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Started by waroc, August 29, 2009, 11:37:39 AM

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 :METAL: a fisherman invited a priest over for dinner.  he served the priest some of his daily catch. the priest said "what kinda fish is this ? " " they're sonsabitches father" "oh son, you shouldn't use that kinda language around a man of the cloth "  " no father, thats the name of the fish... sonsabitches..."  "oh" the father said " i'll give it a try then. i guess thats ok if thats the name of the fish"  the father said " wow, that some good sonsabitch, i have the bishop coming in next week, could we serve it to him for dinner? "  " no problem " the fisherman said.  so the next week the fisherman the father and the bishop were sitting at the table  the bishop said "what kinda fish is this ? and the father replied " they're sonsabitches " the bishop said " father i've known you for 20 years and i've never heard you use language like that".  " no bishop, thats the name of the fish.... sonsabitches..."  " oh" the bishop said " i guess thats ok if thats the name of the fish, i'll have to try some ".  "Holy mother of god" says the bishop thats the best sonsabitch i ever tasted ! " i have the pope coming here next week, can we serve it to him? " " no problem " the fisherman said. so next week the fisherman, the father, the bishop and the pope were sitting at the table.... the father says " thats some good sonsabitch ", the bishop says " thats the best sonsabitch i've ever tasted "  the pope turns and stares at them, puts down his knife and fork and says " you mother fu%#$@s are okay"........ :punkrocka:
M a s s i v e l y  O v e r  P o w e r e d  A n d  R e s p e c t e d


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