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Rant of mine

Started by MoparManJim, July 08, 2012, 04:26:38 AM

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Okay, I am going to explain myself here, and mot take offense to anyone either.  I have been exchanging PMs for the last few hours off and on with a follow mod  name Steve P. I want to give credit to the right mod and not the wrong mod.

I have been on the site as a member for what, sense 2007 2004? and I have hardly at all started crap on here between members.. well to the least as I know of. But then last fall I have no idea what happen, but I guess I was the victim or target on this very site for afew follow members. But in my time that I have been on here, I not have one time had a PM to me from any follow members that had a issue with me say anything to me. Yet sense 2007 2004 time frame I would say.. then last month I get a rude PM from Steve P. as we talk in afew PMs (which I recorded) and I will just say this much some bad words from him was said to me like the "F" word towards me. 

Well I didn't hardly post on here for bout a month, then the other day I posted something in the Off Topic General area here about a lawn mower issue I was having, it was a mix of me having issues and a rant of mine. Well certain forum members started back in, my wife had me help her afew weeks back get registered on here as a new member so she could be on the same where her husband is on. Sense we only have one pc in the house we share it. When I'm out working/ on projects , she is on the computer (she haven't used computers to much before). Well the other day she wanted to login for her first time to see how the site was. Guys that likes to pick on me and make fun of me started in on her and she came back. Well last night one member slammed her. Now if someone slams your wife for something that isn't even close to being even true, what do you mostly do? You stand by her side, well I lost my cool on here and told the member off. Hey I will admit I lost my cool but it was due to the fact to what the other member had said and also posted. That left a bad taste in her mouth.. and she does have afew relatives that have old cars and one that has a restoring garage that restores old cars for people. These people would be good to have on a site like this as they use to own chargers back in the day. These relatives of hers are up in there 50's and 60's I do believe. Anyways moving along, I sent board mod Steve P a PM letting him know and told him not to bother telling me that I was I was in the wrong when I knew. I also talked to him about the other members and as to why him or Troy hadn't done anything about the very issue of certain members always picking on other forum board members and what not. You know being nice, while upset due to a follow member slamming my wife earlier on. Well again I had afew PM's back from even him (Steve) with some rude comments from a mod at that  :o . Then to top it all off the second one included swearing with the "F" bomb in it as well. Plus a part where he mention he gets alot of complaints about me on here, which I find strange as I figure I would get or have gotten afew PMs from those people also over the last past year. You would think out of all those complaints afew of the complainers would have PMed me, none haven't  :o :P :-\ .   

Now I have to also ask this question, for all you on here that knows me, have I not always been nice to you all on here and treated you all with respect all these years? I know there was around 3 to 4 times in the all the years pressly the last year of the years that I have been a member on here that I have blow up on afew board members. I even posted a public apologize once to afew board members in one post to afew I have blown up on. and In all that time I have been a member here, I have only gotten maybe 5 PMs (2 one year, and 3 this year) from the mods in say the 8 years I been a member here.

Steve P.

Ok Jim, you want to get the members involved in this. Fine.

1). I am NOT just a moderator on this site. I am also a member and have been from the beginning of this site and only shortly after the beginning of the old charger site.

2). I have tried very hard to be nice and explain to you (IN PRIVATE), that people here are going to be sarcastic with you if you act like a child here. (Sort of like I am doing now due to your calling me out once again).

3). I kept every complaint from you and about you in private. I explained to you why people complained and I explained to you why people pick on you. You just don't want to here it and you are looking for someone here to wipe your tears and coddle you.

4). You call out Troy and myself complaining openly that we are not doing our jobs.. (OUR JOBS)!!!!!  Troy pays for this site directly out of his own pocket. Every month. Every year. He does not CHARGE YOU a single penny. I and the other moderators are NOT PAID to keep watch over the site. We do it for the same reason Troy started this site and pays for it.. We love the hobby and want to bring others together with information and advice about the cars we love.

5). You want to complain and call me out and expect that because I am a moderator that I am not going to get pissed off!!! I am tired of dealing with you and your god damned missing ducks. Troy and all of us mods have LIVES and JOBS that we deal with every day. We all have our own problems and other things going on in our daily lives.. But YOU think we should be here reading every damned post and moderating every single thing said here.. You called all of us out because you think we are not doing our JOBS.... Well JIM, our JOBS have nothing to do with child care. We are not babysitters...

Here's a fact for other members reading this: I have removed many rants and even complete topics due to whining and complaining from this member. I do not just lock them as they are still there for all to read and none of it is anything A) to do with Chargers or mopars and B) trying to save this complainer from more fun being made of him. BUT, he evidently wants my UNDIVIDED ATTENTION. Well JIM, you are getting it now!!!!!!

To all other members:

I DO NOT believe that this is the proper way to handle this problem and believe me when I tell you that I have sent this OP many personnel messages trying to stop this kind of crap... My fuse is burned and I am tired. Tonight alone I have been dealing with this for more than 3 hours. I do not believe any of us need this and never should any of us have to deal with crap like this from anyone... For this I am sorry... Please accept my apologies.

Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Jim, if had as many problems as you claim to have on this site, I would have left it by now. Just saying. It's the one option you haven't tried that would definitely solve all your issues here.


You gotta know when to bail out of the off-topic section of the board.  Also, if you can't take the heat of the free-for-all in off topic sections of message boards just keep yourself in the 'tech sections, or the threads that relate to the reason why you joined in the first place.  I'm actually of the opinion that off-topic sections on message boards are more trouble than they're worth; check out if you need an example of internet anarchy...


Quote from: bull on July 08, 2012, 05:02:24 AM
Jim, if had as many problems as you claim to have on this site, I would have left it by now. Just saying. It's the one option you haven't tried that would definitely solve all your issues here.

Bull, Yes, but you know what, I also own a charger like you do.. plus you was also one of the members that gave me issues as well before  :lol:. The only issues I have on this site mainly is the people that likes to pick and make fun of others on it until they run then off the site. Other then that I have no issues with the site! I started a thread the other day, asking about afew things, next thing I know people started in and making fun again. why hasn't this issue been delt with before and stopped some what.  If I ask questions about things on the real charger I have, I wonder who will start in on that or in that thread if I made one. 

Steve, look at what I said in my original post. I am asking people and follow board members there opinions. You have the right to step up as a member too, as like you said, your a mod and ALSO a "member" of the site like I am and like I said I am not going to take of fenced to nothing. Or am I going to get rude either. I'm going to keep it on the clean level  :2thumbs: but I am only putting credit where it is due at though. You can give me the # games, but what it all boils down to is how and what the forum members see that goes on the forums and how forum members are treated, being if the site is paid for or only if the mods are volunteering there time to help out. It all boils down to how the members are treated though by each other and how the mods handled the stuff. That is what makes a site a good one from a bad one or a good one and how a site can also grow bigger or decrease in size :2thumbs:  . Now if the members on a site even the lurkers sees how other members are being treated by other members good or bad even including with the mods, talk will get around and then that site might grow or it might not or other issues on the site might start up or grow bigger  :o.

Please folks, please stop making fun and poking fun of others if they post stupid stuff or ask stupid stuff. Best thing to do if you have nothing good to say to the person is to not even post anything. then things wouldn't get started.  :shruggy:


Quote from: myk on July 08, 2012, 05:29:25 AM
You gotta know when to bail out of the off-topic section of the board.  Also, if you can't take the heat of the free-for-all in off topic sections of message boards just keep yourself in the 'tech sections, or the threads that relate to the reason why you joined in the first place.  I'm actually of the opinion that off-topic sections on message boards are more trouble than they're worth; check out if you need an example of internet anarchy...

You know, I don't even remember why I join in the first place...  :think: 

I know I own a real charger.  :2thumbs: 

But with all the dang stuff with the poking fun and being made fun of on here, I don't even what to ask about things about my charger..  :icon_smile_dissapprove: 

Even if I do leave the Off Topic area, there is other areas with the same issues at too  :icon_smile_dissapprove: 

Steve P.

So you are saying that you want Troy and myself to treat you the way you have been treating us all night?? Is that correct??
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


Well, forgive my ignorance but I can't recall any instances of people being mean to you.  Why do you think people treat you this way?  


Quote from: Steve P. on July 08, 2012, 05:40:24 AM
So you are saying that you want Troy and myself to treat you the way you have been treating us all night?? Is that correct??

No your incorrect, Steve... 

I nicely told you in afew PM's. Yet you still got mouthy with me in that last PM to me..

Maybe for now on, when people start making fun of people or poking fun people about things, step in and say something when you see it on the board to those people instead through PM's to them. This way there friends might see it also coming from a mod if there friends gets warn about something they are doing wrong or to another forum member like your self are. I don't like fighting with mods at all, but there is an issue here that I guess you can't see and your leaving it go, and yet I been trying to tell you. You tell me in afew PM's I failed to listen to you, I think it goes both ways right now for the both of us. Others are probably to scared to step up and say anything because your a mod and they are afraid to get into trouble but I'm not. They are issues on the site with members towards other members that are being posted on the forums towards other members and being made fun of even with photos. This stuff shouldn't happen, other members sees it and when nothing is done they think it's okay as well to do the same thing and the issue grows and grows and that is how issues like this stuff comes about. The way I was treated to night was disrespectful even towards my wife also by a forum member (not you either). I was even yelled at rude by you in afew of the PMs and sweared at to by you. I didn't ask for that at all. I guess if people likes to poke fun and make fun of people, I can return the favor  :lol:   

Like the 4 ducks in the one photo with the yellow charger, and the other photo of the 4 ducks on the Hooter's mat, that was in connection to the 4 Missing Ducks I posted about about the disabled kid loosing afew moths back. That is disrespectful there and making fun of as well. But like i said above I'm not going to take offense to the stuff in this thread. 


Quote from: myk on July 08, 2012, 05:43:15 AM
Well, forgive my ignorance but I can't recall any instances of people being mean to you.  Why do you think people treat you this way?  

Then your not looking in the right places on here, look in this part of the area well forum for  "4 Missing Ducks" tread to start. I would say to use the search on here but i heard that feature didn't work to well though. I also have threads in the Other Car stuff as well on here, why do people treat me this way? I like to know that myself as I really don't know either. Far as i can remember I have always been nice to everyone on here and treated them with respect.  :shruggy:  

Here is one tread I was talking about.,93091.0.html

Here is the other tread.,93085.50.html 

Those two are in reply to this thread,91528.0.html  :shruggy: 

Plus there was a thread where Fred did about find the Cat and they put ducks into the photo as well, 4 ducks if I remember right..  :shruggy:

But I know the people can't help them selves though.   

Steve P.

You just do not get it... JIM, I am not going to step in and babysit you.. Not your PM's. And no, I and the other mods are not going to follow you around the site and run defense for you.. Again, we DO NOT READ EVERY POST!!!!

You say nicely told me a couple PM's. Fact is, I told you then as I am repeating myself now, it is not our job to follow you around and make sure nobody is picking on you.. You open yourself up to all kinds of crap and want us to clean up your mess.. NO!! Then when you don't get your way you start posts like this one. And the last 3 or 4 that I removed... This will get removed as well, but if you are going to hold us accountable and call us out, (Troy and I directly), I am going to leave it here for others to see...

I could quote everything you have said and refute it, but everyone else reading here already gets this. You are the only person that does NOT understand this...

One last time... If you do not like the way people treat you don't complain to everyone else. You have the power to CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!!  

You say and have said many times that we have a problem with people picking on others on this site.. In 3 months I have only had complains from 1 member about anyone picking on them... Really it is much longer than that, but it was the last time you complained and certainly rings a bell... That was when you pounded on the "REPORT TO MODERATOR" button and complained that people were giving you crap about your "HELP" SOMEONE STOLE 4 DUCKS"... You may have been serious as a heart attach, but anyone reading that laughed their asses off... Come on!!! You wanted help finding 4 ducks... North America has got to have 80 BAZILLION DUCKS quacking around!!!!!  Are you shitting me!!!!!!! The only reason nearly 12,000 members didn't give you hell about that is because most don't bother with OFF TOPIC... For Christs sake, I've seen others talking about it on a completely different site!!!!  You opened yourself up for it and people gave it to you.. Then you complained about it.... I only knew about it because you hit the "REPORT TO MODERATOR" button...

So you have done your very best to try to embarrass myself and Troy and you have had it handed back to you. Are you now done?? It is now 10 till 8: AM and I am still taking care of your wishes... This is more than 5 hours now. Closer to 6 hours... Do you think this is what MY "JOB" is??
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida

Brock Lee

Kudos to the Moderators here for their patience.



Why don't you just do two things;

1. Post nothing unless it is directly related to Dodge Chargers.

2. Read posts without responding unless your response is directly related to Dodge Chargers.

All your problems here start with your posts about the same everyday crap that everyone deals with too. We don't want to hear it from you. I don't come here to solve your personal issues or leaking sink faucets. I don't often read the off-topic section but your crazy talk somehow still spills over.
You seem to be oblivious to how others perceive you. Get a clue. The things you post make you seem a fool. Stop it.
1968 505" EFI 4-speed
1968 D200 Camper Special, 318/2bbl/4spd/4.10
Torque converters are for construction equipment.


Four ducks flew past my bedroom window last week.  Mallards, I think.......
13.53 @ 105.32


I'm pretty easy to get along with, and I've never personally had a problem with anybody on this site.

Sometimes I think others get irritated with me when it comes to certain opinions regarding the 383 but its all in goodfun.  :cheers:  :2thumbs:


Quote from: MoparManJim on July 08, 2012, 06:22:57 AM
Like the 4 ducks in the one photo with the yellow charger, and the other photo of the 4 ducks on the Hooter's mat, that was in connection to the 4 Missing Ducks I posted about about the disabled kid loosing afew moths back. That is disrespectful there and making fun of as well. But like i said above I'm not going to take offense to the stuff in this thread.  

Jim, Let me try to put this into perspective. The duck thing is nothing more than a joke here, same with the vibrating couch thing. If you want someone to feel sorry about the kid loosing his ducks and get someone to give a shoulder to cry on, you might want to post that on facebook. Hell I was even hesitant to post about the batteries going dead on all my cars if I parked them in a specific place on my farm. While it's a real issue that I am still trying to figure out, it's not going to get any real serious support. I got a few suggestions but all in all I knew how it was going to be perceived.  

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Since you asked for other members opinions, here is mine.  My opinion is that 99% of the people who ask what others opinions of them are, do not have the personal strength to deal with what most of those opinions are.  Low self esteem is what makes you worry about what others think isntead of just doing what you wnat in life.  Look at it this way Jim, think of the number of people in real life that you consider your friend.  Actual friends.  Now subtract the number of those that are family unless they really are actually friends and the family bond does not play into it AT ALL.  Now take that number and work it into the number of people you have met in your lifetime.  Not the casual greeting of a service station clerk but the kids yo spoke to regularly at recess or guys you work beside each day, or people you have encountere and spent some time talking to.  ee the big difference in the number you have met and the number who are actual friends who come to your house or help you move or feed your car while you are on vacation or just call up to say hi?  That difference expressed as a percentage is the percent of people in your life who like you.  That tiny percentage are the ones who met you, clicked with you and thought "I wanna hang with this dude".  Discouraging huh?  Not really though, you see we all click with the same tiny number of people but the rest of us don't go on the internet asking why people dont like us.
And before you take that personally, I don't like or dislike you since I have never met you.  My opinion is more about the issue of asking the question than it is the questioner if that helps.


Quote from: Brock Lee on July 08, 2012, 07:33:03 AM
Kudos to the Moderators here for their patience.
:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:  and all there donated time , money and hard work so we can come here

Silver R/T

Sounds like someone got overheated, I hope weather cools down soon...

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722


1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


Wait're the duck guy! ...ahhhhh, OK I understand things now.

Ya' got all kinds of people here, ya' just gotta roll with it. Hey, I get mad when people don't reanimate my "Questions about Zombies" thread but I just move on post/read/answer in the tech area. After all this is a CHARGER web site, dedicated to restoring cars not (necessarily) talking about zombie attacks or finding ducks...lighten up a bit :slap:  

Good luck and concentrate on why we're here...Chargers

P.S. I thought the picture of the ducks at hooters was hilarious  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Quote from: moparstuart on July 08, 2012, 11:37:48 AM
Quote from: Brock Lee on July 08, 2012, 07:33:03 AM
Kudos to the Moderators here for their patience.
:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:  and all there donated time , money and hard work so we can come here

I joined this site because of the expert advice of the Pros and experiences of members just like me trying to learn. I keep coming back because of the folks here, I'd like to meet everyone of ya and shake your hands. It is only my opinion but there are very fine people here and many of the young ones have a level of maturity that is both refreshing and a joy to watch as they learn.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think we need to keep the youngin's in mind here and set the best example for them we can. Juvenile sophomoric behavior is best saved for FaceBook etc.

Folks have taken issue with me on occasion as I have with a couple. Thin skin and sleeve wearing rants make for a tumultuous life.......which is too short to begin with. I respect everyone's opinion and appreciate those that are counter to mine. A differing opinion is not a call to combat, it is sharing a different prospective. This is how we learn me thinks. The few unhappy souls do not reflect the genuine camaraderie of the many
on this site. Perhaps I'm naive but I understand this forum to be family oriented populated by a membership with a similar love of these cars that rule our lives, wallets and marriages sometimes. Hahahaha

Mods, you have provided an outstanding service to us all and I'm pleased to be a member here. Service not job. If I can be of any service to this forum it would be my pleasure.

OK, I'm done now. You wanna pick on me.......go ahead, I'll fart. :nana:

This place is not about pawing matches, it's about Mopars.
FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!

Silver R/T

I've been a member on here since original when it was Jesse's site. There's bunch of different people here, just like the rest of America. Different political/cultural backgrounds. I've also had arguments with some people but some of them are no longer members here, some we've made peace with and some - we just learned how to get along with, even though we haven't made friends. You just have to learn to live with it.

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722

Chad L. Magee

Quote from: moparstuart on July 08, 2012, 11:37:48 AM
Quote from: Brock Lee on July 08, 2012, 07:33:03 AM
Kudos to the Moderators here for their patience.
:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:  and all there donated time , money and hard work so we can come here

:2thumbs:  I agree, the Moderators do an excellent job for us.  Remember, they do not get paid for their service here....
Ph.D. Metallocene Chemist......


Are you serious Jim?? Give me a break! You post stuff like you do and think nobody is going to think it's funny? I agree with the advice above. Either stick to relevant questions about fixing your Charger or just don't come here any more. I am totally with the moderators on this one. They are not here to babysit you and if your feelings get hurt that easy you just shouldn't be here.
1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee
496 stroker