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Anyone here still smoking?..

Started by Brock Samson, March 13, 2007, 09:12:55 PM

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Brock Samson

"  The most sweeping anti-smoking law in the world gets its first public airing tonight in the Peninsula city of Belmont, which aims to curb the harmful effects of second-hand smoke.

Lighting up on a sidewalk in the city of 25,000 residents: verboten. Puffing away in an apartment building: no way. Smoking in the company car: sorry. Even smoking in your own home could be a nuisance if a neighbor complained about the wafting smoke."

  i quit myself in 1997...


I wish I would have quit in 97'. It is 07' and I am a faithful pack a day Camel Filter smoker.  :rotz:
I am going to kick the nasty habit sometime soon.
I think that smoking laws smoke a big sausage. :flame:
73' Dodge Rallye Charger 400/4BBL
06' Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4X4 HEMI
15' Dodge Dart 2.7 SXT


I never started. :icon_smile_approve:
Although I did try it a few times.

The Aquamax...yes, this bike spent 2 nights underwater one weekend. (Not my doing), but it gained the name, and has since become pseudo-famous. :)


I hope smokers don't quit , more room for all of us non- stinky type


Same here, been smoking a long time, about a pack of Camel a day.

I do plan of quitting, I have a doctors appointment to get some of those new pills that are suppost to be great at helping someone quit.

I wanted to quit when I was ready too, I don't need the government to tell me I have to quit.

Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


I smoke, but only when I'm on fire.



If you have no vision or creative spirit, you can always fall back on the way the factory did it.


darn, i wish we could have those laws here.  My neighbor smokes outside and her second hand smoke comes into my house even with all my doors and windows closed (darn military housing) and there is nothing I can do about it except smell it!!!!!  So annoying.  I am an ex-smoker...still smoke 1 cig. if I get stressed or if I am drinking and hubby is gone.  He can't stand me smoking.  I have quit a few times for him.  Once we started dating and then again a few years back when I started back up 'cause he was on deployment.  I almost started up again this deployment, but didn't...thnak goodness....I guess church is really rubbing off on me........


Quote from: 68chrgrwife on March 13, 2007, 10:33:04 PM
  I am an ex-smoker...still smoke 1 cig. if I get stressed or if I am drinking and hubby is gone.   

You are not an ex smoker you are a smoker.

To answer the ? though, yeah, i'm a smoker about a pack every 2 days depending on my drinking :yesnod:

I've been smoking since I was 10 so no hope here nor do I care.  I've halted the process numerous times but never kicked it for good.  My only problem is that they are so expensive.  Mo money mo money mo money.  Maine is getting just as crazy as those other states now.  That is why i'd like to live in the Midwest for just that reason, not so I can fill everyone's lungs with second hand but it just seems they are still a little more human friendly out there.  You are right, you shouldn't have to breathe my dirty air, I do agree with that.  But you gotta expect it in certain places like bars and bowling alleys. :icon_smile_big:
My funniest thing to notice is the non smokers are really closet smokers :yesnod:
Cause why..... you all wanna be cool like us. :icon_smile_cool:

Life isn't Father Knows Best anymore, it's a kick in the face on a saturday night with a steel toed grip kodiak work boot and a trip to the hospital all bloodied and bashed.....for reconstructive surgery. But, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?


nope an ex-smoker haven't had a cig in three months...thank you....and I stopped smoking for 4 yrs prior to the latest binge.  Hubby will be back in less than a month, so I won't start back up now and won't smoke while he is here.  Love him way too much to fight over something so dumb...although I was a smoker when we met and he should have thought about that before staying with me, getting me preg. and marrying me..........


I dont smoke, except for when I get drunk, but then its only cigars then. I have never tried a cigarette and dont plan on it either


Both my parents still smoke. I dont and I sure in hell dont plan on smoking.
Feature Editor for Mopar Connection Magazine

1969 Charger: T5 Copper 383 Automatic
1970 Challenger R/T: FC7 Plum Crazy 440 Automatic
1970 GTO: Black 400 Ram Air III 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: GY3 Citron Yella 440 4-Speed
1971 Charger Super Bee: FE5 Red 383 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Road Runner: FE5 Red 440 Automatic
1973 Plymouth Duster: FC7 Plum Crazy 318 Automatic
2008 Challenger SRT8: Hemi Orange 6.1L Hemi Automatic


I'm a smoker.   I've been smokin' a pack a day for almost 20 years, and it doesn't look like I'm quitting anytime soon.   Colorado is now a "Smoke-Free" state.     ::)
1969 Charger - 383 mag auto - Sold and sorely missed.
1970 Charger R/T - 440 mag - sold
1969 Super Bee - 383 mag auto - sold
1969 Cornet R/T - 383 mag 4 spd - sold


Quote from: Bandit4142 on March 13, 2007, 11:19:32 PM
I'm a smoker.   I've been smokin' a pack a day for almost 20 years, and it doesn't look like I'm quitting anytime soon.   Colorado is now a "Smoke-Free" state.     ::)

Minnesota is trying to do that too, im kinda for it kinda against it but i really dont know
both my parents smoke, one does cigarettes the other pipe tobacco
my dad gets pissed when we go into places that allow smoking all except for pipe tobacco
In Ramsey County (Suburbs) theres a smoking ban in every establishment unless there alcohol sales make up 50% of their sales then they can smoke in there, BUT in St. Paul it is a permanent ban


Quote from: 69-DodgeCharger on March 13, 2007, 11:15:48 PM
I don't smoke, except for when I get drunk, but then its only cigars then. I have never tried a cigarette and don't plan on it either

Cause cigars ain't smokin right??? Yeah they are even worse........

Whatever,  all the closet smokers are coming out.  I'm with you people, raise your fist in triumph

I like smokin and I like to pour milk in my tobacco for a great breakfast.  Ok I'm not that extreme but I love the fact that people call themselves non smokers when they ...smoke when they drink, etc.....

Life isn't Father Knows Best anymore, it's a kick in the face on a saturday night with a steel toed grip kodiak work boot and a trip to the hospital all bloodied and bashed.....for reconstructive surgery. But, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, right?


If it wasn't for beer, I wouldn't smoke. So. I'm blaming beer. :cheers:


I quit the day before I moved here, January 19th. I figured if I'm going to turn my life upside down I might as well do it all and get it over with.
I smoked my last cig when I left my apartment for the last time, in my car which I drove for the last time.
It's weird how stupid stuff gets to you....

Funny enough I haven't missed smoking for a second, must be because I have other things on my mind, I don't know if I could have done it if my life hadn't changed so drastically but in any case there's no addiction for me to kick.
I do feel a million times better now.

tan top

Quote from: konigcharger on March 13, 2007, 10:24:21 PM
Quote from: THE CHARGER PUNK on March 13, 2007, 10:22:26 PM
smoking what? :D

yeah... maybe thats why you saw a mod top daytona

                        :smilielol: ........:smilielol:
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Interesting pictures & Stuff,109484.925.html
Old Dodge dealer photos wanted,120850.0.html


First of all quitting for someone else never works , you have to want to quit for you. Second,worrying about second hand smoke is a joke.If you figure the ratio of smoke and parts per million of air it doesn't make sense. You anti smoking Nazis should be more worried about the other, more deadly things in the air.And I hear alot of people saying that they don't smoke cigarettes but that they smoke pipes or they go to cigar bars and that's ok???I have been a smoker a long time.I don't drink or chew.I think those are bad habits but I don't force my beliefs down anyone's throat.What ever happened to Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness?
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin


Quote from: 68chrgrwife on March 13, 2007, 10:33:04 PM
darn, i wish we could have those laws here.  My neighbor smokes outside and her second hand smoke comes into my house even with all my doors and windows closed (darn military housing) and there is nothing I can do about it except smell it!!!!!  So annoying.  I am an ex-smoker...still smoke 1 cig. if I get stressed or if I am drinking and hubby is gone.  He can't stand me smoking.  I have quit a few times for him.  Once we started dating and then again a few years back when I started back up 'cause he was on deployment.  I almost started up again this deployment, but didn't...thnak goodness....I guess church is really rubbing off on me........

It seems that you only smoke when "Hubby" is gone. That is lame. My wife is a non-smoker & she knew I was a smoker when we got married. If she does not like my habits she go back to where she came from, 1 life, know what I mean? :yesnod:
I can't believe that you get mad that your neighbor smokes. It is thinking like that, causing these extreme smoking laws. What is next? :rotz:
That is really uptight to be mad at a neighbor that smokes outside. How could the smoke get into your house with your windows and doors closed? Even in an apartment? I think that you are Jones'in for a smoke and it bothers you that if you smoke your "Hubby" might find out.
73' Dodge Rallye Charger 400/4BBL
06' Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4X4 HEMI
15' Dodge Dart 2.7 SXT

old man

Yeah I still smoke around a pack a day. I was smoking over two packs a day and have cut down. When I used to drive anywhere from 6 to 10 hours aday I started. All those hours on the road you either eat or snack or smoke. I got up to 310 and had to do something. I know smoking was not the best thing but I had to shed the weight. Now I'm my way down to 230 and with new job the stress is much less so I have a better chance when I do decide to quit. Yes I'm tired of all the Nazi anti smoking crowd. I don't smoke around other people who might object to it. My wife and I smoke outside and do not smoke in our house or other peoples homes. What I do in my car is not anyone's business.   
70 Challenger T/A, 66 Charger 440, 73 Duster 340,79 Little Red Express


Was at a pack a day. Quit in 1999 - no regrets. To be around someone while they are having one is pure bliss. To be near someone after[/b] having one is pure stench. I cannot believe I smelt like that for the 35 years or so I smoked.


I totally agree with the statement: "that you have to quit for yourself not anyone else".  I chewed Copenhagen for 17 years with few cigarettes thrown in for good measure.  When I met my wife she smoked. After we were married and she got pregnant with our first child she quit.  I tied half-a$$ed...didn't work.  I tried medication, the gum, and weaning myself nothing worked. Couple years later I spit out my last chew and went cold turkey.  Haven't looked back, that was fours ago.  It can be done, you just have to want to.  As for the smoking Nazi's...blow smoke in there faces.  The role of the government is to protect us from foreign threats not ourselves. That responsibility belongs us. I'm glad to see a few of those insane smoking law suite being over turned now.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.-Albert Einstein


Quote from: BMOTOXSTAR on March 14, 2007, 06:56:00 AM
Quote from: 68chrgrwife on March 13, 2007, 10:33:04 PM
darn, i wish we could have those laws here.  My neighbor smokes outside and her second hand smoke comes into my house even with all my doors and windows closed (darn military housing) and there is nothing I can do about it except smell it!!!!!  So annoying.  I am an ex-smoker...still smoke 1 cig. if I get stressed or if I am drinking and hubby is gone.  He can't stand me smoking.  I have quit a few times for him.  Once we started dating and then again a few years back when I started back up 'cause he was on deployment.  I almost started up again this deployment, but didn't...thnak goodness....I guess church is really rubbing off on me........

It seems that you only smoke when "Hubby" is gone. That is lame. My wife is a non-smoker & she knew I was a smoker when we got married. If she does not like my habits she go back to where she came from, 1 life, know what I mean? :yesnod:
I can't believe that you get mad that your neighbor smokes. It is thinking like that, causing these extreme smoking laws. What is next? :rotz:
That is really uptight to be mad at a neighbor that smokes outside. How could the smoke get into your house with your windows and doors closed? Even in an apartment? I think that you are Jones'in for a smoke and it bothers you that if you smoke your "Hubby" might find out.

even if hubby did find out (if I was smokin)' it would only be him saying 'comon' cut that crap out, not afraid of that.  I live in cheaply made military housing where there is little to no insulation around windows and doors (sorry).  I don't complain and I ain't "jonesin" for a smoke..two of my daughters and I all have asthma...the last thing I need is to have some trigger that I cut out of my have a better life...coming into my home and risking my kids getting sick or worse...end up in the hospital....if the neighbors (whose house is attached to mine; don't forget) want to smake take it away from the houses.  I never compalin to them or to our management...I know they have every right to smoke on their property (actually I was told that I could complain and file a complaint about the smoke and they would have to change their location to smoke, but what's the use....Military housing is just not up to proper standings to keep the smoke and other crap out.)  Sorry to argue with you guys...never meant for that to happen, but ou also don't have to pick on a woman whose husband is gone at war (alone with three small kids) and almost getting killed a few times recently and might need something to take that edge off...most of you will never be in my shoes...give me a break.  (and NO I did not know what i was getting into before we got married..we are high school sweethearts and were married with one kids before he joined the Navy.)


I never smoked. The new drug Chantix.....I think it is called that. I have been hearing good things about it. My lady used it and quit 3 weeks ago and hasn't had the urge since then.
<br /><br />Uploaded with

Brock Samson

Quote from: hemihead on March 14, 2007, 06:37:50 AM
First of all quitting for someone else never works , you have to want to quit for you. Second,worrying about second hand smoke is a joke.If you figure the ratio of smoke and parts per million of air it doesn't make sense. You anti smoking Nazis should be more worried about the other, more deadly things in the air.And I hear alot of people saying that they don't smoke cigarettes but that they smoke pipes or they go to cigar bars and that's ok???I have been a smoker a long time.I don't drink or chew.I think those are bad habits but I don't force my beliefs down anyone's throat.What ever happened to Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness?

  ..and the space between sentances!!!

  ..sorry..  :P


Quote from: Brock Samson on March 14, 2007, 12:56:02 PM
Quote from: hemihead on March 14, 2007, 06:37:50 AM
First of all quitting for someone else never works , you have to want to quit for you. Second,worrying about second hand smoke is a joke.If you figure the ratio of smoke and parts per million of air it doesn't make sense. You anti smoking Nazis should be more worried about the other, more deadly things in the air.And I hear alot of people saying that they don't smoke cigarettes but that they smoke pipes or they go to cigar bars and that's ok???I have been a smoker a long time.I don't drink or chew.I think those are bad habits but I don't force my beliefs down anyone's throat.What ever happened to Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness?

  ..and the space between sentances!!!

  ..sorry..  :P

he types like my hubby didn't even notice it until ou pointed it out...damn getting too used to it....LOL


Long time pack a day smoker here.  Don't smoke in the house or car nor around people who don't smoke.  For those of you (the majority) who don't smoke you will never have the dubious pleasure of having everyone look at you like you are pond scum because you are smoking a cigarette.  Hey, back in the day, us smokers were cool - now we are all considered to be evil.  Just yesterday the Governer here in New Mexico signed a state wide anti smoking bill.  It is the trend across the country and non-smokers have the power to lord it over us - and they will until tobacco is banned as an illegal substance.  For those of you who cheer such legislation, just wait.  Something you enjoy will eventually be banned also if it isn't already and government will control everything you do.  In our state laws have been passed that are as thick as a dictionary that dictates in minute detail how everyone must treat their pets.  Cell phone usage is banned while in a moving vehicle. Child restrain/seating laws are so complex and complicated that no one really knows what to do.  Red light camera's capture every indescretion to the tune of $100 for a first offense. Isn't it nice to know that the Government will soon regulate every aspect of our lives?  Thank God - obviously we don't know how to take care of ourselves so the government will be happy to do it for us.  As I said, smokers are very easy targets but once it is banned completely - where will the majority and government look next.  They could be looking at you!


Quote from: 19Charger68 on March 14, 2007, 01:36:42 PM
Long time pack a day smoker here.  Don't smoke in the house or car nor around people who don't smoke.  For those of you (the majority) who don't smoke you will never have the dubious pleasure of having everyone look at you like you are pond scum because you are smoking a cigarette.  Hey, back in the day, us smokers were cool - now we are all considered to be evil.  Just yesterday the Governer here in New Mexico signed a state wide anti smoking bill.  It is the trend across the country and non-smokers have the power to lord it over us - and they will until tobacco is banned as an illegal substance.  For those of you who cheer such legislation, just wait.  Something you enjoy will eventually be banned also if it isn't already and government will control everything you do.  In our state laws have been passed that are as thick as a dictionary that dictates in minute detail how everyone must treat their pets.  Cell phone usage is banned while in a moving vehicle. Child restrain/seating laws are so complex and complicated that no one really knows what to do.  Red light camera's capture every indescretion to the tune of $100 for a first offense. Isn't it nice to know that the Government will soon regulate every aspect of our lives?  Thank God - obviously we don't know how to take care of ourselves so the government will be happy to do it for us.  As I said, smokers are very easy targets but once it is banned completely - where will the majority and government look next.  They could be looking at you!

It is the beginning o the tribulation times...were we are all going to be marked and watched.....


Don't you think we are being watched now.  Look at all the survalence cameras in many buildings and streetcorners.  Your activity can be tracked with every swipe of your credit card.  I'm no anarchist, it just seems like government is just too involved in our personal lives.


I have to agree smoking stinks, and I smoke about a pack a day.. I've quit a few times to only far as government bans, its B.S like the last few posts this is only the beginning of government wide bans on things that we love and are our choices in the first damn place
Earth. Even the word sounded strange to me now... unfamiliar. How long had I been gone? How long had I been back? Did it matter? I tried to find the rhythm of the world where I used to live. I followed the current. I was silent, attentive, I made a conscious effort to smile, nod, stand, and perform the millions of gestures that constitute life on earth. I studied these gestures until they became reflexes again. But I was haunted by the idea that I remembered her wrong -Solaris


I wasn't going to weigh in and was going to avoid the topic but.......

I used to smoke when I partied but it did nothing for me and I quit with little problem. My brother on the other hand had a heck of a time quitting as did most of my friends.

As far as government regulation, I know it's really unpopular to say so but the government is charged with protecting the citizens health and welfare as well as the programs that pay for the medical care for cancer patients since many end up needing it and we pay for that.
This means that when smoke has been proven to be unsafe they have to step in and protect the public. Second hand smoke is carcinogenic and being around that is like someone spraying asbestos around the room......or that cheap ass AXE/TAG deodorant spray for kids!
I no longer like the smell of smoke although I used to miss it and I hate it near my food. If I had it my way I'd ban smoking in any public place - period! I don't care if it's walking along main street, the park or in a building. I certainly would not want kids inhaling that either.
I had a boss who died of throat cancer but never smoked a single cigarette although his wife was a heavy smoker in the home. Their kids also had asthma.

On the other hand, smokers do have some rights and this is the heart of the issue. Where do smokers rights end and non smokers rights begin?

I say that the simple fact is that it's dangerous and most recognize it. Therefore it should be kept away from public places where people with asthma, elderly, kids and anyone who just doesn't want to be forced to smell it are safe.  On the other hand if a smoker wants to light up in his home or car then flame on brother!
Smoke til you croak but I shouldn't be forced to inhale the toxic gas.
Should there be smoking bars etc? Sure, as long as the staff agrees that they are putting their health in danger and accept the risk. I have no problem at all with places where smokers want to light up just as long as I am not forced to put that into my lungs.
Another thing to consider is that if an employer provides a smoking room he also has to clean the tar residue out of that room but mostly opens himself to a huge lawsuit when an employee gets cancer. He facilitated the smoking, this has been in court before. Nobody wants that liability and no insurance program wants to underwrite that person either, the premiums go way up.

I knew a woman who had emphysema from smoking for many years back when it was cool and fashionable. She quit but still coughed all the time. Anytime she was around smoke she would go into a coughing fit and eventually she died during one of those fits. Doris was a sweet lady and a wonderful friend and she is not here now because of her smoking.
If she were here she would very loudly tell everyone top please stop.

Go ahead and flame me but I think that on this issue at least the government is mostly doing exactly what they are supposed to do, protect the citizens.


GTX - I'm not going to flame you and I agree with a lot of your statements.  I don't want my habit to damage anyone else's health.  It just seems that some accommodations could be made and businesses like bars should be able to make the choice as to whether or not they want to allow smoking.  You said we should smoke in our cars and in our houses.  There are already some bans in some states against smoking in your own home.  I don't smoke in my house or my car.  Only outside on the patio away from everything and everyone.  I doubt that it won't be long before that is banned.  I ask you, how would you feel if the government told you what you could or could not do in your own home?  Try to put yourself in our shoes only substitute another word for cigarettes - like high fat foods or beer or anything that you enjoy.  How would you react?  Really, I would like to know because if you think banning cigarettes is the only item on the banning agenda, I think you are wrong.  I am writing this with respect to your stand on this issue, but would really like to know your answer to my question.  Thanx


Quote from: 19Charger68 on March 14, 2007, 05:00:52 PM
GTX - I'm not going to flame you and I agree with a lot of your statements.  I don't want my habit to damage anyone else's health.  It just seems that some accommodations could be made and businesses like bars should be able to make the choice as to whether or not they want to allow smoking.  You said we should smoke in our cars and in our houses.  There are already some bans in some states against smoking in your own home.  I don't smoke in my house or my car.  Only outside on the patio away from everything and everyone.  I doubt that it won't be long before that is banned.  I ask you, how would you feel if the government told you what you could or could not do in your own home?  Try to put yourself in our shoes only substitute another word for cigarettes - like high fat foods or beer or anything that you enjoy.  How would you react?  Really, I would like to know because if you think banning cigarettes is the only item on the banning agenda, I think you are wrong.  I am writing this with respect to your stand on this issue, but would really like to know your answer to my question.  Thanx

I agree that people should be able to smoke in their homes but what about smoking in homes with children around? I think that if there are only adults around then smoke  'em if you got 'em.
As for substituting, yes. I agree to a point. Our culture has gone wacko and I for one am not the least bit pc and make no apologies for it. It's sort of a fine line really. Eating high fat food doesn't cause the person next to you to develop cancer nor does beer. Nothing that I do is harmful to others except for opening my big mouth   ;D
I think that everyone really needs to just use common sense and be considerate of others. I rarely complain about smokers and that's usually only when it's near my food but I think that smokers need to understand that they are harming everyone else with their smoke. Everyone just needs to be more considerate of others and that is what I think America is missing nowadays. It's all for me and screw everyone else mentality.

To be honest, I'm more worried about the gun control issue than smoking laws etc. They aren't getting my gun(s) no matter what!
I'm also worried about the way that we are increasingly monitored.


One other thought GTX.  What are you and me and all the other Mopar fanatics going to do when the Government decides that the cars we love should be banned from highway use because of the polution they cause and the amount of gas they swallow?


That's apples and oranges.

I'm backing out of this before it erupts. This is a volatile subject which I swore I'd start trying to avoid.

I'll just watch.  :popcrn:


I wanted to start smoking, looks like fun! ;D


AK Charger:  It is not!  Smoking has been shown to be more addictive and harder to kick than any other drug.  I got hooked at a very early age and despite repeated attempts, have not been able to let it go.  I actually hate that I am addicted to this drug, but I am, and whether or not I can ever quit is up in the air.

GTX:  This conversation will not get volatile.  I appreciate and respect your opinion and I know it is reflective of many others.   I also appreciate that you took the time to discuss this in a civilized manner.  Our talking isn't going to change anything but it is nice to be able to exchange opinions without invective or rancor.  Regardless of our opinions about matters like this, we are all brothers and sisters in the Mopar Fanatic Club and after all, that is what this board is about,  right?  Anyway, thanks for your input.  Have a good one!


Still smoking????


Cigs. Nope. Quite years and years ago. Cold turkey and never looked back.  :icon_smile_approve:


Quote from: 71ChallengeHer on March 13, 2007, 11:43:43 PM
If it wasn't for beer, I wouldn't smoke. So. I'm blaming beer. :cheers:

Thats just too damn funny.. :haha: :smoke:


Quote from: Brock Samson on March 14, 2007, 12:56:02 PM
Quote from: hemihead on March 14, 2007, 06:37:50 AM
First of all quitting for someone else never works , you have to want to quit for you. Second,worrying about second hand smoke is a joke.If you figure the ratio of smoke and parts per million of air it doesn't make sense. You anti smoking Nazis should be more worried about the other, more deadly things in the air.And I hear alot of people saying that they don't smoke cigarettes but that they smoke pipes or they go to cigar bars and that's ok???I have been a smoker a long time.I don't drink or chew.I think those are bad habits but I don't force my beliefs down anyone's throat.What ever happened to Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness?

  ..and the space between sentances!!!

  ..sorry..  :P
And your spelling?
Lots of people talkin' , few of them know
Soul of a woman was created below
  Led Zeppelin


Quote from: hemihead on March 14, 2007, 10:23:36 PM
Quote from: Brock Samson on March 14, 2007, 12:56:02 PM
Quote from: hemihead on March 14, 2007, 06:37:50 AM
First of all quitting for someone else never works , you have to want to quit for you. Second,worrying about second hand smoke is a joke.If you figure the ratio of smoke and parts per million of air it doesn't make sense. You anti smoking Nazis should be more worried about the other, more deadly things in the air.And I hear alot of people saying that they don't smoke cigarettes but that they smoke pipes or they go to cigar bars and that's ok???I have been a smoker a long time.I don't drink or chew.I think those are bad habits but I don't force my beliefs down anyone's throat.What ever happened to Life,Liberty,and the Pursuit of Happiness?

  ..and the space between sentances!!!

  ..sorry..  :P

:haha: :haha: :smilielol: :smilielol: :stirthepot: :stirthepot:
And your spelling?
73' Dodge Rallye Charger 400/4BBL
06' Dodge Ram Quad Cab 4X4 HEMI
15' Dodge Dart 2.7 SXT


Quote from: 19Charger68 on March 14, 2007, 08:36:53 PM
GTX:  This conversation will not get volatile.  I appreciate and respect your opinion and I know it is reflective of many others.   I also appreciate that you took the time to discuss this in a civilized manner.  Our talking isn't going to change anything but it is nice to be able to exchange opinions without invective or rancor.  Regardless of our opinions about matters like this, we are all brothers and sisters in the Mopar Fanatic Club and after all, that is what this board is about,  right?  Anyway, thanks for your input.  Have a good one!

Very well put and appreciated as well as agreed. Thanks for the consideration.
All to frequently these talks get overly heated and people feel passionate on different sides but I don't hold any grudges against anyone over them. We all have a right to an opinion and it's best when you can discuss them calmly respecting the other side even if you disagree. I'm actually not really a confrontational person unless pushed and so I usually prefer to avoid heated discussions especially when honestly I don't really care to change someone to my thinking. As a matter of fact, I don't really care what people think, if I did I'd drive a Chevy!
We are all here for the love of Mopars and while I don't have to agree with everyones political or religious views etc I do respect their love of the cars and that's why I'm here.

:cheers: :cheers:



Thanx GTX:  Actually, I am much like you and am not into fighting with people on any board.  I sure don't want anyone here to be mad at me.  You never know when you might need someone's expertise to help you with a problem - and if they are mad at you they sure aren't going to be very willing to help out.  Hope you have a great day! :cheers:


Quote from: 19Charger68 on March 14, 2007, 08:36:53 PM
AK Charger:  It is not!  Smoking has been shown to be more addictive and harder to kick than any other drug.  I got hooked at a very early age and despite repeated attempts, have not been able to let it go.  I actually hate that I am addicted to this drug, but I am, and whether or not I can ever quit is up in the air.

Well...OK...I guess I will not start.





been smoking since 1980. menthol/ 1 and 1/2 pack a day. more depending on my stress level.

Mean 318

Havent smoked in two years! IMO these stupid laws are out of hand!

Lord Warlock

Hell yes I smoke.  Started smoking when I was 7 years old-at least that is when I got caught the first time smoking... puffed on them in HS to look cool, but didn't inhale.  In college I started smoking when going thru Basic Training for officers, smoked from then until my 4th year in the military and they outlawed it on base and put us all in cessation courses.  Quit for 2 years, then started puffing on cigars when travelling to car shows with a friend...which led to a full time cigar smoking habit.  Been smoking cigars now for the past 14 years.  Smoke around 5 to 8 a day, (a full cigar takes 20 minutes to smoke, a cigarette takes 5)  I smoke in my car, and on my back screened porch, or in my garage with the door open.  My wife is smoke sensitive with allergies so cannot smoke in the house or near her.  My kids give me grief whenever i light up with them nearby.  I never smoke in the car with the windows rolled up, if i light up the drivers window gets opened enough to draw the smoke out...I hate sitting in a smokey area myself. 

Regarding smoking laws, its all BS.  Whoever decided 2nd hand smoke was more dangerous than 1st hand smoke is out of their mind and its just a conspiracy from those psychosomatic aholes that think everything happens to them.  You don't have to smoke to get lung cancer, lots of people get it that never smoked, and never lived with smokers.  The government can outlaw it all they want, and I'll continue to smoke where I please...on or in my own property and the rest of you can go to hell.   I'll quit when I'm damn good and ready, sure I wouldn't mind quitting, but I'm certainly not going to quit just because some holier than thou person thinks I should.  I take pains to seperate myself from others when i light up, but if you decide to come sit next to me while i'm already lit up, you can deal with the smoke or move yourself to a different location.  2nd hand smoke outside is not going to kill anyone, and i'm not to blame for your health issues.   I agree that people should not smoke inside business offices, or break rooms, but there should be isolated and well ventilated areas set aside for the few that are addicted to tobacco and need a fix to relieve stress ...I know it will calm me down and keep me from ripping a dumbass's head off. 

I'd quit tomorrow if they legalized marijuana and allowed us to light that up outside.  I don't smoke that anymore either, but I'd be able to quit tobacco with the "right" replacement or crutch to use.  Cold turkey quitting is hard as hell to do, i've done it once before and when I am ready I'll do it again.  I just won't do it because someone else thinks i should, i will do it when I make that choice myself.
69 RT/SE Y3 cream yellow w/tan vinyl top and black r/t stripe. non matching 440/375, 3:23, Column shift auto w/buddy seat, tan interior, am/fm w/fr to back fade, Now wears 17" magnum 500 rims and Nitto tires. Fresh repaint, new interior, new wheels and tires.


I started smoking when i turned 18 - - -   im 20 now and havent smoked one in 17months         :icon_smile_big:
1968 Dodge Charger - 6.1L Hemi / 6-speed / 3.55 Sure Grip

2013 Dodge Challenger R/T - 5.7L Hemi / 6-speed / 3.73 Limited Slip

1964 Dodge Polara 500 - 440 / 4-speed / 3.91 Sure Grip

1973 Dodge Challenger Rallye - 340 / A-518 / 3.23 Sure Grip


i packed in the cigs for 8 weeks...then i went back to the wife..back on them now!

Steve P.

I smoke my ass off and will until I want to quit or all you "GOTTA HAVE MY GUNS" guys take them to the crusher.. I'm not getting on the gun people. I just think if everyone can own as many guns as they want I should be able to smoke all I want. I do promise not to AIM my cigarette at you.. :devil:
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida