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Sea Change

Started by Fred, November 15, 2011, 12:31:39 AM

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Gotta love a '69



God must love stupid people; He made so many.


70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


And that right there is why the English language is difficult to understand!

Down here

a metre is a unit of measure

a meter is a gadget used to measure quantities/volumes/flow etc (ie water meter)
Make it idiot proof, and somebody will make a better idiot!

If you think Education is difficult, try being stupid!


Quote from: mrsskip68 on January 17, 2012, 12:02:22 PM
Wait till you guys see his favorite one,'s Rainbow colored with rinestones!! :nana: :nana:

Seen it! he's wearing it in pic # 73  :nana: :lol: a sight to behold  :eek2:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Sorry, but it'll always be inches, feet, yards and miles 'round here...

I think everyone else should be like America, not the other way around

Not to offend, just my :Twocents:


back to the boat, it looks like gilligan's island. :2thumbs:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Quote from: CaptMarvel on January 17, 2012, 09:47:44 PM
Sorry, but it'll always be inches, feet, yards and miles 'round here...

I think everyone else should be like America, not the other way around

Not to offend, just my :Twocents:

I couldn't agree with you more! You've no idea how damn hard it was to try to adjust to the new metric system after having grown up with the imperial. And now all these years later and because of all the imported goods from America, England and Europe we're using both. We're still going to the hardware store and asking for things in inches/feet and no one has a problem with it. They should have left well enough alone!! :slap: 

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Quote from: nvrbdn on January 17, 2012, 10:10:52 PM
back to the boat, it looks like gilligan's island. :2thumbs:

So...............are you coming?  :icon_smile_big:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Well prepare yourself for the site of skip in his mankini. I'm sure you've seen pic #73 but as it's just a frontal shot, you're in for one hell of a surprise when you see the back view!! :eek2: :smilielol:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Btw metre is from the french which confuses the argument. And why hasn't anyone called that vessel pig ugly? Maybe just me but even if I had my own island I'm not going to builds patently fake volcano.
Anyhow enough from the aussies on this ;)


Gee Ponch, you sure have lead this topic astray.................(metres/feet/yards/kilometres/miles.............who cares how big or small the ship is)  :lol:
Lets steer this baby back on course (without the Italian captain) and work out how many of us are actually meeting at the docks on 29th Feb.
Are you coming? Bettre make up your mind. Cabin's are filling fast. :icon_smile_big:
btw I've still got some of those Mexican pesos stashed away, I'm bringing them with me so that we can all live it up!! :D :nana:

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


Technically the metric system is easier.

If tire is tyre why isn't a fire a fyre ?

And for you Aussies... You always pronounce an "R" at the beginning of a word, sometimes in the middle, and never at the end.... Try it, it works  :yesnod:


now im gettin friggin confused. do we have to learn the metric system in order to board a ship in australia? :shruggy: must i know how many kilometers or meters or..........hey wait a minute, i remember way back in the 70's when there was a cigarette that was a 101 instead of a 100. the add said it was a silly millimeter longer. now if i know that, ive already used the metric system. guess im back to packing. :2thumbs:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House

Ponch ®

Quote from: Fred on January 18, 2012, 02:38:20 AM

Are you coming? Bettre make up your mind. Cabin's are filling fast. :icon_smile_big:
btw I've still got some of those Mexican pesos stashed away, I'm bringing them with me so that we can all live it up!! :D :nana:

No, I hate boats and open watre. I'm not a very good swimmre.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


Quote from: nvrbdn on January 18, 2012, 12:34:37 PM
now im gettin friggin confused. do we have to learn the metric system in order to board a ship in australia? :shruggy: must i know how many kilometers or meters or..........hey wait a minute, i remember way back in the 70's when there was a cigarette that was a 101 instead of a 100. the add said it was a silly millimeter longer. now if i know that, ive already used the metric system. guess im back to packing. :2thumbs:

She's supposed to be docking at pier 39 SF. but I've got bad news...................her new captain is under house arrest.  :slap: So unless there's a good sailor among us, I'm afraid the cruise is off or at the very least postponed.  :'(

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


well, i got a bass boat. cant be much different than that. :shruggy:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House

Ponch ®

Quote from: nvrbdn on January 18, 2012, 06:33:59 PM
well, i got a bass boat. cant be much different than that. :shruggy:

does that mean I cant bring my guitar?
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


oh boy , now it will be a showboat cruise.  :smilielol:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House

Ponch ®

this thread is sinking quickly.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


I'm sure there was no pun intended from that last statement  :D

Ponch probably sounds pretty good after a few drinks  :lol:


i could bring my drums. if the ship goes down we could float on them :2thumbs:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


How big is this boat of yours?
It sounds like it's going to sink just from over crowding.  :eek2:
All of us and instruments to? Will there be any room for luggage? Where will we stash our swimsuits?  :D
................ I'm thinking............definitely bring your drums!!

Tomorrow is promised to no your Charger today.


i was thinking if i could drive my bass boat, i could drive that floating gilligans island boat. then there is room for everyone. :2thumbs:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House