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Not My Day

Started by MoparManJim, October 21, 2010, 09:46:38 PM

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Okay so yesterday evening, I get in, I'm already not having a good day.

My cousin stops in and ask me if I can give him a hand for alittle while at gathering some scrap up that he has. I thought why not as I having been out of the house in the evenings that much anyways and it was a nice day out.   

First we spook each other by mistake.. a he was walking the one one way and I was the other way and we came around corner and nearly walked into each other  :lol: 

2nd time I went with him to place where i had to go down over alittle bit of steap embankment to get some stuff. There was trees along the side of the embankment also and this one little area like an opening so I though why not take that spot and go down over. hey it seem like a good idea at the time  :lol: man talk about thinking things out alittle more next time maybe. I seen this one limb I take and fasten it back around the small tree and also big tree. I started to look down over to get my game plan on how to go down over the embankment area. It's all soft dirt and there is a pine tree just dead ahead down over. then behind that is another small embankment. Well as I'm looking down over the small frickin limb came undone! Here I am almost on my knees getting ready to go down over when the next I know I'm swated from behind... and my game plan for going down over had change really really fast.. . (My cousin yells over as he's was over at the other side looking down over and didn't see what happen) around to see what happen to wa! because mostly when we help each other out we keep each other inform where we are going so if something happens they know where to find the other. Well my cousin yells and by this time I'm I'm kinda just coming to a stop at that pine tree I spoke about before. When I come to the stop, my back is at the ground and tree base area, my feet at going up the tree and my head is seeing things from the upside position. My cousin by now is looking down over and is laughing his a$$ off! (I would have been to at that minute). He heard me going down over but was unaware of what happen though  :lol:. I get pick myself up and shake myself off and look up at the view to see what all I wiped out on the trip down. My cousin is cracking up, up on top. I went at least 30 feet down hill.

Later on after that like an hour later. Him and I are at a friends place, and we are down by the creek carrying some stuff out. Well he has a 2 piece of pipe that he is carrying. I'm carrying a plate like that isn't to heavy. He's out in front walking. We come to creek edge (there is very very little water in there) and stops to rest for a minutes. Now I'm back alittles walking. Some how I look down as the plate is slipping out of my hand now. I look down to re-grab it at this my cousin cousin picks the pipe up and trows it over his shoulder to carry. It goes down and on the rebound as it's coming up I'm now getting a good grib on the small plate I'm carrying just in time to notice the pipe coming up! Let me put it this way, my brian yelled stop but some how the lower part of me didn't get the message. I kinda got upper cutted by the dang pipe kinda 9I move to the side to try and dodge it) and on top of that I landed butt first in the water almost! All my cousin could do is turn around and ask "what happen, did I hit you?"  :shruggy: :lol: . No pee brain I decided to set down and rub my jaw alittle. Then as we are walking up to the opening, we both come to stop, he's carrying the pipe over his shoulder yet. Well I'm on the left side and he's out like just afew feet away from me. As we get ready to start walking once more. He turns around with the pipe over right shoulder and catches me with the dang thing once again! I didn't get hit to hard, just enough to make me take afew steps out of bound is all. I look at him and told him I would walk out in front and he can follow me because he was dangerous with that thing! 

Yesterday was not my day.