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just football talk, College or NFL

Started by Budnicks, October 23, 2011, 06:43:37 PM

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That game between the Chiefs & Patriots was really bad, the poor Chiefs would easily march up & down the field between the 20's & then turn the ball over almost every time against the #32 ranked Patriots defense, the back up QB for the Chiefs looked pretty good, except for his INT's, I think the injuries & lack of experience are the biggest problem with the Chiefs lately... How did you like Bill Bellicheck {spelling?} pouring on the score at the end of the game with less than 2 minutes left & all ready up by 24+ points, that's a real class act isn't it ? no sense of sportsmanship at all...  :Twocents:
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


AFC west Next weekend week 12  Bears @ Raiders, Broncos @ Chargers, Steelers @ Chiefs any thoughts on these up coming games ?...     The Bills @ Jets might be a good game for survival in the AFC East...
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


in the first half the chiefs D ate them up pretty good. i thought they showed weakness in the pats game. mabey the better teams can learn from this and destroy them. i thought the scoring at the end with no time outs and all you have to do is kill the clock was a show of how low these guys really are. poor sportsmanship in my book :yesnod:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Quote from: nvrbdn on November 22, 2011, 06:27:35 PM
in the first half the chiefs D ate them up pretty good. i thought they showed weakness in the pats game. mabey the better teams can learn from this and destroy them. i thought the scoring at the end with no time outs and all you have to do is kill the clock was a show of how low these guys really are. poor sportsmanship in my book :yesnod:
Yep classless act, I think...
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


the bears without cutler might show some weakness on offense, but the defense is still there. raiders will have work ahead of them if they are to win that one. tebow better learn his passing game. probably the defense will key on the run leaving 1 on 1 setups with linebackers up the middle. if tebow can get some accuracy in the pass, he may eat the chargers up. :shruggy:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


I don't think you can take them lightly at all, even with out Cutler... Yep, I think Palmer is getting better & better every week he's there & the running game & blocking is just fine, trouble areas are, the run defense & punt/kick coverage is also very suspect, the Chicago Bears are really good in all those areas... I hope the Raiders score often in the 1st 3 quarters, they will need it in the 4th Quarter, were they seem to fall apart, week after week... :Twocents:
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks

Ponch ®

Looks like the Mules are all in with Jesus Tebow:

Broncos cut Orton

$5 says he's headed back to the Windy City.

"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


wow, he could be on his way back :smilielol: oh well, orton and cutler on the same team :shruggy:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Quote from: Ponch ® on November 22, 2011, 07:18:02 PM
Looks like the Mules are all in with Jesus Tebow:

Broncos cut Orton

$5 says he's headed back to the Windy City.

Good call...
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


did you raider fans have anything to do with this so you could laugh at us chief fans more? orton a chief? :RantExplode:
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Ok, who you guys picking in the LSU/Arky game today? I'm going with LSU.



70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Boy, that Suh guy is a real class act, ain't he?


Quote from: nvrbdn on November 24, 2011, 07:35:01 PM
did you raider fans have anything to do with this so you could laugh at us chief fans more? orton a chief? :RantExplode:
:hah: I wish they were that smart  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


Quote from: jaak on November 25, 2011, 11:31:19 AM
Ok, who you guys picking in the LSU/Arky game today? I'm going with LSU.

Arkansas, but just because I don't like LSU's Head Coach Less Miles... It would throw a big wrench in the BCS works  :nana:
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


Quote from: nh_mopar_fan on November 25, 2011, 12:00:49 PM
Boy, that Suh guy is a real class act, ain't he?
That was a lame excuse he gave at the press metteing, falling off balance so he had to stomp down on the guy to get his balance..LOL...   Shades of former Titan Albert Hainsworth, a couple of years ago stomping on some guys face that lost his helmet... Both classless acts... "Go Lions"
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


Freaken tough day yesterday for football I was routing for all the looser's, 49ers lost to Ravens, Miami lost to Dallas well duh, Lions lost to Packers as much as I like Rodgers I wanted the Lions to pull 1 off, my only real bright spot was Texas loosing @ Texas A & M = 24-25, that was a good college game...    Good games this week 12 coming Sunday=  Bears a@ Raiders ,  Broncos @ Chargers , Steeler's @ Chiefs & outside of the division Bills @ Jets...  Oregon St. @ Oregon "CIVIL WAR", UCLA @ USC  2 college games I will watch for sure...          What is your predictions on any of these upcoming games this rivalry weekend  :icon_smile_question:...         Here's a couple more good rivalry games= Notre Dame @ Stanford, Georgia @ Georgia Tech, Ohio St. @ Michigan, Clemson @ S.Carolina, Wisconsin @ Penn St., Florida @ Florida St., Kansas @ Missouri "BORDER WAR", Alabama @ Auburn "IRON BOWL", Iowa St. @ Oklahoma
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


It looks like an all SEC Championship "again" even if the LSU Tigers loose in the SEC Conference  Championship game they & Alabama will be in the National championship game it looks like right now, Just to triugh a wrench in the mix... Wouldn't that be something if the LSU Tigers were to loose to Georgia {I doubt it though} a team that doesn't even go to their Conference Title Championship get into the National Championship game, against a team that looses their Conference Championship... Wouldn't that be something ? I HATE THE DAMN BCS "there needs to be a play off system of some kind" Oh well there's always next year... I will be routing for Bama over LSU for sure...
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


Quote from: Budnicks on November 25, 2011, 03:40:03 PM
Freaken tough day yesterday for football I was routing for all the looser's, 49ers lost to Ravens, Miami lost to Dallas well duh, Lions lost to Packers as much as I like Rodgers I wanted the Lions to pull 1 off, my only real bright spot was Texas loosing @ Texas A & M = 24-25, that was a good college game...    Good games this week 12 coming Sunday=  Bears @ Raiders ,  Broncos @ Chargers , Steeler's @ Chiefs & outside of the division Bills @ Jets...  Oregon St. @ Oregon "CIVIL WAR", UCLA @ USC  2 college games I will watch for sure...          What is your predictions on any of these upcoming games this rivalry weekend  :icon_smile_question:...         Here's a couple more good rivalry games= Notre Dame @ Stanford, Georgia @ Georgia Tech, Ohio St. @ Michigan, Clemson @ S.Carolina, Wisconsin @ Penn St., Florida @ Florida St., Kansas @ Missouri "BORDER WAR", Alabama @ Auburn "IRON BOWL", Iowa St. @ Oklahoma
Oregon wins easily, USC destroys UCLA, Stanford handles Notre Dame, Michigan finally beats Ohio St., Oklahoma whoops on Iowa St., Georgia beats G.Tech, Bama whoops on Auburn "Roll Tide", Missouri beats Kansas... Now whats going to happen in the NFL ?
"fill your library before you fill your garage"   Budnicks


the donkeys do it again. whoa man. :shruggy: look out oakland, tebow is coming for ya. :smilielol: he might win this division. :o
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House

Ponch ®

Quote from: nvrbdn on November 27, 2011, 07:54:39 PM
the donkeys do it again. whoa man. :shruggy: look out oakland, tebow is coming for ya. :smilielol: he might win this division. :o

Tebow and the Donkeys are still in for a dose of reality. It's a fluke. It's not so much them winning games as the other teams losing them (missed FG's, etc) . They have no offense - look at their last 6 games: the only game they've scored more than 18 points was vs. the Raiders, and about half of those were by special teams. People need to get it in their heads that its not Tebow, it's their defense. It's the only way you can average 16 points a game and be 5-1.

They may still somehow back into the Wild Card spot...they have a VERY favorable schedule coming up: Vikings, Bills, and KC should be fairly even games, and only the Patriots and the Bears (if their defense steps it up) will be challenges.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


I'd just like to congratulate my two favorite teams on their wins this week: the Raiders (of course) and whomever happens to be playing the Seahawks, which in this case was the Skins.

This week my two favorite teams are the Oakland Raiders and the Philadelphia Eagles.


i still think its amazing that one person can entirely turn a team around. case in point, colts are top of the heap. this year they cant win a game. chiefs d took pitt apart and if it were not for 2 in a row horrible passes, pitt get beat. the donkeys cant win a game. you get someone else in the game and they win 5 of 6. yea it is definately the defense that keeps the other team down, but with a quarterback not giving the ball up like KC did deep in their own zone, the outlook is different. if tebow gave up the ball at the twenty a couple times in a row how long can the defense keep the door shut? ask KC from last night. when the ball is controled and the defense is working, you need to score less to win.
70 Dodge Charger 500
70 Duster (Moulin Rouge)
73 Challenger
50 Dodge Pilot House


Quote from: nvrbdn on November 28, 2011, 02:35:38 PM
i still think its amazing that one person can entirely turn a team around.

Another example: Phil Knight with his gobs o' cash have bought the best team Oregon can buy. Thanks to his dumb luck with a waffle iron, UO is becoming a power house.


I just hope whatever new coach Arizona State picks does better than Erickson.