
Mopar Garage => General Q&A => Topic started by: bull on May 21, 2009, 05:01:44 PM

Title: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: bull on May 21, 2009, 05:01:44 PM
I thought I saw something like this a while back but I don't see it online now. Seems like it was a parts cross reference book of some sort that would tell you what other cars some of the generic-type parts would fit.

If there is such a thing does it just stay within the classic years? By that I mean does it state the obvious by saying you can get the same heater core for a 68 Charger as you can off a 68 Satellite or does it actually list late-model parts that cross over?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm discovering that parts stores often won't list parts for a 68 Charger even though they will list parts for a 79 Chrysler that uses the same thing.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Ghoste on May 21, 2009, 05:23:27 PM
There is Paul Herd's book, "Chrysler Muscle Car Parts Interchange Manual 1968-1974".

Obviously by the title there are some limitations to it but it is still a useful book to have.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: 268RTs4ME on May 21, 2009, 05:46:57 PM
I have a holander 35th edition enterchange book 1960 thru 1970, if you have a vehicle that years and want to know what other car fits it like doors, bumpers windows grilles etc.. What are you needed to know and maybe I can help you.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: mikepmcs on May 21, 2009, 05:50:27 PM
Is it the Paul Herd guy I heard negative things about as far as his actual knowledge, etc.....???

Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: John_Kunkel on May 21, 2009, 06:02:04 PM

The Hollander Interchange is what bull is looking for, I have them from the late 30's to '03. Generally speaking the interchange number will stay with a specific part over the years, for example the 130 tooth flywheel Hollander #236 interchanges on many Mopars from '62-'91.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Ghoste on May 21, 2009, 11:06:44 PM
Quote from: mikepmcs on May 21, 2009, 05:50:27 PM
Is it the Paul Herd guy I heard negative things about as far as his actual knowledge, etc.....???

Yes, he's a GM guy (Pontiac I think).
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Nacho-RT74 on May 22, 2009, 12:10:49 AM
Quote from: bull on May 21, 2009, 05:01:44 PM
I thought I saw something like this a while back but I don't see it online now. Seems like it was a parts cross reference book of some sort that would tell you what other cars some of the generic-type parts would fit.

yes but is a piece of S**T If you ask me... I checked it on my Road trip from Cali to Carlisle last year and didn't like it. They only compare parts just By number &/or supersedes number but does look they never tried to PHYSICALLY fit.

Physically LOT OF PARTS MORE are interchangeable than what books says
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: John_Kunkel on May 22, 2009, 05:52:00 PM

Not to belabor the subject (yeah, right) but the word "interchange" is kinda in the eye of the beholder, it can be interpreted to mean "exactly the same" or "it'll fit, but...".

In the case of Hollander, they will often add letters to their interchange numbers which means the various letters will physically fit and function but aren't the same. Distributors are a good example, #55 is a SB distributor that has suffixes from A to R and fits '57 to '67 but they advise that springs and vacuum chambers aren't the same.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Shakey on May 22, 2009, 07:43:27 PM

I agree that the Hollander manuals are the way to go.  They are used by the auto recyclers and if you do some digging you may find a wrecker that will give you one of their older versions as they usually have/had 2 - 3 copies on hand, depending on the size of their operation.

Another manual that is handy to have is the Mitchell Manuals.  They are used by the body shops for estimating purposes and have the factory part numbers listed.

All of these manuals are usually found on CD Rom now.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: bull on May 22, 2009, 07:57:20 PM
Quote from: John_Kunkel on May 21, 2009, 06:02:04 PM

The Hollander Interchange is what bull is looking for, I have them from the late 30's to '03. Generally speaking the interchange number will stay with a specific part over the years, for example the 130 tooth flywheel Hollander #236 interchanges on many Mopars from '62-'91.

That sounds like the one I want. More than once I've found parts that work, even identical ones, that are not listed as working on a 68 Charger. See this thread for an example:,56792.0.html

Usually it's a big hassle because the guy behind the counter has to do a little extra work to cross reference a bunch of measurments to find the right part. I don't know why they can't don't cross reference this stuff because it would sure make life easier for everyone. Probably make them a lot more money too
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: John_Kunkel on May 23, 2009, 05:50:27 PM

In the example in the thread linked above the Hollander wouldn't be of use, there's a limit to what they list; for example, they list the heater core and the blower motor but not the squirrel cage or the heater assembly itself.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Ghoste on May 24, 2009, 08:45:44 PM
So really you need all of the books available and even at that it won't be perfect.
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Nacho-RT74 on May 24, 2009, 11:15:02 PM
Quote from: Ghoste on May 24, 2009, 08:45:44 PM
So really you need all of the books available and even at that it won't be perfect.

thats the reason Boards are around ;)
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: ChargersETC..ETC.. on October 19, 2009, 07:38:53 AM
Reguarding the- Chrysler Muscle Car Parts Interchange Manual 1968-74 By Paul Herd

I just bought the purple cover car edition and was sent a yellow car 70 GTX edition. I've been checking online and they look to be the same page by page just diffrent cover art. :shruggy:      In general I'm not impressed with the parts interchange.  :icon_smile_dissapprove:   

It seems like a parts #s catalog more then interchangeable parts index to me and if both editions are EXACTLY? the same all you need is one edition otherwise it seems like a big ripoff to me diffrent covers big deal . I almost bought two of the same book???  :scratchchin:

Hollander is the way to go!

Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: Brock Lee on November 13, 2009, 12:56:48 AM
I have that Herd book and it has some inaccuracies (may have been corrected since). Example, it says that the trunk lid from a 1968 Coronet interchanges with a 1968-70 Charger!
Title: Re: Is there such a thing as a parts interchange book?
Post by: squeakfinder on November 28, 2009, 04:37:39 PM

Bull, I don't know if you found another parts store to deal with yet. But that's what I would do. Hopefully you'll find somebody who knows how to open up a book when something doesn't show up on there monitor.

Or go to a wrecking yard and see if they'll let you thumb threw there Hollander books. I'm to cheap to buy those books myself.
Some of these people behind the counter at these parts houses can't find there ass with there own hands without first looking it up on a computer.