can one of you guys take a pic of your engine bay,and where your timing tab is located? trying to get mine back in shape and need a few refrence pics,thanks in advance!
Hi Andy, Is this what you're looking for? If you are looking for something else, let me know and I'll try to take the pic you need.
thats exactly what i was looking for,my waterpump housing comes right down over the timing tab,and i am going to take it off and paint it so i can see the damn thing-thanks!
I use white-out (thin tapered tip brush) to mark the damper and also the base timing spot I choose on the timing tab. Makes them real easy to see with the timing light...Brian
Quote from: histoy on April 18, 2008, 08:15:47 PM
I use white-out (thin tapered tip brush) to mark the damper and also the base timing spot I choose on the timing tab. Makes them real easy to see with the timing light...Brian
thats what i just got done doing,used white model paint,thanks!
since i was up i just went looking through my old tool box, i used to have a magnetic pointer that attached to the timing tab,but some one swipped it :scratchchin:,or it grew legs and walked away,does any one know where i can get one?this was a mopar direct connection piece from a long time ago :shruggy:
Closest thing you may find nowadays might be with Snap-on, Mac Tools, or one of those guys.
Quote from: moparmusclecars on April 19, 2008, 11:33:34 AM
Closest thing you may find nowadays might be with Snap-on, Mac Tools, or one of those guys.
im going to ask the snap on guy tuesday when he stops at the dealership,hope i can find one,it sure made setting timing a lot easier to see