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WTF !!!!Words can't describe,school shooting in Ct

Started by 69 OUR/TEA, December 14, 2012, 01:48:42 PM

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The smart nut bag would kill the guard first.

So how about an electronically controlled gunsafe in every classroom with a one 6 shell riot gun.  Every teacher gets a keyless remote.  When one safe is opened,  it blows the doors on the rest.   As soon as a shot is fired every teacher is armed.   

OK, I know,,,, it sounds nuts.  But, up armoured cockpit, or not, I doubt you will ever see another domestic hijacking because of flight 93.   :shruggy:     


Quote from: Back N Black on December 16, 2012, 08:17:58 PM
Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 16, 2012, 07:30:56 PM
Such a tragedy.

As said previously a lot of kids now days are brought being taught no values. I believe this all started going downhill when religion was taken out little by little until now they are changing names of holidays to not offend anyone.
Parents need to take away the xbox with call of duty and replace it with family bible studies. Play some board games with your kids take them outside to play. Don't let them get corrupted in this society as it is far to easy.

Not all but lots of parents "cast away" their kids. Let them dwell in their rooms isolated with these violent games. Its a breeding ground for monsters especially with all the media coverage these freaks obtain in such cowardliness acts.

Its sad it has come to this but i think schools should have an armed guard during school hours.

Really armed guards in school? we don't need more guns.  :Twocents:

Its not the guns that kill people its the freaks holding it. I'd feel safer about it if an armed guard is in place. Lets face it when you have a freak with an ak-47 charging a school what are you going to do say please put that down and lets talk about it ? Only chance the poor souls would have is if there was someone that could fire back.

I will still say if society actually raised there kids and brought them up with values knowing right from wrong and obey the 10 commandments the world would be a better place.


 :cheers: NOW we are thinking! I'm good friends with the officer that is over our highschool we always tease him of what a cake job it is, he all ways says you wont be leave the B.S. that I see these kids need an a$$ kicking. Its good that there is a police officer that is assigned the school, BUT he is not there all day long. and there are about 12 other schools in the valley that have nothing. (we only have 1 highschool). The logical thinking of him there of course are the facts that these are rising adults and things happen that you may need police there. Think about it any town in America this could happen. From town that has 1 school to a vicinity that has to many to count. Malls and department stores have security (some unarmed) but why not our schools although they have extensive security measures like locked doors,face recognition,security cameras every where all kinds of little things. We through our property tax pay for all this. Yes some is necessary others not so. We through our community pay for these services. We employ janitors that are full time, not knocking them as I know they are the sole reason that our schools are up kept. We fight when our property tax rises BUT who here would argue when they put in 2.00 bucks a year. to provide a FULL TIME guard/counselor/watchdog over our future. I will step off my soap box but you brought up one hell of a good point there......(May I remind you that I'm from a small comunity roughly 10,000 SO maybe this is already in effect on other locals)....
Restoring a charger is like a saying I heard along time ago "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it".... Jesus I wish I could remember who said that...

Back N Black

Quote from: resq302 on December 16, 2012, 08:22:59 PM
Why not?  An armed security guard or Special Class 2 police officer who is allowed to carry certainly would be a benefit.  Lets face it, it would reduce the amount of casualties by having security there who is armed and knows how to use it and also would be able to directly radio for back up should something go down.  Also, wouldn't you think someone who is planning something like this would give it a second thought knowing that someone might be there who would shoot back?

If it comes to a point where an armed guard is required at my daughter's school i will pack up and move. The killer just shows up with bigger weapons.


Like I've said before, crime rates are lower in open carry counties.  It's a proven fact.   :yesnod:   I'd feel better as a parent knowing that some type of armed officer was at the school.   It's sad to say that but we know that wack jobs target these schools because they are in fact soft targets.   They can inflict the most damage with little resistance.   :rotz:  We must protect our children at all cost.  
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Back in black I'm sorry but you cant run from crazy evil, just counter act it. This can happen any where really, god forbid. Where ever there is civilization there will be a danger. Through out life we accept it, we have to, and take measures to lessen the danger. As time evolves so have the inhabitants. For those who do not evolve with it will perish. I'm not saying an armed employee at a K-12 school for our children, our future, is evolution, but it is an adaptation that the human race could embrace. I don't know but are college officers armed? Another way to look at it is just like seat belts that we employed in the 70's. Seatbelts in all vehicles because they save lives. Or car seats.... I honestly do not know when they started.
Restoring a charger is like a saying I heard along time ago "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it".... Jesus I wish I could remember who said that...


Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 16, 2012, 08:54:08 PM

.... Lets face it when you have a freak with an ak-47 charging a school what are you going to do say please put that down and lets talk about it ? Only chance the poor souls would have is if there was someone that could fire back.


Make it so NO scumbag could ever get a AK-47 ( or any semi to full automatic rapid fired weapon )... Assault rifles like this have no business being in civilian hands.... If you don't make it available, they won't use it.....  people can still go hunting with their regular rifles and/or bows...... I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but I seriously doubt our founding fathers would have ever envisioned such weaponry and carnage that's becoming a "normal" part of our society. I really think we need their wisdom again.........
'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


I know what you're saying hemi68charger.  And I fully agree we need to make it harder for these idiots to get their hands on a gun.   But, that's something that may never happen so in the mean time if armed officers are needed at all schools then so be it.  I will not gamble with my childs life.  Our founding fathers gave us the rights to protect ourselves by having guns.  That means the guns of our times.   
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


I would have to disagree on the fact that you can not keep "scumbags" from access to ANY sort of weapon... or method of distruction. I hate to say it but Where there is a will there is a way. I know of a few folks in my home town town that collect any sort of history graced weapon but to condemn them is unlawful they simply collect and restore the same way that we collect and restore cars, for the history and love of it. Although I do agree why do the general public need the ever so popular automatic 223. AR-15 with pistol grip, red-dot scope, bayonet. laser pointer, with accompanied LED flashlight, flash grenade launcher? I can see why you want to "restore" a piece of history like a "Tommy Gun" or the such, may I remind you that you need a special government license to hold these items... But a Mossberg or Browning 12 GA. pistol grip with an extended shell tube holding up to ten shells or more? Out side of government officials the general public needs not apply. Water Fowler's (my self) are limited to 3 shells in your fire arm. and there is a "plug" that you have to have installed in the field from the usual4-5 shells at one time. Nothing wrong with the pistol grip as i love the feel for them but honestly if you or your wife need, and god forbid, more then a few shots in a home evasion (a 16 gauge is more then efficient) but a 12 GA. with flashlight and 10 round tube extension that the public pushes....  :slap: You for sure did not take the time to learn how to properly handle this kind of protection. you might as well have a pair of round nosed kindergarten 2" dull scissors...
Restoring a charger is like a saying I heard along time ago "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it".... Jesus I wish I could remember who said that...


I strongly believe that "weapon" control is out of the question. What about looking at the well being, the not so much as training of "officials" but the over all sense of the community's awareness to those that are "not on the level". The well being of our comunities. The effect that social media has on us or them. Why give the perpetrators a name to there actions. I may be wrong but was it Mrs. Skip that said that we recognize these acts and tempt others to so called top it?... To much media in the numbers of this is the most deaths in U.S. history and the ways that it was performed, right down to the most details that no one needs to know. We are providing to much information and thus ideas of to the ones who are seeking a name for themselves to "better" them selves, all in the name of the public seeing him/her as the "one". We should look at our communities and let them know that there are channels that they can contact annomisaly to inform others that can help.
Restoring a charger is like a saying I heard along time ago "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it".... Jesus I wish I could remember who said that...


Our society IS changing, for the worst I'm afraid to say. Our culture has become too engrossed with the killing and glamorizing of it all. It's not all the media's and Hollywood's fault. It's the fault of our culture as a whole. We have so many good things in our great country, but unfortunately, the "rules" are easily stretched.. (remember the ole' child thing of "giving them an inch, they'll take a yard). There HAS to be something done.. Turning a blind eye to the root cause (both in human and technology terms) is ignoring it. It is going to take a couple more of these senseless acts for people to wake up... I'd rather give up my right to buy a worthless AK47 or M16 so that another kid doesn't get massacred. These weapons have such a QUICK and DESTRUCTIVE capability, they need to be gone from public consumption and  only in the hands of the military. Our government now is one of checks and balances, not one of totalitarian force. One day, we'll have some wise people in power again. Something's got to give...... It's either going to be guns (not all mind you) or kids (people). There's no way of "back ground checking" everyone.... Who in God's name would have ever expected a law-abiding mother to be the conduit of the devil in the son she had? Now, take out one of the variables in this equation, the semi-auto rifle, and the result would have been totally different. Sure, he may have killed people with a hunting rifle or a shotgun, but not to the extreme quickness he did.... Someone could have intervened a lot quicker ( like if he was to reload ), and take him down......   There's no need for anyone to own one of these damn things...... (collectors, give me a break)........ Man, to be murdered by the very guns you collect, how ironic........  God Bless EVERYONE who's affected by this...... I found myself starting to tear up as President Obama read off the names of those sweet angels....   :angel:

I have put my arse on the line for over 20 years and counting as a uniformed servicemember to protect the Constitution of these United States, but there is one I just don't like.........
'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection


So lemme see if i can at least try and understand the liberals and their ant-gun law thing...

So we ban all weapons. ok, so now someone takes a ball peen hammer and kills...Are we to ban all ball peen hammers next? What if a Tennis racket is used? Ban all tennis rackets too? How about knives? Ban those as well? How about a damn brick? A Rock? A piece of dry wall for goodness sake? Start down this VERY dangerous road and where will it end?

No, Guns are NOT the enemy. These types (Criminals) prey on "Easy targets". Those kids were easy targets. Sorry to say, but if this USA we live in had a "Right to carry" law for all teachers, this idiot wouldn't have made it past the first door.

You don't fight this kind of "Urban warfare" by banning guns...Death is one helluva deterrant for criminals. Why do think it works so well in the Mafia? Biker gangs? The Mob? Silence is there for a reason. You don't abide by the code, you die. VERY simple, so simple in fact, even animals can understand that one.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Quote from: bull on December 16, 2012, 05:25:15 PM
Quote from: 71green go on December 16, 2012, 03:41:28 PM
Dont know if these numbers are correct...but if so, whats up?

They should compare those numbers to Afganistan, Syria and Mexico. I know there were more than 15,000 gun-related deaths in Mexico in 2010. By the way, Israeli citizens are armed to the teeth due to their unfriendly neighbors so that should tell you something about self defense. Not sure how many are killed by bombs and rockets though.

There were 32,000+ traffic fatalities in the US in 2011, according to a site I was looking at a while ago.

Quote from: skip68 on December 16, 2012, 04:00:41 PM
The number is still huge and more needs to be done but getting rid of guns will never happen.  It's impossible and I for one won't give up mine.     

The only guns they'll be able to get are the ones owned by those who obey the law.

Their gonna have to pry it out of my cold, dead, hand!


Like I said before....the guns will just get smuggled in the country because it will become a huge black market.   Besides, lots of good people won't turn in their guns, how many bad guys will?   :rofl:   It's impossible to get rid of all the guns and even in a fantasy world were it's possible we'll just see more bombs.  
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 16, 2012, 07:30:56 PM
Parents need to take away the xbox with call of duty and replace it with family bible studies.

Uh..... no.

You all complain, and talk about "the good ol' days", like things really were better back then.  They weren't better, just different.  70 years ago, we didn't have gang violence, or school shootings, yes but neither did we have womens right to vote.  It was also acceptable, even encouraged to be a rampant racist.  And the bible was used to justify them.  Don't gloss over the bad.

So, again, with the utmost vehemence, I say no.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


Quote from: hemi68charger on December 16, 2012, 09:19:16 PM
Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 16, 2012, 08:54:08 PM

.... Lets face it when you have a freak with an ak-47 charging a school what are you going to do say please put that down and lets talk about it ? Only chance the poor souls would have is if there was someone that could fire back.


Make it so NO scumbag could ever get a AK-47 ( or any semi to full automatic rapid fired weapon )... Assault rifles like this have no business being in civilian hands.... If you don't make it available, they won't use it.....  people can still go hunting with their regular rifles and/or bows...... I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but I seriously doubt our founding fathers would have ever envisioned such weaponry and carnage that's becoming a "normal" part of our society. I really think we need their wisdom again.........

Didn't they try that, with things like cocaine?  Tell me, how is that working out?
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 16, 2012, 07:30:56 PM
Such a tragedy.

As said previously a lot of kids now days are brought being taught no values. I believe this all started going downhill when religion was taken out little by little until now they are changing names of holidays to not offend anyone.
Parents need to take away the xbox with call of duty and replace it with family bible studies. Play some board games with your kids take them outside to play. Don't let them get corrupted in this society as it is far to easy.

Not all but lots of parents "cast away" their kids. Let them dwell in their rooms isolated with these violent games. Its a breeding ground for monsters especially with all the media coverage these freaks obtain in such cowardliness acts.

You don't have to be religious/christian to be taught right and wrong, neither do you HAVE to be religious in order to know right and wrong. Family bible studies? Oh 'cause the bible is oh so pure and full of good, wholesome family stories, like rape, violence, a very overly dramatic and petty god, etc. Yup, great values to keep on teaching! There's never been any violence in the name of god! nope!

I can dig some of the things that Jesus supposedly did and said but it's always funny to me that the most hardcore religious conservatives (I am neither republican nor democrat, by the way, I dislike them all) basically worship the biggest liberal in religion...

and I don't know what kind of 50's utopia you religious folk harken to about "back in the day" like things were all sweet and leave it to, education really is worthless in this country, isn't it?
1969 Dodge Charger, pseudo General Lee., 1973 ratty Dodge Charger.

check out my photography:
instagram: tomasraul


and I just want to leave this here 'cause it might be a little educational for some of the bible thumpers here:

god stuff being added:

our founding fathers were NOT christian:

guess that makes the founding fathers some godless heathens with no morals, instead of highly intelligent men WAY ahead of their time...
1969 Dodge Charger, pseudo General Lee., 1973 ratty Dodge Charger.

check out my photography:
instagram: tomasraul


We're walking on a double edged sword with how to deal with this issue.  First off, gun control.  Not everyone needs to have one.  Actually, I cannot justify having an automatic weapon.  What really is one good for?  Of course, the same can be said for having a Hemi as a daily driver.  But, I understand the fascination of owning powerful stuff.  We do however need to limit how many of these are on the market and have a better idea of where they are at and how they are used.  If collectors want to have them, fine.  I believe the collectors should inventory their weapons every year so the police know where these weapons are at.  Also, we ban gun makers from making new automatics.  That'll raise the price of them immediately to where the average joe has a harder time affording them.  Right now, I can buy an automatic rifle for $100.  I think this should be step one to solving this problem.  Gun collectors are not the problem, the average joe and jane is; they are less responsible than a collector.

We also need to have more self control in society.  Bullying is a problem, and is probably the number one reason of what causes people to do irrational things they would normally not do.  I even read it on here.  I see steps taken of the cartoon chanels and am happy with what I see, but more can and should be done.

I also think we need to make our justice system more public.  Right now, very little of a case is made public.  I hear of people going to court and to jail, but that is it.  Way back when, executions were done in public for everyone to see.  Yes, it was disgusting, but it was an effective deterant.  If people would just see what happens to these people that do these things, they will think twice.  Also, we need to quit making 5  star resorts for criminals.  A criminal should not have a 30 vacation at my or anybody elses expense.  No net, no t v, no entertainment.  You do a crime, your locked in a room.  In addition, we need to speed up sentencing and executions.  Now a days, everything is drawn out to make more money for the courts and the lawyers. :flame:  If someone kills another person, I'd give 5 years for them to make an appeal after sentencing.  After that, it's the chopping block by any means necassary.  There will be no fame in it either.  Your name will not be mentioned.  After you commit a crime, you lost your right to an identity until your free.


Quote from: elanmars on December 17, 2012, 02:48:07 AM
and I just want to leave this here 'cause it might be a little educational for some of the bible thumpers here:

god stuff being added:

our founding fathers were NOT christian:

guess that makes the founding fathers some godless heathens with no morals, instead of highly intelligent men WAY ahead of their time...

There is a hell of a lot more evidence that our founding fathers WERE Christian than anything the liberals can dream up. Our country was created because of a lack of freedom of religion. Fair warning here Elenmars,  Don't even try going down this road because I assure you, You and I will get into a pissing match over it, and I'd rather not. And while you are right that "You don't have to be religious/christian to be taught right and wrong" Right and wrong are not the only things needed in todays society.

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Quote from: TheGhost on December 17, 2012, 01:52:00 AM

Uh..... no.

You all complain, and talk about "the good ol' days", like things really were better back then.  They weren't better, just different. 

I remember growing up, my grandpa used to say "What the hell was so good about the "good ol days"? The depression was anything but fun or good."   

I used to think they weren't better, but I'm not real happy with the way things have gone in the last 30 years, the last 6-8 for sure. I think I'd take the hippy's and the 60's and 70's over what we have today.

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Quote from: Tilar on December 17, 2012, 05:12:04 AM
Quote from: elanmars on December 17, 2012, 02:48:07 AM
and I just want to leave this here 'cause it might be a little educational for some of the bible thumpers here:

god stuff being added:

our founding fathers were NOT christian:

guess that makes the founding fathers some godless heathens with no morals, instead of highly intelligent men WAY ahead of their time...

There is a hell of a lot more evidence that our founding fathers WERE Christian than anything the liberals can dream up. Our country was created because of a lack of freedom of religion. Fair warning here Elenmars,  Don't even try going down this road because I assure you, You and I will get into a pissing match over it, and I'd rather not. And while you are right that "You don't have to be religious/christian to be taught right and wrong" Right and wrong are not the only things needed in todays society.

What the hell do liberals have to do with this?  You think they don't cry as hard about this whole affair than you do?  Think again.

Yeah the founding fathers may have been Christian, but they were adament that the country would not be tied to any religion and people have a right to choose what they believe. 

That's all I wanted to say about this matter.  No atheists nor believer will be swayed so all of you may want to save your breath and stick your opinions somewhere else.  Neither of you have the facts or the solution so let's just grieve over what happened here instead of pointing fingers at the bleeding heart liberals, the right wing nut jobs and whatever is up there in the sky.

This is about innocent lives taken away in the most brutal fashion and here you are bitching about beliefs.  Try to get along on something here:  this is a tragedy, we need to mourn for those lost and those who survived, end of story.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

71green go

Quote from: elanmars on December 17, 2012, 02:48:07 AM

This is about innocent lives taken away in the most brutal fashion and here you are bitching about beliefs.  Try to get along on something here:  this is a tragedy, we need to mourn for those lost and those who survived, end of story.

I Agree ......It was very sad hearing the President read the names of victims


Quote from: Dino on December 17, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
No atheists nor believer will be swayed so all of you may want to save your breath and stick your opinions somewhere else.  

Amen to that.


Quote from: Dino on December 17, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
...This is about innocent lives taken away in the most brutal fashion and here you are bitching about beliefs.  Try to get along on something here:  this is a tragedy, we need to mourn for those lost and those who survived, end of story.

No truer words spoken ( or written in this case ). But, once this is done, something else needs to be done... Period... No hiding from the facts and statistics (and funerals).. Life here in the U.S. of A. has to change... The status quo is unacceptable......... I will do my part to write every freakin' Senator and Representative and let them know how I feel........... Things can change; ie Women's Suffrage, 13th and 21st Amendments.
'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection