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Global Warming believers, I have a question for ya'...

Started by AKcharger, March 12, 2007, 06:18:23 PM

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Big Lebowski

Quote from: AKcharger on March 21, 2007, 04:55:39 PM
Algore testified to congress today that the Earth has a fever

Then he jumped on a jet and burned several thousand gallons of Earth destroying fuel.
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


Here is an interesting Al Gore story.  Now I know all the more liberal readers will immediately discredit it because it is on FOX news.  None-the-less, I thought the same thing after listening to Gore's latest drivel.  Al Gore is the biggest moron in politics IMHO.,2933,260485,00.html


And the house of cards takes ANOTHER hit, this time by its biggest supporter!!!!!!!!! ;)

YEP the whole thing will eventually come down. It's GONNA come out as a farce, and a political move.

I would have LOVED to see the look on his face when he realized he played right into the question and tripped himself up.

He basically JUST ADMITTED that temperature FLUCTUATIONS are NATURAL!!!!!!!!!!

What I can't figure out is why other people CAN NOT see this!

Steve P.

And the King wears no clothing..

I still like beer...
Steve P.
Holiday, Florida


As I said earlier in this thread, this guy is a nitwit who doesn't know or honestly care about the truth.  That means you should completely discount everything he says and find other sources.  It does NOT mean that the concept he's claiming is flawed, however.  If one bad source meant everything he stood for was wrong, global warming would neither exist NOR not exist, it would be in some funky third state, something of a half-existense :P

er ...

no, that makes no sense.  But the point is, cull the idiots and biased sources and make your own determination based on those that remain.  That's the logical way to go about it... and Al Gore definitely needs culling :P


Quote from: Big Lebowski on March 15, 2007, 12:30:57 AM
Quote from: defiance on March 14, 2007, 05:44:33 PM
Quote from: MichaelRW on March 14, 2007, 05:31:09 PM
Overwhelming majority? Where did you get that nugget of information? From Al Gore?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  Fact: Your smog belching Charger will be crushed if the Kyoto treaty is ratified here in the US.

  Fact: The IPCC are a bunch of "POLICY" driven scientists.
  Fact: There are plenty of atmospheric scientists who are saying man is "not" the cause of global warming.

  Fact: Records clearly show temps rise and "THEN" the Co2 levels follow the temp. increases.

  Fact: Man did "NOT" cause the little ice age temps to rise 6 degrees from 1550-1850.

  Fact: Earth= 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% greenhouse gases

  Fact: 99% of that 1% of our greenhouse gases is water vapor (clouds & rain for those of you in Rio Linda)

  Fact: Co2 makes up 0.3% of our atmosphere, most of that was here before cave men drove mopars.

  Fact: If the worlds Co2 percentage is 0.3% of 1%, then man is accountable for 0.003% of that 0.3% of 1%

  Fact: Science mag. Nov. 1982..."Worlds termites generate far MORE than TWICE the amount of Co2 that man generates."

  Fact: Most of the Earth's 1 degree increase happened "BEFORE" 1945.

  Fact: China, India, and Mexico are "EXEMPT!!!!!" from the Kyoto treaty...So you figure out why "ALL" 97 US Senators voted No on the treaty.

  Fact: How do YOU explain the ending of the "little ice age"? 1450-1850, the Earth's temps fell 2-6 degrees, then warmed 2-6 degrees

  Fact: You can't say Mother nature caused the warming untill 1850, then evil humans raised it by another 1 degree. That's total bull crap.

  Fact: Of the 17 climate models, only 2 showed gloom and doom. GUESS which 2 models they use on the news every night?

  Fact: Questions from global warming skeptics are met with elitist, snobish, pin headed responses like "You're not a scientist, you can't understand"

  Fact: I'm well versed in Global warming fear mongering tactics, so bring it on.

      Oh, one last fact....Al Gore is a hipocrite, he uses 20% MORE electricity than the average American home. He also burns more jet fuel than "WE" ever will. Imagine that as YOUR Mopar goes into the crusher.

where did you get the fact that our cars are getting crushed if Kyoto goes into effect?  Just wondering...


The UN is coming out with another Global Warming report...hmmmm I wonder what it will say  ???


Quote from: AKcharger on April 01, 2007, 03:36:16 AM
The UN is coming out with another Global Warming report...hmmmm I wonder what it will say  ???

Same crap as the last one, only this one will make it sound like LA is gonna BURN DOWN next week. It will also most likely say that if we don't stop driving anything besides hybrids, we should be hanged.  :rofl:

Actually being the UN, they will just send out strongly worded letters stating they are not very happy with the current state, then send inspectors who won't be able to find any real evidence, no matter what they see! :hah:

Just my opinion, maybe a little biased.


Quote from: my73charger on March 23, 2007, 08:41:51 AM
Al Gore is the biggest moron in politics IMHO.

Sorry, that title is reserved for Dubya.
Pardon me but my karma just ran over your dogma.

Big Lebowski

Quote from: 68chrgrwife on April 01, 2007, 03:12:19 AM
Quote from: Big Lebowski on March 15, 2007, 12:30:57 AM
Quote from: defiance on March 14, 2007, 05:44:33 PM
Quote from: MichaelRW on March 14, 2007, 05:31:09 PM
Overwhelming majority? Where did you get that nugget of information? From Al Gore?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

  Fact: Your smog belching Charger will be crushed if the Kyoto treaty is ratified here in the US.

  Fact: The IPCC are a bunch of "POLICY" driven scientists.
  Fact: There are plenty of atmospheric scientists who are saying man is "not" the cause of global warming.

  Fact: Records clearly show temps rise and "THEN" the Co2 levels follow the temp. increases.

  Fact: Man did "NOT" cause the little ice age temps to rise 6 degrees from 1550-1850.

  Fact: Earth= 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% greenhouse gases

  Fact: 99% of that 1% of our greenhouse gases is water vapor (clouds & rain for those of you in Rio Linda)

  Fact: Co2 makes up 0.3% of our atmosphere, most of that was here before cave men drove mopars.

  Fact: If the worlds Co2 percentage is 0.3% of 1%, then man is accountable for 0.003% of that 0.3% of 1%

  Fact: Science mag. Nov. 1982..."Worlds termites generate far MORE than TWICE the amount of Co2 that man generates."

  Fact: Most of the Earth's 1 degree increase happened "BEFORE" 1945.

  Fact: China, India, and Mexico are "EXEMPT!!!!!" from the Kyoto treaty...So you figure out why "ALL" 97 US Senators voted No on the treaty.

  Fact: How do YOU explain the ending of the "little ice age"? 1450-1850, the Earth's temps fell 2-6 degrees, then warmed 2-6 degrees

  Fact: You can't say Mother nature caused the warming untill 1850, then evil humans raised it by another 1 degree. That's total bull crap.

  Fact: Of the 17 climate models, only 2 showed gloom and doom. GUESS which 2 models they use on the news every night?

  Fact: Questions from global warming skeptics are met with elitist, snobish, pin headed responses like "You're not a scientist, you can't understand"

  Fact: I'm well versed in Global warming fear mongering tactics, so bring it on.

      Oh, one last fact....Al Gore is a hipocrite, he uses 20% MORE electricity than the average American home. He also burns more jet fuel than "WE" ever will. Imagine that as YOUR Mopar goes into the crusher.

where did you get the fact that our cars are getting crushed if Kyoto goes into effect?  Just wondering...

  There's a section in the treaty which uses whats called SIP's State Implementation Programs which (Enforce) the Air reg. "mandated rules"...Now, in the treaty one of these proposed "rules" is to simply ban any vehicle with a "open vented gas tank system" which means your Charger & (for those of you in Rio Linda that means most Pre-1982 cars.)
    Cars like our old Chargers have a gas tanks that evap. gas vapors up into the Polar bear regions, that in turn, is causing the killing & starving all of the cute little Polar bears in the North Pole. And it's all from evil man made Greenhouse gases causing the current Global Warming disaster.  :rofl:
"Let me explain something to you, um i am not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski. I'm the dude, so that's what you call me. That or his dudeness, or duder, or you know, el duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing."


Before reading my posts please understand me by clicking


Ah Hell, Its seems that some people "cough (algore) Think that they can gain power and control by creating some kind of crisis.

The world is what it is. Like stated in the first post of this thread, the planet goes in cycles. The problem is, none of us have lived long enough to witness it. So along come the snake oil salesman  " cough (algore"). These socialist's give humans waaaaayyyy to much credit for being able to effect the environment. To me, this planet we all live on is allot more resilient than they give it credit for.

Still looking for 15x7 Appliance slotted mags.....


Like I said before, the left always needs a crisis. They need a "problem" to solve. They need to make themselves out to be the great saviors.

They have to try to make everyone believe they are after our best interest. YEAH RIGHT!


Quote from: John_Kunkel on April 01, 2007, 05:29:58 PM
Quote from: my73charger on March 23, 2007, 08:41:51 AM
Al Gore is the biggest moron in politics IMHO.

Sorry, that title is reserved for Dubya.

HMMMM George W Bush is on his second term, looks like Bush 2, algore 0 EVEn after the whole Florida fiasco and all the crap he tried to pull there.

And BACK to Gore it goes.


I hear Gore is making a sequel to that little mockumentary he's touting and he reveals some stunning new scary stuff thats all our fault.  It turns out, the problem runs much further back than global warming approved scientists first thought. 
It turns out the problem actually began way back in prehistory when neanderthal man, bless his sloping little brow, first learned how to make fire.  It was at that very moment that the carbon cycle began to function in an unnatural way.  The Goracle can show how the very first fires were able to begin the thawing of the ice age that led to the extinction of poor unfortunate little animals like saber tooth tigers and wooly mammoths.  And how much does that suck?  I mean, one day you're happily playing on a frozen land bridge and a couple of thousand years later you get sucked into a deadly tar pit so you can end up as some stupid tourist attraction for humans in a place they'll call southern California.
Maybe Gore should have invented a time machine instead of the internet?


Quote from: pettyfan43 on April 01, 2007, 10:37:43 PM
Quote from: John_Kunkel on April 01, 2007, 05:29:58 PM
Quote from: my73charger on March 23, 2007, 08:41:51 AM
Al Gore is the biggest moron in politics IMHO.

Sorry, that title is reserved for Dubya.

HMMMM George W Bush is on his second term, looks like Bush 2, algore 0 EVEn after the whole Florida fiasco and all the crap he tried to pull there.

And BACK to Gore it goes.

I agree, although Bush isn't the brightest bulb to ever sit in the oval office, he did figure out a way to beat ole Al "I  invented the internet" Gore.


Quote from: my73charger on April 02, 2007, 08:43:25 AM
Quote from: pettyfan43 on April 01, 2007, 10:37:43 PM
Quote from: John_Kunkel on April 01, 2007, 05:29:58 PM
Quote from: my73charger on March 23, 2007, 08:41:51 AM
Al Gore is the biggest moron in politics IMHO.

Sorry, that title is reserved for Dubya.

HMMMM George W Bush is on his second term, looks like Bush 2, algore 0 EVEn after the whole Florida fiasco and all the crap he tried to pull there.

And BACK to Gore it goes.

I agree, although Bush isn't the brightest bulb to ever sit in the oval office, he did figure out a way to beat ole Al "I  invented the internet" Gore.

Well I posted that the way I did because if you listen to the democrats/leftists George W Bush is the single dumbest person ever to walk the planet, BUT at the same time he is the mastermind of some of the most intricate plans, coverups, and corruption ever seen in the world!

OK Which is it?!?!?!??!?!

People can say what they want to. Just because he is not a good public speaker, DOES NOT make him an idiot. There are many intelligent people that just aren't good at speaking to groups of people.

ANybody that has spent real time around him will tell you he is a very intelligent, well spoken and genuinely thoughtful person.
Of course, you won't hear that on the alphabet networks, you just hear when he makes a mistake for six months afterward.

Gerald Ford was a very intelligent man, unfortunately he was born with two left feet! So he was made out to be a bumbling idiot who couldn't walk upright by this same liberal media.


I'd say this is now sufficiently political to get a lock...

Sarcasm detector, that's a real good invention.