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Diabetes anyone?

Started by JoeyGowdy, May 14, 2009, 11:55:50 AM

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Anyone here have diabetes, perhaps maybe borderline or have it run in your family ?

I posted this video last night:

Sincerely, Joey Paul Gowdy


It looks like part of his problem is being over weight.  If he ate all of that watermelon at one time I can see where the problem lies.


Quote from: gasoline_24 on May 14, 2009, 01:07:11 PM
It looks like part of his problem is being over weight.  If he ate all of that watermelon at one time I can see where the problem lies.

umm, you know thats Joey right? :lol:

Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


I was diagnosed in March with diabetes.  My parents and all 4 grandparents had it and 2 siblings have it.  I am determined to not let it get the best of me though.  So far, my highest sugar reading is 209, but I usually keep it under 180 without medication.  I am trying to control it with diet and exercise alone.  My brother has it and he takes insulin and pills.  He has given up and he eats candy, cakes and whatever else he wants all day long.  He is 58, had multiple strokes and his kidneys are shutting down.  He won't last much longer.


I have had the big "D" for a while now and I can say you didn't get it from eating watermelon.

If the only simptom you have had is the occasional blurry vision you are lucky. (I bet you have had more and don't know it) Having BS above 400 is nothing to be prowd of, it dangerous and it is doing serious damage to your insides.

I have permanate nerve damage in my legs (neuropathy) from having 400+ blood sugar levels and got lucky that I did not develop any serious organ damage from it.

What is your doctor doing for you now?  You should be on the standard set of drugs now and if they don't bring down your BS levels in the next week or so put you on insulin.

You should ABSOLUTELY NOT be doing fisical activities or excersize with BS that high.

Figuring out what the "D" means for you can be confusing and frustrating but its not hard after you figure out a few things.

If you like PM me your number and we can talk about it.  I can give you some good information  and point you in the right direction.

Most doctors "think" they know how to treat "D" but the problem is everyone is different so you have to figure out what its doing to you and what you need to do to live with it.


tan top

yep have type two ...was diagnosed back in 07 .... odd thing is i did not show any symptoms ,  control it with diet &  tablets ... & the diabetic nurse flips out if mine goes higher than 9.0

dang Jowy thats not good Dude  :rotz:
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When I got diagnosed my A1C was 13.7

9.0 ??  Dude it should not be above 6.5  if its you A1C you talking about.

If your reaching 9.0 you still have a problem.

tan top

Quote from: ChgrSteve67 on May 14, 2009, 04:06:27 PM
When I got diagnosed my A1C was 13.7

9.0 ??  Dude it should not be above 6.5  if its you A1C you talking about.

If your reaching 9.0 you still have a problem.

yeah 9 is high ..normaly now with diet & tablets  its 4.5 - 6.8  .....might have to take another tablet doc says ...  got to do  BS readings every day for a month ....then see whats what .....
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If you are having a problem you should be taking it in the morning and 2 hours after you eat at night.

My BS is good durring the day but at night when I sleep it goes up so I take a special pill to deal with the increase at night.

I should excersize more but I don't.  Most days I'm just too wiped out from work to want to get on a bike to go for a walk.  I like working on the Charger on the weekends but thats not really excersize.


Yeah that's true, however it was deathly high in the past.  In late 2004 after a bad breakup I feel into a deep pit of depression, let myself go to 385 lbs (I'm 6'4" btw) and let the BS get up to almost 900.  I was consuming large amounts of fast food and soda drinks (my drugs of choice per se) totaling in around 10k calories or more a day.  In 2005 I joined the NutriSystem program and dropped down to 300 lbs and later canceled NS in late 2008 after partial success.  I now average 280-300 lbs on the scale and 150-220 mgdl on the glucose meter... I'm probably borderline.  :yesnod:
Sincerely, Joey Paul Gowdy


What are the symptoms?


Increased thirst
Increased hunger (especially after eating)
Dry mouth
Frequent urination
Unexplained weight loss (even though you are eating and feel hungry)
Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
Blurred vision
Tingling or Numbness in Your Hands, Legs or Feet
Skin that is dry or itchy
Frequent infections or cuts and bruises that take a long time to heal

Generally speaking Diabeties does not kill you its the complications from it that do you in.

The easiest way to find out if yo have a problem is find someone with a blood meter and have them test your BS.

If its above 120 (70 to 120 is normal) you will want to see your doctor and ask for a A1C test.
This test tells how much glucose your red blood cells have absorbed over the last three months.
A reading of under 6 is good.  Anything above that you may have a problem.

tan top

Quote from: ChgrSteve67 on May 14, 2009, 05:41:41 PM
If you are having a problem you should be taking it in the morning and 2 hours after you eat at night.

My BS is good durring the day but at night when I sleep it goes up so I take a special pill to deal with the increase at night.

I should excersize more but I don't.  Most days I'm just too wiped out from work to want to get on a bike to go for a walk.  I like working on the Charger on the weekends but thats not really excersize.

thanks for the info appreciated Steve :2thumbs:  , yeah mines good during the day ,  bad in the morning though first thing ,  doc said loose weight ,  so trying to do that also ... i'm 6' 1" & 250 ish pounds
just got to get my diet really sorted also ....
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Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
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Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Tell your doctor you want to see a endocrinologist.
An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in treating blood disorders like diabetes.
Regular doctors don't like sending people to see an endocrinologist since they think they know how to treat Diabetes so you may have to insist.  Its worth the effort.

I told my endo what was going on and he put me on GLIMEPIRIDE 2MG TABLETS that I take when I go to bed.

I use to take 5MG Glyburide in the morning and it made my Hypoglycemic. My BS got down to 37, btw when you BS gets to 0 your dead.

Watch out for the Doctors that want to put you on Kidney drugs for the hell of it. That crap really messed me up and I had to go through all kinds of nasty tests before they took me off of it.

All doctors are going to say to loose weight, quit smoking, no drinking, excercise and eat better.  I told my doc if he tells me I have to give up red meat I'm getting another doctor.

I'm 6'3" and about 230 pounds, I really need to loose at least 20 pounds and get my ass back on my bicycle.

As for the diet issue its more about how much you eat not what you eat.
Fruit Juice is really bad since its already been processed, your better off eating real fruit.
Items that are high in starch like potatoes and rice.
Soda with High Fructose corn syrup is the worst.
If you want to eat chips and crackers have a hand full and stop not half or the whole bag.

Its not hard you just have to show a little will power.


My dad has it. He's 65 and in real bad shape. He had a toe removed in 2001 and now he may have to get his lower leg amputated. He's had a wound there for as long as I can remember. His uncle lost his sight and both legs to it. I can say it is no joke. stay on top of it! And be well.
I'd rather die than go to heaven.

tan top

Quote from: ChgrSteve67 on May 14, 2009, 08:27:31 PM
Tell your doctor you want to see a endocrinologist.
An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in treating blood disorders like diabetes.
Regular doctors don't like sending people to see an endocrinologist since they think they know how to treat Diabetes so you may have to insist.  Its worth the effort.

I told my endo what was going on and he put me on GLIMEPIRIDE 2MG TABLETS that I take when I go to bed.

I use to take 5MG Glyburide in the morning and it made my Hypoglycemic. My BS got down to 37, btw when you BS gets to 0 your dead.

Watch out for the Doctors that want to put you on Kidney drugs for the hell of it. That crap really messed me up and I had to go through all kinds of nasty tests before they took me off of it.

All doctors are going to say to loose weight, quit smoking, no drinking, excercise and eat better.  I told my doc if he tells me I have to give up red meat I'm getting another doctor.

I'm 6'3" and about 230 pounds, I really need to loose at least 20 pounds and get my ass back on my bicycle.

As for the diet issue its more about how much you eat not what you eat.
Fruit Juice is really bad since its already been processed, your better off eating real fruit.
Items that are high in starch like potatoes and rice.
Soda with High Fructose corn syrup is the worst.
If you want to eat chips and crackers have a hand full and stop not half or the whole bag.

Its not hard you just have to show a little will power.

:popcrn:  thanks Steve good info appreciated  :2thumbs:
   one lot of tablets i take  stops the body producing too much sugar or something & the other one which i might have to take two now ..burns the excess sugar he said ..but never said whats the best time to take it .
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Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Yes be careful of this disease.  Like I noted above, my brother has never really taken it seriously.  He has always pigged out on chocolate and sweets.  As a result he will be lucky to see the age of 60.  He was diagnosed with type 2 at the age of 38.  20 years later he has suffered with heart trouble, strokes, failing kidneys, poor circulation and he is always cold (all byproducts of out of control diabetes).  He has also gone blind in one eye.  His sugar levels are always above 200, frequently bouncing above to the 400-500 range.  If you do not mind your diet it will kick your butt, guaranteed.  The key is a healthier diet and lifestyle.  You can eat anything in moderation, but it is give and take.  My nutritionist has me counting carbs.  You can't cut carbs totally out because that is the fuel your body uses to function.  IF you make healthy choices you can live with it.


Quote from: tan top on May 15, 2009, 06:48:47 AM
:popcrn:  thanks Steve good info appreciated  :2thumbs:
   one lot of tablets i take  stops the body producing too much sugar or something & the other one which i might have to take two now ..burns the excess sugar he said ..but never said whats the best time to take it .

Usually you are suppose to take you medicine when you eat.  If you are not sure talk to your doctor or your pharmacist.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, insulin is used by red blood cells to break down the glucose in your blood stream and use it as fuel to keep you alive. If you do not have enough glucose (Hypoglycemic) you are tired and light headed. If you have to much glucose (Hyperglycemia) and your body cannot process it then the large amount of glucose travels around your body tearing things up. (liver, kidneys, heart, nerve endings, damaging the lining in your blood veins and so on). 

Generally high blood sugar is caused by
1. Your pancreas not producing enough insulin or any insulin at all.
2. Your red blood cells have become immune to the insulin in your body and are not able to process the glucose in your system.

From a drug approach doctors go after several areas.
1. Since the liver stores glucose and dumps it into you blood stream - Drugs like Metrormin or Glucophage are used to reduce the amount of glucose the liver produces.
2. Drugs like Actos are designed to make you red blood cells more sensitive to the insulin in your system, thus processing more glucose.
3. Drugs like Glyburide force your pancreas to produce more inculin.  -  Be carefull with these kinds of drugs since they can...
         A. Make you Hypoglycemic and if your blood sugar gets to low cause you to black out, put you in a coma or die if your BS gets too low.
         B  Since it forces your pancreas to product inculin it will burn out your pancreas. When this happens you are on inculin for the rest of your life.

Its good to count your carbs and watch your diet. (and exercise of course)
If you are taking in inculin you really need to do this since your carb intake is directly related to the amount of inculin you need to take to process what you just consumed.  If you take your inculin and don't eat or take to much inculin you can go into inculin shock and die from that too.

I have lost several friends and relatives to the complications from diabetes and one that is in very bad shape now fighting for her life.
Most have lost limbs from nerve and tissue damage but kidney failure seems to be the worst way to go. Not to mention having to be plugged into a Dialysis for 4 to 6 hours a day 3 to 4 days a week.

my73charger is absolutely right "IF you make healthy choices you can live with it."

It is also imperative to wear a medical bracelet on your wrist so if you experience a problem doctors and paramedics will know your diabetic.
Doctors and Medics will not go into your pockets or wallet looking for medical information unless they see a bracelet on you stating your problem.
Keep a medical card in you pocket or wallet listing your drugs and amount and doctor contact information.

Take extra care when you are sick. Since you body is fighting illness your BS will fluctuate.
Take extra supplies when you travel, you may have problems getting them.
Also get your doctor to WRITE you prescriptions for your medication. If you loose your suplies or they get confiscated by security or whatever you can go to a local drug store to get more. (A lot of security screeners have a problem with people carying needles) Also if you are traveling out side of the US remember that their medication may be measured in a different way so talk to the pharmacist.

Damn talk about getting me going.
I'm done for now.

tan top

Quote from: ChgrSteve67 on May 15, 2009, 11:08:57 AM
Quote from: tan top on May 15, 2009, 06:48:47 AM
:popcrn:  thanks Steve good info appreciated  :2thumbs:
   one lot of tablets i take  stops the body producing too much sugar or something & the other one which i might have to take two now ..burns the excess sugar he said ..but never said whats the best time to take it .

Usually you are suppose to take you medicine when you eat.  If you are not sure talk to your doctor or your pharmacist.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, insulin is used by red blood cells to break down the glucose in your blood stream and use it as fuel to keep you alive. If you do not have enough glucose (Hypoglycemic) you are tired and light headed. If you have to much glucose (Hyperglycemia) and your body cannot process it then the large amount of glucose travels around your body tearing things up. (liver, kidneys, heart, nerve endings, damaging the lining in your blood veins and so on). 

Generally high blood sugar is caused by
1. Your pancreas not producing enough insulin or any insulin at all.
2. Your red blood cells have become immune to the insulin in your body and are not able to process the glucose in your system.

From a drug approach doctors go after several areas.
1. Since the liver stores glucose and dumps it into you blood stream - Drugs like Metrormin or Glucophage are used to reduce the amount of glucose the liver produces.
2. Drugs like Actos are designed to make you red blood cells more sensitive to the insulin in your system, thus processing more glucose.
3. Drugs like Glyburide force your pancreas to produce more inculin.  -  Be carefull with these kinds of drugs since they can...
         A. Make you Hypoglycemic and if your blood sugar gets to low cause you to black out, put you in a coma or die if your BS gets too low.
         B  Since it forces your pancreas to product inculin it will burn out your pancreas. When this happens you are on inculin for the rest of your life.

Its good to count your carbs and watch your diet. (and exercise of course)
If you are taking in inculin you really need to do this since your carb intake is directly related to the amount of inculin you need to take to process what you just consumed.  If you take your inculin and don't eat or take to much inculin you can go into inculin shock and die from that too.

I have lost several friends and relatives to the complications from diabetes and one that is in very bad shape now fighting for her life.
Most have lost limbs from nerve and tissue damage but kidney failure seems to be the worst way to go. Not to mention having to be plugged into a Dialysis for 4 to 6 hours a day 3 to 4 days a week.

my73charger is absolutely right "IF you make healthy choices you can live with it."

It is also imperative to wear a medical bracelet on your wrist so if you experience a problem doctors and paramedics will know your diabetic.
Doctors and Medics will not go into your pockets or wallet looking for medical information unless they see a bracelet on you stating your problem.
Keep a medical card in you pocket or wallet listing your drugs and amount and doctor contact information.

Take extra care when you are sick. Since you body is fighting illness your BS will fluctuate.
Take extra supplies when you travel, you may have problems getting them.
Also get your doctor to WRITE you prescriptions for your medication. If you loose your suplies or they get confiscated by security or whatever you can go to a local drug store to get more. (A lot of security screeners have a problem with people carying needles) Also if you are traveling out side of the US remember that their medication may be measured in a different way so talk to the pharmacist.

Damn talk about getting me going.
I'm done for now.

thanks for the advice Steve good read  :yesnod: :popcrn:  its been appreciated
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Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Thank you all for you kind and helpful replies.  As of late I have been experiencing a lot of joint pain in my feet and knees so I went to a orthopaedics doctor to inquire about insoles for my flat feet.  After the exam and x-rays he sent me to the hospital for some bloodwork... a few days later I went in for the results:

It seems high iron/ferritin can cause a lot of the problems I am experiencing, they call it hemochromatosis... definately take a look at that if you have low energy, weight loss/gain, arthritis and diabetes.
Sincerely, Joey Paul Gowdy


I am 17 and have diabetes, for me my skin color was kinda pale and i was thirsty all the time, and sure enough a year ago went to get bloodwork done and they said I had it, i got the little tester thingy and it said my bloodsugar was 432!!!!!
But now I keep it usually under 140 with pills, and I like to think of myself as the best diabetic football player at my highschool.