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Any Dodge techs?

Started by rick.d, March 26, 2011, 03:50:51 PM

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Last June i was fortunate enough to get a 2010 Challenger RT Classic, and i took it off the road for the winter and stored it in the garage next to the Charger and i start it and run it every week. Today it was completely dead so i put the battery charger on it and got it going fairly quickly. Now when i first start it there are a few square blocks that show up in the EVIC (that were never there before) with 39 in the right side squares and my windows dont automatically go back up to tuck under the weatherstripping after closing the door like they have always done. They do come down automatically when i open the door to clear the weatherstripping, but they just dont go back up unless i do it with the switch. Is the 39 a DTC for the battery being dead and is there a way i can program the EVIC to the way it was originally? Also my heat controls did not work for a while and the fm radio was the same way, however the satellite radio worked fine, it was as if the PCM was telling the stuff not to work until the battery was recharged enough???
The chime stack shows 25 25 and 11. Prior to this it was all zeros if that has anything to do with it. Thanks for any advice, im going to bring it to the dealer this spring when i put it back on the road, but this is gonna make me not sleep at night...Thanks!


man i can't stand computer controlled cars.


You might as well be speaking Polish. You'll have better luck at a site dedicated to newer cars.
1969 Charger 500 #232008
1972 Charger, Grand Sport #41
1973 Charger "T/A"

Drive as fast as you want to on a public road! Click here for info:


Thats funny because i am Polish! I thought there were a few guys on here that had Challengers, thats why i was asking. Thanks anyway.


QuoteThats funny because i am Polish!

Damn, I'm good. Good luck with figgering it out!
1969 Charger 500 #232008
1972 Charger, Grand Sport #41
1973 Charger "T/A"

Drive as fast as you want to on a public road! Click here for info:


Ostatnie czerwca i lipca to szczęście, aby uzyskać 2010 Challenger RT Classic, i wziąłem ją z drogi na zimę i przechowywać w garażu obok ładowarka i uruchomić go i uruchomić go raz w tygodniu. Dzisiaj to było całkowicie martwe, tak i umieścić na niej ładowarki, ale to będzie dość szybko. Teraz, gdy pierwszy start to jest kilka kwadratowych bloków, które pojawiają się w EVIC (których nigdy nie było tam wcześniej), z 39 kwadratów w prawym boku i okna dont automatycznie wrócić do podwinąć pod uszczelki po zamknięciu drzwi, jak zawsze to czynili. Oni sprowadzają się automatycznie, gdy otwierasz drzwi, aby wyczyścić uszczelki, ale tylko nie wrócić, chyba że robi to z przełącznikiem. Czy 39 DTC dla baterii jest martwy i czy jest sposób mogę program EVIC do tak było pierwotnie? Także moja kontroli ciepła nie działa na chwilę, a radio FM był taki sam sposób, ale radio satelitarne pracował dobrze, to tak jakby PCM mówił rzeczy nie pracować do ładowania akumulator był na tyle?
Kurant pokazuje stos 25 25 i 11. Wcześniej wszystko było zer, jeśli ma coś z tym zrobić. Dzięki za wszelkie rady, im przyniesie go do sprzedawcy na wiosnę, kiedy i umieścić go z powrotem na drogę, ale to nie sprawi że będę spać w nocy ... Dzięki!

Yep... reads the same to me...
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

rt green

take the car to someone with a scanner. your battery went dead so it lost its memory adaptives. they can be reset with a scanner. this kind of thing happends more than you think.
third string oil changer


Thanks, i figured it out. All i had to do was hold the button down for a few seconds once it hit the bottom, then the same for the up position and they work fine now :2thumbs:Thanks again