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My Wing's Bigger

Started by Aero426, April 29, 2007, 10:05:52 PM

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Look on the bright side.  It doesn't have either of the goofy "Weather Eye" or "Brake Command" features like some other poor relation muscle car.

62 Max

Quote from: 69_500 on May 01, 2007, 07:46:24 PM

Well said Troy.

I wouldn't take that F40 if you gave it to me. Now the Daytona that Doug has, that is another story. I'd love to have that car. :) I remember that car from when I was younger.

You wouldn't take the F40 if they gave it to you,.I'd kiss their ass in public for it!


Cool factor: Daytona.

80's cool factor: F40


Not if they gave it to me. Thats not a lie.

If it isn't a Mopar its not worth having, in my mind. So no matter how cool someone else thinks it is, well its just not for me. I make a few exceptions to the Mopar rule, but that car isn't in the exception list.


I'd take it, enjoy it for a short time and sell it to buy an old Mopar.  I enjoy the Ferarris and if I had the money would even consider one of them but when it comes to cars that need 5000 dollar annual tuneups and 2500 dollar clutches and a full time mechanic that can swear perfectly in a foreign language, I just can't see one of those cars as a permanent member of my garage.
But if they gave it to me...


Let me guess , Mud flaps on a F-40 ???????????


No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.


Wow !!!!!! My long lost brother !!!!!!!!!!!! They say eyesight is the first to go , maybe that's the case !!!!!!!!


Quote from: 69Q54spdcharger on May 05, 2007, 07:47:02 AM
No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.

You would have been in the minority (and a small minority at that) back in the '70s then, when EVERYBODY customized their car.  Back then, a stock/original car was considered boring, and the more custom the paint job and the more chrome it had on it, the better.

Doug's car is a time capsule from a bygone era, and it has been in his family a very long time.  You can turn your nose up at it if you wish, and I do agree that times have changed.  However, to say that it is disgusting is only showing a lack of class on your part.  We already have enough people on this site that fit that bill...   :eyes:


Quote from: 69Q54spdcharger on May 05, 2007, 07:47:02 AM
No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.

sounds like jelousy [sp] to me!!
68 Charger R/t white with black v/t and red tailstripe. 440 4 speed ,black interior
68 383 auto with a/c and power windows. Now 440 4 speed jj1 gold black interior .
My Charger is a hybrid car, it burns gas and rubber............



BTW, if someone gave me that F40...I'd drive it for a few good fast blasts, then sell it & buy a Daytona! ;D

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


Quote from: 69Q54spdcharger on May 05, 2007, 07:47:02 AM
No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.

I actually would prefer the old girl be restored to stock.   But you take what you can get.    Anyway, I once had the pleasure of having the classiest car at the city dump to drop off my waste oil.


I would give my left nut for that car, doug!!!!!!!!


Quote from: 69Q54spdcharger on May 05, 2007, 07:47:02 AM
No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.

I saw Doug's a few times in the late '70s and early '80s. Here is a pic I took at the Milwaukee cars show in Jan. 1980. Doug... You really need to put the tourqe thrust wheels back on it :yesnod:

BTW; If you still want to sell the wheels, IM me a price ;)

My Dad taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!" :P


Quote from: Wi. Charger Guy on May 05, 2007, 09:19:39 PM
Quote from: 69Q54spdcharger on May 05, 2007, 07:47:02 AM
No offense to whoever owns that car, but it is DISGUSTING! That is just gross. a red and gold daytona? I love daytonas stock and i don't know what idiot would do that to their poor car.

I saw Doug's a few times in the late '70s and early '80s. Here is a pic I took at the Milwaukee cars show in Jan. 1980. Doug... You really need to put the tourqe thrust wheels back on it :yesnod:

BTW; If you still want to sell the wheels, IM me a price ;)

Great pic - thanks.    I am standing at the front of the car leaning forward.

I am waffling between those wheels and a set of American 200S.  Both look great and it will get one of those two.   I still have the pair of 15 x 10's but they are buried from my recent move.  Keep in touch.

As you can see the car hasn't changed much through the years.


Say what you want, but Doug your Daytona is one that I remember seeing a ton as a little kid. I can't think of hardly any shows that when I was little that your car wasn't at. As I continue to go through photo's that my dad took in the early 80's, I constantly see your car in the background, and in photo's as the center piece. Its everywhere.


Hey Doug, how are you doing? I just wanted to get my two cents on that ridiculous comment posted earlier about your car. Although, there are alot of us that enjoy these cars just as they were buillt, your car and several others that were customized along the way are still works of art and have their own unique personality. As HemiGeno put it, that was the thing back then. This car has been in your family for many years and has been preserved very well, hats off to you and your father. In other words Doug, nice car.

I don't understand why somebody on this site would trash-talk another Mopar enthusiasts car anyway. 



I would blow that F-40 up sale it then buy the daytona like the previous poster said, any day of the week.
Earth. Even the word sounded strange to me now... unfamiliar. How long had I been gone? How long had I been back? Did it matter? I tried to find the rhythm of the world where I used to live. I followed the current. I was silent, attentive, I made a conscious effort to smile, nod, stand, and perform the millions of gestures that constitute life on earth. I studied these gestures until they became reflexes again. But I was haunted by the idea that I remembered her wrong -Solaris


Quote from: WINGR on May 10, 2007, 02:57:16 PM
I don't understand why somebody on this site would trash-talk another Mopar enthusiasts car anyway. 


On this site or anywhere else.  Although I'm far from being without sin, you are absolutely right.  Hell, at 40 years out and given the way they were generally abused since new, anybody who has kept one of these supercars on the road from any mfg. deserves a pat on the back.