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WTF !!!!Words can't describe,school shooting in Ct

Started by 69 OUR/TEA, December 14, 2012, 01:48:42 PM

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You said it Dave.    :cheers:   "the means"    
Whenever you have a twisted person CAPABLE, they'll find the means to execute their plan.      I think more & more people's eyes are finally starting to see that light.  
  I fear we will end up seeing a bigger hit on a school (soft target) without a gun.   I think another "means" will be used.    :rotz:    
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Lets first fix the gun laws we have....the Virginia Tech. shooter was mentally ill and would not have been allowed to buy the guns he had...except ...a judge sealed the records and didn't sentence him to phsyic. care because he didn't want to limit his rights or hurt his this shooting the mother bought the guns for her mentally ill son...knowing full well he could be dangerous....what has people so frustrated is there is nobody to go after.....the shooter is dead....the person that provided the means is dead ( killed by her own son) ...they have to go after somebody...or something. We have laws that could have stopped this, common sense on the mothers part could have stopped don't blame the gun.....Besides if you make guns illegal like marajuana or cocaine it will just be easier and cheaper to get them.....I garentee you the gangs will bring them in by the truck load..
as a side note 260 children have been killed in Chicago home of some of the toughtest gun laws in the nation....funny the gangs don't seem scared....


and here is what the new gun Czar says about gun control in 08 when he wanted to be president

"I guarantee you Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey... [d]on't buy that malarkey. They're going to start peddling that to you," Biden declared to a Virginia crowd. "If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem."

THAT is the vice President of the United States.....


Quote from: sunfire69 on December 20, 2012, 07:07:22 AM
in this shooting the mother bought the guns for her mentally ill son...knowing full well he could be dangerous

This is the part of the story that really bothers me. She was an avid gun collector. The news stories have painted a picture of a very concerned mother worried about the mental state of her youngest son. If I had a son like this I sure as hell wouldn't keep guns in a place that he would have easy access to.
72 Charger- Base Model
68 Charger-R/T Clone
69 Charger Daytona clone
79 Lil Red Express - future money pit
88 Ramcharger 4x4- current money pit
55 Dodge Royal 2 door - wife's money pit
2014 RAM 2500HD Diesel


Quote from: sunfire69 on December 20, 2012, 07:09:26 AM
and here is what the new gun Czar says about gun control in 08 when he wanted to be president

"I guarantee you Barack Obama ain't taking my shotguns, so don't buy that malarkey... [d]on't buy that malarkey. They're going to start peddling that to you," Biden declared to a Virginia crowd. "If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he's got a problem."

THAT is the vice President of the United States.....

Shocking to me that he would say one thing and do another.


Just got a recorded message that one of our local schools has threats against it for tomorrow! Apparently precautions are being made, but this crap really pisses me off! Stupid loser kids spreading rumors! The parents of public school kids DO NOT APPRECIATE THIS CRAP AT ALL!!!!!  :flame:


It's everywhere, a school in the next county over had a threat on Tuesday.
Sold my Charger unfortunately....never got it finished.


Why wouldn't these nutjobs threaten the schools? They want attention and notoriety and every news network has been going off on this tragedy 24/7 since it happened. They encourage it.

Americans have been killing children in droves for decades, for nothing more than being an inconvenience on the wrong side of the womb. Is it any wonder we have wackjobs carrying out mass killings today? Society teaches school kids from day one that human life has no value. We come from apes, we're no better than a dog or a rat. There is no higher authority than our own ideology. Biden eliminating 30-round clips is not going to fix this monumental mess.

Old Moparz

Hard to believe that with spy satellites, cell phone tracking, GPS, internet surveillance, security cameras on every corner & the infinite amount spent on homeland security that nobody can track a threat from some booger eating, asswipe punk threatening mayhem in a school. 

              Going Nowhere In A Hurry


Quote from: sunfire69 on December 20, 2012, 07:07:22 AM
Lets first fix the gun laws we have....the Virginia Tech. shooter was mentally ill and would not have been allowed to buy the guns he had...except ...a judge sealed the records and didn't sentence him to phsyic. care because he didn't want to limit his rights or hurt his record

Listen to what is in that very sentence:  Fix the gun laws... because a judge screwed up and sealed someones records... Wouldn't that make it a judge problem?

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Most of these mass shooters are cowards that take their life at the end. I bet they would think twice before entering if they knew there was an armed guard waiting for them.


Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 20, 2012, 08:18:08 PM
Most of these mass shooters are cowards that take their life at the end. I bet they would think twice before entering if they knew there was an armed guard waiting for them.

I bet not.  They go in already planning on dying.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.


Making more "gun laws" to ban whatever "they" deem unacceptable will never keep the guns away from criminals! If someone wanted to kill you, having, or not having, a gun will make little to no difference! It will just make law-abiding citizens easier targets. How hard is it for someone to understand the concept of being able to defend yourself and family from criminals, especially if they know you do not own any guns! What is "an acceptable gun" for a citizen to own and who decides this in America or wherever? Politicians NEVER have YOUR best interest at heart! They are the most two-faced people you will ever know. It is OK for them but not their constituants! How many so-called anti-gun zealots have armed guards at all times? OK for them but not you! Just a bunch of hypocrits and "I am better than you" idiots who think they know what is good for you!

I just cannot believe changing gun laws to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain a gun will change anything! Lets take a harder look at mental illness and its' diagnosis and treatment, even when you are so emotionally attached to that person as this crazy kids' Mother probably was !! I cannot believe she made it , apparently , so easy for him to obtain her guns ! People need to wake up! How many shootings have occured in "No Guns Allowed" zones? Do you really think someone (read a coward) is going to just turn around and say "darn it, another no guns allowed" area so I cannot go there? They go to these places knowing there is no one to oppose them!

My heart and soul go out to those families affected by the insanity of going to an Elementary School and killing innocent children and the adult staff there. No words can describe their sorrow and grief from what happened. I am still reeling emotionally from this tragedy even this far away !!!!!!!


Quote from: TheGhost on December 20, 2012, 08:19:55 PM
Quote from: charger_fan_4ever on December 20, 2012, 08:18:08 PM
Most of these mass shooters are cowards that take their life at the end. I bet they would think twice before entering if they knew there was an armed guard waiting for them.

I bet not.  They go in already planning on dying.

I disagree. These types want to go out on their own terms, even if their intent is suicide by cop. I believe a major component with mass killings is power and dominance. They aren't going to purposely put themselves into a situation where they are not the most dominant person in the crowd.


Just thought I'd share an email from my rep in Congress.  Just so everyone has some sort of idea of what's on thier minds.

"Thank you for contacting me about the horrific massacre at Newtown, Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School.  Like you, I have been grieving for the parents, families, and friends of the 26 young victims and their teachers. No mere words can express the deep sense of anger and loss we all feel when innocent young lives are destroyed by the evil actions of an individual.  


Many media commentators and political activists have tried to use the heartbreaking events of December 14, 2012 as leverage for advancing their political arguments.  We must not prey upon the emotions of a community and a nation merely to score political points. We can and should discuss the causes of tragic events like this and seek ways to address these precipitators of needless tragedy. However, now is not the time to argue over policy details.  


Fundamentally, the problem in Connecticut was not the absence of appropriate laws or policies, but rather, a disregard for the value of human life. Some will continue to urge that additional gun control measures must be implemented as a result of this tragedy; however, more laws will never eliminate the possibility of evil or adequately speak to the unique troubles and pains facing individuals on the brink of great harm to themselves or others. Instead of penalizing law-abiding citizens with more restraints, we must focus on promoting a culture that values life, condemns violence, and provides moral clarity.


There will be many days ahead to debate policy—for now, my prayers remain with those in Newtown. Thank you again for contacting me. It is a privilege to serve on your behalf in Congress.  

With best regards, I remain,"

                                               My rep in Congress :2thumbs:


stroker, I do not know what part of the country you live or who your Congressional Representative might be but, That letter from your Rep is how most of us in this country feel and I am very happy to see and read there is someone with some common sense in Congress!! :2thumbs:


West central Misery, and yes, my rep got re elected lase election.  I just hope there are more people in Congress that share the same opinion.


I've sent letters to the senators and congressmen from Ohio, still waiting on a response. Maybe I should have just sent an email.  :lol:

On a side note, I made the comment once that I wondered if somehow people in Washington didn't do this sort of thing just to push their gun control crap. Conspiracy? Maybe


God must love stupid people; He made so many.


It took about 2-3 weeks before I got a response.  I think you'll be waiting a while for a response in the mail.

Steve P.

I am very divided on all the gun chatter. I agree and understand with both sides of the issue. The problem is, people from start to finish. Sure they would find another way if guns were taken away. I agree. Only other than bombs, everyone has a chance to defend themselves on a one on one...

Example: Man walks into a school with a bat. Kids are not going to be able to fend off a man with a bat, but teachers stand a much better chance. Every room in a school should have alarms that can be set off so the entire school knows something is going on and where it is coming from.. That should also be wired to the cops..

Same man with an AR walks into the same school, and we,,, we know that result from real life.

Our school went through the riots when busing started. Most of us survived it even with cops trying to run everyone over with their trikes..

More guns is not the answer. Why should I :HAVE TO" buy a gun and be trained to use it if I have no interest. Or maybe I cannot afford it.. Isn't it my right to live free in this country without having to install a gun turret in my home?  Why shouldn't we all be capable of walking the Earth without having to worry about the next idiot with more bullets than brains??? I'm not real interested in looking over my shoulder. Hell, with my back I can't!!! lol..
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


It's your right to not own a gun Steve.   :cheers:  You don't need one.   :icon_smile_wink:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Steve P.

I know that Chuckie. I am saying that I should not FEEL like I need to dress in Kevlar and drive a tank to go visit my parents on Sunday afternoon!!! No matter what LAWS or RIGHTS are ours, we need to use our BRAINS FIRST!!

Just last night I heard gunfire out my window. It sounded like it was a ways off, so I wasn't sure at first. Then I kept hearing it.. (There are no shooting ranges around me. Now and then someone shoots a snake with bird shot, but this was not a shotgun and if they were shooting snakes there had to have been hundreds of them.. Around me is all housing.. The cow pastures are all gone.. It was dark and nearing 9:30 so I don't think it was anyone using an air powered nail gun either.. I dropped a dime and found many others had also.. Still no idea what, if anything, they found... I am tired of guns myself..... 
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


The problem as I see it is there are thousands of guns coming across the borders with illegals anyway, some that were sold through Fast and Furious. There will always be guns whether the annointed one wants them or not. Gun restriction laws will only restrict the honest hard working Americans that want to keep their family safe. Nobody else.

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


This is how it is..........A locked door only keeps the honest people out, yet most of us lock our doors anyway don't we? ???   :icon_smile_wink:    Same reason most of us have guns for home protection.  Some choose to not lock their doors and don't feel the need to just like some choose not to have guns and don't feel the need to.  ME, I'd rather have it.  Like the old saying, "it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it".     :yesnod:
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!

Steve P.

But Skip, it's a good thing you are only GOOFY and not crazy, cuz now we all know you have guns!!!!   I was always taught that some things you just don't bring up... Not that I have anything to hide!!!!!!   ;) ;)
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida