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C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds -updated - February 28th 2025

Started by tan top, September 27, 2012, 05:13:39 AM

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Quote from: tan top on August 14, 2022, 09:01:07 AM  cant ever remember seeing this particular coverage of the 305ci Daytona

ive often wondered, whats mentioned in this video, that the daytona might of been damaged / spun  out delibberately,  for it to be only a one race deal & not to come back,  because it looked obvious before the 22 wrecked looked like it was giving a good account of its self  :scratchchin:  & would of been worth while still to entre it in the next race etc  :shruggy:

I guess we should be happy that some people care about 50 year old history.   But it does not preclude some unsound ideas being floated on You Tube.  

With expanded restrictor plate rules and both 426 and 366 Hemi's being in the mix for 1971,  the 305 with no plate was a simple experiment to see "if it would work"   There was no testing.   The first time the engine was in the car was at Daytona.    When NASCAR made the 305 rule,  I am sure it was with the intention that neither Ford and Chrysler would try it.   After the race,  NASCAR just told Chrysler (Larry Rathgeb) and Rossi not to bring the car to Ontario.   It was, "Hey, you guys didn't get the message the first time. So lets be crystal clear."    The reality is that it only would have worked at Daytona and Talladega where you are wound up all the time.    

The video alludes that the 305 was an independent effort.    However, it was a program with Chrysler's involvement.   Rossi of course, provided the car and was amenable to try it.    I presume Rossi was willing to try because, A: he had a Daytona, and B: like Cotton Owens, he had been shuffled out of major funding from Chrysler for 1971.   So the 305 was a path for the team to try and make Daytona with a little help.    

The suggestion that Pete Hamilton got into Brooks intentionally goes against facts.     He was the defending 500 winner in his first big race with a new team.    He was in contention for the win having won his 125 mile qualifier.   He was driving the the only 1971 car the team had.    Why would he throw any of that away?   There was never any talk from the Chrysler race group guys,  the drivers, the car owners that the incident was anything other than a racin' deal.    The idea that Cotton Owens would allow his driver to "throw a race" is just dumb.  I am sure Cotton was pissed about his car being damaged beyond contention.   These guys didn't have stables of ten cars where you can just go wreck someone.

The drafting thing?   Wing cars were hard to draft in 1970.    The You Tuber has been watching too much freight train modern NASCAR.

tan top

Quote from: Aero426 on August 14, 2022, 11:34:08 AM
Quote from: tan top on August 14, 2022, 09:01:07 AM  cant ever remember seeing this particular coverage of the 305ci Daytona

ive often wondered, whats mentioned in this video, that the daytona might of been damaged / spun  out delibberately,  for it to be only a one race deal & not to come back,  because it looked obvious before the 22 wrecked looked like it was giving a good account of its self  :scratchchin:  & would of been worth while still to entre it in the next race etc  :shruggy:

I guess we should be happy that some people care about 50 year old history.   But it does not preclude some unsound ideas being floated on You Tube.  

With expanded restrictor plate rules and both 426 and 366 Hemi's being in the mix for 1971,  the 305 with no plate was a simple experiment to see "if it would work"   There was no testing.   The first time the engine was in the car was at Daytona.    When NASCAR made the 305 rule,  I am sure it was with the intention that neither Ford and Chrysler would try it.   After the race,  NASCAR just told Chrysler (Larry Rathgeb) and Rossi not to bring the car to Ontario.   It was, "Hey, you guys didn't get the message the first time. So lets be crystal clear."    The reality is that it only would have worked at Daytona and Talladega where you are wound up all the time.    

The video alludes that the 305 was an independent effort.    However, it was a program with Chrysler's involvement.   Rossi of course, provided the car and was amenable to try it.    I presume Rossi was willing to try because, A: he had a Daytona, and B: like Cotton Owens, he had been shuffled out of major funding from Chrysler for 1971.   So the 305 was a path for the team to try and make Daytona with a little help.    

The suggestion that Pete Hamilton got into Brooks intentionally goes against facts.     He was the defending 500 winner in his first big race with a new team.    He was in contention for the win having won his 125 mile qualifier.   He was driving the the only 1971 car the team had.    Why would he throw any of that away?   There was never any talk from the Chrysler race group guys,  the drivers, the car owners that the incident was anything other than a racin' deal.    The idea that Cotton Owens would allow his driver to "throw a race" is just dumb.  I am sure Cotton was pissed about his car being damaged beyond contention.   These guys didn't have stables of ten cars where you can just go wreck someone.

The drafting thing?   Wing cars were hard to draft in 1970.    The You Tuber has been watching too much freight train modern NASCAR.

yes  i see what your saying,  makes sense !  they never had a whole  race shop full of back up cars ,   to be honest i got caught up in this youtubers enhusiasm ... with suppose what if  etc & the mention of the  lunch box motor makinhg 450- 475 horse  then remembering reading  the destroked 340 could turn over 9 grand,  then thinking  the drag eficency of the daytona ...  running wide open at the super speed ways at  daytona & talladega , but your right those were the only two tracks , 
thank you for the information , appreciated  :cheers: :2thumbs:
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Quote from: tan top on August 21, 2022, 05:32:27 PM
:popcrn:     wonder  where this C500 is now although 87 not that long ago :scratchchin:

Pretty sure this particular car is still in the Detroit area.


Quote from: Aero426 on August 14, 2022, 11:34:08 AM
Quote from: tan top on August 14, 2022, 09:01:07 AM  cant ever remember seeing this particular coverage of the 305ci Daytona

ive often wondered, whats mentioned in this video, that the daytona might of been damaged / spun  out delibberately,  for it to be only a one race deal & not to come back,  because it looked obvious before the 22 wrecked looked like it was giving a good account of its self  :scratchchin:  & would of been worth while still to entre it in the next race etc  :shruggy:

I guess we should be happy that some people care about 50 year old history.   But it does not preclude some unsound ideas being floated on You Tube.  

With expanded restrictor plate rules and both 426 and 366 Hemi's being in the mix for 1971,  the 305 with no plate was a simple experiment to see "if it would work"   There was no testing.   The first time the engine was in the car was at Daytona.    When NASCAR made the 305 rule,  I am sure it was with the intention that neither Ford and Chrysler would try it.   After the race,  NASCAR just told Chrysler (Larry Rathgeb) and Rossi not to bring the car to Ontario.   It was, "Hey, you guys didn't get the message the first time. So lets be crystal clear."    The reality is that it only would have worked at Daytona and Talladega where you are wound up all the time.    

The video alludes that the 305 was an independent effort.    However, it was a program with Chrysler's involvement.   Rossi of course, provided the car and was amenable to try it.    I presume Rossi was willing to try because, A: he had a Daytona, and B: like Cotton Owens, he had been shuffled out of major funding from Chrysler for 1971.   So the 305 was a path for the team to try and make Daytona with a little help.    

The suggestion that Pete Hamilton got into Brooks intentionally goes against facts.     He was the defending 500 winner in his first big race with a new team.    He was in contention for the win having won his 125 mile qualifier.   He was driving the the only 1971 car the team had.    Why would he throw any of that away?   There was never any talk from the Chrysler race group guys,  the drivers, the car owners that the incident was anything other than a racin' deal.    The idea that Cotton Owens would allow his driver to "throw a race" is just dumb.  I am sure Cotton was pissed about his car being damaged beyond contention.   These guys didn't have stables of ten cars where you can just go wreck someone.

The drafting thing?   Wing cars were hard to draft in 1970.    The You Tuber has been watching too much freight train modern NASCAR.

Hi Aero426,              27 August 2022

Last evening Dena and I were at our local Dairy Queen having a late night treat when we noticed a NASCAR race on TV. Your comment: "...too much freight train modern NASCAR." nails it. It was the most boring race we have ever seen and there appeared to be only 10 people in the stands. Wouldn't have wanted to be the "Ticket Sales Person" for that event.

What a sorry excuse for a NASCAR race. All the cars appeared to be "Cookie Cutter" cars with a "Decal" for whatever brand they were supporting. Video from inside the cars looked like they were driving fancy "Offices" instead of Race cars. It's fine if one likes to watch a kids Choo Choo train go around a track.

Guess that was the last NASCAR race we'll ever watch. . . . unless "Sanity/Reality" makes a comeback at NASCAR. Obviously, we haven't been watching in the last few years as NASCAR has "Evolved/Dissolved" in this "Modern Me-Too Era."

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court


Hi Folks,                 27 August 2022

Dena was looking on the net and found that the race mentioned above was the Wa Wa 250 at Daytona and that it had rained earlier. Maybe that's why the stands were empty and the race was running late in the evening.

Looks like there will be another race there today, the 400 . . . . IF it doesn't rain.

Doubt we will watch the Cho Cho train go around the track. We're going to do something exciting by going shopping at Wally World; is there any place else where one can find huge quantities of high quality items imported from China? Yeah . . . . everywhere else.

Time to saddle up and gallop over to the Walton's China Mart.

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks
Veteran - US Navy  Ex-Smoker (05 Mar 69) 56 years, heading for 100, 44 to go. Still lots to learn, lots to make up for. Weren't no angel. Fugitive from Southlake TX's Kangaroo Court

Sgt Superbird

"Last evening Dena and I were at our local Dairy Queen having a late night treat when we noticed a NASCAR race on TV. Your comment: "...too much freight train modern NASCAR." nails it. It was the most boring race we have ever seen and there appeared to be only 10 people in the stands. Wouldn't have wanted to be the "Ticket Sales Person" for that event.

What a sorry excuse for a NASCAR race. All the cars appeared to be "Cookie Cutter" cars with a "Decal" for whatever brand they were supporting. Video from inside the cars looked like they were driving fancy "Offices" instead of Race cars. It's fine if one likes to watch a kids Choo Choo train go around a track.

Guess that was the last NASCAR race we'll ever watch. . . . unless "Sanity/Reality" makes a comeback at NASCAR. Obviously, we haven't been watching in the last few years as NASCAR has "Evolved/Dissolved" in this "Modern Me-Too Era."

Best Always

426 Hemi Chicks"

BINGO, Hemi Chicks. You've nailed it. Boooooring

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html



1969 R4 Daytona XX29L9B410772
1970 EV2 Superbird RM23UOA174597
1970 FY1 Superbird RM23UOA166242
1970 EV2 Superbird RM23VOA179697
1968 426 Road Runner RM21J8A134509
1970 Coronet RT WS23UOA224126
1970 Daytona Clone XP29GOG178701


'69 Charger Daytona 440 auto 4.10 Dana ( now 426 HEMI )
'70 Superbird 426 Hemi auto: Lindsley Bonneville Salt Flat world record holder (220.2mph)
Houston Mopar Club Connection

tan top

 Bob (Taxspeaker) sent me this picture to post here ! :yesnod: 

thanks Bob    :cheers:  :2thumbs:
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

think a few of these have been posted before on  this site somewhere , but still good Aero stuff to look at  :yesnod: :popcrn:
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html

tan top

Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


These pics from the past of wing cars "in the wild" are great memories. Thanks for sharing!

tan top

Quote from: Impkidd on November 11, 2022, 09:22:54 PM
These pics from the past of wing cars "in the wild" are great memories. Thanks for sharing!

:2thumbs:  :cheers:  
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html