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Don't mess with this retired Marine!

Started by TruckDriver, June 27, 2007, 05:05:58 PM

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Hmm, what a surprise, last426.  :rotz:  Yet another blatantly antagonistic post serving only to bait the other board members into a flame war, for what I can only assume is your own sick pleasure.  Way to show your true colors.  (Particularly by assuming all of our family members are petty thieves.  ::)  )

Since it seems you're just trying to keep up your title as champ of the thread locks, here, I'll help:
Bush is the best President ever.
The war on terrorism is working.
Religion is just super.
Silver paid too much for his truck.
Global warming is bs.
Nobody's getting a t-shirt.
General Lees are a relevant part of the hobby.
The Raiders Suck.
Fiberglass wings are inferior.
Let's see your wife's boobs!
68's are the coolest.
And let's see, where can I find a pic of a chick nowhere near a Charger...
:RedXShoot:           :dancinglock: :dancinglock:

By the way, I think the word you're looking for is rampancy.


Quote from: Mike DC (formerly miked) on June 28, 2007, 03:41:57 AM
IMHO this particular robber deserved the beating.  (I only wish there had been some security cameras to get it on tape!  That clip would've been hilarious!)

There is. I just saw it this morning on tv. The old guy is really giving it to the robber. I had to laugh. I'd love to shake the old guys hand for it too :yesnod:

As to what Kim said, I think he is crazy myself. I'd of done the same thing. Even the old guy said he just "reacted" out of instinct. Now, the military guys here can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe "reacting" to a situation quickly, is something that you are trained to do in training or you could die. I know a lot of older ex-military guys who have said that never leaves you when you retire or leave to military. So you can't blame the guy for doing something he was trained to do years ago. Plus I went to school with a guy who was a boxer. They are trained to react quickly too. That said, I agree that it was all instinct as to how the older guy reacted.


My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


Quote from: last426 on June 27, 2007, 10:04:29 PM
I disagree.  The Marine should be charged with assault.  It is not legal to use violence against a possible perpetrator of a property crime.  Using this logic, any kid who pockets a pack of gum could be thrown down and beat by the store manager.  Or your teen age daughter could be beaten by the security guard for taking a tube of lipstick.  Nope, not in my country.  It's good to know that, whether or not prosecuted legally, the victim will be able to sue the Marine for much more than the three hundred dollars. Kim

Pathetic :brickwall:  I say good for the old man!  The rotten thief had it coming!

Old Moparz

Quote from: last426 on June 28, 2007, 12:46:48 AM
You guys need to stop playing quien es mas macho and address the meat of my comment.  Using this logic, any kid who pockets a pack of gum could be thrown down and beaten by the store manager.  Or your teen age daughter could be beaten by the security guard for taking a tube of lipstick. 

Answer this: what is the difference between a kid taking a pack of gum and the store keeper beating him or a guy attempting to get a wallet and the guy beating him.  The fact remains, it is not legal to use force to combat a property crime.  I am surprised that most everyone seems to advocate anarchy and are against the laws of this country. 

The laws are as they are, if you want to change them, contact your representative.  But don't complain when your grandmother comes home with a couple of black eyes because she wrote a fraudulent check (another property crime).  It gets complicated, huh? 

As an aside, I am adamantly against the death penalty mainly because the state can make unreversable mistakes (not because heinous criminals die).  That being said, I would personally kill someone who killed a loved one.  As a lawyer it is easy for me to make the distinction.  In like manner, if asked if I feel good the Marine did what he did?  Yep.  But do I want lawlessness like that rampant?  Nope.  And the only way to prevent the rampantness (is that a word) is to have legal consequences for the Marine's actions.  Hey, now that your blood is boiling, it is a good time to check out my hemi at  Kim


I'm not a lawyer & don't know the exact differences in the legal desriptions, but I see these as being quite different. Meaning a pick-pocket VS a bubble gum thief. Someone taking gum off the rack, whether it's a kid or an adult, isn't posing a threat of bodily harm, but someone who reaches into someone else's pocket is violating personal space & could easily be seen as a threat. I know I would see it that way & my first reaction would be one of self defense.

How is it known that the person reaching into your pocket, isn't also going to use the other hand to puncture your back with a knife?

              Going Nowhere In A Hurry


"Using this logic, any kid who pockets a pack of gum could be thrown down and beaten by the store manager.  Or your teen age daughter could be beaten by the security guard for taking a tube of lipstick."

Right.............Again, comparing apples to oranges

"I am surprised that most everyone seems to advocate anarchy and are against the laws of this country."

Coming from somebody in California I find that statement humourous at best and somewhat insulting.

  "But don't complain when your grandmother comes home with a couple of black eyes because she wrote a fraudulent check (another property crime).  It gets complicated, huh?"

Wow they really do have better drugs in California apparently. Comparing a strong arm robbery to a bad check? Again, apples and oranges.

As far as rampamt lawlessness goes if the criminals thought they were going to get a beatdown or maybe ingest some lead, or wood (it is baseball season after all) I am guessing we would have a lot less of it. As clearly evidenced in right to carry states. You really stepped in a big pile of it this time Kim If your so concerned with Mr. Rae's rights then perhaps you could fly up here and represent him pro bono. I mean that would be a start on righting this wrong and defending justice wouldn't it?

The bugle sounds the charge begins. But on this battlefield no one wins.


I do have to say that your refigerator light bulb warning indicator is probably quite helpful for people to save energy by telling them that their frig door hasnt shut completely. :scratchchin:
"Liberalism is a disease that attacks one's ability to understand logic. Extreme manifestations include the willingness to continue down a path of self destruction, based solely on a delusional belief in a failed ideology."


I'm just an armchair lawyer so forgive my indiscretions in this area, but...

>>  The perp was charged with ROBBERY.

>>  If I remember my definitions correctly, the perp could also be charged with ASSAULT (unwanted touching) - both the criminal and civil type.

By my way of thinking, neither of those fall into the category of a "property" crime as you've stated - those are crimes against a person, but feel free to correct my legal logic if I'm wrong. 

I had a long reply written up that discussed the sad state of affairs when our legal system (note I did not say justice system) could potentially reward a criminal, the dire need for tort reform, along with the need to temper "vigilante justice", etc.  However, I'm not going to change anyone's opinion either way and it would only serve to further a useless debate.

Personally, I'm glad that the perp got thrashed.  I'll leave it at that.


This just reminds me of the time my dad was robbed.  My dad (gone now for 19 years) was one of the most kind hearted people ever to walk this earth.  He was the type to give you his last buck if you needed it.  My dad many times helped out someone in need when he came acrossed them.  He did some over the road driving toward the end of his life and one day he stopped at a truck stop and cashed an advance check that was quite large so that he could eat and wire some money home to my mom.  He was making his rounds around his truck and trailer making sure that all his tires looked good and all and when he got to the back of his trailer a guy jumped him from behind and pinned his arms while two other thugs armed with tire irons went through his pockets and stole his wallet along with the cash he had just received, several hundred bucks.  They even hit him.  I was so pissed about it I could hardly stand it.  Rotten crooks.  :flame:  My dad was out the money and so was my mom.  I would have loved to find those jerks and beat them with a tire iron after that.


And Last426 just proves what is WRONG with this country. The "personal injury" lawyers, that care more about the actor's rights than the VICTIM which is exactly what the retired marine is. To my personal opinion, when you take it upon yourself to try to take money from a 70 year old man because you feel he is an easy mark, you have to right to anything that you get, including getting your @$$ stomped.  The MORON THIEF picked the wrong helpless old man to pick on.

The biggest problem is that criminals like this always get a lawyer who will help them, then they try to sue the victim and some yellow, pantie waisted judge and jury actually gives in to it! I've often wondered WHY people reelect judges like this, why on earth a lawyer will actually try to HELP a low life criminal that got caught RED HANDED! This is NOT an "alleged" crime! The sorry sucker got caught! If he stuck his hand in MY pocket and got caught, he'll be lucky to leave conscious! 

These same lawsuit hungry lawyers that sue for any and everything. I believe that you bring about one too many stupid lawsuits (54 million dollars for pants anyone!?!?!?!) your sorry @$$ gets disbarred for being a moron.

Some kid stealing a pack of gum is a FAR CRY than a thug that tries to take advantage of a 70 year old man because he looks like an easy target. Next time the thug might resort to violence against and 80 year old woman. IT DOES HAPPEN!

The thug needs to get a job, go on welfare or do something with his life besides being a waste of skin, same goes for the lawyer who tried to sue the victim!

The people who break into a house, get hurt and then sue the owner should have to spend 15 years in prison for being an @$$!  He's too stupid to be among normal people.  I think the sherrif in Arizona has great ideas, make JAIL BAD for these people and MAYBE they will actually learn a lesson and act like a human being instead of a moron. 

Far as I am concerned the Marine needs a medal of Freedom for putting the stop to an idiot criminal's day!


"why on earth a lawyer will actually try to HELP a low life criminal that got caught RED HANDED!".........

Cause the lawyer gets a healthy cut of the proceeds from any potential judgement against the VICTIM And that means more than any moral or social justice to them. Some lawyers fight for what's right and get paid well to do it. Some are just parasites that feed off society. I won't try to guess the percentages of either.

The bugle sounds the charge begins. But on this battlefield no one wins.


OK, here's my lawyer joke for the day...

99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.


How does that joke go now........How many Lawyers does it take to fill the bottom of a lake?
Mark     :lol:
Hey, you can hate the game but don't hate the player.


Hemigeno is correct.  Touching someone in any manner when they do not want to be touched is considered to be an assault.  Therefore, this was not a property crime.  Being an assault, the x-marine had a right to defend himself and his property.  I say good for him.  If criminals realized that people will defend themselves, there would probably be a lot less crime in this country.  Unfortunately, due to the fact that a lawsuit might be filed by a perpetrator - many people are afraid to take action like this guy did.


I gotta be honest, if somebody were to do me that way, I defended myself and then the SOB sued me, I'd declare bankruptcy, leave him holding the bag and ALL the legal costs and he ain't getting ANYTHING!
Or maybe just countersue the lowlife and the sorry scumbag lawyer for "pain and suffering, assault and maybe harassment!" One good turn deserves another!

Guns N Rotors

So, the bad guy gets to sue the good guy? Am I reading this
correctly, Attorney Last426?

I would love to be on that jury.

Semper Fi, Marine!
"Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighting aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be."

Todd Wilson

Now we know where you can steal a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T  426 Hemi  and not worry about getting your ass kicked for doing it!!!!!!



Quote from: Todd Wilson on June 28, 2007, 11:58:45 AM
Now we know where you can steal a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T  426 Hemi  and not worry about getting your ass kicked for doing it!!!!!!


How true. I mean it is only an "alleged" property crime. I don't see any need to defend the property, simply report it to the pollice and let the process take it's course.

The bugle sounds the charge begins. But on this battlefield no one wins.


Quote from: Todd Wilson on June 28, 2007, 11:58:45 AM
Now we know where you can steal a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T  426 Hemi  and not worry about getting your ass kicked for doing it!!!!!!
Yep, and if you stub your toe in the dark on anything left carelessly on the garage floor while swiping the car, you can sue Kim for any doctor bills & mental anguish occoured at the time. :D

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on June 28, 2007, 12:20:51 PM
Quote from: Todd Wilson on June 28, 2007, 11:58:45 AM
Now we know where you can steal a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T  426 Hemi  and not worry about getting your ass kicked for doing it!!!!!!
Yep, and if you stub your toe in the dark on anything left carelessly on the garage floor while swiping the car, you can sue Kim for any doctor bills & mental anguish occoured at the time. :D

Kim's post caused me mental anguish. (now dialing my lawyer...)  ;D
A Fact of Life: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says WTF.........


Quote from: CHARGER_FAN on June 28, 2007, 12:20:51 PM
Quote from: Todd Wilson on June 28, 2007, 11:58:45 AM
Now we know where you can steal a 1971 Dodge Charger R/T  426 Hemi  and not worry about getting your ass kicked for doing it!!!!!!
Yep, and if you stub your toe in the dark on anything left carelessly on the garage floor while swiping the car, you can sue Kim for any doctor bills & mental anguish occoured at the time. :D

Don't forget lost wages...present and future, pain and suffering, or diminshed physical capabilities

The bugle sounds the charge begins. But on this battlefield no one wins.


Quote from: hemigeno on June 28, 2007, 10:11:01 AM
OK, here's my lawyer joke for the day...

99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

One more

Q:  Whats the difference between a dog getting run over by a car and a lawyer getting run over by a car.

A:  There are skid marks in front of the dog.  :icon_smile_big:

It's not a midlife crisis, it's my second adolescence.


Not to hijack this thread, but here is another outstanding asskicking that happened a few months ago.  I agree, there needs to be an Ass-Kicking thread.

Tourist Kills Mugger With Bare Hands
By MARIANELA JIMENEZ, Associate Press Writer

Friday, February 23, 2007

(02-23) 19:40 PST SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) --

An American tourist who watched as a U.S. military veteran in his 70s used his bare hands to kill an armed assailant in Costa Rica said she thought the attempted robbery was a joke — until the masked attacker held a gun to her head.

"I thought it was a skit. But then he pointed the gun at my head and grabbed me by the throat and I thought I was going to die," Clova Adams, 54, told The Associated Press by telephone Friday from the Carnival Liberty cruise ship.

The assault occurred during a ship stopover Wednesday in Limon, 80 miles east of San Jose, Costa Rica's capital.

Adams was with 12 American tourists who hired a driver to explore Costa Rica for a few hours. They were climbing out of the van to visit a Caribbean beach when three men wearing ski masks ran toward them, she said. One held a gun to her head, while the other two pulled out knives.

Suddenly, one of the tourists, a U.S. military veteran trained in self defense, jumped out of the van and put the gunman in a headlock, according to Limon police chief Luis Hernandez.

Hernandez said the American, whom he refused to identify, struggled with the robber, breaking his collarbone and eventually killing him. Police identified the dead man as Warner Segura, 20. The other two assailants fled.

"I was very scared at the moment," Costa Rican bus driver Roberto Frances Allen said in an interview in Limon.

"The bus was shaking and women were screaming," he recalled. "There were two shots and I heard him (Segura) try to fire more, but the gun didn't fire. Luckily, the tourists had forced his hand up and the shots hit the roof of the bus."

Afterward, the tourists drove Segura to a hospital, where he was declared dead. Sergio Lopez, a Red Cross auxiliary, examined Segura's body and said he died from asphyxiation.

Lopez also treated Adams for a panic attack.

"She was very nervous after the assault, but she had not been physically hurt," Lopez said.

The U.S. Embassy confirmed the account, but refused to release the name of the American who defended the group, citing his right to privacy.

Costa Rican officials interviewed the Americans, and said they wouldn't charge the U.S. tourist with any crime because he acted in self defense.

"They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up," Hernandez said. He said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.

But Ligia Herrera Mendez, the mother of the dead assailant, claimed the tourists of took the law into their own hands.

"We want justice, this can't go unpunished, because they could have saved him," she said in an interview in Limon. "If this had happened in the United States, the suspect would have been detained and wouldn't have left the country."

She also acknowledged past problems. "I know my boy wasn't staying out of trouble, I knew that any moment I would get bad news."

Segura was buried Friday in the town of Liverpool, about 10 miles outside Limon.

The cruise ship delayed its departure until the group boarded the ship, The Carnival Liberty, which was set to return Sunday to Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Adams spoke freely with the AP until a man who identified himself as her fiancee said they didn't want to talk to the media. He said the group might release a joint statement later and hung up the telephone.

Officials on the ship refused to pass an AP reporter on to other members of the tourist group, and several attempts to reach Adams' room again failed.

Costa Rica has struggled with growing violence and crime in recent years. University of Kansas student Shannon Martin, 23, was stabbed to death in 2001 after she left a nightclub in Golfito, 105 miles south of San Jose.

Carnival Cruise Lines confirmed in a statement that one of the ship's guests had killed the Costa Rican assailant, but refused to name those involved.

"All of the guests involved, who had booked the cruise together as a group, have opted to continue with their vacation plans. Carnival is providing full support and assistance to the guests," the statement said.
2008 Viper SRT-10
1968 Charger R/T
2019 Rubicon JLU


Quote from: mxzx440 on June 28, 2007, 02:04:19 PM
Not to hijack this thread, but here is another outstanding asskicking that happened a few months ago.  I agree, there needs to be an Ass-Kicking thread.

Tourist Kills Mugger With Bare Hands
By MARIANELA JIMENEZ, Associate Press Writer

Friday, February 23, 2007

(02-23) 19:40 PST SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) --

An American tourist who watched as a U.S. military veteran in his 70s used his bare hands to kill an armed assailant in Costa Rica said she thought the attempted robbery was a joke — until the masked attacker held a gun to her head.

"I thought it was a skit. But then he pointed the gun at my head and grabbed me by the throat and I thought I was going to die," Clova Adams, 54, told The Associated Press by telephone Friday from the Carnival Liberty cruise ship.

The assault occurred during a ship stopover Wednesday in Limon, 80 miles east of San Jose, Costa Rica's capital.

Adams was with 12 American tourists who hired a driver to explore Costa Rica for a few hours. They were climbing out of the van to visit a Caribbean beach when three men wearing ski masks ran toward them, she said. One held a gun to her head, while the other two pulled out knives.

Suddenly, one of the tourists, a U.S. military veteran trained in self defense, jumped out of the van and put the gunman in a headlock, according to Limon police chief Luis Hernandez.

Hernandez said the American, whom he refused to identify, struggled with the robber, breaking his collarbone and eventually killing him. Police identified the dead man as Warner Segura, 20. The other two assailants fled.

"I was very scared at the moment," Costa Rican bus driver Roberto Frances Allen said in an interview in Limon.

"The bus was shaking and women were screaming," he recalled. "There were two shots and I heard him (Segura) try to fire more, but the gun didn't fire. Luckily, the tourists had forced his hand up and the shots hit the roof of the bus."

Afterward, the tourists drove Segura to a hospital, where he was declared dead. Sergio Lopez, a Red Cross auxiliary, examined Segura's body and said he died from asphyxiation.

Lopez also treated Adams for a panic attack.

"She was very nervous after the assault, but she had not been physically hurt," Lopez said.

The U.S. Embassy confirmed the account, but refused to release the name of the American who defended the group, citing his right to privacy.

Costa Rican officials interviewed the Americans, and said they wouldn't charge the U.S. tourist with any crime because he acted in self defense.

"They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up," Hernandez said. He said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.

But Ligia Herrera Mendez, the mother of the dead assailant, claimed the tourists of took the law into their own hands.

"We want justice, this can't go unpunished, because they could have saved him," she said in an interview in Limon. "If this had happened in the United States, the suspect would have been detained and wouldn't have left the country."

She also acknowledged past problems. "I know my boy wasn't staying out of trouble, I knew that any moment I would get bad news."

Segura was buried Friday in the town of Liverpool, about 10 miles outside Limon.

The cruise ship delayed its departure until the group boarded the ship, The Carnival Liberty, which was set to return Sunday to Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Adams spoke freely with the AP until a man who identified himself as her fiancee said they didn't want to talk to the media. He said the group might release a joint statement later and hung up the telephone.

Officials on the ship refused to pass an AP reporter on to other members of the tourist group, and several attempts to reach Adams' room again failed.

Costa Rica has struggled with growing violence and crime in recent years. University of Kansas student Shannon Martin, 23, was stabbed to death in 2001 after she left a nightclub in Golfito, 105 miles south of San Jose.

Carnival Cruise Lines confirmed in a statement that one of the ship's guests had killed the Costa Rican assailant, but refused to name those involved.

"All of the guests involved, who had booked the cruise together as a group, have opted to continue with their vacation plans. Carnival is providing full support and assistance to the guests," the statement said.

Even people in other countries know how liberal the USA has become. The perps mother says she knows her son was trouble but he didn't have to die. WTH!!! The idiot puts a gun to someones head and she thinks her little boy doesn't deserve getting his butt canceled. As for the guy in Michigan, GO GET'EM MARINE!!!! Last426, :slap:
Nothing personal, just business


My addition to the ass kicking thread, from this week's cop killer chase...

The hero: Vietnam vet wrestled gun away from bigger, younger escapee as cops close in
By Ana Breton
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 06/26/2007 06:15:38 AM MDT

When Eric Fullerton stopped by a Salt Lake City Arby's restaurant Monday morning, he only wanted to grab a bite to eat.
He ended up the hero in a drama that began about an hour earlier with the murder of a Department of Corrections officer and a high-speed police pursuit through the city.
Police later praised the 59-year-old for taking on the desperate suspect 32 years his junior, who also was 8 inches taller and many pounds heavier.  "He's the hero in this thing," said Salt Lake City police Lt. Mike Ross. "He wrestled the gun away."

At about 8:25 a.m., 27-year-old Curtis Michael Allgier pulled into the Arby's at 1685 S. Redwood Road in the blue Ford SUV he had hijacked at University Hospital after allegedly killing 22-year Corrections Department veteran Stephen Anderson, 60, of Bluffdale.
Customer Jeff Mousley said that as he was running out of the building, he saw Fullerton tackle Allgier to the ground.
As the men wrestled, Allgier allegedly stabbed Fullerton with what he remembers to be a "sharp object" that left a deep, vertical wound on the right side of his neck that required several stitches.
Fullerton, who said he had experience in the military, staggered outside of the restaurant and was taken to the hospital, said Salt Lake City police Sgt. Rich Brede.

Hours later, the Salt Lake City resident came back to the scene, still in the brown scrubs he had changed into at the hospital, and retraced his steps for police investigators throughout the Arby's.
Although still in shock, Fullerton said he didn't feel like he had done anything extraordinary.  "I don't feel like I'm a hero," he said. "I don't know why I did it, I just did what I had to do."
Fullerton drove off, saying he was going back to work..

Gee, I guess Fullerton didn't take into account that he could be possibly charged or sued for grabbing Allgier like that, huh? :slap:

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: last426 on June 28, 2007, 12:46:48 AM
..... Using this logic, any kid who pockets a pack of gum could be thrown down and beaten by the store manager.  Or your teen age daughter could be beaten by the security guard for taking a tube of lipstick. 

If my kid steals a pack of gum, I would hope the store manager would have the good sense to beat his ass.  And if the store manager does not do it, I will do it when he gets home, so it all comes out in the wash.  If my daughter got a smack for stealing a lipstick,  I would say that an excellent way to prevent that is to not steal it in the first place.

Why can't an Irishman be a lawyer?  because he can't pass a bar. 

What's the difference between a lawyers funeral and a Lawyers wake?    1 less scumbag....