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Tough couple of days at work !

Started by firefighter3931, January 24, 2008, 08:44:17 PM

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Sometimes i hate my job, not so much the job itself but the khaos that comes with it. Early tuesday morning (2am) we got called out for a motor vehicle accident at one of this city's worst intersections. The scene was one of devestation and carnage with parts scattered all over the place, a real mess. Inside the SUV were 5 young people all of whom were unconcious. The scene was chaotic with Police and EMS staff frantically trying to free the occupants but the doors were all crushed from the impact and would not open. We immediately realized that this was going to be a complicated extracation and began stabalizing the vehicle while settin up the extrication tools (jaws/cutters) and sprang into high gear. After the front passenger was extricated i crawled inside the mangled cab and began performing CPR on the driver who was trapped and unconscious in the driver seat while the other crew members were cutting the side of the truck apart to gain access. In less than 10 minutes we had him out and on a stretcher where CPR and advanced pre-hospital care continued but unfortuately he didn't make it. Two of the other female occupants suffered the same fate while one male and one female went to hospital and should recover.

This was one of the toughest calls i've been on and the loss of life for these kids is just tragic. We managed to save two but three were just doesn't seem fair. I really feel for the friends and family of these young people who were just getting their lives started and were attending university while getting ready for the big game of life which ended way too soon for them.  :icon_smile_sad:

Wednesday night we were on our way to a debriefing to discuss the tragedy from the previous nightshift and got a call for alarms in an apartment building in our district. Upon arrival to the second floor we discovered a corridor full of smoke...not good. Just by luck we managed to locate the apartment and found it to be fully involved in the kitchen area. The occupant's smoke detector was not working which made locating the origin of the fire extremely difficult....with Zero visiblity the only thing we really have to work with is the sound of an activated detector....which wasn't working.  :P

We managed to knock the fire down quickly and began ventilating the apt. then discovered that the occupant was still inside. A crew immediately carried him to the lobby and began CPR and Ventilations while the rest of us continued to overhaul the apartment to look for for extnsion and fully extinguish the fire which was still burning inside the walls & ceiling. Luckily, the occupant survived and is in hospital recovering from severe smoke inhalation. That was a huge relief because after losing those 3 kids the night before this would have been too much. Lets just say that he had an angel watching over him last night and by the grace of god is still alive.  :engel016:

So, in 2 nights, we lost three and saved three....not the greatest average but we'll take it. It's at times like these that we need to appreciate what we have and not sweat the small things in life. Trust me, things could allways be worse....i was first in on both of these incidents and i won't soon forget either.

If anything can be learned from all this tragedy it's that we need to be smart and be diligent about our own personal safety. Pay attention when you're driving and make sure you have working smoke detectors at home. Don't take any chances because more often than not you won't get a second chance....

Thanks for listening,


68 Charger R/T "Black Pig" Street/Strip bruiser, 70 Charger R/T 440-6bbl Cruiser. Firecore ignition  authorized dealer ; contact me with your needs

Brock Samson


I really admire what you do. If it wouldn't have been for the EMT's and firefighters at the accident I was in. I wouldn't be here today. The Doc's told be the " golden hour "of treatment I received at the accident. While I was trapped in the car. Those men and women saved my life. So , please try not to get to down. You do a lot of good for a lot of people.  :cheers:

tan top

you lost 3 you say thats a tragic ,but you guys tried your best to save ...........if it weren't for guys like you there would be a whole lot  more fatality's
Feel free to post any relevant picture you think we all might like to see in the threads below!

Charger Stuff,86777.0.html
Chargers in the background where you least expect them,97261.0.html
C500 & Daytonas & Superbirds,95432.0.html
Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


Wow. That's a lot to deal with. I know emergency workers have a lot of work-related stress and talking about it helps a lot. It's too bad about those kids but you can only do what you can do. Most of all it sounds like the city needs to do something about that intersection.


Thanks to you and your crew Ron. Somedays are better than others Bro. Ya can't save them all, but like you showed us, you can try like hell!

My prayers are with the families of the lost souls & with your crew.  :angel:
1st responders are true heroes who do it everyday with little or no credit.  :2thumbs:
"Its better to live one day as a Lion than a Lifetime as a Lamb".

      "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and will to carry on."

Proud Owner of:
1970 Dodge Charger R/T
1993 Dodge Ram Charger
1998 Freightliner Classic XL


My God Ron - I don't know how you do it!  I do know that you should feel proud of yourself for at least trying and doing something that many couldn't. 

Here's to you and all of Ottawa's finest.



that must be so tough having to deal with that my hat's off to you! just know you are appreciated for what you do  :2thumbs: (your work, and all the good advice here at DC)  :cheers:

Back N Black

That is tragic, i know that intersection well and it can be scary at the best of times. My hat is off to you and you crew.


Ron I can't begin to imagine what you see and what you go through on your job. I truly hope however that you understand how much you are appreciated for doing what you do - God Bless man and thank you.  :angel:


Thanks so much Ron for being out there for all of us.

We all appreciate it very VERY much.  :2thumbs:


I really admire you Ron. I cant imagine me doing that job, if somebody lost their life (like in the SUV crash), I'd be devestated. You have alot of courage :angel:
Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic


Just wanted you to keep in mind that you SAVED three people. We are all thankful for people like you putting it on the line to save others. Thank you very much Ron.

1971 Dodge Charger Super Bee
496 stroker


Wow Ron. Hang in there............God Bless.
<br /><br />Uploaded with


Ron, it is people like you, and people that do your kind of work, that are the real heros of the world. I know it has to be hard. My thoughts are with you. Stay strong brother.  :cheers: :2thumbs: :bow:

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


A BIG THANK"S RON! and everybody els that saves lives for a living. :2thumbs:


Right now I'm at work. I have 3 patients in my care. One is an 21 year old girl, suicide attempt. Second is a 25 year old male, intoxication by drugs, alcohol and meds. Third one is a 56 year old male that at arrival had a blood sugar level that was so high our tester couldn't even measure it...

Some nights suck major, other nights, well don't suck as much as the one before... But I would NOT trade into any other profession... I work as an ICU Nurse....



Good work ! to all of you out there looking out for the masses!! :2thumbs:
Your efforts are appreciated!!
1968 Plymouth Barracuda Formula S 340 convertible
1968 Dodge Charger R/T 426 Hemi 4 speed
1968 Plymouth Barracuda S/S clone 426 Hemi auto
1969 Dodge Deora pickup clone 318 auto
1971 Dodge Charger R/T 440 auto
1972 Dodge C600 318 4 speed ramp truck
1972 Dodge C800 413 5 speed
1979 Chrysler 300 T-top 360 auto
2001 Dodge RAM Sport Offroad 360 auto
2010 Dodge Challenger R/T 6 speed
2014 RAM Laramie 5.7 Hemi 8 speed


Sorry to hear about the lives lost, Ron. But w/o you guys getting in there and doing your jobs, 6 people would have died instead of 3.

Good job, Ron. And remember, you didn't lose 3 lives, you saved 3 lives.


As the grandson of a grandfather who was in the Rotterdam fire department from the age of 17 to 60 first as a firefighter and later on as commander, I have the upmost respect for your job. I know my grandfather would have liked me to pursue the same carreer, but I honestly don't think that I could deal with all the tragedy. My hat is off to you and the other members of fire departments around the world, that save and try to save lives every minute of the day. On the latest events you have to keep in mind that you saved 3 lives, whose, if you would not have been there, would have been lost as well. I know that must very hard to keep in mind, as you are probably thinking about the ones you didn't save. Stay strong.

Striving for world domination since 1986

Dans 68


Sounds like you do good work at whatever you do. My Dad was a fireman in San Francisco for decades, and I used to hear stories like yours does not get any easier with time but  remember all the good that you do. If it were not for people like you we would be in a world of hurt. Thank you.

1973 SE 400 727  1 of 19,645                                        1968 383 4bbl 4spds  2 of 259


I personally want to thank you Ron, and all others that perform the service as you do like the police.

I have tossed my self out of my wheel chair about four times in the last 22yrs. I am not able to get back in
it by myself, and I am no little guy. One time was about 2:30am, I had to call the local 911, my wife would
not call to embarrassed  ;D  so I tell them PLEASE no lights or sirens, I am not hurt. Of coarse one of your
fellow fire fighters, a total of four, were there in just minutes. They are half dressed because they knew
it was no emergency. You could also see two of them were still not totally awake   :icon_smile_big: 
Anyway, they asked me what was the best way of getting me back in the wheelchair, I told them just one
guy under each shoulder, and one to lift my legs a little. They were kind of afraid they were going to hurt me  :smilielol:
I told them not to worry, if I can take on 300 plus pound defensive lineman, this is nothing. Two seconds later I am
in my chair, and they are asking are you sure you are OK? is that it? by this time they could tell I was just a good old boy like
them, and we were starting to have a good time. We BS't and had a good time for about another 15min, before
they figured they better get back. I am always imbarassed to call when I have problems, but I always have a great time
with the EMS teams that I come in contact with, AND THANK GOD FOR THEM   :2thumbs:

PS..That last time I tossed myself out of my chair at 2:30am, all I way doing was leaning way back, throwing the back
door shut letting  the dogs in, was leaning back to far, and shut the door to fast and whooooops booom, over I went   :brickwall:
the dogs loved it, my face is only that clean when I am on the ground   :thumbup:

Keep up the good work Ron, we are all in dept to you and all of the other people that perform the services like you Bud   :2thumbs:

74 Dart Sport 360, just for added fun.


Damn, Ron.  Not a job I'd be able to handle, that's for sure.

If we ever meet up at a carshow or some other event, I'll buy you a beer. :cheers:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.  Especially if they have access to the internet.

Just 6T9 CHGR

Thanks Ron & your crew for all the service you provide.  Glad to hear you're OK as well :cheers:
Chris' '69 Charger R/T


This prayer knows no national boundries.  :angel:

When I'm called to duty God
wherever flames may rage
give me strength to save a life
whatever be its age

Help me to embrace a little child
before it is too late
or save an older person from
the horror of that fate

Enable me to be alert
to hear the weakest shout
and quickly and efficiently
to put the fire out

I want to fill my calling and
to give the best in me
to guard my neighbor and
protect his property

And if according to your will
I have to lose my life
bless with your protecting hand
my children and my wife


It's not a midlife crisis, it's my second adolescence.