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Well this kinda sucks...

Started by b5blue, June 05, 2011, 12:41:00 AM

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Ponch ®

I dunno. It does seem like a nanny law, but the way i see it, if youre not wearing a seatbelt, get into an accident, go flying through your windshield and splatter yourself all over the street, you're creating a nuissance and my tax money will end up paying for the clean up.
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West


Quote from: b5blue on June 07, 2011, 03:25:12 PM
   Please don't think I'm going to war over this, because I'm not. I laughed when the cop said signing the ticket isn't an admission of guilt...I told him "I'm guilty as hell". I bear no ill will to the cop, he's doing his job. Hypocrisy just bugs me no matter where I see it and "for me" this is. I'll write the check not tie up the courts system just to rant. Hey the 36,000.00 my ex owes in support to my kids that the state will do nothing about, after pleading with them for years to enforce there own lawful court order? The fact that she drives around the last 8 years with no license or insurance? No matter, there are much worse examples in my personal experience then those, that the D.A. refused to prosecute that I won't share, that really have me frosted. Like I said, it just kinda sucks.
  Thanks to all who replied here, it was nice to be heard and get feedback, pro or con! b5   
I hear you b5 about the fact that they won't go after the offending parent...I never went through that however, had friends that did. I never wore my seat belt until my boys returned on leave...Air Force gives a heavy fine to the Airman plus each person in car that isn't wearing seat belt. So I learned to buckle up...can't go back to the way it was before. Go figure...have a friend that has put her SUV into a ditch three times texting and calling on cell. Almost been run off road and hit by those doing same. Never a cop around!
Trust your Woobie!

472 R/T SE

Quote from: John_Kunkel on June 07, 2011, 04:19:10 PM

Automobile accidents are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injuries yet no state requires helmets in cars. Why? Because there is a limit to the authority people will cede to the state in the name of "safety".

I wonder how many here who are advocating the mandatory use of belts in cars and helmets on motorcycles would sit mute if they mandated helmets in cars.....the logic is irrefutable, helmets in cars would save lives and ease the burden on the state for under-insured vegetables with permanent brain injuries due to lack of head protection.

The current belt/helmet/cell phone laws are there because there hasn't been a sufficient outcry to the powers usurped by the "nanny state". Maybe someday.   

Helmets in cars will just determine the next weakest point.   ;)

How many folks have parents who still reach their arm straight out when applying brakes real hard.  Years back I was up front with my Mom & laughed at her when she done it


  Funny story...I was 16, helmets were required back then for motorcycles, mopeds, even mini bikes. My pal bought a new street/trail bike so I drove over to see it. He asked if I wanted to try it out around the block a few times. As I drove around his block 2 times all the kids were laughing and pointing at me. I figured it was because I was terrible at shifting. A cop had gotten behind me just as I went around the first corner and been following me the whole time. Not even having adjusted the mirrors I never saw him. (He was laughing too!) He wrote me my ticket and filled in MY car on the information, a 64 Nova wagon. So I came home with a ticket that looked like I had a ticket for driving my Nova without a helmet....the look on my mom and dads face when they found it was priceless!  :lol: 

Just 6T9 CHGR

Helmets required in cars?  Sweet!   Then you could get one of these for your ride as well!

How cool would that be?  ;)

Chris' '69 Charger R/T


Quote from: daveco on June 05, 2011, 01:42:17 AM
I despise seat belt laws :icon_smile_angry:
I almost always use a seat belt, but if I don't feel like it, thats my call.
I don't need johnny law looking after me.
1) Same here. :icon_smile_angry:  
2) I don't use's my preference. Usually the times I "strap-on" is during a particularly potential life threatening snowstorm, when I can feel a certain sense of pucker factor during the trip. Otherwise, I prefer no belt. I've driven that way for 31 years now & I'm not about to change.
3) Nor do I. As an adult, I am responsible for my actions. I'm not gonna expound on that any further, and any opinions to the contrary are just that...opinions. Everyone has one, bite me.

It's odd that Utah currently has no motorcycle helmet law, but is rapidly becoming a friggin' "Big Bro" nanny state where seat belt laws are concerned...go figure. :shruggy:
I prefer a full face helmet on my bike, mostly because I can see unobstructed at 100+mph & prefer it that way. I prefer to see what's coming at me. Not to mention that being caught in a rain storm without a helmet can be painful to the forehead. :o However, in my daily driver car, I rarely ever peak 80mph & driving in the rain is pain free, so feel just fine without a helmet OR a seat belt. ;) Big Bro can bite me.

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Well,  the current seatbelt laws are there because your state and every other state,s money (highway funds) they get from big brother are tied to having that law in place. no law, no funds. Personally, I wear one every time I am in a vehicle and everyone will wear them or exit my vehicle as their choice, just me and the current law here in Texas.

I have gotten so used to wearing them in my newer cars that I will wear one in my old car (1969 Charger) too and feel more comfortable about it. Besides, it came with them and it is the law if it came with them here.

Whether it is the law or not (currently your choice if over 18 in this state), I always wore a helmet while riding my motorcycle (BMW) and it did save me when I went down of my own accord years ago but that is another story.

Whether you wear a seatbelt or not, even if it is against the law to not wear one, is your choice and I respect that choice but, you better not ask me to pay for your stupidity of not wearing them cause it ain't gonna happen if I can stop it.

Brock Samson

OK: to further this thread I strongly suggest you read Aaron Robensons' latest article in Car & Driver...
it's not avail. online yet so you may have to go to the Magazine Stand.


Quote from: charge69 on June 10, 2011, 12:28:02 PM
Well,  the current seat belt laws are there because your state and every other state,s money (highway funds) they get from big brother are tied to having that law in place. no law, no funds. Personally, I wear one every time I am in a vehicle and everyone will wear them or exit my vehicle as their choice, just me and the current law here in Texas.

I have gotten so used to wearing them in my newer cars that I will wear one in my old car (1969 Charger) too and feel more comfortable about it. Besides, it came with them and it is the law if it came with them here.

Whether it is the law or not (currently your choice if over 18 in this state), I always wore a helmet while riding my motorcycle (BMW) and it did save me when I went down of my own accord years ago but that is another story.

Whether you wear a seat belt or not, even if it is against the law to not wear one, is your choice and I respect that choice but, you better not ask me to pay for your stupidity of not wearing them cause it ain't gonna happen if I can stop it.
Jeez! Now I'm stupid? So stupid I'll kill myself going 20 MPH for 6 blocks if my belt isn't on? OH the horror of knowing what scary world YOU live in! Here come the air bag helmets and 5 MPH bumpers on motorcycles! More laws, just what we need.
  As this is my topic I would rather you refrain from insults to anyone, I do agree that stupid people should take extra care and caution in any endeavor they undertake be it buckling up to drive or posting comments judging others harshly.
  If you read MY comments you might have garnered from it my main issue was the randomness that my state chooses to enforce there laws, as I live in a state with a large population of much older drivers if anything I am hyper alert to the dangers driving presents and trained my children accordingly.
  But possibly your not that smart.   :shruggy:  (I went ahead and corrected your spelling, seat belt is 2 words, not one.)   


I just have to throw my  :Twocents: work I drive a white car with perty lights on it..(please dont hold it against me..I have a 68 charger...I dont write speeding tickets over 100 MPH...I dont write drag racing tickets unless you beat a mopar...and the better the burnout the less chance you will get a ticket)...I dont write seat belt tickets because its a matter of choice i guess.....I have been on three crashes recently that killed two drivers and a passenger.  All would have survived if they had their seat belt on...I've never been on a crash where a person was killed wearing their seat belt....better safe than dead I guess....
"Life is Tough...It's even tougher when you are stupid"  -John Wayne-


This is not an issue as to whether or not seat belt usage is a good idea. This is an issue regarding freedom of choice.
It seems that the primary issue cited for justifying mandatory seat belt usage is the cost to taxpayers for the rehabilitation (or mopping up of) of an accident victim that was not seat belted.

...yet it is apparently acceptable to everyone here to drive a vehicle with totally antiquated safety features.
   -NO Anti-lock brakes
   -NO Airbags
   -Ancient fuel system
   -Stone-age tire technology (if your restoration is faithful)
   -Crumple zones / Roof Strength / Side Impact Standards from yesteryear
   -Hell, the darned seat belts themselves are state-of-the-ark and so old as to be of questionable integrity

So if the argument is unreasonable public burden for personal choice, I don't see how even driving a classic Mopar passes muster.

Once again, I am not "Anti-Seat Belt" I regularly wear mine.
I am TOTALLY against overly intrusive laws regarding matters of personal choice.


Quote from: daveco on June 11, 2011, 01:50:52 AM
This is an issue regarding freedom of choice.

OK, but doesn't ones freedom stop where it impacts someone else's freedom.?

Stupid is where and when "nanny" shows up.  But, at the end of the day, you can't legislate against stupid, therefore, I come down on your side. 

But, I still don't want to pay the bill for stupid Ninja rider blowing between lanes at 105 mph on one wheel with no helmet.  Or for stupid Harley Guy that won't wear a helmet because he's big tough guy.