute test time and it proved either I got over the allergy or never had one.

Another of life's "gotcha's" put to bed. Good thing, prior to the knee surgery they flood your system with a load of Penicillin type drugs. For some reason this keeps infections away from the surgical area. Giving the drug after the surgery doesn't do as well of a job at preventing infections as it does when done prior to surgery. Learn something every once in a while.

Time to crash, it's 0218 hrs MST

Best Always
426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,              28 January 2023

Almost forgot to celebrate a milestone in my life, which I am very proud of. Tuesday 24 January 2023 was the 60th anniversary of my Joining the US Navy 24 January 1963. I was just a twenty-two and a half year old snot-nosed young adult. I have had much success in life due to my High School Dean of Boys, Mr. Howard D. Saurer for his intervention in my life and the US Navy. I gave the Navy 8 years of my life, they gave me a lifetime in exchange.

Were it not for Mr. Saurer's intervention and the Navy's training, I shudder to think where I would be today.

Thank You Mr. Saurer for all You did for me; I will always be Eternally Grateful for your being a crucial part of my life. To the US Navy I Salute You for providing me a path to a successful Lifetime. Thank You.

Last but not least was the Executive Officer, David S. Crestin, Lt USN on my last ship while in the US Navy: USNS Bowditch T-AGS 21. Lt Crestin saved my stupid ass by covering for me. I had been to a civilian party where there was a lot of alcohol. I got smashed, made a dam fool of myself. The ruckus caused several civilians to be kicked off the ship. Had Mr Crestin not covered for me, most likely I would have been Courtmartialed and kicked out of the Navy. My Navy career would have been destroyed and my civilian career would have been derailed. Dave and I have been friends since. He passed away peacefully 05 November 2022 from the after affects of smoking. I Miss Him and owe him a debt I'll never be able to repay.

Best Always
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            16 February 2023

Visited the Knee Doc yesterday, everything is going along fine, we had a discussion about my concerns and my needs. Looks like I'll get just about everything I want. The only remaining issue is "Watching My Own Surgery." Haven't heard back from the lady that arranged for me to see the Surgeon I am having replace my knees.

My surgery is scheduled for 1030 hrs MST 07 March 2023, 2 weeks and 5 days from today. I have one more appointment on Monday 27 February for my pre surgical checkup and final review of what's going to take place on Tuesday 07 March. I'll contact the lady in management a couple days prior to the Pre op appointment to see if my request to watch my surgery has been approved. I hope they let me watch it but if they don't it's not a show stopper, just something I want to do. I have seen quite a few actual knee replacement surgeries on YouTube and they are nothing like the the one I saw in 1968. That was one crude operation by today's standards. It was the first knee replacement in the US.

The surgery itself should only take about and hour. It's all the other stuff that eats up time. I need to be at the surgery checkin at least 2 hours prior to my scheduled surgery. Once checked in it's off to the pre surgery area where they give you a complete antiseptic scrub down then I get my Famous Designer surgical gown with the big open area in the back. Guess the designer has/had a thing for Butts.

My thing is I refuse to wear those things, preferring to climb aboard the gurney nude with a warm blanket covering me. It's not like they haven't seen a naked human body before. Besides, who else is going to see me besides Doctors and other medical personnel assisting my Doctor doing my surgery.

One of the things I had asked the Surgeon to do for me the first time we met is to make my incision special. I don't want my incision/scar to look like everyone else's, which looks like a railroad track. I want mine to look like a snake/serpent slithering along. He said he'd think about it.

When I brought the subject up yesterday, he laughed and said he had just done one for another patient, a Lady that wanted something different. So I'm going to get mine. Glad I planted the idea in his mind, the Lady got her's and I'll get mine. That's a win win.

It's time for me to crash, it's already tomorrow.

Best Always
Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks

PS: Love this new updated SMF Software package. Thanks Troy, it looks Great
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,              28 February 2023

Here it is, one week from getting my left suspension rebuilt. They are supposed to start at 1030 hours MST 07 March. As best I can tell they won't allow me to watch my own surgery. I'll be awake and totally un-sedated with a blue drape in front of me blocking my view. So I'm going to take Dena's previous I-Phone with me into surgery so I can listen to my favorite country music through my hearing aids. They are Blue Tooth compatible. I'll have Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings' CD's loaded in it which should be more music than a hinge replacement takes. About an hours worth.

Yesterday I had my pre op checkup. More like a question and answer session to make sure we are all on the same page. I'm having a Spinal anesthesia without sedation; from my belly button to my toes will be numb for about 90 minutes, then it'll start wearing off. Everyone reacts differently so it could be sooner or later. I will be spending at least one night in the hospital before I get booted out.

Present plans are to do the right hinge 18 April, 6 weeks from the left. I'm going to work my buns off in rehab so I can get the right replaced in 4 weeks. It all depends on the progress one makes in rehab.

First rehab is two days after the surgery, they don't want any scar tissue building up in the joint.

Back when I'm home again.

Best Always
Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            01 March 2023

Today, while getting my things in order for my surgery next Tuesday, I received a call from my knee doctor around 4:30 PM. He gave me the good news that he was going to a "Bone Head" convention (whatever that is) next Tuesday, so he canceled my surgery and rescheduled it for "Sometime" in May. I had an appointment with him on 21 December 2022. Right after that appointment I received a call that my surgery was scheduled for Tuesday 07 March 2023; that was a little over 2 months out.

How is it that a Doctor, six days out from a scheduled surgery just happened to remember he was scheduled to attend a "Bone Head" convention and was leaving on the day of my surgery and wouldn't be back for a week. Thanks Doc.

What is a "Bone Head" or "Bonehead" convention? Never heard of it.

So I think I'll start looking for another knee surgeon. I could probably go back to the one that was ready to do my surgery at the first appointment. He scared the crap out of me and I don't scare easily. Naw, he was too anxious to start chopping on my bones.

I had a call into the orthopedic group where my knee doctor in Fort Worth Practiced. They called me while I was on another phone talking with the doctor that was cancelling my surgery. Timing's everything. Hopefully they will return my call tomorrow.

I want to try and get an appointment with one of their doctors. They have about 10 orthopedic surgeons in that practice. If I can get in soon, I'll return to Fort Worth and have them do the job.

At the moment it looks like I'm in Knee Limbo. I've gone this long with these tired old hinges, guess I can go a bit longer. They are a bit annoying but one nice thing about pain is it feels great . . . . when it's gone.

Will update when a significant change occurs . . . . for Better or "Worser"

Best Always
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Jeez, that really stinks! Sorry to hear that.
dakota_gt on Instagram


Quote from: HANDM on December 09, 2022, 01:25:21 PMYou wanna watch them cut and splice?! You are a bad ass for sure! There's no farking way I'd wanna see that even on youtube :o

Anyway, good luck and good walking!

Hi Frank,            12 March 2023

Aside from having my knee surgery cancelled, I was told they would not permit me to watch my own surgery. Not a big deal, just something I wanted to do.

The way things have been going I'm not certain I'll have it done here. There's a lot of "Gotchas" that now give me pause to even consider having it done here, one of which is: "Do I trust this doctor after he gave a Bone Head convention a higher priority than my scheduled knee surgery?"

One of the things the doctor said that bothered me was when I said I wanted a Spinal and would not accept General Anesthesia. He said the hospital has a shortage of Anesthesiologists. I told him it's his and the hospital's problem, Not Mine. Why would they have a problem? Maybe they don't pay enough or the working conditions suck. I'm not getting a warm fuzzy that's for certain.

He does surgeries on Tuesday so I'll call him Wednesday 15 March. I'm also going to pursue other options. They aren't the only game in town.

Hope all is well with you and your family and cars. Weather has been getting warmer and we have gotten a fair amount of rain, and snow in the higher elevations. This should help with the drought that plagues this area from time to time and it has NOTHING to do with Climate BS. It's a natural occurrence as this, after-all is a Desert. It's "ain't" supposed to rain much, maybe 8 inches per year.

Take care Frank.

Best Always
426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            19 March 2023

In 2011 Dena's only brother Dale died during surgery. Didn't know much about the details except that it wouldn't have happened had the medical team done their jobs correctly.

Around the time the knee surgeon called me to inform me that he cancelled my surgery, I found out that Dale needlessly died in a Banner hospital here in Phoenix.

This has given me pause to consider any surgery at any Banner Facility. There are other hospitals here in Phoenix.

During an earlier visit to an Emergency hospital here in Phoenix, unaffiliated with Banner, I met a medical staff member there that said he had worked for Banner and quit due to their concern for profit over concern for the patient.

Had I known before I started looking for Knee Replacement Surgery, that Dale had died in a Banner Hospital, I would have avoided them like the plague.

As I learn more, I will post it. Oddly enough, my knees have been feeling better lately. Maybe they sense something is amiss at Banner and are trying to tell me something.

Best Always
Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,              23 March 2023

Received a call from the knee surgeon's office informing me that Brian would not do my knee surgery because I have too many demands. Glad to know that. Life in the big city. He's not the only knee surgeon in Phoenix.

Best Always
Christine for the 426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            29 March 2023

Well, we did it yesterday, Dena has wanted a new Mustang so we went out and bought a new Mustang "Dark Horse" in Race Red so the cops will notice her blasting down the freeways at the speed limit. The Dark Horse is the top of the line 2024 Stang and is "Race-Ready." Also has a Six Speed Tremec manual, the better of the two manuals available.

The wait time is about 6 months. It has everything one could want. The dealership had an allotment of 10 (big dealer), 4 were already gone so now there are 5 remaining. Thinking of buying another to put away for when there's no more gasoline available. That Stang will last forever.

The first dealer we went to had an allotment of two, both were gone, employees grabbed them.

Remember the days when you could buy a car for less than sticker. Now there's a "Buyer's Premium" added on to the sticker price. When we bought our 68 Hemi Road Runner in 1968, the sticker was $3,889 and we paid $3,300 plus Tax, Title and Registration.

We got the Stang for $7,500 $10,000 Buyer's Premium OVER sticker. Since we are good customers, we got a $2,500 $5,000 Discount off the $15,000 premium. The total came to $83K plus a few. If you want it, you Gotta Pay. Not too long ago one could buy a decent house for less.

Guess the old Green Back "ain't" what she used to be. The way it's going we'll be using it for toilet paper. Cars will be sold by the "TP-Roll." Fortunately we have a good stockpile of that stuff; just a "shitty" fact of life these days.

EDITED: Buyer's premium was $15,000: we got it for $10,000 and transmission info has been corrected.

Best Always
426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,            31 March 2023

Looks like April is almost here.

Yesterday I called the Ford Dealer to see how many "Dark Horse" Stang's still available. They said Four. Told them to hold one, we'd be up in an hour.

After showering and having lunch, sanity set in; actually Dena said: "You have four cars still sitting here that need to be put back together. You don't need another car."

If I have learned one thing in my life it's that she is the sane person in our relationship, So I decided to forego another car. Instead, I'm thinking of a 2024 Ford F450 Diesel Crew Cab Full Bed Dually with all the bells and whistles.

They have a nice 2021 with 18K miles for $94K. If you're going to spend that much, just order a new one. Giving this some thought. If we do decide to order it our Ram Hemi 1500 LQC will be sold or traded. My biggest beef with it is the Club Cab rear seat is too small to be practical for human seating, the front passenger seat sux as does its leg room. Dodge jammed the engine so far back and to the right (pass side) there is very little leg room if one is a fidgeter. Do love the Hemi, which is a redeeming quality. Using its great acceleration doesn't help the mileage, though it is fun. Fun is expensive.

Best Always
426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court