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Another example of the death of common sense

Started by my73charger, October 05, 2007, 12:29:49 PM

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the sacrifice of two to stop many is what I suppose their mentality is, what they are too oblivious to understand is that this will not stop anything.  Children just do not think that way.  What is innocent to them, by both the perpretrators and recipients, is something totally different to an adult.

they must think of context and appropriate punishment.  the crap this DA is pulling is purely ridiculous, uncalled for, and injust.
67 Plymouth Barracuda, 69 Plymouth Barracuda, 73 Charger SE, 75 D100, 80 Sno-Commander

Brian in GA

The point of principals and teachers with a CYA attitude is very pertinent.  They (I hope) have the sense to know what's going on is simple kid behavior.  But when that overzealous whacked-out parent calls, complians, goes to the news, and files suit, they had better be able to show they tried to do something or they'll be out of a job and broke. 

What galls me is where the buck SHOULD stop.  If I'm a DA, or a judge, I tell them to get the hell out of my office with that crap.  Or course, the DA is elected, so he's in CYA mode too, most of the time. 

It's frustrating that no one is willing to step up and say ENOUGH.  Then again, when your job is on the line, how quick would you be?  The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and some of these folks really squeak!

Reason has left us as a society, I'm afraid.   


I agree.  A simple trip to the principles office for detention should have taken care of this.  What would really piss me off would be having my kid locked up and me being told that I can't even talk to him/her for two days.  Unbelievable.


Its just another example of the quality of DAs we're getting in this country.  These guy are all trying to make a name for themselves and steamrolling the rights of people as they do it.

The Duke rape case (fortunately, Nifong was disbarred and arrested)
This case
The jena 6 case where 6 guys were charged with attempted murder for administering a well-deserved asswhuppin'

When DAs are elected instead of appointed, this is the kinda crap you're gonna get.
I ain't got time for pain, the only pain I got time for is the pain i put on fools how don't know what time it is.


1969 Dodge Charger 500 440/727
1970 Challenger convertible 340/727
1970 Plymouth Duster FM3
1974 Dodge Dart /6/904
1983 Plymouth Scamp GT 2.2 Auto
1950 Dodge Pilot house pick up


Mean 318

Thats B.S. and there is no reason to get locked!


Did anyone catch this on 20/20?  I missed it..


If that were to happen back when I was in school, It would have been 3 licks with a paddle and problem solved.

Mike DC

Spanking cute girls' butts was a vital & necessary part of emotional development back when I was in junior high.  I'd hate to think of what I might have become without that kind of valuable life experience at such a pivotal age.



I would not kill the principal or the cops too quick on this one either.  They have families to support and bills to pay too.  They have the same desire to keep thier jobs as you do.  cover your ass? yes, but we all do it at our job.  These cops and school officials have seen more than one or two colleagues get railroaded because they relied on parents to parent thier own kids.  You really think this principal and cop woke up that day wanting to arrest a 12 year old? 

I had a principal in elementary school who we were deathly afraid of. when a buddy of mine and me got caught bending forks in lunch (this was when they still used metal untecils in school)  he dragged us at the same time by our ears down to his office.  yanked us right of the lunch line the next day in front of everyone.  needless to say, my buddy, me, and everyone else who saw it ate with our hands for a few months after that. we were not going near a fork or knife with that dude around. nothing wrong with just a tad of physical correction now and then.  we are all animals and when we are young, sometimes you need to "feel it" instead of hear it for it sink in..

I put this squarely on all of the bad parents (not all parents, just the shitty ones)  out there who use the tv as a caregiver and have a lawyer on speed dial.


Quote from: Mike DC (formerly miked) on October 06, 2007, 01:12:54 PM
Spanking cute girls' butts was a vital & necessary part of emotional development back when I was in junior high.  I'd hate to think of what I might have become without that kind of valuable life experience at such a pivotal age.


Ya no kidding......

Isnt that what you are supposed to do?

And how can you hold a minor for 2 days without some sort of visitation from the parents ?

THAT seems like the real lawsuit waiting to happen.


THIS IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF HOW PEOPLE READ TOO MUCH INTO THINGS THESE DAY'S.   :flame: :brickwall:  I played kissing games when I was a little kid  (6-7 years old)  so does that mean that I have sexually abused or harassed about 10 or more girls when I was little ? ? ? I'd better not talk anymore without an attorney  :rotz:    Chuck...............
skip68, A.K.A. Chuck \ 68 Charger 440 auto\ 67 Camaro RS (no 440)       FRANKS & BEANS !!!


Quote from: skip68 on October 10, 2007, 07:46:33 AM
THIS IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF HOW PEOPLE READ TOO MUCH INTO THINGS THESE DAY'S.   :flame: :brickwall:  I played kissing games when I was a little kid  (6-7 years old)  so does that mean that I have sexually abused or harassed about 10 or more girls when I was little ? ? ? I'd better not talk anymore without an attorney  :rotz:    Chuck...............

:smilielol: Maybe one of our attorney members can do a consultation with you for free on this.... :rofl:


The entire matter is simply astonishing. They are children who were acting like children... it's amazing. Hell, I don't know about anyone else but growing up in Brooklyn school disipline was accomplished in a COMPLETELY different way...


Kids being kids...

same stupid sh!t as when the school district wanted to put my kid on Ritalin because she was hyperactive.  F@&# She was 7!!  :flame:
1973 Charger : 440cid - 727 - 8.75/3.55

Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
      a liberal, oh fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
      acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!


how freak'n stupid.I can't believe that this went on.I agree there is no reason this couldn't have been taken care of at the principal's office.
Man I remember when I was in school and girls were pinchn my butt. :shruggy:
I wonder if thats why I am the way I am  :hah:


Man I'm glad I didnt go to that school, I'd be in prison.


Wow back to the middle ages again where children were considered miniature adults and expected to act like adults, work like adults and think like adults. Too bad they don't have the understanding or full realization of how their actions affect other people. These idiots need to take a brain development class. Then they might know that  adolescents don't have adult reasoning skills yet. (some adults don't either but I won't get into that)
1966 Falcon
1969 Mustang Mach 1
1970 Charger R/T 440+6 4spd

Mike DC

Those boys probably weren't stupid.   They probably knew the deal:

Slap the cute girls' butts in junior high = get into the same girls' pants in high school because you're a "bad boy."