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Anyone here ever gone to their high school class reunion?

Started by Charger440RDN, October 19, 2009, 12:14:30 AM

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I went to my class of 1994 high school reunion last night and it was an eye opening, fun experience. Most of the people there I couldn't recognize because they had gone bald or gained weight  :lol: some even had gray hair!!! 94 wasn't THAT long ago.  :smilielol: I had fun though.

Dans 68

Yes. The 5-year was nostalgic, the 10-year uncomfortable, the 15-year sad, the 20-year horrific, the 25-year pleasant, and the 30-year missed. No more for me.... :eek2:  :icon_smile_wink:

1973 SE 400 727  1 of 19,645                                        1968 383 4bbl 4spds  2 of 259

Todd Wilson

I went to my 10 and 20.  I got stinkin drunk at both and plan to do the same at the 30 yr  as well.  What I noticed at the 10 was everyone that were dicks in high school were still dicks then with big life plans. Most of the hot chicks were still hot.  At the 20   the dicks were still dicks. Most had not amounted to a whole lot but still thought they were hot stuff. About 3/4 of the hot chicks at the 10 were no longer hot at the 20. Most everyone was gray/bald  and a lot fatter. Myself included.   There was a few chicks that had aged well. Even fewer that basically still look like they did in high school. I had people that would come sit down and talk to me and I had no clue who they were. Didnt remember them in high school.  The stuck up people were still stuck up and wouldnt give anyone outside the preppy group the time of day. The thing about me now that I am older is I dont really give a poopoo what people think. Add that attitude and about 20 PBR's  and I didnt hesitate to let someone know I thought they were an Ahole in high school and still an ahole now! HAHA!  Proves for a fun time everytime! I cant wait for the 30!



I've had about the same experience as Todd.

I missed the 5 year, went to the 10 which was basically boring but I did see some friends that I hadn't seen in 10 years. For the 15, I did come back to Ohio for a visit but I didn't go to the reunion because they were going to have a day golfing, and me and golf balls just can't seem to get our act together. So instead of going to watch something that I thought might be boring and I had absolutely no clue how to play, I stayed home and visited the family.

The 20 year was good, Many of the skinny ones were fat, one of the long haired hippy type of the early 70's was bald as a baby's butt. He still had long hair but it looked like it was either sliding down the back or his forehead was growing. The fat ones got fatter and like Todd, the dicks were still trying to be dicks.

I missed the 25, but the 30 was fun. I was semi-retired and back in Ohio again. The dicks decided they really were only legends in their own minds so they weren't so bad. A few of the fat chicks had lost weight, and one girl that was what I would call as very plump all her school life came and WOW  :o She lost all her weight and was hotter than a 2 dollar pistol. I was floored. The guy that was our high school quarterback had hit good in real estate and living the good life.

My 35 year is coming up this next summer and I'll probably go. If they decide to play golf again, I may need to go try a few lessons.  :lol:

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Nope.  Graduated in 75 and thought about it each time and have no regrets at all.
This car was sold many years ago to somebody in Wisconsin. I now am retired and living in Florida.


Went to 10 and 20.   Skipped 25.

30 just went by and I heard it was just a meet and greet at the beer tent at the local town fair in August.

Moving 600 miles away sorta makes it bittersweet.   Don't remember half the people and those you do aren't the ones you really wanted to see anyway.   Some people never left... others left and never came back.

I drove to the 20 year with my 2 best friends anyway.  Ended up hanging at our own little Group W bench anyway with a few others.    The social clicks still remain.

Black Betty:  1969 Charger R/T - X9 440 six pack, TKO600 5 speed, 3.73 Dana 60.
Sinnamon:  1969 Charger R/T - T5 440, 727, 3.23 8 3/4 high school sweetheart.


I graduated in 78 - and have't been to a single one. And  I live less than miles from my old high school.
I didn't care for most the of the people while I was in school, so really didn't need to see any of them now


I can't... I got kicked out f the finest schools in the area :lol:

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I've gone to them through 25, and the only one worth a crap was the 5 year. After that, it's always a 'who made the most money' contest, or who spent enough on clothes and rental cars to look the part. I won't be sorry to miss 30 years, with the internet it's not necessary to endure the idiots to see your old friends.
1968 505" EFI 4-speed
1968 D200 Camper Special, 318/2bbl/4spd/4.10
Torque converters are for construction equipment.


 i graduated in 1950 and went to the last one and no one was there .i think they all died LOL


We only had a 20-year reunion in 2005 but I think there are plans for a 25-year reunion next summer. We all grew up in a small country town so most of the people in my graduating class were/are pretty down-to-earth, therefore, both high school and the reunion were fun. Only 9 of the 22 grads showed up though so next time we're shooting for a better turnout, like 17 or so. ;D


I've been to a couple.  They were nicer than I expected but like I told them when they invited me to the five year, "If I liked you people I'd still be hanging around with you." 

That was shortly after returning from Vietnam and I may have had a fairly high blood alcohol content and a little bitterness over the friends and neighbors have selected you to participate in the service of your country thing.. 

I'd recommend going at least to one, but I'd wait until the twenty five year.  Have fun.

Mike DC

My graduating class was like 450 people.  I never really knew most of them the first time around.



My 20 year came around and the people organizing it wanted $100 a person to go.

Not enough people signed up including me and the event was canceled.

25 is next year and have not heard a word. Don't really expect to.

Honestly the only people I would be interested in seeing my wife would prefer I didn't.


I went to my 5 year.... was great to see friends I had not in a long time.... this summer will be 15,,, not sure if one is planned or not, I would go... its the only time I see some of those friends.

No one I really hated from HS.  Got along with everyone.... HOWEVER, I was always told I had a bad attitude, would not amount to s&it (mostly from Teachers, some of this was brought on myself), Well.. I am doing just fine.... so maybe I go to rub that in a few faces.... :shruggy:

Todd Wilson

Quote from: charger490 on October 19, 2009, 01:14:11 PM
i graduated in 1950 and went to the last one and no one was there .i think they all died LOL

Thats what happens when you are older then dirt!    :nana:



Figures I moved in the summer before my final year of school. Thought it would be cool going to a reunion to see people I pretty much grew up with (spent grade 4-11 in that town)...but nooo...reunion is gonna be a bunch of random ass people I don't know ::)
Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic


Quote from: 69bronzeT5 on October 20, 2009, 12:42:27 AM
Figures I moved in the summer before my final year of school. Thought it would be cool going to a reunion to see people I pretty much grew up with (spent grade 4-11 in that town)...but nooo...reunion is gonna be a bunch of random ass people I don't know ::)

Then go to your old schools reunion instead, thats what one chick did from my school.  She moved away Junior year but now lives back here and goes to our school reunions.   :Twocents:
"Liberalism is a disease that attacks one's ability to understand logic. Extreme manifestations include the willingness to continue down a path of self destruction, based solely on a delusional belief in a failed ideology."


Yea, it's not like the CIA keeps track of your reunion attendance and forces you to attend the one from your last school.


There are 5 of us from HS who are still great friends and even though we are spread out all over (Long Island, Upstate NY, Germany) we all still hang out.  We went as a group to our 20th.  rented a limo, hit a strip club before and showed up half in the bag.  We had the best time.  We werent the most popular in HS, but at the reuinion it was a different story.  We stayed together and people just kept coming over.  Don't bring the wife either.  she won't want to sit there and watch you wax philisophic about how you banged some other girl in joe blow's basement back in '86. 

I think if you are comfortable with who you are, then the HS reunion is a cool thing to go to.  If you have an ax to grind or feel inadequate with your job or whatever, then it's going to be a stress fest.  I never went to the 10yr and probably wouldn't go to a 25 if they have one.  I'd rather just wait till the 30th. 


I went to mt 15 , 5 years ago...It was OK. I went the 20 this year and It was a great time....people finnaly grew up.
68 Charger R/t white with black v/t and red tailstripe. 440 4 speed ,black interior
68 383 auto with a/c and power windows. Now 440 4 speed jj1 gold black interior .
My Charger is a hybrid car, it burns gas and rubber............


skipped out on my 10 year.... if they have a 15 it will be in 2010.
Like someone said earlier, I didn't care much for the folks I went to school with anyways. The few I did like, I see them from time to time.

One girl in my high school Alegebra class used to give me a hard time about my grades. She'd always say "you'll be working a QuickMart, when you get outta school". 2-3 years after I graduated I was working at a machine shop making decent money, and I still lived at home, no wife or kids I always had money on me. I stopped by QuickMart one morning to get a biscuit....guess who's behind the counter, you guessed it. I bought a biscuit and a drink, then reached in the back of my wallet to get a 100 bill to pay for it (even though I had correct change).
Sorta felt good doing that to the bitch, LOL.



I guess I got lucky, most of the people that showed up at this reunion were people I got along with. None of the people I hated were there. I probably won't go back until the 25 year reunion though.

Smokey Bear

It's interesting to read peoples perspectives.

I've missed 5 through 25 and will miss all the rest that are coming. I hated high school and did everything I could to avoid anything to do with it.


Never been invited, worst 3 years of my life...never looked back. Funny how some try to hit me up on facebook. Are you serious?  Although I did accept 3 of the guys that were in the band that were always nice to me for whatever reason.
Life isn't Father Knows Best anymore, it's a kick in the face on a saturday night with a steel toed grip kodiak work boot and a trip to the hospital all bloodied and bashed.....for reconstructive surgery. But, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?