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Alcohol vs hangover question...just in time for new years!

Started by AKcharger, December 29, 2007, 01:19:33 PM

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I don't drink but in a discussion with my wife, who does, she said if you drink high quality vodka...the expensive stuff it will not give you a hang over the next day because it is more "pure" and leaves less junk in your system.

I don't believe that, I thought a hangover was due to alcohol having robbed your body of oxygen the night (day) defore and thus giving you headache and nausea?...what is the real answer???


well I learned a few things in college, one of which was how to avoid a hang over. I know of 3 ways. 1. take 3 aleeve and drink 2 glasses of water before you fall asleep. 2. go eat a box of white castle sliders. for some reason the grease counter acts the alcohol and makes ya feel like a million bucks. and 3. this is the best one, if you dont stop drinking, you dont get a hangover. :2thumbs:

but to answer your question i beleive it is the 2nd answer you had.


Not sure, but I think dehydration was part of it.  When I was a "Sport Drinker" (read; hard-core alcoholic) drinking water before passing out really helped...
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


The best vodak to drink is Grey Goose. It's quadruped distilled. They say you either won't get a hangover or not as bad a one. :shruggy: Don't drink it with anything carbonated or with caffiene. That will dehydrate you even more. Mix it with juice or water. Plus you won't get as drunk as fast because the carbonated soda's push the alcohol thru your blood stream quicker. :cheers:


I always used to take 3 or 4 Tylenol before going to bed to keep me from having hangovers. But, now I rarely if ever drink. I drank enough when I was younger to make up for not drinking much now :D

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P



my wife whose is an RN says it is not good taking tylenol, bayer, or any other headache remedies while drinking alcohol. the combination of the two lead to GI bleeds. :eek2:
1968 318 Charger
1969 440 General Lee
1970 440/4speed Super Bee clone Project
1968 383 Charger project
1969 charger parts car
1977 Plymouth Trailduster
2003 Dodge Hemi Ram
2009 Dodge Charger Super Bee SRT
2000 Dodge dually diesel


Quote from: bull on December 29, 2007, 03:15:18 PM
Don't get drunk and it's not an issue.

That's the same type of "cop-out" my substance abuse counselor tried to lay on me! :eek2:

...dehydration that makes sense


472 R/T SE

Back when I lived in Kansas I would drink Weller bourbon and water.  Seemed to wake up more coherent.

They don't have Weller up here.  I used to wake up every morning and think never again after consuming close to a half rack of horse pi$$.  I agree, the carbonation is partially responsible for waking up in a fog, at least with me.


Quote from: TK73 on December 29, 2007, 01:27:02 PM
Not sure, but I think dehydration was part of it.

Correct... the alcohol displaces the water (which is why you pi** like a racehorse when drinking)
Drinking several glasses of water before going to bed will help replunish your system and you won't wake up with a big head. Stopping at the local dinner and chowing down after a big night out will also help.
... and Yes, cheap alcohol will give you a big head.


Quote from: bull on December 29, 2007, 03:15:18 PM
Don't get drunk and it's not an issue.
I love that answer

What I find helps me when theres a special occasion and drunkathon involved is to drink a glass of water or 2 every hour or so when your partying and a couple of big ones before you pass out. Seems to reduce the pain for me


My understanding is that alcohol dehydrates which causes the hangover, that plus still having it in your system in the am.
When I used to drink I found that a ratio of at least one glass of water per beer or 2 per hard drink would help considerably and I usually had no hangovers at all although I pee'd all night long. I love water so it wasn't a problem for me but some of my drinking buddies didn't like water. Peeing is much better than hangovers.

I got an ulcer later in life and now when I drink it rips my gut up plus drinking doesn't hold the same appeal as it did in my younger days so my solution now is to either keep it to a few beers or a max of two martinis in one night or mostly I just don't drink.  Just remember, hydration is always good with tobacco and drink.

My mother who was a nurse also said that taking aspirin etc was a bad idea with drink, best to avoid it. Vitamin C also does little to nothing.


YEP , rehydrating is very important . Drink  a few glasses of water or juice between drinks and  before you pass out / go to bed ( having a drink bottle with water by your bed is handy too ! you wont have to get outa bed and having the sipper lid on means less liklehood of spilling it on yourself )

.... saves you having to remember if you spilt it or just wet your pants


Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic



Quote from: Rocky on December 29, 2007, 09:14:54 PM
Quote from: 71ChallengeHer on December 29, 2007, 02:18:37 PM
The best vodak to drink is Grey Goose.  :cheers:

5 out of 6 people who prefer Grey Goose would disagree with you.   ;)
Well, they have their statistics and I have mine. I know what I sell the most of and I know what my customers say about cheap booze and hanovers. :cheers:


I found this not too long ago and tought it was interesting. One way to lessen the effects of a hangover is by taking Magnesium.
It is well studied that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a magnesium deficiency, or reduce levels of magnesium, as well as depleting zinc and other minerals. Individuals with lower magnesium levels may experience more severe hangovers. A healthy diet that contains an adequate intake of magnesium and other minerals may help in the long term to reduce the effects of hangovers. The hangover symptoms of headache, and light and sound sensitivity, are very similar to those of migraine. A common treatment for chronic migraine headaches is magnesium. Some scientists hypothesize that a hangover may be exhibiting at least some symptoms of an acute magnesium deficiency.

Current MoPars:
1968 Charger. 318 Out of commission:(
1975 Dart Swinger. 225 Pops daily ride.
1990 Dodge Ram. 360FI My daily ride.
2007 Magnum R/T. 5.7 Family wagon.


Know when to stop and there is your for me. I never understood the get drunk and pass out / fall down syndrome  :P
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Quote from: 71ChallengeHer on December 29, 2007, 02:18:37 PM
The best vodak to drink is Grey Goose. It's quadruped distilled. They say you either won't get a hangover or not as bad a one. :shruggy: Don't drink it with anything carbonated or with caffiene. That will dehydrate you even more. Mix it with juice or water. Plus you won't get as drunk as fast because the carbonated soda's push the alcohol thru your blood stream quicker. :cheers:

I'd believe anything Jackie has to say about this subject as I know that she is a bartender and knows her stuff. :2thumbs:


Quote from: The70RT on December 30, 2007, 09:23:15 AM
Know when to stop and there is your for me. I never understood the get drunk and pass out / fall down syndrome  :P

I believe following this philosophy is a good one as well. Drinking is fine in moderation but anything in excess is bound to hurt you in some way shape or form regardless of what it may be


Go out to the garage on New Years morning and turn on your welding tank ( just the oxygen - no acetylene) and deep breathe for a couple of minutes. Helps the hangover immensely.

Steve P.

Quote from: Wi. Charger Guy on December 29, 2007, 02:30:59 PM
I always used to take 3 or 4 Tylenol before going to bed to keep me from having hangovers. But, now I rarely if ever drink. I drank enough when I was younger to make up for not drinking much now :D

Same here...  The only time I do much drinking at all anymore is when I go to Vegas and Ron and Mike FORCE THE BOOZE DOWN MY THROAT...  :D        :rofl:   

Steve P.
Holiday, Florida

1968 Charger B5

I myself don't drink too much anymore, but when I did   gatorade and a tylenol before passing out always helped....also make sure you get a good night's rest,   sometimes the hangover can be also just sleep deprivation...
1968 Dodge Charger R/T
1970 Dodge Charger
1974 Plymouth Roadrunner
1998 Jeep Cherokee SRT


Quote from: daves68 on December 30, 2007, 10:46:58 AM
Go out to the garage on New Years morning and turn on your welding tank ( just the oxygen - no acetylene) and deep breathe for a couple of minutes. Helps the hangover immensely.

Don't have one of those set ups yet...but still a cool idea!