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Unwelcome guest, again...

Started by dads_69, September 14, 2009, 03:25:57 AM

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Unwelcome guest/punk. 2nd time now in a month I've had a back yard wanderer. My back yard is fenced, sign with *warning dog on premise do not enter*.
A month ago, 1:30 a.m. guy tried to peal my stereo out of my Explorer. I caught him, knocked him out w/a punch after 4th hit. Tonight, 1 hit knock down, he eventually got up looked at me for a second then ran fast other direction. Cops not fast enough as normal to get here to *try an locate him*.
I understand, guy is hidding out somewhere near by my guess.
Stereo in Expo' is worth a grand or so, he obviously has seen it and wants it bad enough, but has yet to learn his lesson from me.
I work late hours, so I'm up late, I know, I should have subdued him as well as before, but I simply reacted and wanted to fight.
I'm guessing his age 20 to 24. So yea, he knows better, but is just to stupid to understand how life works out sometimes.
If there is a next time, strike three, he'll be out.

Rant over, anyone  else having issues with wannabe thief's lately?

Hey, you can hate the game but don't hate the player.


None that I'm aware of. Our dogs pretty well let us know when someone comes around, wanted or unwanted. Next time you call the cops, tell them they can take their time because you just shot him and he will be there when they decide to come. You won't have to wait long.  :lol:

God must love stupid people; He made so many.


Next time he comes back I hope for your sake he doesnt bring a gun. Got some handcuffs? Next time you KO him cuff him to something HEAVY or hogtie him. I hate a thief and the turd needs some teeth knocked out, no cops when that happens.
1969 Charger RT

Living Chevy free


Quote from: Tilar on September 14, 2009, 04:11:21 AM
None that I'm aware of. Our dogs pretty well let us know when someone comes around, wanted or unwanted. Next time you call the cops, tell them they can take their time because you just shot him and he will be there when they decide to come. You won't have to wait long.  :lol:

AMEN! Imminent Domain! The statement you say to make to the cops will get them there in seconds. I was being stalked and one of my clients...a state attorney said to say there was an armed drug deal going down at the end of the street...after I told his friend that I would say that for real...the guy stopped stalking me...he was a cop. This way you also have 20 police as your witness that the person is there...he was also armed. Here's my advice take it for what it is...hit him again and zippy tie him. That will keep him restrained until the police get there. Make sure your car is printed. This kid has to be stupid...why would you continue to go after the same car after you've been found out? Make sure you say he hit you first and press every charge available. Trespassing warrent etc. Take pics of him trying to break in to truck. My little digital camera takes pics in the dark like it's daylight.
Trust your Woobie!

beware the sleeper

if he was smart enough to find a new car, hed prolly be smart enough to get a job and buy his own radio.....just sayin...


I like our law in ND.  People were upset, but you have full right to shoot anyone unwanted on your property, even in the back....... :pity:

Trust me, I am not all too friendly unless your invited on my property..... although all my vehicles are indoors


Wait a sec, same perp both times?


If I were you, after I KO'd him the third time I'd zip tie the bastard's hands behind his back and then zip tie that to his feet. By the time the cops are done with their donuts and coffee he'll still be hog-tied and lying in your driveway. You think he'd learn after the first @$$ beating though. :shruggy:


Quote from: bull on September 14, 2009, 10:01:53 AM
If I were you, after I KO'd him the third time I'd zip tie the bastard's hands behind his back and then zip tie that to his feet. By the time the cops are done with their donuts and coffee he'll still be hog-tied and lying in your driveway. You think he'd learn after the first @$$ beating though. :shruggy:

Ohhh oohhh and put a gag in his mouth and a santa hat on his head.... then lipstick, paste that picture around town..........whoa sorry got off topic there.... :popcrn:

Todd Wilson

I have that crap happen all the time at my house. Always someone coming down the alley at night and messing with the parked cars. With the unemployment rate the way it is and with meth running wild in Kansas here it happens a lot at night around here all over. Just a few nights ago 3 guys came down my alley. Walking at a good pace. Talking and smoking weed. They werent interested in any vehicles as I watched them go by and then on down the alley.

Should have dug a hole for the thief and buried him in the backyard.



Quote from: Blown70 on September 14, 2009, 09:29:36 AM
I like our law in ND.  People were upset, but you have full right to shoot anyone unwanted on your property, even in the back....... :pity:

Trust me, I am not all too friendly unless your invited on my property..... although all my vehicles are indoors
From what I remember, not only would they need to be invited, but you would need to come and get them for them to find it.
1969 Dodge Charger 500 440/727
1970 Challenger convertible 340/727
1970 Plymouth Duster FM3
1974 Dodge Dart /6/904
1983 Plymouth Scamp GT 2.2 Auto
1950 Dodge Pilot house pick up


Quote from: 41husk on September 14, 2009, 11:00:48 AM
Quote from: Blown70 on September 14, 2009, 09:29:36 AM
I like our law in ND.  People were upset, but you have full right to shoot anyone unwanted on your property, even in the back....... :pity:

Trust me, I am not all too friendly unless your invited on my property..... although all my vehicles are indoors
From what I remember, not only would they need to be invited, but you would need to come and get them for them to find it.

HAHAHAH yea, you were more than welcome buddy....hahhaha :2thumbs:


Some punks used to cut through my yard from the woods in the back right up my side walk along side the house and across my front yard. It was wearing down a path of dead grass and a trail of trash, candy wrappers and cig butts etc.. That is until I followed them home one night. Now I know where they live. It hasn't happened since. :coolgleamA:


You Americans are crazy! :popcrn: Here in the UK we'd sit inside our houses for fear of being knifed or kicked to death, literally. Then the police would arrest the culprit(s) and put them away for about 5 months before they get released.

I don't particularly believe in violence, but at least over there you have a good idea about where your rights lie. Criminals here need only a shyster lawyer to quote 'the human rights act' and we pretty much go soft on them. :brickwall:

Of course, gun crime is minimal here... Hmm...


3 years ago I had a "crew" show up was going to clean me out. Slight miscalculation on their part.

I was home.

My little yappy dog barked and I heard the mailbox close. I figured "mail", get it in a second and wet back to my latest RC airplane (nothing fancy, .40 size stick that will fly in a straight line all day with no input). Dog keeps yapping, so I start checking. I see three guys hoisting stuff over my back fence

Seeing this, I grabbed my gun and leande out the back door and hollard, they beat feet. Situation was such that I couldn't risk a shot and they got to their car and got away.

I called the police, figuring I might see a cop in a couple of hours, so I went back to my home remodeling in the master bedroom. Next I hear in a booming voice, "X police Dept, Did You call the police?"

Nice. About 2 minutes. No sarcasm here. Seriously, 2 minutes I'll take every time. All I told the dispatcher was I have just had a robbery attempt, no one was injured, the thieves high tailed it and were most likely long gone.

As I was finishing up the interview with the officer, they drove right past us, fresh from hitting a house down the street. They tried to run, throwing stuff out of this small hatchback car as they went. They had stolen tools, wheels and tires, had some catalytic converters, a laptop.

Unknown to me at the time, they had cobbed up on my cordless drill. The officer brought it back about 2 hours later, "here, I think this is yours". Engraving ones tools. Kind of hard to argue with that.

Here is what I learned:

1) engrave that stuff, keep serial numbers. In my state, pawn shops are verbotten from dealing in items that have a serial # on the hot sheet. I didn't realize the drill was stolen, been years since that receipt was thrown away. With the engraving all the detective needed was picture of the item, no need to hold property for lack of proof of ownership or need of evidence.

2) I was prepared to defend myself, and mentally prepared to do the ultimate deed if necessary. In the end it was good that judgment overcame emotions. There would have been quite an ordeal otherwise, legal shoot or not. Lawyers ain't cheap, regardless if you are right or wrong. Also, regardless of right or wrong, all it takes is one round of "good intentions" to go astray and injure/kill an innocent bystander and no matter how many bad guys you maim or kill, all bets are off. I would just as soon not find out what it's like to live with that. They weren't armed, even though I was they were to busy making a good run. I never felt threatened.

3) The cops were having a good time, and fished hard for any excuse to "subdue" the suspects. The suspects were smart enough to keep their moths shut.

4) end cost for the suspects: Had to pay for their own legal, As the one was the father of the 2 sons and owns (owned?) property. Av. lawyer around here would charge around 1500 for the plea bargain. 5 years, 2 suspended, 6 months credit served. Lost the car (worth about 500).

5) cost to me? 0. Never had to leave my house. Well, I stood with some other folks to laugh at the spectacle.

6) Relax. Like taxes, most theft isn't personal. They saw what they thought was an easy mark. That is my fault and have since taken steps to prevent that.

7) Relax. The dispatcher can do that job faster when you get your address correct, speak clearly, don't curse. They realize you aren't cursing them, it's wasted words. And wasted time. Why give a dispatcher a reason to tell the officer "this jerkoff at so and so got robbed, the perps got away. mosey on over"

8) Relax. Let it play out. I figured I *might* get a visit from a police officer in a couple of hours. I was shocked one showed up right away. I was shocked the fools stayed in the area having just been caught. I was shocked they tried to outrun the cruiser.

9) Think. It only takes microseconds to react or over react. The consequences of that are forever. When the clowns took of down the driveway, i didn't even attempt any bravado, I just calmly walked over to the phone, called the cops and settled into a mode of whatever happens, happens.

10) The cops want to do the job. They want to catch these people. They want to beat up and shoot these kind of people. They don't have to get lawyers when they do (most of the time). Let them do their jobs!

11) Video. If I had to do over, I would have grabbed my camcorder and videoed a little, relaxed a little more, called the cops while they were still there. Like an Idiot, I leaned out the back door and hollered, giving them a chance to escape.

All in all, I learned some stuff, the perps were caught, I didn't have to get a lawyer and I got my drill back.
III, we are everywhere


Quote from: DodgeByDave on September 14, 2009, 01:47:01 PM

Your a much calmer person than, I.  They would have heard the CYCLING of my shot gun to get there attention....... :shruggy:


 K, sooo, #1 Call police, tell them you've just shot an intruder stealing from your home. (Calmly give police address to your home.)#2 Wait five minutes, (In your case 1 Minute? WOW two minutes is a fast response time, good for you! :2thumbs:)#3 WITHOUT WARNING, Ratchet the 870 in ear shot, (give'em a small chance to get away).Be steady, sure about this shot, (its okay to hit the neighbors house, just think about what room he might be in when you take aim and...) FIRE!!!!! I guess you could TRY to aim to only maim the thieves...but. #4 Now, yell "Freeze, I have a weapon and will use it." When your being interviewed later, you will tell the police you did #4 FIRST, then did #3. (In all the confusion subsequent interviews by police to your neighbors will confirm this(its a prov-en fact.))  By this time the cops will prolly be at your home and will prolly thank you for not having to engage in a high speed pursuit after the SOB(which could possibly injure other innocent bystanders) as he will be bleeding to death in your yard. Your neighbors will thank you. The other little SOB's in your neighborhood will HEAR what happened, or hear of what happened and will think twice about trying to make you or any of your neighbors their victims in the future.  :2thumbs:


Quote from: DavidSL on September 14, 2009, 12:20:07 PM
You Americans are crazy! :popcrn: Here in the UK we'd sit inside our houses for fear of being knifed or kicked to death, literally. Then the police would arrest the culprit(s) and put them away for about 5 months before they get released.

I don't particularly believe in violence, but at least over there you have a good idea about where your rights lie. Criminals here need only a shyster lawyer to quote 'the human rights act' and we pretty much go soft on them. :brickwall:

Of course, gun crime is minimal here... Hmm...

Would that be because no one is allowed to have wepons there right??? I'll keep my guns thank you very much.

Guns dont kill people. Dangerous minorities do.........


In TX they just shoot people trying to steal thier property.

In CA you have to shoot them then drag them in the house, remember to tell the cops you were afraid for your life after the perp said they were going to kill you.

Personally I would find out who the guy is and post a sign in front of your house about it along with notifying the media.
Handing out flyers to your neighbors would be good too so if anyone else is robbed or vandalized they can tell the cops who it is.

472 R/T SE

Years ago when I drove OTR I had my Pete parked a couple blocks away in a grocery store parking lot.  That night my Mom brought out my alarm beeper to me on the couch since it was going crazy.  I threw on a shirt & grabbed my Mom's car keys & hauled ass to my truck.  The POS was up in my truck trying to get the CB out with the alarm blarring.  I hollered at him, he couldn't hear me initially cause of the alarm.

He jumped out of the cab & took off running with me chasing in my Mom's car, chased him across a freeway.  If he'd have fell I would have run him over.  A junky car was following me so I whipped around & got it's license # for the cops.

I went back to the Albertson's & told the cashier's that I was broken into & asked if they would call the cops'.  They pointed at the pay phone.

Cops showed & I asked what would have happened if I was in the sleeper.  Sheriff said it's my home & I had the right to shoot.  He said if the perp fell out of the truck to make sure I drug him back inside.

My only instance of someone thieving from me.

Luckily our 'hood is pretty safe.

I would think even though this guy is lacking upstairs, next time he'll have an equalizer.  I think I would do like the Skips' too & have some video cameras' somehwere.  :shruggy:

Silver R/T

too bad they don't let you shoot lowlifes like that. Next time tie him up in basement and starve him and punish him enough that when he comes out he will be a "changed man" lol

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722

Silver R/T

Quote from: bull on September 14, 2009, 10:01:53 AM
If I were you, after I KO'd him the third time I'd zip tie the bastard's hands behind his back and then zip tie that to his feet. By the time the cops are done with their donuts and coffee he'll still be hog-tied and lying in your driveway. You think he'd learn after the first @$$ beating though. :shruggy:

maybe he didn't beat him hard enough??? I sure would like to come, I'll bring my baseball bat :) I've been hit by punks who stole some stuff from my car a few years ago. We need to get rid of scum

1968 silver/black/red striped R/T
My Charger is hybrid, it runs on gas and on tears of ricers
2001 Ram 2500 CTD
1993 Mazda MX-3 GS SE
1995 Ford Cobra SVT#2722


Quote from: Silver R/T on September 14, 2009, 10:25:58 PM
too bad they don't let you shoot lowlifes like that. Next time tie him up in basement and starve him and punish him enough that when he comes out he will be a "changed man" lol

In North Daktoa we can   :2thumbs:


Home from work. It was no the same guy that tried to get whatever last time. First thief was caught.
He was caught by cops days later along with his rap sheet already 3 pages long.
My next door neighbor is a cop, only not home at time of incident, as well as the next 5 houses down from me.
I'll say this much, my hand is hurting still from the punch, but I'll be fine. I wonder how the guy feels today though? hahaha. Not that I give a rats ass, just curious.
Right now I'm studying Bo Staff weapons in class. But yet once again, I went into that old mode of *fight till he gives up* and did not control/subdue him, I let him get away. Personally, I'm really pissed at myself for that. If there is a next time, I will subdue the thief and cops or ambulance will haul thief away.
I really need sleep, but its hard knowing a person wants something of mine bad enough and yet take a beating for it, next time, they might not be so lucky.

Thanks for everyones response.

Hey, you can hate the game but don't hate the player.