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Which way to go...

Started by myk, July 27, 2011, 04:41:49 AM

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Alright thanks for the information.  I'll probably add this shop to the list of shops I'm gong to have to visit as soon as the new tires get in...

Plum Crazy 68

There's a couple of us up in the Temecula area that would be glad to lend a hand, and I work in San Diego so if you need anything just send PM. 


You guys are the best-thanks again.  Now, if only the people that are actually "IN" the business of working on these cars were as accommodating and trustworthy...   :eek2:


Ok I'm slower than molasses but I got those replacement BF Goodrich tires on finally and figured I'd show you guys the rust spots I'm dealing with.  As you can see, I painted most of the spots with Zero Rust and Por 15 to try and slow the rust down.  My original plan was to find a shop and have them deal with one problem spot at a time, but local car guys are saying that it'd be cheaper to have the whole car done at once.

So how bad off do you guys think my car is?  On another note, it was great being able to roar up and down the hills and freeways without having to worry about a blowout.  I had a few unexpected expenses that have stalled my Charger savings plan but the goals haven't changed.  Again thanks for your input, it's greatly appreciated...




Hi Myk! First off, Congratulations on becoming debt free!!!!!!! That's huge buddy, huge and no small task either. Man, this is one hell of a group of folks isn't it. Now that you don't have to worry about tires shredding on the fwy he is my  :Twocents: If you can sock away $500 a month without too much pain by all means do so. Price out all the sheet metal/patches you will need (AMD). When you can buy it all at one time, do so. Check out the shop xpbprox mentioned and any others you may have heard good things about. Show the shop(s) your car, tell them you'll provide all the sheet metal/patches and get pricing to R/R this stuff. You see where I'm going here. Piecemealing this project will make you crazy so do big chucks when you have all the parts & labor money in the bank. It'll be instant gratification........boom - all the body repair is done! Then on to the next chapter.  :Twocents:

The big news here is YOU ARE DEBT FREE my man! I'm 60 mile north of SF and I'll be having a glass of wine tonight toasting your financial accomplishment! :2thumbs:

FLY NAVY/Marine Corps or take the bus!


Alright, so I finally decided on a shop to take care of this rust/body work.  It was good to hear all of the shops I visited remark on how straight and clean the car is.  I'll probably be sending in the car next week, but I can't shake how nervous I am about all of this.  I've grown up learning to distrust the automobile repair industry with an emphasis on body shops, but I've put this off long enough.  I'll walk up to the prettiest girl in the room, wade into the middle of bar fights at work, go skydiving, and even visit the dentist, but the idea of dropping off my car that I've owned since 1994 with these complete strangers is disturbing.  This car took me to my first job, college, first dates.  I used to sleep in this car during camping trips or when I was in the "dog house."  My first street races were with this thing.  Suddenly I'm reminded of all of the history I've had in this rolling hunk of steel.

I plan to visit the car as much as possible, and/or have them send pictures of the work in progress to me, although they're telling me that the work isn't that extensive and shouldn't take more than a month.  On a lighter note, the 'resto shop suggested that I play around with the idea of changing colors.  What do you guys think?  Since I was a wee lad in Catholic school getting spanked by angry nuns I always associated the color orange with 2nd Gen Chargers (thanks Warner Bros.).  What are some your guy's favorite colors?  How about a nice purple, or sublime?  Then, whatever color I decide to go with I should probably look into the wheels as well.  I've seen a lot of torq-thrust II type wheels in varying sizes but after all of these years I still can't decide on anything.  Finally, I think a flat black hood would look great.  Who sells hoods for these cars?  I didn't really see anything on ebay, and I checked out VFN fiberglass but they only sell a stock-type hood.  I was thinking of a hood more along the lines of the Six Pak Super Bee hoods.  Isn't that the same hood that was on the '68 Blade Charger?  Again what do you guys think?  

Well, I'm rambling at this point.  This will be the first major thing I've done to the car after all these years and it's making me antsy.  If there are any questions or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.  Most of all, I want to thank all of you guys for being a source of information and good company over the years.  Here's to all of our next miles together... :cheers:


Good to know you've decided Myk, can't wait to see the end result.


Do I need to notify my insurance company about the car being moved temporarily?  Also, Ghoste what color is that on your car?

Man I just hope they do a good job that lasts.  I can work on cars but I don't know anything about body work.  To me, body work with old cars is like an art form.  You must have a degree of skills when you're doing this sort of thing... 


I just got mine back like last month, I got it painted black and it looks bitchen. If you're worried that much, maybe you should look at another place?
Which shop is it?


It isn't the shop, it's just the idea of dropping it off somewhere and hoping that all goes well.  Jesus Christ could come down, take it to Heaven's Immaculate Body Shop 'N Tune and I'd still be fidgety.  How much work was done on your car?  Didn't you drop it off some time last summer?


I'd be scraping off all the rust scales and body drain holes to slow the rust down...
Metal takes awhile to rust away....UNLESS it's encased it dirt and debris which has chemicals in which react with the metal....and hold water...
Clean it up and throw some 15" tires on 'er.....leave the 17's back in 2001.......


Quote from: Joshua on March 10, 2012, 09:41:37 PM
I'd be scraping off all the rust scales and body drain holes to slow the rust down...
Metal takes awhile to rust away....UNLESS it's encased it dirt and debris which has chemicals in which react with the metal....and hold water...
Clean it up and throw some 15" tires on 'er.....leave the 17's back in 2001.......

Oh I'm done with that and past that point.  Hopefully by next Tuesday the car will be at the body shop getting the treatment it deserves.  After that I'm planning to rewire the whole car with a Painless kit.  I'm mulling over an engine build for next year and those fancy-pants TTi headers I've heard so much about.  

Meanwhile, I've been asking around to see what color everyone thinks the car should be.  Oddly enough people are telling me to keep it orange.  I was sure people would go for sublime or plum crazy.  A matte/flat black or silver was an idea, too...


If I was in your situation this is what I would do....I have restored one of these beasts ground up doing 98 percent of the work myself and I will tell you it is  expensive...about twice as much as I thought while also messing with your sanity...Now you just being debt free...Awesome!!!! probably one of the best feelings ever,  the last thing I would do would be to take on a big money consuming project like bodywork at a body shop...I would wait till you had at least 6 to 10 grand " A VERY CONSERVATIVE FIGURE AT THAT" in the bank that "you do not touch"  before I would even consider a project like this.  The reason why is this....You are committing a lot of money to a body shop that you may or may not have month to say that you can save 500 dollars a month for the charger in a perfect world....however in life unexpected things always spring up and pretty soon you have a bill to pay and the body shop is in need of your payment  and thus you are back where you were before in debt!!!  Now I know you want your charger fixed and pretty, it would be exciting and make you feel great...However at what cost????  Having to scrap by each just came from that, getting debt free and in my opinion one of the best feelings ever, the feeling of freedom is something  amazing!!!....So In my OPINION   do not do it!!!  Wait and get some cash in the bank first!!!  Then commit some money to the charger project.  The project will be a lot more fun and less worry-some in the long run...  Rust holes or not when you really break it down it is just a car and your life/freedom is the most important!!!


Sound advice indeed, however since I first started this thread I started saving money from there.  Including my unusually generous tax refund this year I've got money saved.  Now, I always believe in preparing for the worst so I budgeted a coupla grand over what the body shops told me.  Keep in mind I'm not doing a complete restoration here.  My only goal here is to find and eliminate rust issues, cutting and replacing if necessary, and then slapping on enough paint to seal in the body work.  "If" I have any money left over I will rewire the car; obviously I don't want to fall into debt again.  Next year, in 2013, assuming we don't all die in December, I should have enough money saved to continue with wheel/tire and suspension upgrades, maybe take care of the interior.  Finally, and I guess I was off on my previous post, I'm planning an engine build for 2014/'15.  After that who knows?  I might finally know what color I want to paint the car in and spend good money for in a solid paint job.   All in all, I'm giving myself about 5 years to make major strides in the car.  

Life can get messy and financial matters can get ugly, but that's ok-for this car I have nothing but time and patience for it.  In the meantime, God permitting, I'll continue as I'm doing now, driving the Charger as it gets better with age...


Yeah they took longer than expected but it was worth it. I had decent body, a few rust patches had to be done around the windows and on one of the lower quarters the rust completely ate the. Then my left rear quarter panel had about 25 holes in it from someone trying to pull a dent. looked like crap and they fixed it really good


Quote from: myk on March 11, 2012, 12:04:28 AM

Meanwhile, I've been asking around to see what color everyone thinks the car should be. 

Having an internet "committee" build YOUR car is not the way to go.....
Pick a color you like and go for it......bonus points if it's NOT a factory color..... :2thumbs:

Bob T

Good to hear Myk, throw up a few pics when you get a chance.

With regards to the wiring, and a few other threads you had about wiring issues, I think that you're probably on the right track getting by at the moment and putting in a new loom a bit further ahead. I've just had a few weeks worth of late nights and weekends sorting out previous people's wiring hack jobs and I've made some new looms and repaired other sections to get all the guages working. What a mission  :brickwall:
It works but in a word its "Old" and has deterioated with age and osmosis and so with the value of the car all told I would rather buy a complete New Y/O loom probably next year and install it for peace of mind.

Good luck with the body shop :cheers:
Old Dog, Old Tricks.


Quote from: Joshua on March 11, 2012, 05:51:21 PM
Quote from: myk on March 11, 2012, 12:04:28 AM
Meanwhile, I've been asking around to see what color everyone thinks the car should be.  

Having an internet "committee" build YOUR car is not the way to go.....
Pick a color you like and go for it......bonus points if it's NOT a factory color..... :2thumbs:

I know, I know.  However I tend to be very indecisive about such things.  Couldn't decide on my major, what car to drive, what shoes to wear, on and on.  I told the shop I want to leave the car in PRIMER, but they told me I can't do that, because obviously primer is porous and would leave the metal vulnerable to rust again.  I considered a flat black/silver because it would be as close to leaving the car "blank" in color,  but again....I don't know...

Quote from: xpbprox on March 11, 2012, 11:43:53 AM
Yeah they took longer than expected but it was worth it. I had decent body, a few rust patches had to be done around the windows and on one of the lower quarters the rust completely ate the. Then my left rear quarter panel had about 25 holes in it from someone trying to pull a dent. looked like crap and they fixed it really good
Oh yeah?  How long did they take to do the work?

Quote from: Bob T on March 11, 2012, 05:56:35 PM
Good luck with the body shop :cheers:



Body shop guy told me I could leave my car in primer as long as I wanted, he was using some epoxy primer.


Really?  Huh.  Well now I'm  going to have to ask about that.  If this dude is taking me for a ride looks like I'm off to another body shop!   :icon_smile_tongue:  I'd be more than happy to leave my car in primer, as I don't think I'll ever settle on a color...


Yeah that was actually my original plan, we were just gonna leave it in primer for like 6 month but then I changed my mind. I think back in the day with cheap primer, rust through primer was an issue


Now, if you were to leave a car in primer for any given amount of time, wouldn't the car have to be "worked over" again to be made ready for paint?  That seems to me like a waste of effort and accompanying money to boot?  I'm sure a body shop wouldn't let that extra work go uncharged?  :icon_smile_question:


Yeah, probably. I'm sure being dried that long, it probably won't be as effective....
I couldn't afford to do everything at once but somehow just made t happen and I'm glad I got it all painted.


Well, dropped the car off this morning.  I still have to pick a color but I'm a few weeks out from that point because of the bodywork so I've got time to mull it over.  A friend of mine who was giving me a ride home was road raging with an Escalade and almost wiped out but I didn't care because I was going over the projected schedule for the body work.  Is it customary for the shop to take and/or provide pictures of progress?  I told the owner I wanted to be as involved as possible.  I feel I should check on the car every day but I guess that might be a little annoying. 

To those of you who farmed out paint and body work how did you guys keep track of your car's progress?  Did you visit?  If so, how often?  Did you have phone conversations or have pictures sent to you?