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Guitar Noise Supressor

Started by 71Charger500, December 26, 2005, 04:33:28 PM

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So ive never really had feedback problems with my rig.  Its pretty simple, a crate GFX-65T (only 65 watts, i run it thru speakers when we gig) into a dunlop Hendrix series fuzz wah into a digitech bad monkey tube overdrive sometimes with an envelope filter into a Les Paul triple pickup.  The only time I get bad feedback is when I combine the amp distortion and the tube overdrive, cause it gives me a great tone to shred a solo.  However, I can usually fix these by adjusting the treble and presence, and standing farther away from the amp.

My problem is this:  For christmas, i got a marshall jackhammer overdrive/distortion.  My tube overdrive is pretty mild, and im looking for more sustain and fuzz.  So when ever I play with this at a decent volume, I get horrible feedback.  Ive seen some really good reviews for the dunlop M-135 smart gate pedal, people saying they have this same problem.  Its supposed to help completely kill feedback and some buzz while still leaving you good sustain.  I know several of you play guitar, and I was wondering if you had any advice to offer. 
1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.


I think it may be something with the Marshalls.  I played my first show with my Marshall half (It was $325, it's almost brand new, bought it from one of my friends) and I was getting so much feedback during breaks in our songs and while I was trying to talk to the crowd between songs.  I play an Epiphone Les Paul through it, so it may be something with the pickups and the amp.  But for Christmas, my parents bought me a Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor. It worked amazingly.  I'm not sure about the sustain part yet, but the squeal that i was getting is no longer there.  It's supposed to be one of the best out there, and I love it.

Hope that helps  ;)


Quote from: jrzeppy on December 26, 2005, 06:00:26 PM
I think it may be something with the Marshalls.   I played my first show with my Marshall half (It was $325, it's almost brand new, bought it from one of my friends) and I was getting so much feedback during breaks in our songs and while I was trying to talk to the crowd between songs.   I play an Epiphone Les Paul through it, so it may be something with the pickups and the amp.   But for Christmas, my parents bought me a Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor. It worked amazingly.   I'm not sure about the sustain part yet, but the squeal that i was getting is no longer there.   It's supposed to be one of the best out there, and I love it.

Hope that helps   ;)

Very helpful, that one had great reviews, but I always like to hear a firsthand account.  Let me know once you play with it if you can still scream with it on.
1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.

Brock Samson

 i used the NS-2 as well, it's great! but nowadays none of that is a problem since im playing gospel.   :angel:

but in the old days (and i'm talkin the '70s here kids) i used a Bosstone thru a Pevey standard and a Foxx wha and Lord have mercy what a racket!   :sick:
... they sound great after the tin and lead they're made outta corrodes..

my custom strat has a mini toggle on/off switch which does wonders too,.. i hate hum so i got all those problems handeled,..
go with the Boss effects, their NS-2 noise gate should be just fine..


Haha, yea, I have a problem with it.  I'm in a hardcore band (screaming, the whole bit). 

But I just played with my amp all the way up, and it sounds perfect.  I have a slight noise, so I may have to adjust with the threshold.  Other than that, it was perfect.


the louder you play with more gain your gonna get some feedback. Try swithching to your different pickups on the guitar to see if it is as bad. Sometimes a bad pickup will cause more feedback. I use mesa boogies and in the past used to use a marshall 100w head with a overdrive for extra kick. Never had problems, used to use EMG PU's now have stock in my lespauls and a dimarzio in my PRS. Try the Boss it is supposed to be the best, but if your into sustaining notes noise suppressors can sometimes cut off the note (they have a adjustable gate) Sometimes just resetting your eg on the amp, watch the treble but kick up the mids and that will really make your lead tone stand out, also a eq pedal might help you take the one bad frequency out that is causing the problem.
1973 Dodge Charger
1968 Plymouth Road Runner
1971 Dodge Dart Swinger


Quote from: mopar_madman on December 27, 2005, 10:05:09 AM
the louder you play with more gain your gonna get some feedback. Try swithching to your different pickups on the guitar to see if it is as bad. Sometimes a bad pickup will cause more feedback. I use mesa boogies and in the past used to use a marshall 100w head with a overdrive for extra kick. Never had problems, used to use EMG PU's now have stock in my lespauls and a dimarzio in my PRS. Try the Boss it is supposed to be the best, but if your into sustaining notes noise suppressors can sometimes cut off the note (they have a adjustable gate) Sometimes just resetting your eg on the amp, watch the treble but kick up the mids and that will really make your lead tone stand out, also a eq pedal might help you take the one bad frequency out that is causing the problem.

Trust me, I've done it all.  Im just looking for a pedal to cut feedback.  Buzz doesnt really bother me that much.
1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 26, 2005, 09:46:55 PM
i used the NS-2 as well, it's great! but nowadays none of that is a problem since im playing gospel.   :angel:

but in the old days (and i'm talkin the '70s here kids) i used a Bosstone thru a Pevey standard and a Foxx wha and Lord have mercy what a racket!   :sick:
... they sound great after the tin and lead they're made outta corrodes..

my custom strat has a mini toggle on/off switch which does wonders too,.. i hate hum so i got all those problems handeled,..
go with the Boss effects, their NS-2 noise gate should be just fine..

Do you still get good sustain and tone?
1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.

Brock Samson

 well to be serious it's always gonna be a case by case basis,.. Calibration will vary from night to night,. all the NS-2 does is put a little curb or gate in front of the signal. Where it's gonna be most appearant is in the amount of triggering required, first on the signal will be compleatly silent,.. then all hell breaks loose!,.. then when the signal receeds the decay will be finally clipped off,.. it wont "give" you anything in a sonic sense but it will make things alot more tidy. inna combo Sit. you would barely notice it,..   hardly at all, but solo?..   :yesnod: !
For My Distortion at the height of my phychogothadelic period   i used to use the Boss,. black Distortion pedal, a Big Muff and an orange Boss distortion ( i forget the numbers) and a Voxx Crybaby, MXR Phaser and three digital delays... an 8 second digitech and a pearlwhite Boss and the blue Boss and I'd get hellatious distortion from my J.C. 120 cause in case ya dont know they tend to Rumble.. and my second chanel went to a Custom 150.
I guess i figgured out how to ping pong my leads from one side of the room to the other,.. kinda like House Burning Down on Electric Ladyland...
It was way cool and great for the band i was in at the time "Galaxy Chamber".
We had this one song in B Mag. "Lions and Tigers", Nick and Crystal did this duet with her repeating his lines...
  Think Jim Morrison and Grace Slick.

                                                 Lions and tigers...
                                                 for ages and ages,..
                                                 pacing in cages...
                                                 no longer free...     no longer freeeeeeeeeee....

                                                 How much more?..
                                                 How much more?..
                                                 How much more?..              can you take?..
oh my goodness,..   :musik010: those were the days...
that was our best song.
I dunno about the "Dunlop M-135 smart gate pedal" buy the thing 'n lettuce know,..
  I am thinking you play more like Govt. Mule then Jeff Beck.. am I right about that?.
and pls. excuse the rant of an old stoner.
or as i was known then
Dr. Devoid.        :yesnod:


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 27, 2005, 07:18:41 PM
well to be serious it's always gonna be a case by case basis,.. Calibration will vary from night to night,. all the NS-2 does is put a little curb or gate in front of the signal. Where it's gonna be most appearant is in the amount of triggering required, first on the signal will be compleatly silent,.. then all hell breaks loose!,.. then when the signal receeds the decay will be finally clipped off,.. it wont "give" you anything in a sonic sense but it will make things alot more tidy. inna combo Sit. you would barely notice it,..  hardly at all, but solo?..  :yesnod: !
For My Distortion at the height of my phychogothadelic period  i used to use the Boss,. black Distortion pedal, a Big Muff and an orange Boss distortion ( i forget the numbers) and a Voxx Crybaby, MXR Phaser and three digital delays... an 8 second digitech and a pearlwhite Boss and the blue Boss and I'd get hellatious distortion from my J.C. 120 cause in case ya dont know they tend to Rumble.. and my second chanel went to a Custom 150.
I guess i figgured out how to ping pong my leads from one side of the room to the other,.. kinda like House Burning Down on Electric Ladyland...
It was way cool and great for the band i was in at the time "Galaxy Chamber".
We had this one song in B Mag. "Lions and Tigers", Nick and Crystal did this duet with her repeating his lines...
  Think Jim Morrison and Grace Slick.

                                 Lions and tigers...
                                 for ages and ages,..
                                 pacing in cages...
                                 no longer free...   no longer freeeeeeeeeee....

                                 How much more?..
                                 How much more?..
                                 How much more?..         can you take?..
oh my goodness,..  :musik010: those were the days...
that was our best song.
I dunno about the "Dunlop M-135 smart gate pedal" buy the thing 'n lettuce know,..
  I am thinking you play more like Govt. Mule then Jeff Beck.. am I right about that?.
and pls. excuse the rant of an old stoner.
or as i was known then
Dr. Devoid.     :yesnod:

Govt Mule is a very good description of what we sound like.  However, i tend to shred a little bit more like Jeff.  We do a lot of latin and funk jazz flavored stuff too.

Anyway, i bought the boss NS-2 off of ebay, I've heard many good things about it.  I guess if its not good, Ill sell if to the local guitar store.
1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.



Anyway, i bought the boss NS-2 off of ebay, I've heard many good things about it.  I guess if its not good, Ill sell if to the local guitar store.

And then blame us for steering you wrong  :icon_smile_big:


I was gonna tell ya it you hadn't got it yet go to guitar center, they have a 30 day return policy. Anyway good luck with it and let us know how it works.
1973 Dodge Charger
1968 Plymouth Road Runner
1971 Dodge Dart Swinger

Brock Samson

I dont know that i've ever thought of Jeff Beck as a shreader...  ??? Articulate? for sure, expert phraser? absolutly!  :yesnod:

what's the name of your band?..
  covers?. set list?.


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 28, 2005, 01:14:45 PM
I dint know that I've ever thought of Jeff Beck as a shredder...   ??? Articulate? for sure, expert phrase? absolutely!   :yesnod:

what's the name of your band?..
  covers?. set list?.

He doesn't play shred music (Steve via, etc.) but he can shred the guitar in my opinion

Name:  Lutinent Funk and the Lowriders

We're a jam band, so the covers we do usually arent much like the originals.

Some popular ones:
Maggot Brain (Funkadelic)
Simple man
Rappers Delight
Drift Away
Voodoo Chile
Little Wing
Chameleon (Head Hunters)
Soulshine (allmans)
Oyo Como Va
Black Magic Woman

Alot of the songs we just make up on the spot, even when gigging.  The bass player just kicks off something funky and were off.  I play lead guitar and sing.

1971 Charger 500 383 mod...
Takin' names on the open road.


A common problem I find in these situations is often poorly potted pickups (say that 10 times fast). Most of my guitars are hummbucker equipped and if they ever give me feedback issues, I repot them. For me it always does the trick, but ofcourse each person and their rig is different. I do also use a noise gate (old BBE), but not that often.

I would KILL to have this Soloist!


Quote from: 73ChargerSE on December 26, 2005, 06:00:26 PM
I think it may be something with the Marshalls.  I played my first show with my Marshall half (It was $325, it's almost brand new, bought it from one of my friends) and I was getting so much feedback during breaks in our songs and while I was trying to talk to the crowd between songs.  I play an Epiphone Les Paul through it, so it may be something with the pickups and the amp.  But for Christmas, my parents bought me a Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor. It worked amazingly.  I'm not sure about the sustain part yet, but the squeal that i was getting is no longer there.  It's supposed to be one of the best out there, and I love it.

Hope that helps  ;)

Good thing I found this thread. I'm getting one of these because my Marshall squeals like a pig at band practice and since we're doing shows now, I need to get rid of the squealing. I just wasn't too sure if it would get rid of that but after seeing this, I'm going out to get one.
Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic