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Got a project 70, now the fun/pain begins

Started by toocheaptosmoke, June 29, 2012, 09:05:13 PM

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Hitch looks kinda funny, But at least with 1500LBS Weight limit, you can now haul home 3 fat chicks without worrying about the upholstery  :yesnod:


Been trying to find that perfect ugly green color in a spray can, was wanting to paint it that color with artificial rust showing through in spots.  :eek2: :lol: But, unfortunately (maybe?) I haven't found anything close enough, so I need to do something else.  Can't take the light grey primer anymore.  Kept saying I wasn't going to do satin black because everybody does black, but I tried one quarter panel and it does look kind of good...    :scratchchin:

But in the meantime, when my right arm wasn't busy shifting (insert joke) it had no where to go, so it was center console time.  Stock pieces were pretty much out of price range, and even generic chinese made crap consoles were like 50 bucks, and they aren't that nice.  So brainstormed for a while, then it hit me, ammo can!   I had actually purchased a nice new one from the carlisle show last year, so at least it's a chrysler nationals ammo can.   :nana:

(pic from last year)

Used a cup holder thing from the hardware store and hacked it up to fit into the can.  It was like it was meant to fit, and made in USA too. 

Bolted it right to the stock console bracket, so didn't even have to drill any holes in the floor.

Cut up some plywood and foam to make a pad on the lid.


I know what you mean about the matte black being popular... however locally i've only ever seen 2 cars in matte black.. both were 73/74 novas  :shruggy:

either way its not nearly as popular as silver or white  :lol:


Made one last trip to the hardware store to check on what colors they had, ended up with "oregano" which is a mix of brown and greenish.   Was actually kind of close the original gold color, so I tried painting on a black vinyl top to kind of see how it looked originally.   Color has actually grown on me, although not enough to justify doing the doors yet.  :lol:

Also had to put some stickers in the quarter windows.  :2thumbs:

Got a couple universal seat covers, and they fit really nice.  Last saturday I was actually on my way to a wrecking yard to see if I could find a couple of seats, spare tire, center console, etc. when I got a call from work that there was a breakdown in the mill and I had to go in.  :brickwall:  So, that's where plan B on the console and seats came in.    I really want to get out to carlisle again this year, need to get a few parts, just hope work doesn't screw things up again...


reminds me of the 69 coronet from fast and furious  :scratchchin:


Gonna have to watch that movie as well.  :smilielol:   I did see tokyo drift, but not the rest of the series.  :slap:  But, I did actually watch the new dukes of hazard movie the other day, so I'm slowly catching up on my essential charger viewing material.

I tore down the carb I got from the swap meet, it wasn't in terrible shape but the top cover was warped a little bit.  Tried to get it straightened out like I did with the other carb, and proceeded to crack it.  :icon_smile_blackeye:  At that point I decided heck with it, the crack wasn't that bad and I'll just put it back together with left over parts I had laying around.  Turns out that it runs much better than the old carb I spent so much time trying to tune...  So, for now I'm running it, maybe try to find another or better rebuild/fix the current one.  :shruggy:

Then I went to the gas station and decided to fill the tank to the very top, just in case it would leak.  But, it shouldn't, the parts are like brand new...  So much for that, came home and 20 minutes later gas was coming out from around the grommet.

Was eventually able to stop the bleeding a bit, thank goodness for hose clamps.  So now I'm trying to track down an actual Mopar part before next weekend, local dealership is closed on sundays.


Ended up getting an actual mopar fuel tank grommet from the local dealer, no more leaks.  :2thumbs:

Here's what I wrote up about the carlisle trip,

Quote from: toocheaptosmoke on July 13, 2014, 08:30:52 PM
Got up a little before 5 on saturday, my cousin was running a bit late so we didn't get on the road until about 6.  Drafted my cuz into going, because it's always easier pushing a car with two people...  He's not a mopar guy, and I took abuse all day about how he felt embarrassed to be riding in such a POS.  :lol:  As soon as he got in he wanted to know what was wrong with the seats, I said nothing, they're just 43 years old!  So, with radio cranked, we set off for the show, it takes about 4 hours to get to Carlisle.  The car was running pretty good and it was nice and cool outside.  I was a bit worried about arriving at the fairgrounds at the busiest time, but even though traffic was backed and congested the entire way up to the gate it was only 5 minutes to register and get into the showfield.  :2thumbs:

Luckily was able to find a spot to park, and soon went to work getting ready to hit the swap.  Was able to cram my dolly in the trunk, always got to have that or a wagon when at a swap!  Started weaving through the swap area, eventually came across a couple nice 80's era wheels and dragged those back to the car, having premium parking next to the swap meet is awesome!  Later I almost bought a couple more crusty cragers, but worried a bit about the structural integrity of the aluminum/steel setup?  Did my part to empty out some of the dollar and 25 cent boxes.  Even bought a '70 satellite grille for wall art just because I couldn't pass up a deal.   Missed the 1:00 photo, was in deep out at the far corner of the swap area.  Never did find a tail light cover or headlight door motor.  Should have paced myself better going through the swap, tried to do it all at once and was getting burned out.

Eventually it was getting pretty hot out in the sun, and were discussing how hot it was going to be on the ride home.  I don't own any vehicles with a/c so I'm kind of used to it, but my cousin wasn't too enthused.  :lol:  Probably doesn't help I have bare black metal floors with headers either...   Having already blown enough money on registration and gas, we left and hit up sheetz for some cheap grub.   Hit the road and even the air at 70 mph still felt hot, the brittle vinyl under the seat covers just reflected all the heat right back to your azz.  :flame:  New seats are on the priority list.  Also need to get some better rear tires, mud terrains are so loud I almost need a better stereo.  Got home and found the front oil seal on the timing chain cover starting to weep so need to fix that eventually. 

All in all it was a great time though, got a lot of laughs with the car.  Everybody seemed to have a different story about how they had a car in that condition at one time or another, or what they would do if they had a car like that.  There was also some looks of shock/horror/disgust. :o   But I don't take the car or myself that seriously anyways, so it was all good.  :icon_smile_big:

Did 448 miles yesterday, total gas used was 24.1 gallons = 18.6 mpg.  Little bit disappointed, was hoping to break into the 20's, but there's still some work to be done with carb and timing.  Doing about 70 most of the time probably didn't help either. 

Don't have any pics from the show, pretty sure I had the worst 2nd gen charger there though.  :lol:  Here's some of the stuff I found,

After the trip I decided the stock turbo mufflers just had to go, they were way to quite at idle and had a bit of drone to them at highway speeds.  So, we forked out the $60 for the new, and mostly ruined the old trying to take them off.


But, while under the car I found out the one axle seal is leaking, add it to the repair list...   Can't do a road test to hear the new exhaust sound until I get that done.




Quote from: Baldwinvette77 on July 16, 2014, 09:16:47 PM


I did take it for a drive today, boy do they start rapping when you get on it!  Almost too loud, almost...  :D  And no more drone at highway speed.

Got the new axle seals in yesterday, not sure if the old seal failed from wear or if it just rusted through.

While the diff cover was off we had to hit it with some gold paint.  :nana:


Nice, Now we just gotta wait for the glass to burn out  :coolgleamA:


Was at work this week when the office manager lady come over to my desk.  She asks if that is my car out side, I said what do you mean?  She said that I was the only person that would drive something like that, and that she didn't see my truck.  "That is THE ugliest car I have ever seen in my life!"     I said that's something I'll take pride in knowing.  :lol:  Btw, my department starts the earliest so we can park pretty much anywhere.  I park right in the front lot where I can see from my desk.  :D

Then I also broke down and bought a new carb.  I am stubborn, and it was really hard putting the Q-jets on the shelf for now, but I have spent so much time fighting with them...  :icon_smile_blackeye: Got a 600 cfm Summit carb that's basically an improved holley, so far it runs pretty darn good, a bit on the rich side though.  But, the secondaries can actually come on line without bogging now.


Sweet new carb, its funny, if you were to throw a set of chrome torq trusts, and macco it Black, im sure she'll be like.. "Wow love the new car, Glad you got rid of the gray one"  :lol:


New tars finally came in. Ended up getting all 4 for $560 shipped to my door, that was the cheapest I could find.  Of all places, they came from 4WD hardware.  :lol:  Little bit sad to see the mud terrains go, they did save me from getting stuck in a lot of loose pea gravel one time!  The new tires have definitely changed the handling of the car, feels like it "floats" a bit more but at the same time it feels more decisive when tracking straight or going through a turn.  :shruggy:  But the most notable thing is they are quite.  :yesnod:  Still made in the USA too.

Now for a quick story about how I pissed off a Prius driver today.

I was doing a quick spin down the highway to check the high speed balance of the new tires.  So I get off at the one exit and double back around to get back onto it.  This particular on-ramp goes up a hill, so you do have to get on it a bit to merge.  As I'm following a couple cars ahead of me I see there's a car stopped on the shoulder of the on-ramp, a prius actually.  There's a guy standing behind the car watching the traffic go by.  As I'm driving up the ramp I'm keeping an eye on the guy, and making sure someone doesn't open the door.  I move over a bit and hug the left side of the lane, I always try to give people some room if I can.  Just as I'm about to go past him, I see something grey on the road like 50 feet in front of me, like one of those flat lids  from a rubbermaid container.  Well, since I had moved over to the left a bit I just crushed that lid dead center with both wheels!! THWACK-THWACK, with glasspacks barking cause I was hanging in 3rd gear.  Looked in the rearview, as soon as I go past the guy walks out on the road to get whatever it was I just flattened.  He was pissed!!! Waving his arms and flipping me the bird with both hands.  I felt kind of bad, didn't mean to hit the lid, I was just trying to be courteous and give him some room while going past.   :smilielol:


Well, thats what gets for setting up dinner on a highway offramp  :shruggy:


I was in my cutlass, and a lady with her baby was crossing the street on a green light (i had the right of way) she dropped her purse or, some small bag that was hanging from the stroller, i honked my horn and pointed, she just glanced at me and gave me the finger, so out of spite, i ran over her bag at full throttle and was graced with her running over to it in my rearveiw mirror  :lol: It felt great at the time..... and.. actually still does  :D

Grim Jhaixus

Dude, you are my new hero!  :cheers:

(Nacho still comes first tho.)
"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca


It was more like the lid off a storage container, or at least that's what I could make out the split second before I ran it over.  The more I think about the prius dude the funnier it gets.  Imagine his side of the story, goes home to tell his wife that he can't believe some hick in an old POS car purposely ran over his lid right before he picked it up, then sped off laughing.  :smilielol:   Just about hit every stereotype possible in this scenario.

Sounds like the lady with the purse got some instant karma.  :lol: 


Finally got around to putting the ashtray back into the dash, now I finally have a 12v power source.  :2thumbs:  Also realized how faded the rest of my dash is...

Might be the most unsanitary ashtray ever, need to dip the entire thing in evapo-rust.  :eek2: 

Still have an issue with the hazard lights.  When I plug in the flasher, it will randomly start clicking on it's own, with no lights on.  It keeps on clicking, even though when you actually turn on the hazards they work like normal.  The flasher gets hot after a while, already burned one up.   :shruggy:  Anybody ever see anything like that before?




Just read through the whole thread.  Dude, love the work you've done.  Brave too, I'm sure out in the world you get negative attention but I'm enthralled with what you've done.   :2thumbs:
1970 Dodge Charger - 1969 Dodge Dart - 2008 Dodge Caliber SRT4 - 1997 Dodge Neon (Sold for Charger Parts)


Quote from: SovereignZuul on September 03, 2014, 02:31:54 PM
Just read through the whole thread.  Dude, love the work you've done.  Brave too, I'm sure out in the world you get negative attention but I'm enthralled with what you've done.   :2thumbs:

Thanks man.  :2thumbs:  It felt pretty good to have the car on the road this summer (even with the carb issues...) and think that just a year ago it was sitting in the driveway on blocks.  Might not be a correct restoration, but hopefully it helps inpire others to just do what it takes to get on the road and enjoy their car.  Surprisingly enough, driving the car in joe dirt style has been better than expected.  I know some guys cringe, but most of the time people are glad to see it on the road.  Seems like most people that make comment at least know it's a charger and are genuinly interested.  So far I haven't gotten any  "Nice camaro!" comments yet.  :lol:

Grim Jhaixus

Quote from: toocheaptosmoke on September 04, 2014, 12:03:18 PM

Might not be a correct restoration, but hopefully it helps inpire others to just do what it takes to get on the road and enjoy their car.  Surprisingly enough, driving the car in joe dirt style has been better than expected.  I know some guys cringe, but most of the time people are glad to see it on the road.

PM me your address I'm mailing you a beer.  :cheers: :cheers:
"Scars" 1973 Base 318/904 Originally B5

Married on November 23rd, 2009
Fried all the electricals two weeks after purchase
Set on fire ~twice~
Overheated til it would diesel a full five minutes ~twice~

Never once didn't start, never stranded me, never once did not take me where I needed to go. Daily driver of 4+ years.

Currently undergoing 413/727 swap after I finally beat the 318 til it lost a headgasket. The kicker is the 318 still cranks and runs like nothing is wrong. I love my ca


Here's a video I put together from clips earlier in the summer, almost forgot what the car looked like back in June.  :lol:  Got the car stowed away in the barn for the winter, insurance won't kick back in until The end of March.   :-\  So until then, it's confined to donuts in the back yard.  This spring I would like to add in some offset control arm bushings for more caster, and also add in a fuel pressure regulator w/return to fix some fuel percolation problems.


Great video and awesome ride :2thumbs:

Love the fender tag and the phone call at the end


Well, a week or two ago when the temperature got up to a baumy 38 degrees I threw the cables back on the battery and she fired right up.  Dug it out of the barn, (crazy how much crap accumulates around something...)  and moved it into the car port.   Had a list of stuff I want to get done before it goes back on the road,

- change oil
- replace O2 sensor, fouled out the old one
- install cowl vent I bought on ebay
- re-seal the trunk area so I don't die of fumes
- install fuel pressure regulator w/ return line
- find a headlight door motor that isn't $300...
- install line lock system  :D
- put some speakers in the rear package tray
- install 3rd brake light
- install moog offset control arm bushings for more caster
- put some extra padding on the front seats
- put relays on the headlights
- get the carb dialed in better


02 sensor? How did i miss/completely ignore that part  :scratchchin: