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Talk about a sneez and taking a trip!

Started by MoparManJim, August 12, 2010, 07:10:26 PM

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Man, I don't think I'm human.  :lol: :lol: 

I got back in around 3Pm and decided sense it was nice out side, and i had to do some bondo on the one build project that I would do that sense it was nice out side. I get something to eat and get a cup of coffee.

it's not around 4PM and I start to get to work, I take the semi sleeper I been working on the last few days that needs sanding down out side on the fornt porch. The porch is like 3 to 4 feet high.

I'm standing there sanding the putty down on the sleeper roof when I feel a sneez coming on. I take and put the sleeper down on the stand that I have on the porch. 

have you ever had one of those sneezes where it likes to play around with you. One minute you feel like your going to sneez and then it goes away and then a sec it comes back and then goes away and then comes back and just when it feels it going away it charges. Well that is kinda what happen to me.. but I didn't stop at one sneez or 2, nope no sir  :lol: I had a sneeze attack. 

Let me set the scene for you.

I'm standing oh about 3 feet to 4 feet away from the wooden railing, I'm facing with back towards the railing. I started to sneeze so hard that each sneeze I think I took a step back trying to catch my bounce from the sneeze  :lol:  , well just when I thought I was done sneezing my rump off I had to look up  :-\ and started to sneeze again afew more times, this time I lost my bounce hit the wooden railing and went through it and landed on the ground facing up..   

Well I gathered myself back up, set up, looked around shuck my head. Got back onto my feet, looked at the spot and wondered to myself. then I figure okay, I'll go get my gloves and clean the mess up.. yea right. I was standing right next to the porch and as I started to turn around I trip over a small 2x4 that was laying on the ground that I didn't see. And down I went again on my rump facing upwards.

Well I layed there for afew seconds and then I decided to raise up. Have you ever seen the movie Police Academy 1 where motor mouth Jones gets knock out the door and he does that tumble down the stairs and at the bottom he sets up and does that police car sound?

Well that would have been the sound of me as well when I setted up. I to shouck my head and wondered if it was even safe for me to even get back up, I looked around for anything laying near by that I would or might trip over as well  :lol: so that I could advoid it. 

I set there for afew minutes regaining myself once again, and wondering if I had knocked any sense into myself or not or if my brain was still in tack yet from what all had happen.  :lol: 

I slowly got back onto my feet.. and walked around the porch and back into the house where I went and got a cup of coffee and set down on the chair on the porch for afew minutes while I had my coffee.. before I got back to doing what I was doing before the sneezing attack hit me.. I did clean the mess up also.. but dang talk about a trip.

PA Dodger

You know America's Funniest Videos pays $10,000 for that kinda stuff. Get yourself a video camera....and a helmet. :smilielol:
'69 Charger / '69 Dart convertible/ '74 Cuda