I'm running the Champion RJ12YC plugs in my 68 Charger, bone stock 440, it pings a little, I'd like to try some colder plugs. Has anyone had experience going to Advance Auto Parts and asking for them? Does anyone have reccomendations for a colder plug I would be able to find?
Hey Ryan, NGK XR5 is I think the best plug for these 440's. I run them and they are the choice plug for most. chuck.
Thanks Chuck, are these colder than the ones I'm using, or have you just had good experience with them?
Thanks Ryan
I'm not sure, but I have tried tons of plugs and these work the best. Go to the performance section and ask. You will get a better resonce. Firefighhter (Ron) is our engine brains here and he told me to run the XR5 plug. Good luck.
It's unlikely that colder plugs will solve your problem. Pinging that comes and goes with throttle is detonation, not pre-ignition. If you don't have a pre-ignition problem, colder plugs will achieve nothing except fouling a little easier. You need less timing and perhaps a richer mixture in your detonation zone.
Quote from: Aussi440 on February 12, 2011, 10:37:21 AM
I'm running the Champion RJ12YC plugs in my 68 Charger, bone stock 440, it pings a little, I'd like to try some colder plugs. Has anyone had experience going to Advance Auto Parts and asking for them? Does anyone have reccomendations for a colder plug I would be able to find?
My experience is that the plug can makes a big difference especially if the one you are using is too hot. A J12Y is a little to hot for a stock compression ratio 440. A NGK R5670-6 or an Accel 134 would be equivalent to a J11Y. An NGK R5670-7 would be like a J10Y, and a R5670-8 and Accel 132 would be like a J61Y.
I would recommend the R5670-7. They will foul a little sooner but if your a gear head, you'll probably changethem before you need to anyways. Make sure that your cooling system is perfect and run a 160 degree thermostat. If these don't work, slow the timing curve down before you pull total timing out.