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Good Bye Tookie

Started by Lowprofile, December 12, 2005, 05:37:05 PM

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Guess they could a shot him in the back a couple of times :shruggy:  Like his victum.


Quote from: JimShine on December 13, 2005, 12:39:50 PM
On the news they are saying he was 'frustrated' having to aid finding a vein for them to inject him and it taking so long. GOOD!

Lets see he got long slow frustrating death waiting 24 years helping the executioners find his vein with the slow drip drip drip of the potassium chloride working it's way through his body. He will close his eyes and die peacefully not feeling any pain but just drifting off into his destiny. He would have had the luxury of a decent last meal the opportunity to make a final statement and surrounded by some of your family members.  While a being the center of media attention and the darling of the adoring liberal Hollywood actors and politicians making statements on your behalf telling the world that you are a valuable member of society and can do a lot of good.

As opposed to

Lying on the floor of a seven eleven face down as a thug pumps four bullets into the back of your head and body over a lousy 125 dollars taken from the cash register. Never being able to say good bye to your loved ones or see them again and feeling the agony of not dying on the first bullet as everything in your life that you were dreaming about or seeing is being brutally taken away from you. And no one there to stick up for you to tell the World what a good father and husband you are and how you are trying to raise valuable members of society from your kids.

Hmmmm nope doesn’t seem like justice to me. sounds like he got off easy.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store NOT a government agency!


I have a hard time with this whole Deal. I saw a guy on the news over lunch that was saying that the only reason he was put to death was because he was black! I am so sick of this ignorant banter. This A-hole may have found religion in Jail, but the question is what does that matter? The prison's are full of people who regret getting caught. I never felt he was ever sorry for what he did, just upset for getting caught. This A-hole started a Gang that has led to the torture and death of how many innocent people over the past quarter century. My Dad being a cop and a Gang investigator, and having a run in with shariff willis, had people threatening to kill him, and us. We had to go and stay at a fricken Cabin up north, because my Dad took a stand against an a-hole like this. That still pi$$es me off to this day! They killed Jerry Haaf, a Minneapolis cop, a few weeks from retirement, shooting him In the back of the head well he was having his lunch. Just to get back at them for some other cop Shooting one of these thugs in self protection. This is the kind of people that he is responsible for. I am a Christian, so I might have to answer for these feelings, but I can't help it. These people are animals. I don't care how many children's books he has written or how many Nobel prizes he was nominated for. This guy got it better than he deserved. I hope he made his peace with god, or he is going to burn for what he did. And the coward never would apologize or acknowledge what he did! :flame: I applaud Arnold for his decision, to finally put the victims family's wishes ahead of the Wishes of this Criminal! It is about time!

Have a great day!

My mechanic told me, "I couldn't fix your brakes, but don't worry I made your horn louder."


good ridance to trash,should have got jackson while they were at it


Quote from: HAZZARDJOHN on December 13, 2005, 04:26:01 PM
I saw a guy on the news over lunch that was saying that the only reason he was put to death was because he was black!
I haven't been following this case, merely for the reason that I don't care in the slightest about this loser Tookie's plight. In fact, this thread is the most news I've heard of it.
When Bull said that Jesse Jackson was in close proximity, I knew that the race card had been pulled somewhere along the way...friggin' rediculous. I wonder if Jesse would still be wanting to spare this loser's life if he had killed someone in HIS family? I highly doubt it.

I'm glad Arnold didn't back down too, I would have lost a lot of respect if he had.

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Yeah I think ole Jesse would be ok with it, as long as he gets his ugly azz in front of the camera.
He is about as useless as teets on a boar hog!


Jesse, an up-standing pillar of morality.....Oh thats right, he is a relegious man who was caught horing around on his wife. ......He would eat crap if it got his mug on TV..........Why does it always come down to race.....That guy wasn't exicuted because he was black, its because he was convicted of a hanus crime.  IF YOU DON"T WANT TO GO TO JAIL, STOP BREAKING THE LAW!!!!!!  Pretty simple if you ask me.
Over?! its not over until we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!...Hell no! and its not over now!..(Germans? Pearl Harbor?...shut up, he's on a roll)

SuBLimE 69

They will make a hero out of that POS the minute he dies, just like that POS "Tu Pac" or "3rd of a 6 Pack" what ever his thug name was......I say it's about time they started putting those tax dollars to work.  Suck it down Tookie...U earned it.

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !


Things should change though. The lethal injection takes a medical team, the extra guards for the day of the execution. It all can be trimmed down to one bullet in the head after the sentancing. Lots and lots of money saved, same results.


Wouldn't that be nice.  It would actually save alot more if they still had the rope right outsiide the court house. 

No jail time, no appeals, no inmate special diets and hugh medical chargers for tax payers.  Millllllllllllions of dollars saved.


Hey Sublime....

Know what "Tupac" is backwards?????    Ca-put....   Just like Tookie... ;) ;)

They'll stop capital punishment , when Jesse is elected President. :icon_smile_big:



Do you think anyone would have cared if this guy was white? Highly unlikely!
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin

Todd Wilson

Quote from: SuBLimE 69 on December 13, 2005, 09:03:41 PM
They will make a hero out of that POS the minute he dies, just like that POS "Tu Pac" or "3rd of a 6 Pack" what ever his thug name was......I say it's about time they started putting those tax dollars to work.   Suck it down Tookie...U earned it.

I suppose now we will start seeing "Tookie" spray painted all over the place now by the gangsta's!  I bet the rappers will sing about him also.


SuBLimE 69

Quote from: Charger71 on December 13, 2005, 10:37:53 PM
Hey Sublime....

Know what "Tupac" is backwards?????      Ca-put....     Just like Tookie... ;) ;)

They'll stop capital punishment , when Jesse is elected President. :icon_smile_big:


Hahaha !  I'm gonna get that on a T-Shirt....hehehe

This ticket is only $69.00 ?  If I'd have known that I'd have been going FASTER !



Steve P.

In some countries the families of the convicted have to bring the convicts food and work off their sentences. Some whore for the money.. Some farm more food. Some scrub the courthouse floors and steps. What my point is, they put the burden on the convicts family. NOT the tax payers.. It may not be working perfectly, but maybe this country should start looking into something other than taxing  everyone to  penalizing those who deserve it..

I forgot to mention, those convicted people have no televisions, radios, weights, basketballs, baseballs, footballs. As a matter of fact, I would be surprised if they got out of there with their own balls seeing the size of the RATS in that place!! 

I think that being incarcerated should mean losing more RIGHTS than just not being able to go outside the building!!!!  Yeah, I know there is a little more to it than that. But not enough to make people STOP DOING SHIT TO PUT THEM THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE...............

Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


i am all for the firing squad,cheaper and easier-and you can put it on pay per view for all the tools to cry about


Geez, I heard on the radio this morning that the friends & family of Tookie are planning on having a funeral rivaling the size of the one for the recently deceased lady who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus (I'm drawing a blank on her name)...then, having him cremated & dumping his ashes somewhere in South Africa.

Gimme a break.
I fail to understand how an executed murderer could possibly suck up this kind of fanfare? :rotz:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on December 14, 2005, 03:15:26 PM
Geez, I heard on the radio this morning that the friends & family of Tookie are planning on having a funeral rivaling the size of the one for the recently deceased lady who wouldn't give up her seat on the bus (I'm drawing a blank on her name)...then, having him cremated & dumping his ashes somewhere in South Africa.

Gimme a break.
I fail to understand how an executed murderer could possibly suck up this kind of fanfare? :rotz:

Probably from a lot of crips and a few of those women that love real bad boys.
A Fact of Life: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF.........


I don't agree with the death penalty and I will tell you why....the scumbags get off too easy. The families of the victims get to spend the rest of their lives suffering over the loss of a loved one, while the perp that commits the crime can sit in prison for 24 years until the day he gets an IV that puts him to death slowly and painlessly. Scumbags like this should be sent to the desert and break rocks in 130 degree heat for the rest of their lives. I don't care if they are 80 years old, you are still out there busting rocks until you die. That would be more punishment than just sitting on death row for 20 years. Unfortunately, the amount of pain and suffering they endure busting rocks will never equal the pain and suffering of the families who lost their loved one. That is my 2 pennies worth.
It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office. - H.L. Mencken


Unfortunatly Tomonty,

That is not the way it happens here in good ole California.   These scumbags, or should I say "clients" as they are to be called by the High ups in the California Department of Corrections, get almost everything handed to them.   They get three meals aday, the best medical care of anyone( and I do mean anyone).   It has become a joke.  

Inmates go to prison now, to get their teeth fixed.   It is not hard time.   They get television with a new release movie every week, and ESPN.   They get radios and CD players now.  

Where is the punishment you ask??   It is in my wallet and yours.   We pay for all these bastards to live the good life and get Heart transplants and the drop of a hat, while I have to wait four years just to get on the Heart transplant list.

CDC need to be more harsh on their Inmates.

They get 3,000 for a cookie being broke because some laim ass Judge decided he was not given his equal portion.   That is unreal.

Steve P.

Same, same here in Florida... Jail is where the homeless call, (VACATION)....

Here's another one for you.. In Florida, if you get sent to jail/prison, your landlord has to store your shit and eat however much you owe him.. To bad for you!!!  :rotz:  The SHIT of this country has more rights than those that provide those very rights...

A deputy was at my buddy Rudy's today. The deputy is rather new to the area and is from Long Island. He tells My friends Rudy and Ray, (You guys really have an awful lot of scumbags down here. And I thought New York was bad)!  Now considering Ray and I are from New York and Rudy is from Detroit we must be really growing immune.. :icon_smile_dead:
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


A good question is How much money did it take just to deal with Tookie?????  Add up all the court appeals, the meals, the medical, and everything else for the last 20 years. 

I say we should go back to the early days of Prison.  No rights for criminals. 

Brock Samson

they used to hang the corpses outside church...  :icon_smile:


I wish we could do that now.  You wouldn't get repeat offenders.