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DOH - series versus movie question

Started by Ghoste, March 18, 2012, 11:56:04 AM

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Quote from: Red 70 R/T 493 on March 20, 2012, 12:10:55 AM
Thats a terrible way to act, Brock. The tradition of moonshine DOES go back before any laws regarding it.
Dukes as criminals? What crimes were commited? Rape, Robbery? Murder? Hate crimes?  MYk, take a clue since you obviously had blinders on ....The show emphasized taking care of your family and showing respect to your elders. The Dukes considered strangers to be "People that they hadn't met yet."  They fought INjustice when they saw it.

Take a clue?  Blinders?  You wanna talk about showing respect you should watch your own mouth.  Keep in mind that I was 8 years old when I watched this program, but I didn't miss a thing.  I still saw and understood the reckless attitude that they had for law and order, and the fact that they were always running from the police, the law.  However, do you think that just because someone treats their loved ones and elders "right" that exempts them from the law or having to be punished from crimes they commit?  I guess this means you're OK with all of those hispanic gangs in Los Angeles that kill,  rob and rape all day long but are always sure to take care of La Familia?  After all to them family is everything, so see those thugs ain't so bad!

Breaking the law is an absolute, you either follow the law or you don't; I don't care if you're a jaywalker, drug/moonshine runner (that's right!  The Dukes transported illegal substances/contraband!) or a mass murderer.  Once you've broken the law you should be punished for it, not heralded as a hero because you "treat your loved ones and elders right."  After all, I'm sure Osama Bin Laden was the man when it came to his 30 wives and probably his parents but does that mean that we should forget that fact that he's a terrorist?  

Also, just because they were committing crimes before there were laws for their crimes that their criminal activities should be forgiven, ignored?  Men were raping women, stealing things and killing one another long before there was the US of A or any other governing institute or societal body, so should we just forget those crimes too, I mean as long as these people "treat their loved ones and elders right?"

Furthermore, the Dukes fought INjustice outside of the law on their own terms which is just another example of their lawlessness, taking matters into their own hands.  Vigilantism is nothing to be proud of, and I don't care how they treated their old man.

Good Lord I can't believe I'm discussing the philosophy of the "Dukes of Hazzard..."   :eek2:

Mike DC

DOH just reflected the values of much of America, especially at that time and place.  Some are a bit contradictory IMHO.  

America = good
Christianity = vital

Alcohol = good
other drugs = bad

loose sex = bad
implied loose sexual habits = good for men, bad for women

Obeying the law = admirable
breaking the law = good if it doesn't hurt anyone, bad if it does


Fighting the system like two modern day Robin Hoods?


I just loved the episode where they had to jump the creek to escape Boss and Rosco .


Brock Lee

My favourite episode was the one where the bad guys came into town acting like they was on Boss Hogg's side, but then double crossed 'ol Boss. The boys (and General) had to come and save the day. Remember the big stunt the boys pulled off to catch those guys? Then Rosco writes them tickets for all the laws they broke while helping Boss!

Kern Dog

Myk, you  display the ramblings of an idiot. Comparing Osama to the Dukes?
You didn't directly address my points, and It is obvious. They drove the car fast... so WHAT! they refused to abide by UNfair, crooked laws. Are YOU such a pansy that you would tolerate crooked police and unfair laws? GREAT! That shows what a lack of character you have. You obviously missed the undertones of the show. Part of the spirit of the south is INDEPENDENCE. Maybe you heard about the Civil War?


Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


My 2 sons love watching the Dukes on DVD. To bad there isnt any shows on today like there was back in the 80s with special cars in them.


Uh oh.

I remember reading the about these guys in the paper.  "Men of Honour" the called them.  Basically, who do you want?  The lesser of two evils.


Myk... You missed the most important part of nearly every episode..

Basically, every crime they supposedly committed was a setup to get their probation revoked or to grab the family land.
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;  a sense of humor to console him for what he is.      Francis Bacon

Looking for a CD by  'The Sub-Mersians'  entitled "Raw Love Songs From My Garage To Your Bedroom"

Also, any of the various surf-revival compilation albums this band has contributed to.
Thank you,    Kenny

Jesus drove a Honda. He wasn't proud of it, though...
John 12: 49     "...for I did not speak of my own Accord."

Back N Black

Wow! a lot of hype for a low budget TV show with terrible actors and a weak story line. It was fun to watch when i was 12, watch the big orange car kick up dirt and jump the creek.  :Twocents:


Quote from: kab69440 on March 20, 2012, 07:31:48 PM
Myk... You missed the most important part of nearly every episode..

Basically, every crime they supposedly committed was a setup to get their probation revoked or to grab the family land.

I think he was talking about the Dukes breaking the law by carrying moonshine and driving like idiots 24/7 (although that was the best part of the show).  Not the fact that they were setup every other episode by Boss.

In a way yes they were criminals.  Reckless driving and endangering others on the road such as pedestrians in town and shooting tnt loaded arrows is probably not all that legal.   

Anyway, the series was campy, had lousy acting (although I always liked Sorrell Booke) and if it wasn't for the car, I seriously doubt they had made it passed the pilot episode.  The writing was good though, just too bad they used the same script for just about every episode.   :nana:
The movie was plain bad, top to bottom, left to right.  The only good parts are the driving parts but seeing the blacked out grille and spray bombed interior gave me this funny feeling they found the movie cars at hlpag!

I guess it all depends on where you grew up and what you believe are family values.  Some people may take offense to that civil war comment.  I sure hope that's not the pride of the south's independance.  They can be proud for many things but the war and why it happened should not be one of them.

I used to love the General Lee.  I thought the orange and red and blue matched up great.  But it's just a look and I don't think the flag would go over well in these parts.  :icon_smile_big:   Now before anyone gets all bent out of shape, yes you can have a General clone and not feel guilty because you have a copy of Americana pop culture and it jusst wouldn't be the same without the flag.  Anyone can see that.  It's just not something I would want.

Funny how a dumb little show can bring up such strong opinions and emotions...and nobody even shot JR in this one!   :smilielol:
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Quote from: myk on March 20, 2012, 12:35:53 AM
Take a clue?  Blinders?  You wanna talk about showing respect you should watch your own mouth.  Keep in mind that I was 8 years old when I watched this program, but I didn't miss a thing.  I still saw and understood the reckless attitude that they had for law and order, and the fact that they were always running from the police, the law.

Even when that so called law was crooked?

They fought the corrupted law in Hazzard to save the community.

Quote from: myk on March 20, 2012, 12:35:53 AM
Breaking the law is an absolute, you either follow the law or you don't

So you follow the law 100%? You've never jaywalked, went over the speed limit, did a rolling stop, etc?

Quote from: myk on March 20, 2012, 12:35:53 AM
The Dukes transported illegal substances/contraband!

Now Ive never seen every single Dukes episode, all I remember was they USED to run shine and were making up for their "evil" ways.

Quote from: myk on March 20, 2012, 12:35:53 AMFurthermore, the Dukes fought INjustice outside of the law on their own terms which is just another example of their lawlessness, taking matters into their own hands.  Vigilantism is nothing to be proud of, and I don't care how they treated their old man.

So the Dukes should have let Boss Hogg do all the things he did? Hell almost every other show he tried to destroy the town in some way. So you're telling me that if someone came to destroy your town and you were it's only hope you wouldn't do anything simply because that would be considered vigilantism?

As for Vigilantism, my views are slightly different. I studied more than a few cases of pedophiles and sex offenders getting no sentences or thus very light sentences because of our legal system. I can in fact say that I know family members who used Vigilantism and were SUPPORTED by the RCMP in doing so to run a pedophile out of a small community because legally the law couldn't do anything about it.  But I'll stop the debate on Vigilantism here since I don't want this thread to go off the tracks :D

Oh and I guess I don't have to mention that countries like the United States wouldn't exist without people figthting INJUSTICE outside of the law. I believe they called that a Revolution  :nana:

Kern Dog

I am against terrorism and injustice
Myk has refused to speak on the matter.
I stand for equality and freedom
Myk hasn't given his position on those issues.
I propose lower taxes and less government
Myk has yet to commit to either issue.
Myk wants to have it HIS way.
I'm NOT like Myk
I am Red 70 and i APPROVE of this message. :nana:


Breaking the law is absolute?

Quick, who is this quote from?

"There can be no justice where the law is absolute."
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not;  a sense of humor to console him for what he is.      Francis Bacon

Looking for a CD by  'The Sub-Mersians'  entitled "Raw Love Songs From My Garage To Your Bedroom"

Also, any of the various surf-revival compilation albums this band has contributed to.
Thank you,    Kenny

Jesus drove a Honda. He wasn't proud of it, though...
John 12: 49     "...for I did not speak of my own Accord."


I've seen many post they think the acting on the show sucked.  Am I the only one who thinks the acting wasn't bad?  Okay the Coy and Vance characters couldn't act, but I thought everyone else played the part fine.

Kern Dog

I think that the acting was just fine. Yeah, the dark haired "vance" guy needed some lessons, but the rest of the cast was top notch. Armchair critics mistake "acting" for "writing". The actors did a decent job with what they had. The scripts were pretty basic and had a similar, repetitive theme each week. This show was part slapstick comedy, and that type of comedy isn't for everyone.

Brock Lee

I loved how most of the primary actors couldn't hold a decent southern accent together. Uncle Jesse sounded like he was taking coaching from Yosemite Sam, Boss Hogg from Ester on Sanford and Son.

The slapstick comedy was a later element for sure, and only occasional. The show was supposed to be an action adventure. But ended up being a parody of the south with some physical comedy mixed in.

Mike DC

Ewan MacGregor and Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen all have some decent acting chops.  But you wouldn't know it from watching the Star Wars prequels.  

Same problem with DOH.  The cast were decent actors IMHO.  The problem was the dialogue writing and the directing/editing of the actors' footage.  The producers just didn't give the acting any priority whatsoever.  The actors began to rewrite their lines and ad-lib stuff on their own as the show went on.  You can tell the difference.  

When Vance & Coy showed up, they were trying to keep their jobs and they just read exactly what was written to them.  They knew they would have been replaced if they caused any complications on the set.  (Then we found out just how bad the writing really was!)



I still say that the movie was a good movie. No, it was not an accurate reproduction of the series, but it was a good movie with decent acting, great stunts, awesome driving and good comedy.

The 2007 movie was pretty rough but I still bought it to watch the car


I still say that the movie was a good movie. No, it was not an accurate reproduction of the series, but it was a good movie with decent acting, great stunts, awesome driving and good comedy.

The 2007 movie was pretty rough but I still bought it to watch the car"

Agree !  :2thumbs: