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What's Your Feelings on these Wiretapps?...

Started by Brock Samson, December 20, 2005, 08:05:16 PM

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Quote from: Orange_Crush on December 21, 2005, 02:10:37 PM
Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on December 21, 2005, 01:46:19 PM
Come on OC, you're not really that paranoid, are you?

I'm reasonably sure I'm not a terrorist suspect, nor do I converse with terrorist suspects. I have absolutely nothing to hide regarding the safety of our country...IMO, the only ones who are worried about any of this are the people who DO have some skeletons in their closets & are paranoid someone is gonna expose them!

The events that put this whole Patriot Act into motion, are the same events that forced us into a war. When we are at war, there are always certain amounts of spying situations that must be included to protect our national security & keep us ahead of the dirtbags who mean to bring us down...I don't get why some people can't grasp that concept.

For example, during WWII, any mail being sent back & forth between this country & war areas were ALWAYS opened & checked for any possible classified info that someone might be trying to send to the's one of the most basic things to do in a line of defense...try to intercept any intelligence to help the cause for your home team!
Why is it so hard for some people to grasp that concept?

Currently, I think we civilians have it pretty good, compared to how it was during the wars of yesteryear. So far, I haven't received any of my mail with big blacked out sentences from possible sensetive info that someone may have been sending they did in previous wars.
A few wiretaps done on a few suspicious people is something that leaves me feeling warm & cozy at night. :sleep:

Not paranoid at all.

Read the text of the act.   People don't HAVE to be suspicious.   Your neighbor could decide one day that he's sick of you blowing leaves into his yard and get revenge on you by...I don't know...claiming that you seem to be hanging out with middle-easterners a lot.

Your phone conversations can be recorded without your knowledge

They can arrest you and hold you indefinitely without any formal charges being brought against you.

Wanna know the best part?   Its all open-ended.   They don't have to suspect you of terrorism.   They can just decide that your posts on have a political slant they don't like.

Maybe you DO have a neighbor who hates you.

Hear that sound?   its the fouding fathers spinning in their graves.

OC, you must be one of those who constantly looks over your shoulder.   Either that, or you live in a not-so-friendly neighborhood and God-forbid you get your leaves blown into the next yard!   Pleeeze!

I say tap tap tap away.   I have no problems whatsoever with the policy.   It's these damned off-scale left secularists who support the most dangerous organization in America, i.e. the f*@kin ACLU that really chap my ass.  

Oh- but so help me God, my purpose in this great country of ours is to defend the very LIVES of the off-scale left secularists like the ACLU- because as a warrior and defender of the faith and freedom that I love, THAT'S WHAT I DO!

God bless and save this country and all who defend it- NO MATTER HOW OR WHAT.

Read my damn signature if you don't already know what company I work for.

Bradley   :patriot:
Retired USAF C-130H3, C-130E, MC-130E, MC-130W Flight Engineer

1969 Charger 440/4bbl "Hemi Orange Mistress"
2009 Hemi Ram 1500 Sport Special Crew Cab "Black Betty"
2011 BMW X5 3.5i "Heidi"



I took a look at what they do, what is so "dangerous" about this organization?

"The American system of government is founded on two counterbalancing principles: that the majority of the people governs, through democratically elected representatives; and that the power even of a democratic majority must be limited, to ensure individual rights.

Majority power is limited by the Constitution's Bill of Rights, which consists of the original ten amendments ratified in 1791, plus the three post-Civil War amendments (the 13th, 14th and 15th) and the 19th Amendment (women's suffrage), adopted in 1920.

The mission of the ACLU is to preserve all of these protections and guarantees:

    * Your First Amendment rights-freedom of speech, association and assembly. Freedom of the press, and freedom of religion supported by the strict separation of church and state.
    * Your right to equal protection under the law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin.
    * Your right to due process - fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.
    * Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.

We work also to extend rights to segments of our population that have traditionally been denied their rights, including Native Americans and other people of color; lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people; women; mental-health patients; prisoners; people with disabilities; and the poor.

If the rights of society's most vulnerable members are denied, everybody's rights are imperiled."
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Brock Samson

  I was begining to wonder if anyone would stand up,..Thanks TK,..  :icon_smile:
  Ever hear the expression "My Country, right or wrong"?..or  how about "Bread and Circuses"?..
  So, there are extremes on both sides, Are either "Right"?
  Is your accepted Dogma politally correct?..
  Are conservatives in the middle, or holding on to the idiological/moral highground they imagine they have?
  So let me know if and when ya' manage to figgure that one out.
  A rose by anyother name,.. (is still a rose).  :eyes:


I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.   He always does whenever I do.  

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo 'lovin, secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.

Retired USAF C-130H3, C-130E, MC-130E, MC-130W Flight Engineer

1969 Charger 440/4bbl "Hemi Orange Mistress"
2009 Hemi Ram 1500 Sport Special Crew Cab "Black Betty"
2011 BMW X5 3.5i "Heidi"

Brock Samson


Quote from: Afflyer on December 26, 2005, 12:45:39 PM
I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.  He always does whenever I do. 

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo 'lovin, secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.


Back to the original question, what is so "dangerous" about that organization?
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


Quote from: TK73 on December 26, 2005, 01:05:31 PM
Quote from: Afflyer on December 26, 2005, 12:45:39 PM
I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.  He always does whenever I do. 

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo 'lovin, secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.


Back to the original question, what is so "dangerous" about that organization?

Google "ACLU" +"Jeffrey Curley".

then try "ACLU" +"boy scouts".


Flyer, I didn't really know anything about the ACLU, except from what is mentoned about them in the news.  I've been taking a look around that ACLU site, they do some pretty cool work!!  Didn't see anything about supporting terrorists or lovin' homos though...

I had to look up the word "progressive" that you used in your post;

pro ·gres ·sive   Audio pronunciation of "progressive" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (pr-grsv)

   1. Moving forward; advancing.
   2. Proceeding in steps; continuing steadily by increments: progressive change.
   3. Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.


   1. A person who actively favors or strives for progress toward better conditions, as in society or government.

You seem to use that word in a derogatory manner, care to clarify why?
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Brock Samson


1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Brock Samson

Quote from: Afflyer on December 26, 2005, 12:45:39 PM
I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.   He always does whenever I do.  

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo    'lovin,      secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.


he hates lovin,.. git it?..
i guess it's safer to be a hater eh?..


Quote from: nh_mopar_fan on December 26, 2005, 01:23:14 PM
Quote from: TK73 on December 26, 2005, 01:05:31 PM
Quote from: Afflyer on December 26, 2005, 12:45:39 PM
I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.  He always does whenever I do. 

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo 'lovin, secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.


Back to the original question, what is so "dangerous" about that organization?

Google "ACLU" +"Jeffrey Curley".

then try "ACLU" +"boy scouts".

Whacked, looks like they may need to reconsider thier stance with respect to that case...
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Brock Samson

 well, let me ask ya this...

Do you follow the teachings of Jesus?..
What exactly did you celibrate yesterday?.. 


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 26, 2005, 01:32:48 PM
Quote from: Afflyer on December 26, 2005, 12:45:39 PM
I figued TK would step in behind me on my tyrade against his beloved ACLU.  He always does whenever I do. 

:down: the terrorist supporting, homo    'lovin,      secular progressive, off-scale left ACLU.


he hates lovin,.. git it?..
i guess it's safer to be a hater eh?..

Suppose so... looks like I'll have to sponsor him at the 'Playa Hatas Ball" (Chappelle)
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 26, 2005, 01:36:21 PM
well, let me ask ya this...

Do you follow the teachings of Jesus?..
What exactly did you celibrate yesterday?.. 

Who was this Q for?
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Brock Samson

well,. it was for our friend, but if the shoe fits... by all means, go ahead.


Quote from: Stratocharger on December 26, 2005, 01:39:39 PM
well,. it was for our friend, but if the shoe fits... by all means, go ahead.


Not me, don't follow the teachings of Jesus and didn't celebrate anything but pizza and movies yesterday...

1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


Okay TK-

Why do I feel that the ACLU is the most dangerous organization in America?  
Here's just a few reasons...

The ACLU is an organization devoted to the encouragement of pedophilia and legalizing sex between young children and adults; i.e. filing suit in Massachussetts in support of NAMBLA (North American Men-Boy Lovers Association) and doing it pro-bono (that means free of charge TK).

The ACLU sued the Boy Scouts of America in San Diego, California because they wanted to use a city park for summer camp, claiming the Boy Scouts a "religious organization who do not support homosexuals to be fit to join".   The suit was filed by two lesbian couples who never even visited that park in the first damned place!

I don't understand the ACLU when they are against the Childrens Internet Protection Act of 2000, so they'll allow lower income people, including children, without internet access at home, to be able to filterlessly download porn with any public library computer.   I don't get that one TK.   :shruggy:

The ACLU is concerned and desires the elimination of Christianity from public life in America.

The ACLU fully supports those who wish to eliminate "In God We Trust" from all U.S. currency.

If, in this country, we enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of religion, why is it the ACLU is trying to stop the people from talking about Christian religion?   It is freedom OF religion- not freedom FROM religion!

TK, what is soooo wrong when the one for whom a holiday is celebrated is mentioned?   The ACLU doesn't want Christ mentioned in public regarding Christmas.   But they don't mind talk about Martin Luther King or George Washington on their birthdays!   What has the ACLU got against Christmas anyway?   They certainly don't mind Ramadan or Kwanza!

I think commedian Dennis Miller said it best about the ACLU;
"The ACLU spent this entire holiday season protesting public displays of the nativity scene.   Yeah, that's the problem with America right now:   Public displays of Christ's birth.   That's the problem.   It's unbeliveable to me that the ACLU will no longer fight for your right to put up a nativity scene, but they'll fight for the right of the local freak who wants to stumble onto the nativity scene and have sex with one of the sheep!"

I could go on, but all this jib-jab is moot with you isn't it TK?   :rotz:

I hope everyone here had a very Merry Christmas, and may all of you have a prosperous New matter what your ideology.

Bradley   :devil:
Retired USAF C-130H3, C-130E, MC-130E, MC-130W Flight Engineer

1969 Charger 440/4bbl "Hemi Orange Mistress"
2009 Hemi Ram 1500 Sport Special Crew Cab "Black Betty"
2011 BMW X5 3.5i "Heidi"


I'll try to answer your question. Many people have a problem with the ACLU because it isn't JUST about liberties... What I mean is that the Boy Scouts for example are an organization that stands for values that are considered traditional and Christian in origin. A few years back the ACLU tried to FORCE the Boy Scouts to allow gay men to mentor and teach and lead troops. The Boy Scouts were against gay men as leaders, and the ACLU began a campaign of sorts (media blasts, PR ops, etc..) to shame the Boy Scouts into changing their policy. They have also pushed to eliminate the "Sex with a Minor" laws and statutes with regards to consentual "gay sex" (which I find reprehensible). These are just a couple of examples of them going against standard moral values and socially acceptable behavior (not to mention their complete outright attack on Christian values)...there are many more incidences where they have imposed their beliefs upon a group or organization. So, the real truth is that the "American" Civil Lezberties Union is really only concerned with the liberties of Americans who agree with THEIR set of beliefs. If they are not concerned with the beliefs of ALL Americans, and will not allow ALL Americans to express and excercise their OWN personal and organizational beliefs then how can they truly speak for America? The answer is that they really can't..and THAT is why they are not accepted or appreciated by everyone. Also, you know as well as I do that "progressive" used in terms of politics and social matters does not simply mean what is defined by Webster. Progressive in that sense actually means "non-traditional"...they focus most of their efforts an changing and combating the ideals and foundation of traditional values such as one man/one woman marriages, pro life, the Pledge of Allegiance - One Nation Under God, the Ten Commandments in public, etc... "Progressive" is a self appointed label. It is actually quite common for liberal idealists to adopt names and titles for their movements that are easily identified as "good" and "wholesome" when in actuality they are quite the opposite. The reason for this is displayed in your post where you cut-n-pasted the definition in an attempt to show what a GOOD WORD "progressive" really is. I agree, it's a word used to express something positive in nature, just not an appropriate descriptor when talking about liberal politics and social least IMO it's not, and many do agree. Really, there is no need for debate, this side see's it the way it see's it and that side see's it a completely different way. It doesn't matter much as far as I'm conncerned, because I'll never change the beliefs that I see as correct and good, and you guys likely never will either..
Life is a highway...


Thank you Bill.  But I think these thoughts will more than likely moot with TK. 

But then again...whathehell do we know?!

Retired USAF C-130H3, C-130E, MC-130E, MC-130W Flight Engineer

1969 Charger 440/4bbl "Hemi Orange Mistress"
2009 Hemi Ram 1500 Sport Special Crew Cab "Black Betty"
2011 BMW X5 3.5i "Heidi"

Brock Samson


Retired USAF C-130H3, C-130E, MC-130E, MC-130W Flight Engineer

1969 Charger 440/4bbl "Hemi Orange Mistress"
2009 Hemi Ram 1500 Sport Special Crew Cab "Black Betty"
2011 BMW X5 3.5i "Heidi"


Quote from: ChargerBill on December 26, 2005, 08:51:05 PM
Really, there is no need for debate, this side see's it the way it see's it and that side see's it a completely different way. It doesn't matter much as far as I'm conncerned, because I'll never change the beliefs that I see as correct and good, and you guys likely never will either..

I like this quote and agree with it 100%  I can say the exact same thing.
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!

Big Lebowski

So lets review shall we. The ACLU are a bunch of perverts who think it's ok for Nambla to play their boyrape games, they hate AMERICAN things like Christmas, "In God we trust" on money, and lets be honest, the ACLU supports the very terrorists who want to nuke you. Every action they take is in opposition to the war on terror (That's treason for those of you in Rio Linda) These activities are not very American, in fact, on appearance they seem very un-American to me.
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


Quote from: Big Lebowski on December 26, 2005, 10:13:18 PM
So lets review shall we. The ACLU are a bunch of perverts who think it's ok for Nambla to play their boyrape games, they hate AMERICAN things like Christmas, "In God we trust" on money, and lets be honest, the ACLU supports the very terrorists who want to nuke you. Every action they take is in opposition to the war on terror (That's treason for those of you in Rio Linda) These activities are not very American, in fact, on appearance they seem very un-American to me.

1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!