I know you guys like pics so here's some more of my 69
That's a nice Charger ! abit down in front eh?.. ;D
(yur missin the little gold pentastar forward of the pass door...) :rotz:
PLEASE replace those inner light bulbs on the taillights. Those wheels look great, and I love that color!
Looking good, I give it :2thumbs:
all of those lights look pretty bright too. they look orange lit up instead of red.
i think your car looks great.
All the cars over there are the size of rollerskates - where the hell do park the Charger?!? Also, if must a absolute riot to drive that car - what are peoples reactions to it - I'd be really curious to know.
Cheers -
strato: I wanted that look but don't know if they lowered the front.
wakko: I also thought there's something wrong with the bulbs. And yeah, I love the wheels!
NYCMille: the Charger just fit into my garage, no space to work on it though. People really enjoy the look of that monster and howit sounds, when I cruise through town. Many thumbs up.
Thanks for the compliments ;D
CB, the bulbs that are right are the smaller round ones. I forget the number, but if nobody chimes in I'll pull out one and check. It's like a 53 or 59 or something.
Quote from: Wakko on August 03, 2005, 10:27:05 AM
CB, the bulbs that are right are the smaller round ones. I forget the number, but if nobody chimes in I'll pull out one and check. It's like a 53 or 59 or something.
# 67 rings a bell
Quote from: Stratocharger on August 03, 2005, 01:38:50 AM
(yur missin the little gold pentastar forward of the pass door...) :rotz:
Did all of the '69 Chargers come with those?
I recall seeing more cars without them than with them!
where are you at it looks like europe?
love the color, wheels, the rear end :D
thanks for sharing!
sweet car CB..I love the way it sits :METAL:
clean looking Charger
yeah they all came with the gold pentastars, most folks don't seem to realize they are only on the pass side. Does anyone know what year they stopped doing that?.. neber mind.
for sale here...
As far as I knew, ALL MOPAR products had the right hand side pentastar but not sure if they stopped either (excluding truck I think) but if you look on new vehicles like the minivans, they molded the crest into the door and fender trim.
FYI, starting in 2006, ALL GM cars have a small stainless GM crest on both sides of the front fenders on the lower belt line.
Taking a page from mother MOPAR, gotta love it!
I read in Car and Driver all the new Hemi emblems are gonna be 30% bigger next year, that's how you'll know an '06 from an '05... :icon_smile_wink:
Congratulations CB, what's all that crap cars in the neighborhood. Oh right Europe, i live therec also, i'll understand. See you in Antwerp in two weeks. Mine is not ready yet... but i'll bring another V8.
Sweet looking Charger CB, love those slotted mags!
She looks great CB!