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ever got fired?

Started by Silver R/T, August 01, 2005, 10:55:29 PM

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Silver R/T

I wanna hear some stories, funny, idiotic boss's you name it. so how was it?

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722


Heck ya', who hasn't been canned from a job. I was a painter at a very reputable shop, I worked an average 80 to 90 hours a week, til I got fed up with working so much and wanted my life back so I can enjoy everything I've been wanting to do, they gave me 1 week to straighten up or else, I laughed my butt off at them as I got ready to load my tool boxed that following week. To the day I was terminated, I made 62 grand within 10 months, but I had enough of it for a while, took some time off with my family and worked on my 70' Dart 340 car and 68' charger at that time. Still painting/bodywork now and selling parts also.
Not very exciting to some probably, but when you've done a certain job so long and can afford to bail out for a while, you understand where I'm coming from.


The only time i got fired was when i was about 12 years old and my Mom got me a job mowing lawn for the town drunk.  She told me to mow the lawn but dont mow in the ditch near the road because it was dangerous and full of junk that could wreck the lawn mower blades.  So anyways, when i was done the guy said how much, i said $6.  He said aren't you gonna mow the ditch, i said my mom told me not to.  then he gave me the $6 and said "Your Fired!"  Man i felt like crap.  I was just doing what i was told.  oh well...    Maybe not an exciting story but its all i got...
"Liberalism is a disease that attacks one's ability to understand logic. Extreme manifestations include the willingness to continue down a path of self destruction, based solely on a delusional belief in a failed ideology."


i was kinda fired once.
i was working at a ford dealership, doing new vehicle preps. the hoist they had me using was bent, and bent real bad with even just a f150 pickup on it. I complained for a couple weeks to get it fixed, and finally after going to the owner, i get "it aint hurt nobody yet, so im not gonna fix it" classy guy huh?  so when i get a f350 dually 4 door diesel 4x4, i do the prep on the ground, crawling under the truck. so the boss man comes back and yells at me for not using the hoist. and said to use the hoist or they can me. so i put the truck up on the hoist, and as i suspected, its bending pretty damn good under all that weight. well the truck broke an arm off the hoist, and the truck damn near hit me, but i jumped on my toolbox before it fell, and i still have a dent in the box to remind me. scared the crap outta me. so the boss says i just bought the truck. to which im sure you know how i replied....haha so while he was out surveying the damage, i give the friendly neighborhood OSHA a call. i think they made record time over there, cause they had 4 guys there within 20 minutes. the owner yells that im fired, to which the osha feller said they couldnt do that, so he couldnt fire me.

unfortunately, i knew they'd cann me for something soon, so i told them to f off and loaded my toolbox and left.

now you know why i said kinda fired. cause i tecnically quit, but it was due to no other option.

Silver R/T

In your case I would've sued, but I guess youre too soft like me, that hurts nobody

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722

Chryco Psycho

Oh Yeah ... after 62 jobs you have a few , the best one the guy fired me because " I wasn`t doing any of the work " after firing me he had to sell the 2 new trucks because he couldn`t afford the payments any longer & within 8 months he was out of business ... I guess I wasn`t the one not donig the work !!! :icon_smile_approve:


When I first got out of school I worked in the office of a factory that was making wood (wood decking) out of plastic bottles (recycleables) garbage. While being in the office I was keeping track of the deliveries of bottles, paying bills, ordering materials, supplies, etc. I got the job because my father in law and a few of his friends were investing big $$$ on that factory to become part owners. My father in law said to the owner of the factory that the only way he would bring in the investors was if I was working in the office to keep track of production. They even gave me some share options, a brand new Jeep to use, so I was happy doing it. To make a long story short, I found out that the president of the factory was embezzling the factory. I found all sorts of bogus invoices for bogus services. I told my father in law and gave him copies of these bogus invoices. Anyway, as soon as the president got notice that I had uncovered his golden goose, he fired me. He said the factory could'nt afford me any longer. I left and kept being paid by the investors that I was representing for another three months while being home all along. Had to return the Jeep - no big deal. This case is still in litigation but I'm gladly out of it.
"Mother should I trust the government?........... Pink Floyd "Mother"


  The only time I was ever fired was when I was doing an Agribusiness internship several years ago. I thought that maybe I would be taught about what people in the field do, best ways to do business and such. Turns out I was just their little bitch and they would just drop me off in a field and say "check for bug damage, I will be back in an hour". I got tired of that crap in a hurry because I wasn't being taught anything and then one morning they tell my internship is terminated and I said thank god. They didn't tell me directly 'your fired', but it meant the same thing anyways.  From there I said to hell with agribusiness and now I am the computer field which I like a lot better and pays a lot better.  :icon_smile_big:
It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office. - H.L. Mencken


Twice, sort of. The first time when I was about 12 I went to work at a small airport and the owner told me to sweep the hangar. I had to call my mom on the pay phone (she was less than a mile away) to ask her what a hangar was. The thing was huge and I think it took me all day to sweep about 1/4 of it. We both kinda figured it wasn't going to work out.

Second time was when I was 18 and driving a water truck for a construction company. My dad and I had installed this used, POS water pump that wouldn't work worth a hoot but half the time. While trying and trying to get it to work one day I ended up about half a load of water and then one of the front tires went flat on the truck. The job boss was fed up with it and canned me. Actually, I guess he fired the truck more than me.

Dale The Bold

I got a couple tales for you.

When I took a semester off in college to earn a little cash, I got a job through a temp service as an assistant in a company that made powdered foods.   The two weeks I was there, they just got a lemonade account.   The way it works is they take boiling hot lemonade concentrate and dribble it onto a conveyer belt and then put it through a huge heater which dries it out rapidly, then the sugary powder dumps into barrels below.   I was stuck with moving the barrels and replacing them every time they got full.   It was intensely hot, sticky as could be, and I was literally sweating lemonade.   I was physically exhausted and my skin became raw from the citric acid.   One day, my boss went to fix something and because I didn't just jump up and follow him, he came back and pulled me aside and fired me.   I asked if he wanted me to finish out the day or if I could leave now.   He let me leave right away.   Worst job ever.

Years go by and I'm working in prepress at a label company.   Our department was to make any corrections specified to the product labels.   Well, I had the habit of catching other mistakes and just correcting them.   The proofing department would catch my changes and mark them as "mistakes."   They kept a monthy record of our "error rates."   I got myself to the point where I got a warning.   Then I got this label for medication that had a misspelling on it.   I checked it in four different sources to make absolutely certain that I was making the right correction.   But, since it wasn't specified on the list, my supervisor fired me on the spot.   He said "it's very important that we don't make mistakes on medical labels."   To which I naturally replied "Yeah, but if you have someone go and change it now, THAT will be a mistake."   I'm sure they changed it back to being wrong.   Oh, and the supervisor's drinking buddy worked in that department, too.   I guess throwing tantrums and smashing keyboards on more than one occasion is perfectly acceptable behavior, but God forbid anyone correct a medical label.    ::)
Matt. 14:8 (KJV) "And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, 'give me here John Baptist's head in a Charger.'"


When I was 18 I worked at this wild rice processing plant in northern MN.  Truck loads of wild rice would come in and dump wild rice and it was our job to sweep the loose rice into rows and make sure the the slab where it was drying was clean.  The owner would sit and watch us like a taskmaster and he would demand absolutely no talking what so ever.  If there was nothing to sweep you swept anyways just to look busy.  Me and a couple of buddies would work in the same general area and talk in low tones while we were sweeping.  Heads down, anyway he all of a sudden tells his freman that two of us were talking and he tells us to hit the trail.  We did and we both boiled the tires leaving his parking lot.  I had a 75 Chrylser Cordoba back then and my buddy had a 74 Duster.  I only had a one wheel wonder and a 360, but I use to beat on it like it was a 1/4 mile queen.  Anyway I was glad to leave.


About 10 years ago I was recruited from an internet company to be Corporate Sales Director of another upstart Internet Company. I started, and was supposed to be in charge of all direct sales efforts, I had come from a very successful program that I set up at the last place and was implementing the same proven process at the new place. The CEO thought he had better ideas so we tried them out and they did not work. He calls me into his office and is smoking a big cigar. He proceeds to blast me about sales dropping I tell him sales were fine until we started using your program. His face turns bright red and he starts yelling and cussing and says " you are a cowboy and that old west stuff will not cut it here" I start laughing and say "cowboy.. I thought my job was to run the sales division of this company" he says get the hell out of here and take your sales force with you. One of my sales guys was out side his office and heard it all. we walked out laughing and I started IP Strategies. He by the way was fired a month after I was and called me 3 months later asking me to handle the internet account of his largest account. I guess the "Cowboy attitude" made sense to him then even though I never figured out what he was getting at with that Cowboy comment. I still handle that account and chuckle everytime I go and meet with him.

1971 Dodge Charger SE 383 Magnum
1999 Dodge Durango 5.9
1995 Chrysler LHS


I was workin at a shop on one of MY customers cars. This was a customer that followed me from shop to shop. When I got done with the car and pulled it out of the shop I gave the ticket to the service manager. I was talkin to another customer about what their car was doing and Over heard him tell MY customer that " this and that" had been done to her car. I asked the guy i was talkin too to excusse me for a sec. I went to the front desk and told her I did not do that much work on the car and he was charging her for things that was not done to that car. ( typical shop BS around here ) So she handed me the paper and said to mark all that i did. I had it all wrote down , the stuff he was saying wont even on the paper in front of him. I told her how much the bill was and she paid that amount $350.00 cheaper than what the service manager had quoted her. The guy I was talkin to asked If I work on cars anywhere else other than that shop. I told him yes and gave him my number.He left and didnt come back to that shop. My Boss fired my Az with a vengence after I corrected him on the price. I have been fired from 3 shops for the same thing. I dont think females much less 75 yo women should be gouged at the shop. That is crooked and I was pleased to be fired for being Honnest. All three shops have new Managers now  :icon_smile_big:


Quote from: Gandalf-the-Grey on August 02, 2005, 11:18:49 AM
I was workin at a shop on one of MY customers cars. This was a customer that followed me from shop to shop. When I got done with the car and pulled it out of the shop I gave the ticket to the service manager. I was talkin to another customer about what their car was doing and Over heard him tell MY customer that " this and that" had been done to her car. I asked the guy i was talkin too to excusse me for a sec. I went to the front desk and told her I did not do that much work on the car and he was charging her for things that was not done to that car. ( typical shop BS around here ) So she handed me the paper and said to mark all that i did. I had it all wrote down , the stuff he was saying wont even on the paper in front of him. I told her how much the bill was and she paid that amount $350.00 cheaper than what the service manager had quoted her. The guy I was talkin to asked If I work on cars anywhere else other than that shop. I told him yes and gave him my number.He left and didnt come back to that shop. My Boss fired my Az with a vengence after I corrected him on the price. I have been fired from 3 shops for the same thing. I dont think females much less 75 yo women should be gouged at the shop. That is crooked and I was pleased to be fired for being Honnest. All three shops have new Managers now :icon_smile_big:

I wish there were a lot more people like you out there. Thanks for being a stand up guy.
It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office. - H.L. Mencken


I need a job to get fired from.
New Muscle car forum

Dale The Bold

Quote from: mustanghater on August 02, 2005, 12:02:58 PM
I need a job to get fired from.
Thought about applying at a Ford dealership?   ;D
Matt. 14:8 (KJV) "And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, 'give me here John Baptist's head in a Charger.'"


heres one, i worked at a chevy dealership in florida,a very good one when i started,had been in same location and same owner for about 25 years.well the owner who was in his 80s decides to sell to his son,who was about 45,and never had a real work day in his life.sales were slumping after 9/11,and he started getting firing happy,salespeople espeacially-after we had 3 new sales managers in 3 months,i made my mind up to come back to new york,and didnt tell them right away,i sold a lady a new impala,and when she came from the finance office she was in tears,the f and i guy had yelled at her for not buying a warranty,and taking 0% fianacing!! so i calmed her down,thanked her for her buissness and told her not to ever come back,make sure to go to our competetor down the road from now on-the new owner hears me and yells to me to come into his office,NOW!!so,i walked to mine,grabbed my brief case,and kids pictures,walked into his,dropped the keys for my demo on his desk and walked,this jack ass,follows me out to my personal car,and says,you cant quit,im firing you,to which i politely respond,go fuck yourself. never felt so good to be unemployed,and i came to the place i am now,and heard latter that they finally fired the f and i and booted junior out,the old man came back in after he heard from that same lady what a bunch of asses they had all became!!


Quote from: Dale The Bold on August 02, 2005, 12:25:02 PM
Quote from: mustanghater on August 02, 2005, 12:02:58 PM
I need a job to get fired from.
Thought about applying at a Ford dealership?     ;D

I'd wreack a mustang purpously
New Muscle car forum


I was fired earlier this year for "creating a hostile work environment". This was because we had a lazy, idiot there who refused to learn how too do his job and I got tired of doing his work for him and working late to finish his job. The last straw came when he left a forklift running and walked across the warehouse. I said nothing to him, but I went and shut the forklift off. When he walked by me on his way back to the forklift, he told me I didn't need to worry about it, he had it under control. I told him it was an OSHA violation to be that far away from the forklift while it was running.(OSHA had just visited our warehouse about 4 days prior). His response to me was that he was leaving in a couple of weeks so I better watch it. This was one of his many verbal threats that my boss ignored and would do nothing about. I told him I didn't care, just do your job and do it right until you leave and there wasn't a problem. Long story short, we were called in the office, he admitted the verbal threat and said he'd quit right now because he was sick of the place. I went back to work so my boss could deal with him. 30 seconds later he walks back out and goes back to work. I go to the office and ask how come he is allowed to return to work after he admitted he assaulted me. My boss said, "He never hit you." I replied "It's verbal assault. It's a misdemeanor. Look it up." I was then told to go home and cool down. They paid me for the rest of the day. I came in the next day and they canned me. The first words out of my boss's mouth were, "We are letting you go because of the hostile work environment that I guess I(meaning himself) helped create." I responded " I am getting fired for something you did? How does that work?"
Glad it happened. I work a job now where I started making what top pay was at the last job. Sorry so long.

By the way, they still had to pay me unemployment. They also fired the office assistant a week before. They tried to fight her filing for unemployment. They lost. They took it all the way to arbitration and the arbitrator said it sounded like they had a personal problem with her and just wanted to get rid of her. There was no cause for firing her and she got unemployment. Not very intelligent people running my old job. I drive by there and see the vehicles of my ex-coworkers outside work at about 5:00 about once every week. They are supposed to get off work at 4:00. I was never there past 4:30 when I was there, and that was because I had to finish the idiots work so I could load my truck for the next days deliveries.
1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee
496 stroker

Silver R/T

ya got fired yesterday from trailer company, we were doing trailer assemblies for dump trucks, construction etc. I was working in paint shop (or at least they hired me to work there) but as they couldnt get me test fitted for full face mask (required to paint) they would just have me help around shop and also sent me to body section where I was sanding down primer, bondo etc. Now I got along fine with everyone but there was this 'supervisor' in body shop that is just an ass, even other workers told me that hes an ass and to be on lookout for him. Guess what he goes and tells bigger supervisor (who hired me, he was easy to get along with). At the end of the day the "assvisor" calls me in the office and just lets me go. I went to one that hired me and basically what he told me is that they wanted someone else and just cause I wasnt holding D/A flat. Just for that one thing, (even though I didnt hold D/A at an angle as supposedly 'assvisor' told him). But I didnt feel like arguing with any of them as I knew they wouldnt listen to minor. Basically this assvisor hated me and I knew even if they would let me stay it wouldnt be good as he would be looking at chances to get me again. What an disappointment. Pay wasnt bad, $10 with overtime (4hrs per day overtime) + benefits after 90 day probation. Oh well Ill find something else.

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722


I got laid off after the christmas holiday season at a retail store when I was 16. Does that count?  :smilielol:

They told me I wasn't working enough, even though I worked when my co-workers were standing around talking to each other.

I straightened everything in my department at least three rows back, and put all my returns away in the right spots. The others just straightened the only visible item on the shelf and tossed returns behind other stuff and back wherever they could find a hiding spot. Guess it made them look like they worked faster when they really didn't work as much.

They kept those workers but laid me off. Go figure. I was pissed at the boss at the time.

But it was just a teenage seasonal holiday job. I've moved way on since then. No worries.
"This was the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of gold..." -- Numbers 7:84 KJV


Got caught plowing the boss's daughter....on the clock. Not really, but that's how I'd want to get canned.
WANTED: NOS or excellent condition 72-74 4 speed shifter boot for bench or centre armrest car, part number 3467755. It's a rubber boot that looks like it's sewn up leather.

WANTED: My original 440 blocks. Serial # 2A188182 and 3A100002


Quote from: Chargerguy74 on August 03, 2005, 03:09:11 AM
Got caught plowing the boss's daughter....on the clock. Not really, but that's how I'd want to get canned.

LOL! :smilielol:


now that would be the best firing story yet!


When I was 15 I got booted from Wendy's...I was too slow on the fry cookers. :crazy:

That's the only time I've been fired.

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)