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Any Journalists here, (advice needed)

Started by 451-74Charger, September 22, 2009, 12:48:25 PM

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I am due to take the AP writing test, but wanted to know what to expect. :think: :smilie_help: :smilie_help:
The first I heard about this was today, and I'm taking it tomorrow  :-\

Ponch ®

Quote from: 451-74Charger on September 22, 2009, 12:48:25 PM
I am due to take the AP writing test, but wanted to know what to expect. :think: :smilie_help: :smilie_help:
The first I heard about this was today, and I'm taking it tomorrow  :-\

I think Brock used to be in the newspaper business...
"I spent most of my money on cars, birds, and booze. The rest I squandered." - George Best

Chrysler Performance West

Brock Samson
a quick search on Google yielded these results and links...
it would appear to be a situation where more specific info on the test is required to find relevant reference material.
I wouldn't concider myself to be a Journalist Profesionally, Though as an Editorial Assitant i did do fact checking and some research, mostly I supported the "Metro Desk" in whatever was required as Jack of all Trades.  :shruggy:


I was a newspaper reporter for close to two years but I'm not sure what an AP test is other than a gauge to see how well you know Associated Press style. Being a journalist you have to follow the rules in that book as your standard when writing news stories. Do you have an AP Stylebook? All the answers are in there.

The only other thing I can think of for "AP" is Advanced Placement essay style writing which is a style of professional writing but I would think AP in this case would have more to do with journalism and Associated Press rules. :shruggy: Did you happen to ask your instructor what it means?

tricky lugnuts

Hey - assuming you're talking about the Associated Press writing test [abbreviations always spelled out on first usage  :angel:] and not the Advanced Placement writing test...

It looks like this website might be able to help you practice and study for an AP writing test. I've never taken one myself and I don't know anybody who has, so I don't know exactly what one should expect...

I would highly recommend purchasing the latest edition of the "Associated Press Style Book and Briefing on Media Law" and basically memorizing it if you don't already have one and haven't already done that. It's $20 well spent if you're going to be doing any sort of news writing that calls for anything resembling AP style.

Basic news writing skills aside, I figure you ought to be going in pretty damn comfortable with AP writing style - how they handle numbers, acronyms, addresses, titles, punctuation, word usage, and all those sorts of things - and be familiar with the news agency's ethics and approaches to reporting the news.

Good luck!

Is this for journalism school or are you applying to the AP? Do you plan on being an AP stringer where you're already located and working?


Well I took the test.
It wasnt what I expected. it was several different things in one.
Now i have to wait to find out how bad I failed :)
This wasnt for a course, It was for a job, that is in a reporting enviroment, so this is std for new applicants.