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Wow, just wow...

Started by chargd72, December 05, 2012, 11:50:05 AM

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Quote from: skip68 on December 06, 2012, 10:07:09 AM
Cooter, I'll have you know that there are members on this very site that have done well and made lots and lots of money and you wouldn't even know it. They talk and joke like anyone else.  You shouldn't look at ones success as a sign that they're a spoiled snob.   Of course there are plenty of wealthy snobs out there just like there are plenty of wealthy good people that worked hard and earned it.  Like I said, I think there are some on this site that would surprise you.   Just sayin.    :icon_smile_wink:

Skip, try and understand before assuming you know where I'm coming from. Afterall, Douchebag/Turd bin has that market cornered. I was referring to the way THIS GUY spent HIS MONEY, which was basically what everybody else that posted here said anyway. This is a perfect example of Rich guy doucheness. Spending HUGE money on stupid sh*t, when there's starving people/ folks without a dime to their name. IMO, that is what my post referred to. I don't "Hate" ALL RICH PEOPLE, only the douchy ones. This guy IMO, qualifies. The ones that don't "Flaunt" it, or have "The attitude", I have no problem with.

Sooner or later, I've had to explain when some folks come up to me at a car show and ask "Wow, you must be loaded to afford all these cars you have"....

I calmly reply, "If you knew how much I had in ALL four (4) cars, you couldn't buy that $50K SUV you just drove up in"..
I usually get this reply from them...
"Really? So you must do your own work then, or something, because I have to pay for this and there's NO WAY I could afford four cars"...
I then , explain to them that of course I do my own work, but they didn't know that and assumed I was loaded and couldn't do my own work"..

So, you see, it isn't just me Skip, People see what their eyes see. Only that. Don't piss dowen my back and tell me it's raining. This guy is a douche.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Yeah well we're all guilty of that now aren't we?  Instead of donating 15 grand to the poor folks, I went out and bought a Charger.  Many members here did the same thing so does that make us all douchebags?  The world isn't black and white my friend.

And again, we have no clue what else he does with his money, for all we know he has some huge trust fund for cancer kids, who knows?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Quote from: Dino on December 06, 2012, 12:38:04 PM
Yeah well we're all guilty of that now aren't we?  Instead of donating 15 grand to the poor folks, I went out and bought a Charger.  Many members here did the same thing so does that make us all douchebags?  The world isn't black and white my friend.

And again, we have no clue what else he does with his money, for all we know he has some huge trust fund for cancer kids, who knows?

GEESH dino, you of all people I figured would have enough sense to see through the hate. But, you are 100% correct Dino...My bad, this guy is great.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"


Quote from: Cooter on December 06, 2012, 12:41:51 PM
Quote from: Dino on December 06, 2012, 12:38:04 PM
Yeah well we're all guilty of that now aren't we?  Instead of donating 15 grand to the poor folks, I went out and bought a Charger.  Many members here did the same thing so does that make us all douchebags?  The world isn't black and white my friend.

And again, we have no clue what else he does with his money, for all we know he has some huge trust fund for cancer kids, who knows?

GEESH dino, you of all people I figured would have enough sense to see through the hate. Damn, lemme try this AGAIN.

Did I miss the point?  Sorry about that, not feeling all too well today, in a bit of a daze...

If I misread, I apologize.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Quote from: Dino on December 06, 2012, 12:43:28 PM
Quote from: Cooter on December 06, 2012, 12:41:51 PM
Quote from: Dino on December 06, 2012, 12:38:04 PM
Yeah well we're all guilty of that now aren't we?  Instead of donating 15 grand to the poor folks, I went out and bought a Charger.  Many members here did the same thing so does that make us all douchebags?  The world isn't black and white my friend.

And again, we have no clue what else he does with his money, for all we know he has some huge trust fund for cancer kids, who knows?

GEESH dino, you of all people I figured would have enough sense to see through the hate. Damn, lemme try this AGAIN.

Did I miss the point?  Sorry about that, not feeling all too well today, in a bit of a daze...

If I misread, I apologize.
Nope, This guy is a wonderful person and spends his money the way he sees fit and all of us "Little People" should just be happy for him. There, said.
He is a saint that has done wonders for the hobby.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"

Mytur Binsdirti

Cooter, I don't know you but it's obvious that you really do have a hair across your ass. No.... a piece of barbed wire. If someone has nice things, and you don't like it; to you, they're a douche. Whether you're thowing jabs at me or the Barrett Jackson guy, do you honestly believe that those who are successful don't work hard for the money they earn? Do you think they are just sitting on big bags of money pulling out fistfulls of dollars and waving it in people's faces all day long? Seriously. And if someone who can afford it wants to build a nice big house and/or surround themselves with a lot of nice stuff, what's it matter to you?

As I've said before, many of my clients are wealthy people & I know I'm never going be as wealthy as them, but when "they" buy my products & services, iI am, in turn, provided with a decent income, as well as the people I employ. Many of my clients live in multi-million dollar homes & instead of cursing them out, I say God bless them. Some of my client's homes can take as long as 2-3 years to construct & believe me, they employ a lot of subcontractors, who employ more people. Plus, think about all of the materials that go into a home like that and those additional people that are employed. Then, once they're built, they have to fill there homes with "stuff" which costs plenty and even more people are employed. And once they move in, many will hire even more people to do house cleaning and interior/ exterior mantanance on their homes. Then, for the privilage of owning such a nice home filled with nice stuff, local government charges more in property taxes. Personally, I wouldn't want anything like that, but some do. So what's it to you? The trickle down effect really does work and yet you just sit there and growse.

Let me ask you this; is it fair that a couple with 5 kids in the school system, who live in a 1,100 square foot slab hose placed on a postage stamp lot pay less in local taxes than another couple who live in a 10,000 square foot house placed upon 10 acres with only 2 kids in the same school system?  Think about it before you go off in another venomous rich-hating rant. Other than becoming bitter, envy will get you nowhere in life. In the mean time, here's a sour-puss picture that perfectly suites you. I suggest that you really should use it as your avatar, that is, unless the one you currently have better describes you.......


Quote from: Cooter on December 06, 2012, 12:35:19 PM

Skip, try and understand before assuming you know where I'm coming from. Afterall, Douchebag/Turd bin has that market cornered. I was referring to the way THIS GUY spent HIS MONEY, which was basically what everybody else that posted here said anyway. This is a perfect example of Rich guy doucheness. Spending HUGE money on stupid sh*t, when there's starving people/ folks without a dime to their name. IMO, that is what my post referred to. I don't "Hate" ALL RICH PEOPLE, only the douchy ones. This guy IMO, qualifies. The ones that don't "Flaunt" it, or have "The attitude", I have no problem with.

Sooner or later, I've had to explain when some folks come up to me at a car show and ask "Wow, you must be loaded to afford all these cars you have"....

I calmly reply, "If you knew how much i had in ALL four (4) cars, you couldn't buy that $50K SUV you just drove up in"..
I usually get this reply from them...
"Really? So you must do your own work then, or something, because I have to pay for this and there's NO WAY I could afford four cars"...
I then , explain to them that of course I do my own work, but thhey didn't know that and assumed I was loaded and couldn't do my own work"..

So, you see, it isn't just me Skip, People see what their eyes see. Onloy that. Don't piss dowen my back and tell me it's raining. This guy is a douche.

And the hostess says, "Bitter, party of one... your table is ready".   :smilielol:   


Quote from: Mytur Binsdirti on December 06, 2012, 02:14:14 PM
Cooter,  Think about it before you go off in another venomous rich-hating rant.

You ain't seen going off yet kid.   Figures you wouldn't get it, I mean being one in the same and all.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"

Mytur Binsdirti

Quote from: Cooter on December 06, 2012, 08:26:29 PM
Quote from: Mytur Binsdirti on December 06, 2012, 02:14:14 PM
Cooter,  Think about it before you go off in another venomous rich-hating rant.

You ain't seen going off yet kid. Till then, phuck you and die.

Is that really the best respons you've got when someone calls you out to be the bitter, envious person that you are?   Seriously.  ::)

BTW, nice editing job in your previous post. Fortunately, your unedited comment is still here for all to see.   :slap:


I forwarded this to my bro. He's been over at for years, says this crap is like 5 years old!  :hah:
'73 Cuda 340 5spd RMS
'69 Charger 383 "Luci"
'08 CRF 450r
'12.5 450SX FE


I for one believe in enjoying what I have and not stressing out over what I haven't got.
Makes for a happy life.

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Jeez guys...   I just wanted to share the video with everyone.

I don't care who he is, how much he has, or what his MO is.  I just thought it was cool he had some bad@$$ mopars in his colletction.

          '72 Charger SE 4bbl 318                          '76 Power Wagon 400 W200                                 2011 (attempt at a) Charger


I thought it was cool too and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing.  :2thumbs:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


I for one don't mind seeing how the rich live, but I enjoy the life I have. :2thumbs:  The only way to make it better was if all the bills were paid and the charger was done.

Mike DC

Do I mind that this guy has so much money and stuff?  No.  

Do I think he worked hard for it?  Probably. 

Do I think he worked 5 or 10 times as hard as someone with 1/5th or 1/10th as much?  Not a chance.  

Life isn't fair and neither is money. 

The only thing that bugs me about this guy is that he made a lot of that money by making every redneck in the country think his rusty 318 Belvedere is worth HemiCuda money.  It's a PITA for the rest of us. 


I'm sorry, I thought this site was for middle aged dudes to talk about cars and boobies, not teenage girls to bicker and slap fight.



Its an impressive collection housed in great surroundings.


Quote from: Mike DC (formerly miked) on December 06, 2012, 11:54:21 PM

The only thing that bugs me about this guy is that he made a lot of that money by making every redneck in the country think his rusty 318 Belvedere is worth HemiCuda money.  It's a PITA for the rest of us. 

Wait Mike, this guys a saint. I mean afteral, look how much he's done for the hobby. Even the "Rednecks" After selling that 318 Belvedere, can enjoy spending like this guy now.
" I have spent thousands of dollars and countless hours researching what works and what doesn't and I'm willing to share"